;;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2011 Raymond Toy ;;;; ;;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ;;;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;;;; conditions: ;;;; ;;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;;; ;;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;;;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;;;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;;;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ;;;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;;;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;;;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (in-package #:octi) ;; Smallest exponent for a double-float. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defconstant +double-float-min-e+ -1073) (defconstant +digits+ "0123456789") ) ; eval-when (defun qd-to-digits (v &optional position relativep) ;; V is the number to be printed. If RELATIVEP is NIL, POSITION is ;; the number of digits to the left of the decimal point where we ;; want to stop printing. If RELATIVEP is non-NIL, POSITION is the ;; total number of digits we want printed. ;; ;; Two values are returned: k, and the digit string, without a ;; decimal point. k is the index into the string, before which the ;; decimal point would go. (let ((print-base 10) ; B (float-radix 2) ; b (float-digits (cl:* 4 53)) ; p (min-e +double-float-min-e+)) (multiple-value-bind (f e) (integer-decode-qd v) (let ( ;; FIXME: these even tests assume normal IEEE rounding ;; mode. I wonder if we should cater for non-normal? (high-ok (evenp f)) (low-ok (evenp f)) (result (make-array 50 :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) (labels ((scale (r s m+ m-) ;; Keep increasing k until it's big enough (do ((k 0 (1+ k)) (s s (cl:* s print-base))) ((not (let ((test (cl:+ r m+))) (or (> test s) (and high-ok (= test s))))) ;; k is too big. Decrease until (do ((k k (1- k)) (r r (cl:* r print-base)) (m+ m+ (cl:* m+ print-base)) (m- m- (cl:* m- print-base))) ((not (let ((test (cl:* (cl:+ r m+) print-base))) (or (< test s) (and (not high-ok) (= test s))))) ;; k is correct. Generate the digits. (values k (generate r s m+ m-))))))) (generate (r s m+ m-) (multiple-value-bind (d r) (truncate (cl:* r print-base) s) (let ((m+ (cl:* m+ print-base)) (m- (cl:* m- print-base))) (let ((tc1 (or (< r m-) (and low-ok (= r m-)))) (tc2 (let ((test (cl:+ r m+))) (or (> test s) (and high-ok (= test s)))))) (cond ((and (not tc1) (not tc2)) (vector-push-extend (char +digits+ d) result) ;; FIXME sucky tail recursion. This whole ;; kaboodle should be DO*/LOOPified. (generate r s m+ m-)) ;; pedantically keeping all the conditions ;; in so that we can move them around. ((and (not tc1) tc2) (vector-push-extend (char +digits+ (1+ d)) result) result) ((and tc1 (not tc2)) (vector-push-extend (char +digits+ d) result) result) ((and tc1 tc2) (vector-push-extend (char +digits+ (if (< (cl:* r 2) s) d (1+ d))) result) result))))))) (let (r s m+ m-) (if (>= e 0) (let* ((be (expt float-radix e)) (be1 (cl:* be float-radix))) (if (/= f (expt float-radix (1- float-digits))) (setf r (cl:* f be 2) s 2 m+ be m- be) (setf r (cl:* f be1 2) s (cl:* float-radix 2) m+ be1 m- be))) (if (or (= e min-e) (/= f (expt float-radix (1- float-digits)))) (setf r (cl:* f 2) s (cl:* (expt float-radix (cl:- e)) 2) m+ 1 m- 1) (setf r (cl:* f float-radix 2) s (cl:* (expt float-radix (cl:- 1 e)) 2) m+ float-radix m- 1))) (when position (when relativep ;;(aver (> position 0)) (do ((k 0 (1+ k)) ;; running out of letters here (l 1 (cl:* l print-base))) ((>= (cl:* s l) (cl:+ r m+)) ;; k is now \hat{k} (if (< (cl:+ r (cl:* s (cl:/ (expt print-base (cl:- k position)) 2))) (cl:* s (expt print-base k))) (setf position (cl:- k position)) (setf position (cl:- k position 1)))))) (let ((low (max m- (cl:/ (cl:* s (expt print-base position)) 2))) (high (max m+ (cl:/ (cl:* s (expt print-base position)) 2)))) (when (<= m- low) (setf m- low) (setf low-ok t)) (when (<= m+ high) (setf m+ high) (setf high-ok t)))) (scale r s m+ m-))))))) (defun qd-print-exponent (x exp stream) (declare (ignore x)) (let ((*print-radix* nil)) (format stream "q~D" exp))) (defun qd-to-string (x &optional width fdigits scale fmin) (setf x (abs-qd x)) (cond ((zerop-qd x) ;;zero is a special case which float-string cannot handle (if fdigits (let ((s (make-string (1+ fdigits) :initial-element #\0))) (setf (schar s 0) #\.) (values s (length s) t (zerop fdigits) 0)) (values "." 