;;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 2011 Raymond Toy ;;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ;;;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;;;; conditions: ;;;; ;;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;;; ;;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;;;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;;;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;;;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ;;;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;;;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;;;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (in-package #:oct) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setf *readtable* *oct-readtable*)) ;; For log-gamma we use the asymptotic formula ;; ;; log(gamma(z)) ~ (z - 1/2)*log(z) + log(2*%pi)/2 ;; + sum(bern(2*k)/(2*k)/(2*k-1)/z^(2k-1), k, 1, inf) ;; ;; = (z - 1/2)*log(z) + log(2*%pi)/2 ;; + 1/12/z*(1 - 1/30/z^2 + 1/105/z^4 + 1/140/z^6 + ... ;; + 174611/10450/z^18 + ...) ;; ;; For double-floats, let's stop the series at the power z^18. The ;; next term is 77683/483/z^20. This means that for |z| > 8.09438, ;; the series has double-float precision. ;; ;; For quad-doubles, let's stop the series at the power z^62. The ;; next term is about 6.364d37/z^64. So for |z| > 38.71, the series ;; has quad-double precision. (defparameter *log-gamma-asymp-coef* #(-1/30 1/105 -1/140 1/99 -691/30030 1/13 -3617/10200 43867/20349 -174611/10450 77683/483 -236364091/125580 657931/25 -3392780147/7830 1723168255201/207669 -7709321041217/42160 151628697551/33 -26315271553053477373/201514950 154210205991661/37 -261082718496449122051/1758900 1520097643918070802691/259161 -2530297234481911294093/9890 25932657025822267968607/2115 -5609403368997817686249127547/8725080 19802288209643185928499101/539 -61628132164268458257532691681/27030 29149963634884862421418123812691/190323 -354198989901889536240773677094747/31900 2913228046513104891794716413587449/3363 -1215233140483755572040304994079820246041491/16752085350 396793078518930920708162576045270521/61 -106783830147866529886385444979142647942017/171360 133872729284212332186510857141084758385627191/2103465 )) #+nil (defun log-gamma-asymp-series (z nterms) ;; Sum the asymptotic formula for n terms ;; ;; 1 + sum(c[k]/z^(2*k+2), k, 0, nterms) (let ((z2 (* z z)) (sum 1) (term 1)) (dotimes (k nterms) (setf term (* term z2)) (incf sum (/ (aref *log-gamma-asymp-coef* k) term))) sum)) (defun log-gamma-asymp-series (z nterms) (loop with y = (* z z) for k from 1 to nterms for x = 0 then (setf x (/ (+ x (aref *log-gamma-asymp-coef* (- nterms k))) y)) finally (return (+ 1 x)))) (defun log-gamma-asymp-principal (z nterms log2pi/2) (+ (- (* (- z 1/2) (log z)) z) log2pi/2)) (defun log-gamma-asymp (z nterms log2pi/2) (+ (log-gamma-asymp-principal z nterms log2pi/2) (* 1/12 (/ (log-gamma-asymp-series z nterms) z)))) (defun log2pi/2 (precision) (ecase precision (single-float (coerce (/ (log (* 2 pi)) 2) 'single-float)) (double-float (coerce (/ (log (* 2 pi)) 2) 'double-float)) (qd-real (/ (log +2pi+) 2)))) (defun log-gamma-aux (z limit nterms) (let ((precision (float-contagion z))) (cond ((minusp (realpart z)) ;; Use reflection formula if realpart(z) < 0 ;; log(gamma(-z)) = log(pi)-log(-z)-log(sin(pi*z))-log(gamma(z)) ;; Or ;; log(gamma(z)) = log(pi)-log(-z)-log(sin(pi*z))-log(gamma(-z)) (let ((p (float-pi z))) (- (log p) (log (- z)) (log (sin (* p z))) (log-gamma (- z))))) (t (let ((absz (abs z))) (cond ((>= absz limit) ;; Can use the asymptotic formula directly with 9 terms (log-gamma-asymp z nterms (log2pi/2 precision))) (t ;; |z| is too small. Use the formula ;; log(gamma(z)) = log(gamma(z+1)) - log(z) (- (log-gamma (+ z 1)) (log z))))))))) (defmethod log-gamma ((z cl:number)) (log-gamma-aux z 9 9)) (defmethod log-gamma ((z qd-real)) (log-gamma-aux z 26 26)) (defmethod log-gamma ((z qd-complex)) (log-gamma-aux z 26 26)) (defun gamma-aux (z limit nterms) (let ((precision (float-contagion z))) (cond ((<= (realpart z) 0) ;; Use reflection formula if realpart(z) < 0: ;; gamma(-z) = -pi*csc(pi*z)/gamma(z+1) ;; or ;; gamma(z) = pi*csc(pi*z)/gamma(1-z) (if (and (realp z) (= (truncate z) z)) ;; Gamma of a negative integer is infinity. Signal an error (error "Gamma of non-positive integer ~S" z) (/ (float-pi z) (sin (* (float-pi z) z)) (gamma-aux (- 1 z) limit nterms)))) ((and (zerop (imagpart z)) (= z (truncate z))) ;; We have gamma(n) where an integer value n and is small ;; enough. In this case, just compute the product ;; directly. We do this because our current implementation ;; has some round-off for these values, and that's annoying ;; and unexpected. (let ((n (truncate z))) (loop for prod = (apply-contagion 1 precision) then (* prod k) for k from 2 below n finally (return (apply-contagion prod precision))))) (t (let ((absz (abs z))) (cond ((>= absz limit) ;; Use log gamma directly: ;; log(gamma(z)) = principal part + 1/12/z*(series part) ;; so ;; gamma(z) = exp(principal part)*exp(1/12/z*series) (exp (log-gamma z)) #+nil (* (exp (log-gamma-asymp-principal z nterms (log2pi/2 precision))) (exp (* 1/12 (/ (log-gamma-asymp-series z nterms) z))))) (t ;; 1 <= |z| <= limit ;; gamma(z) = gamma(z+1)/z (/ (gamma-aux (+ 1 z) limit nterms) z)))))))) (defmethod gamma ((z cl:number)) (gamma-aux z 9 9)) (defmethod gamma ((z qd-real)) (gamma-aux z 39 32)) (defmethod gamma ((z qd-complex)) (gamma-aux z 39 32)) ;; Lentz's algorithm for evaluating continued fractions. ;; ;; Let the continued fraction be: ;; ;; a1 a2 a3 ;; b0 + ---- ---- ---- ;; b1 + b2 + b3 + ;; (defvar *debug-cf-eval* nil "When true, enable some debugging prints when evaluating a continued fraction.") ;; Max number of iterations allowed when evaluating the