1 t t 0))) (t (multiple-value-bind (e string) (if fdigits (qd-to-digits x (min (- (+ fdigits (or scale 0))) (- (or fmin 0)))) (if (and width (> width 1)) (let ((w (multiple-value-list (qd-to-digits x (max 0 (+ (1- width) (if (and scale (minusp scale)) scale 0))) t))) (f (multiple-value-list (qd-to-digits x (- (+ (or fmin 0) (if scale scale 0))))))) (cond ((>= (length (cadr w)) (length (cadr f))) (values-list w)) (t (values-list f)))) (qd-to-digits x))) (let ((e (+ e (or scale 0))) (stream (make-string-output-stream))) (if (plusp e) (progn (write-string string stream :end (min (length string) e)) (dotimes (i (- e (length string))) (write-char #\0 stream)) (write-char #\. stream) (write-string string stream :start (min (length string) e)) (when fdigits (dotimes (i (- fdigits (- (length string) (min (length string) e)))) (write-char #\0 stream)))) (progn (write-string "." stream) (dotimes (i (- e)) (write-char #\0 stream)) ;; If we're out of room (because fdigits is too ;; small), don't print out our string. This fixes ;; things like (format nil "~,2f" 0.001). We should ;; print ".00", not ".001". (when (or (null fdigits) (plusp (+ e fdigits))) (write-string string stream)) (when fdigits (dotimes (i (+ fdigits e (- (length string)))) (write-char #\0 stream))))) (let ((string (get-output-stream-string stream))) (values string (length string) (char= (char string 0) #\.) (char= (char string (1- (length string))) #\.) (position #\. string)))))))) (defun qd-output-aux (x &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (if (zerop-qd x) (write-string (if (minusp (float-sign (qd-0 x))) "-0.0q0" "0.0q0") stream) (multiple-value-bind (e string) (qd-to-digits x) (when (minusp (float-sign (qd-0 x))) (write-char #\- stream)) (cond ((< -3 e 8) ;; Free format (cond ((plusp e) (write-string string stream :end (min (length string) e)) (dotimes (i (cl:- e (length string))) (write-char #\0 stream)) (write-char #\. stream) (write-string string stream :start (min (length string) e)) (when (<= (length string) e) (write-char #\0 stream)) (qd-print-exponent x 0 stream)) (t (write-string "0." stream) (dotimes (i (cl:- e)) (write-char #\0 stream)) (write-string string stream) (qd-print-exponent x 0 stream)))) (t ;; Exponential format (write-string string stream :end 1) (write-char #\. stream) (write-string string stream :start 1) ;; CLHS says at least one digit must be printed ;; after the decimal point. (when (= (length string) 1) (write-char #\0 stream)) (qd-print-exponent x (1- e) stream)))))) ;; Function that can be used with FORMAT ~/ #-cmu (defun qd-format (stream arg colon-p at-sign-p &rest par) ;; We should do something with colon-p and at-sign-p (declare (ignore colon-p at-sign-p par)) (write-string "#q" stream) (qd-output-aux arg stream)) #+cmu (defun qd-output-infinity (x stream) (cond (*read-eval* (write-string "#." stream)) (*print-readably* (error 'print-not-readable :object x)) (t (write-string "#<" stream))) (write-string "QD:+QUAD-DOUBLE-FLOAT" stream) (write-string (if (plusp (qd-0 x)) "-POSITIVE-" "-NEGATIVE-") stream) (write-string "INFINITY+" stream) (unless *read-eval* (write-string ">" stream))) #+cmu (defun qd-output-nan (x stream) (print-unreadable-object (x stream) (write-string "QUAD-DOUBLE-FLOAT" stream) (write-string (if (float-trapping-nan-p (qd-0 x)) " Trapping" " Quiet") stream) (write-string " NaN" stream))) #+cmu (defun qd-format (stream arg colon-p at-sign-p &rest par) (declare (type %quad-double arg) (stream stream)) ;; We should do something with colon-p and at-sign-p (declare (ignore colon-p at-sign-p par)) (cond ((float-infinity-p (qd-0 arg)) (qd-output-infinity arg stream)) ((ext:float-nan-p (qd-0 arg)) (qd-output-nan arg stream)) (t (write-string "#q" stream) (qd-output-aux arg stream)))) ;; This version has problems with roundoff. #+nil (defun make-float (sign int-part frac-part scale exp) (declare (type (member -1 1) sign) (type unsigned-byte int-part frac-part) (fixnum scale exp)) ;;#+(or) (progn (format t "sign = ~A~%" sign) (format t "int-part = ~A~%" int-part) (format t "frac-part = ~A~%" frac-part) (format t "scale = ~A~%" scale) (format t "exp = ~A~%" exp)) (let ((int (cl:+ (cl:* int-part (expt 10 scale)) frac-part)) (power (cl:- exp scale))) ;;#+(or) (format t "~A * ~A * 10^(~A)~%" sign int