continued ;; fraction. When this is reached, we assume that the continued ;; fraction did not converge. (defvar *max-cf-iterations* 10000 "Max number of iterations allowed when evaluating the continued fraction. When this is reached, we assume that the continued fraction did not converge.") (defun lentz (bf af) (let ((tiny-value-count 0)) (flet ((value-or-tiny (v) (if (zerop v) (progn (incf tiny-value-count) (etypecase v ((or double-float cl:complex) (sqrt least-positive-normalized-double-float)) ((or qd-real qd-complex) (make-qd (sqrt least-positive-normalized-double-float))))) v))) (let* ((f (value-or-tiny (funcall bf 0))) (c f) (d 0) (eps (epsilon f))) (loop for j from 1 upto *max-cf-iterations* for an = (funcall af j) for bn = (funcall bf j) do (progn (setf d (value-or-tiny (+ bn (* an d)))) (setf c (value-or-tiny (+ bn (/ an c)))) (when *debug-cf-eval* (format t "~&j = ~d~%" j) (format t " an = ~s~%" an) (format t " bn = ~s~%" bn) (format t " c = ~s~%" c) (format t " d = ~s~%" d)) (let ((delta (/ c d))) (setf d (/ d)) (setf f (* f delta)) (when *debug-cf-eval* (format t " dl= ~S (|dl - 1| = ~S)~%" delta (abs (1- delta))) (format t " f = ~S~%" f)) (when (<= (abs (- delta 1)) eps) (return-from lentz (values f j tiny-value-count))))) finally (error 'simple-error :format-control "~" :format-arguments (list *max-cf-iterations* (/ c d)))))))) ;; Continued fraction for erf(z): ;; ;; erf(z) = 2*z/sqrt(pi)*exp(-z^2)/K ;; ;; where K is the continued fraction with ;; ;; b[n] = 1+2*n-2*z^2 ;; a[n] = 4*n*z^2 ;; ;; This works ok, but has problems for z > 3 where sometimes the ;; result is greater than 1 and for larger values, negative numbers ;; are returned. #+nil (defun cf-erf (z) (let* ((z2 (* z z)) (twoz2 (* 2 z2))) (* (/ (* 2 z) (sqrt (float-pi z))) (exp (- z2)) (/ (lentz #'(lambda (n) (- (+ 1 (* 2 n)) twoz2)) #'(lambda (n) (* 4 n z2))))))) ;; From Cuyt ;; ;; sqrt(%pi)*z*exp(z^2)*erf(z) = K ;; ;; where K is the continued fraction with terms F[m]*z^2/(1 + G[m]*z^2) ;; with F[1] = 2 and F[m] = 4*(m-1)/(2*m-3)/(2*m-1) and G[m] = -2/(2*m-1) ;; (defun cf-erf (z) (let ((z2 (* z z))) (* (/ (exp (- z2)) (sqrt (float-pi z)) z) (lentz #'(lambda (n) (if (zerop n) (float 0 (realpart z)) (1+ (/ (* -2 z2) (+ n n -1))))) #'(lambda (n) (if (= n 1) (* 2 z2) (/ (* z2 4 (- n 1)) (* (+ n n -3) (+ n n -1))))))))) ;; From the above, we also have Dawson's integral: ;; ;; exp(-z^-2)*integrate(exp(t^2), t, 0, z) = %i*sqrt(%pi)/2*exp(-z^2)*erf(-%i*z); ;; ;; -2*z*exp(-z^2)*integrate(exp(t^2), t, 0, z) = K ;; ;; with K = -F[m)*z^2/(1 - G[m]*z^2), where F[m] and G[m] are as above. ;; ;; Also erf(-%i*z) = dawson(z) * 2*exp(-z^2)/(*%i*sqrt(%pi)) (defun cf-dawson (z) (let ((z2 (* z z))) (/ (lentz #'(lambda (n) (if (zerop n) (float 0 (realpart z)) (- 1 (/ (* -2 z2) (+ n n -1))))) #'(lambda (n) (if (= n 1) (* -2 z2) (/ (* z2 -4 (- n 1)) (* (+ n n -3) (+ n n -1)))))) (* -2 z)))) ;; erfc(z) = z/sqrt(%pi)*exp(-z^2)*K ;; ;; where K is the continued fraction with a[1] = 1, a[m] = (m-1)/2, ;; for m >= 2 and b[0] = 0, b[2*m+1] = z^2, b[2*m] = 1. ;; ;; This is valid only if Re(z) > 0. (defun cf-erfc (z) (let ((z2 (* z z)) (zero (float 0 (realpart z))) (one (float 1 (realpart z)))) (* (exp (- z2)) z (/ (sqrt (float-pi (realpart z)))) (lentz #'(lambda (n) (if (zerop n) zero (if (evenp n) one z2))) #'(lambda (n) (if (= n 1) one (/ (- n 1) 2))))))) ;; w(z) = exp(-z^2)*erfc(-%i*z) ;; ;; = -%i*z/sqrt(%pi)*K ;; ;; where K is the continued fraction with a[n] the same as for erfc ;; and b[0] = 0, b[2*m+1] = -z^2, b[2*m] = 1. ;; ;; This is valid only if Im(z) > 0. We can use the following ;; identities: ;; ;; w(-z) = 2*exp(-z^2) - w(z) ;; w(conj(z)) = conj(w(-z)) (defun cf-w (z) (let ((z2 (* z z)) (zero (float 0 (realpart z))) (one (float 1 (realpart z)))) (* #c(0 -1) z (/ (sqrt (float-pi (realpart z)))) (lentz #'(lambda (n) (if (zerop n) zero (if (evenp n) one (- z2)))) #'(lambda (n) (if (= n 1) one (/ (- n 1) 2))))))) ;; Tail of the incomplete gamma function: ;; integrate(x^(a-1)*exp(-x), x, z, inf) ;; ;; The continued fraction, valid for all z except the negative real ;; axis: ;; ;; b[n] = 1+2*n+z-a ;; a[n] = n*(a-n) ;; ;; See http://functions.wolfram.com/ (defun cf-incomplete-gamma-tail (a z) (when (and (zerop (imagpart z)) (minusp (realpart z))) (error 'domain-error :function-name 'cf-incomplete-gamma-tail :format-arguments (list 'z z) :format-control "Argument ~S should not be on the negative real axis: ~S")) (/ (handler-case (* (expt z a) (exp (- z))) (arithmetic-error () ;; z^a*exp(-z) can overflow prematurely. In this case, use ;; the equivalent exp(a*log(z)-z). We don't use this latter ;; form because it has more roundoff error than the former. (exp (- (* a (log z)) z)))) (let ((z-a (- z a))) (lentz #'(lambda (n) (+ n n 1 z-a)) #'(lambda (n) (* n (- a n))))))) ;; Incomplete gamma function: ;; integrate(x^(a-1)*exp(-x), x, 0, z) ;; ;; The continued fraction, valid for all z: ;; ;; b[n] = n - 1 + z + a ;; a[n] = -z*(a + n) ;; ;; See http://functions.wolfram.com/ We modified the ;; continued fraction slightly and discarded the first quotient from ;; the fraction. #+nil (defun cf-incomplete-gamma (a z) (/ (handler-case (* (expt z a) (exp (- z))) (arithmetic-error () ;; z^a*exp(-z) can overflow prematurely. In this case, use ;; the equivalent exp(a*log(z)-z). We don't use this latter ;; form because it has more roundoff error than the former. (exp (- (* a (log z)) z)))) (let ((za1 (+ z a 1))) (- a (/ (* a z) (lentz #'(lambda (n) (+ n za1)) #'(lambda (n) (- (* z (+ a n)))))))))) ;; Incomplete gamma function: ;; integrate(x^(a-1)*exp(-x), x, 0, z) ;; ;; The continued fraction, valid for all z: ;; ;; b[n] = a + n ;; a[n] = -(a+n/2)*z if n odd ;; n/2*z if n even ;; ;; See http://functions.wolfram.com/ ;; ;; Some experiments