power) (let* ((len (integer-length int))) #+(or) (format t "len = ~A~%" len) (cond ((<= len 53) (let ((xx (make-qd-d (float int 1d0))) (yy (npow (make-qd-d 10d0) power))) #+(or) (progn (format t "int = ~A~%" int) (format t "fl = ~A~%" (float int 1w0)) (format t "s = ~A~%" sign) (format t "sint = ~A~%" (cl:* sign (float int 1w0))) (format t "~A~%" xx) (format t "npow = ~A~%" yy)) (if (minusp sign) (neg-qd (mul-qd xx yy)) (mul-qd xx yy)))) (t (let* ((q0 (ldb (byte 53 (cl:- len 53)) int)) (q1 (ldb (byte 53 (cl:- len (* 2 53))) int)) (q2 (ldb (byte 53 (cl:- len (* 3 53))) int)) (q3 (ldb (byte 53 (cl:- len (* 4 53))) int)) (q4 (ldb (byte 53 (cl:- len (* 5 53))) int)) (xx (multiple-value-call #'%make-qd-d (renorm-5 (scale-float (float q0 1d0) (cl:- len 53)) (scale-float (float q1 1d0) (cl:- len (* 2 53))) (scale-float (float q2 1d0) (cl:- len (* 3 53))) (scale-float (float q3 1d0) (cl:- len (* 4 53))) (scale-float (float q4 1d0) (cl:- len (* 5 53)))))) (yy (npow (make-qd-d 10d0) power))) #+(or) (progn (format t "xx = ~A~%" xx) #+(or) (format t " = ~/qd::qd-format/~%" xx) (format t "yy = ~A~%" yy) #+(or) (format t " = ~/qd::qd-format/~%" yy) (format t "q0 = ~X (~A)~%" q0 (scale-float (float q0 1d0) (cl:- len 53))) (format t "q1 = ~X (~A)~%" q1 (scale-float (float q1 1d0) (cl:- len (* 2 53)))) #+(or) (format t "~/octi::qd-format/~%" (mul-qd xx yy))) (if (minusp sign) (neg-qd (mul-qd xx yy)) (mul-qd xx yy)))))))) ;; This is a slightly modified version of Richard Fateman's code to ;; convert bignums to qd. This supports converting rationals to qd ;; too. (defun rational-to-qd (rat) "Convert a rational number RAT to a %QUAD-DOUBLE number" (declare (rational rat)) (let* ((p (coerce rat 'double-float)) (ans (make-qd-d p)) (remainder rat)) (declare (double-float p) (rational remainder) (type %quad-double ans)) (dotimes (k 3 ans) (decf remainder (rational p)) (setf p (coerce remainder 'double-float)) (setf ans (add-qd-d ans p))))) (defun make-float (sign int-part frac-part scale exp) (declare (type (member -1 1) sign) (type unsigned-byte int-part frac-part) (fixnum scale exp)) (let ((qd (rational-to-qd (* (+ int-part (/ frac-part (expt 10 scale))) (expt 10 exp))))) (if (minusp sign) (neg-qd qd) qd))) ;; This seems to work, but really needs to be rewritten! (defun read-qd (stream) "Read a %QUAD-DOUBLE number from the stream STREAM. The format of the number should be like a float, but with extra significant digits allowed. An exponent marker of Q is allowed." (labels ((read-digits (s) ;; Read a sequence of digits and return the decimal ;; value, the character that terminated the sequence, and ;; how many characters were read. (let ((val 0) (ch nil) (count 0)) (loop (setf ch (peek-char nil s nil :eof)) (cond ((eq ch :eof) (return)) ((digit-char-p ch) (read-char s) (incf count) (setf val (cl:+ (digit-char-p ch) (cl:* 10 val)))) (t (return)))) (values ch val count))) (read-sign (s) (let ((maybe-sign (peek-char t s nil :eof))) (cond ((eql maybe-sign #\-) (read-char s) -1 ) ((eql maybe-sign #\+) (read-char s) +1) ((and (characterp maybe-sign) (digit-char-p maybe-sign)) +1) ((eql maybe-sign #\.) +1) (t maybe-sign)))) (read-exp (s) (let ((exp-sign (read-sign s))) (when (eq :eof exp-sign) (return-from read-exp 0)) (when (eq :eof (peek-char t s nil :eof)) (error "Sign of exponent, but no value")) (multiple-value-bind (char expo) (read-digits s) (declare (ignore char)) (cl:* exp-sign expo))))) (let ((sign (read-sign stream)) (int-part 0) (frac-part 0) (exp 0) (scale 0)) (when (eq :eof (peek-char t stream nil :eof)) (error "Sign, but no value")) (multiple-value-bind (char int) (read-digits stream) (setf int-part int) (cond ((eql :eof char) ) ((eql char #\.) (read-char stream) (multiple-value-bind (char val scale-val) (read-digits stream) (declare (ignore char)) (setf frac-part val) (setf scale scale-val) (let ((next (peek-char nil stream nil :eof))) (when (equalp next #\q) (read-char stream) (let ((exp-sign (read-sign stream))) (setf exp (read-exp stream)) (setf exp (cl:* exp exp-sign))))))) ((equalp char #\q) (read-char stream) (setf exp (read-exp stream)) )) (make-float sign int-part frac-part scale exp))))) (defun qd-reader (stream subchar arg) (declare (ignore subchar arg)) (read-qd stream)) (defun qd-from-string (string) (cl::with-input-from-string (s string) (read-qd s))) #+nil (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\Q #'qd-reader)