indicate that this converges faster than the above ;; and is actually quite a bit more accurate, expecially near the ;; negative real axis. (defun cf-incomplete-gamma (a z) (/ (handler-case (* (expt z a) (exp (- z))) (arithmetic-error () ;; z^a*exp(-z) can overflow prematurely. In this case, use ;; the equivalent exp(a*log(z)-z). We don't use this latter ;; form because it has more roundoff error than the former. (exp (- (* a (log z)) z)))) (lentz #'(lambda (n) (+ n a)) #'(lambda (n) (if (evenp n) (* (ash n -1) z) (- (* (+ a (ash n -1)) z))))))) ;; Series expansion for incomplete gamma. Intended for |a|<1 and ;; |z|<1. The series is ;; ;; g(a,z) = z^a * sum((-z)^k/k!/(a+k), k, 0, inf) (defun s-incomplete-gamma (a z) (let ((-z (- z)) (eps (epsilon z))) (loop for k from 0 for term = 1 then (* term (/ -z k)) for sum = (/ a) then (+ sum (/ term (+ a k))) when (< (abs term) (* (abs sum) eps)) return (* sum (expt z a))))) ;; Tail of the incomplete gamma function. (defun incomplete-gamma-tail (a z) "Tail of the incomplete gamma function defined by: integrate(t^(a-1)*exp(-t), t, z, inf)" (with-floating-point-contagion (a z) (if (and (realp a) (<= a 0)) ;; incomplete_gamma_tail(v, z) = z^v*exp_integral_e(1-a,z) (* (expt z a) (exp-integral-e (- 1 a) z)) (if (and (zerop (imagpart a)) (zerop (imagpart z))) ;; For real values, we split the result to compute either the ;; tail directly from the continued fraction or from gamma(a) ;; - incomplete-gamma. The continued fraction doesn't ;; converge on the negative real axis, so we can't use that ;; there. And accuracy appears to be better if z is "small". ;; We take this to mean |z| < |a-1|. Note that |a-1| is the ;; peak of the integrand. (if (and (> (abs z) (abs (- a 1))) (not (minusp (realpart z)))) (cf-incomplete-gamma-tail a z) (- (gamma a) (cf-incomplete-gamma a z))) ;; If the argument is close enough to the negative real axis, ;; the continued fraction for the tail is not very accurate. ;; Use the incomplete gamma function to evaluate in this ;; region. (Arbitrarily selected the region to be a sector. ;; But what is the correct size of this sector?) (if (<= (abs (phase z)) 3.1) (cf-incomplete-gamma-tail a z) (- (gamma a) (cf-incomplete-gamma a z))))))) (defun incomplete-gamma (a z) "Incomplete gamma function defined by: integrate(t^(a-1)*exp(-t), t, 0, z)" (with-floating-point-contagion (a z) (if (and (< (abs a) 1) (< (abs z) 1)) (s-incomplete-gamma a z) (if (and (realp a) (realp z)) (if (< z (- a 1)) (cf-incomplete-gamma a z) (- (gamma a) (cf-incomplete-gamma-tail a z))) ;; The continued fraction doesn't converge very fast if a ;; and z are small. In this case, use the series ;; expansion instead, which converges quite rapidly. (if (< (abs z) (abs a)) (cf-incomplete-gamma a z) (- (gamma a) (cf-incomplete-gamma-tail a z))))))) (defun erf (z) "Error function: erf(z) = 2/sqrt(%pi)*sum((-1)^k*z^(2*k+1)/k!/(2*k+1), k, 0, inf) For real z, this is equivalent to erf(z) = 2/sqrt(%pi)*integrate(exp(-t^2), t, 0, z) for real z." ;; ;; Erf is an odd function: erf(-z) = -erf(z) (if (minusp (realpart z)) (- (erf (- z))) (/ (incomplete-gamma 1/2 (* z z)) (sqrt (float-pi z))))) (defun erfc (z) "Complementary error function: erfc(z) = 1 - erf(z)" ;; Compute erfc(z) via 1 - erf(z) is not very accurate if erf(z) is ;; near 1. Wolfram says ;; ;; erfc(z) = 1 - sqrt(z^2)/z * (1 - 1/sqrt(pi)*gamma_incomplete_tail(1/2, z^2)) ;; ;; For real(z) > 0, sqrt(z^2)/z is 1 so ;; ;; erfc(z) = 1 - (1 - 1/sqrt(pi)*gamma_incomplete_tail(1/2,z^2)) ;; = 1/sqrt(pi)*gamma_incomplete_tail(1/2,z^2) ;; ;; For real(z) < 0, sqrt(z^2)/z is -1 so ;; ;; erfc(z) = 1 + (1 - 1/sqrt(pi)*gamma_incomplete_tail(1/2,z^2)) ;; = 1 + 1/sqrt(pi)*gamma_incomplete(1/2,z^2) (if (>= (realpart z) 0) (/ (incomplete-gamma-tail 1/2 (* z z)) (sqrt (float-pi z))) (+ 1 (/ (incomplete-gamma 1/2 (* z z)) (sqrt (float-pi z)))))) (defun cf-exp-integral-e (v z) ;; We use the continued fraction ;; ;; E(v,z) = exp(-z)/cf(z) ;; ;; where the continued fraction cf(z) is ;; ;; a[k] = -k*(k+v-1) ;; b[k] = v + 2*k + z ;; ;; for k = 1, inf (let ((z+v (+ z v))) (/ (exp (- z)) (lentz #'(lambda (k) (+ z+v (* 2 k))) #'(lambda (k) (* (- k) (+ k v -1))))))) ;; For v not an integer: ;; ;; E(v,z) = gamma(1-v)*z^(v-1) - sum((-1)^k*z^k/(k-v+1)/k!, k, 0, inf) ;; ;; For v an integer: ;; ;; E(v,z) = (-z)^(v-1)/(v-1)!*(psi(v)-log(z)) ;; - sum((-1)^k*z^k/(k-v+1)/k!, k, 0, inf, k != n-1) ;; (defun s-exp-integral-e (v z) ;; E(v,z) = gamma(1-v)*z^(v-1) - sum((-1)^k*z^k/(k-v+1)/k!, k, 0, inf) (let ((-z (- z)) (-v (- v)) (eps (epsilon z))) (if (and (realp v) (= v (ftruncate v))) ;; v is an integer (let* ((n (truncate v)) (n-1 (1- n))) (- (* (/ (expt -z n-1) (gamma v)) (- (psi v) (log z))) (loop for k from 0 for term = 1 then (* term (/ -z k)) for sum = (if (zerop n-1) 0 (/ (- 1 v))) then (+ sum (let ((denom (- k n-1))) (if (zerop denom) 0 (/ term denom)))) when (< (abs term) (* (abs sum) eps)) return sum))) (loop for k from 0 for term = 1 then (* term (/ -z k)) for sum = (/ (- 1 v)) then (+ sum (/ term (+ k 1 -v))) when (< (abs term) (* (abs sum) eps)) return (- (* (gamma (- 1 v)) (expt z (- v 1))) sum))))) (defun exp-integral-e (v z) "Exponential integral E: E(v,z) = integrate(exp(-t)/t^v, t, 1, inf)" ;; E(v,z) = z^(v-1) * integrate(t^(-v)*exp(-t), t, z, inf); ;; ;; for |arg(z)| < pi. ;; ;; (with-floating-point-contagion (v z) (cond ((and (realp v) (minusp v)) ;; E(-v, z) = z^(-v-1)*incomplete_gamma_tail(v+1,z) (let ((-v (- v))) (* (expt z (- v 1)) (incomplete-gamma-tail (+ -v 1) z)))) ((or (< (abs z) 1) (>= (abs (phase z)) 3.1)) ;; Use series for small z or if z is near the negative real ;; axis because the continued fraction does not converge on ;; the negative axis and converges slowly near the negative ;; axis. (s-exp-integral-e v z)) (t ;; Use continued fraction for everything else. (cf-exp-integral-e v z))))) ;; Series for Fresnel S ;; ;; S(z) = z^3*sum((%pi/2)^(2*k+1)(-z^4)^k/(2*k+1)!/(4*k+3), k, 0, inf) ;; ;; Compute as ;; ;; S(z) = z^3*sum(a(k)/(4*k+3), k, 0, inf) ;; ;; where ;; ;; a(k+1) = -a(k) * (%pi/2)^2 * z^4 / (2*k+2) / (2*k+3) ;; ;; a(0) = %pi/2. (defun fresnel-s-series (z) (let* ((pi/2 (* 1/2 (float-pi z))) (factor (- (* (expt z 4) pi/2 pi/2))) (eps (epsilon z)) (sum 0) (term pi/2)) (loop for k2 from 0 by 2 until (< (abs term) (* eps (abs sum))) do (incf sum (/ term (+ 3 k2 k2))) (setf term (/ (* term factor) (* (+ k2 2) (+ k2 3))))) (* sum (expt z 3)))) (defun fresnel-s (z) "Fresnel S: S(z) = integrate(sin(%pi*t^2/2), t, 0, z) " (let ((prec (float-contagion z)) (sqrt-pi (sqrt (float-pi z)))) (flet ((fs (z) ;; Wolfram gives ;; ;; S(z) = (1+%i)/4*(erf(c*z) - %i*erf(conjugate(c)*z)) ;; ;; where c = sqrt(%pi)/2*(1+%i). ;; ;; But for large z, we should use erfc. Then ;; S(z) = 1/2 - (1+%i)/4*(erfc(c*z) - %i*erfc(conjugate(c)*z)) (if (and t (> (abs z) 2)) (- 1/2 (* #c(1/4 1/4) (- (erfc (* #c(1/2 1/2) sqrt-pi z)) (* #c(0 1) (erfc (* #c(1/2 -1/2) sqrt-pi z)))))) (* #c(1/4 1/4) (- (erf (* #c(1/2 1/2) sqrt-pi z)) (* #c(0 1) (erf (* #c(1/2 -1/2) sqrt-pi z))))))) (rfs (z) ;; When z is real, recall that erf(conjugate(z)) = ;; conjugate(erf(z)). Then ;; ;; S(z) = 1/2*(realpart(erf(c*z)) - imagpart(erf(c*z))) ;; ;; But for large z, we should use erfc. Then ;; ;; S(z) = 1/2 - 1/2*(realpart(erfc(c*z)) - imagpart(erf(c*z))) (if (> (abs z) 2) (let ((s (erfc (* #c(1/2 1/2) sqrt-pi z)))) (- 1/2 (* 1/2 (- (realpart s) (imagpart s))))) (let ((s (erf (* #c(1/2 1/2) sqrt-pi z)))) (* 1/2 (- (realpart s) (imagpart s))))))) ;; For small z, the erf terms above suffer from subtractive ;; cancellation. So use the series in this case. Some simple ;; tests were done to determine that for double-floats we want ;; to use the series for z < 1 to give max accuracy. For ;; qd-real, the above formula is good enough for z > 1d-5. (if (< (abs z) (ecase prec (single-float 1.5f0) (double-float 1d0) (qd-real #q1))) (fresnel-s-series z) (if (realp z) ;; FresnelS is real for a real argument. And it is odd. (if (minusp z) (- (rfs (- z))) (rfs z)) (fs z)))))) (defun fresnel-c (z) "Fresnel C: C(z) = integrate(cos(%pi*t^2/2), t, 0, z) " (let ((sqrt-pi (sqrt (float-pi z)))) (flet ((fs (z) ;; Wolfram gives ;; ;; C(z) = (1-%i)/4*(erf(c*z) + %i*erf(conjugate(c)*z)) ;; ;; where c = sqrt(%pi)/2*(1+%i). (* #c(1/4 -1/4) (+ (erf (* #c(1/2 1/2) sqrt-pi z)) (* #c(0 1) (erf (* #c(1/2 -1/2) sqrt-pi z))))))) (if (realp z) ;; FresnelS is real for a real argument. And it is odd. (if (minusp z) (- (realpart (fs (- z)))) (realpart (fs z))) (fs z))))) (defun sin-integral (z) "Sin integral: Si(z) = integrate(sin(t)/t, t, 0, z)" ;; Wolfram has ;; ;; Si(z) = %i/2*(gamma_inc_tail(0, -%i*z) - gamma_inc_tail(0, %i*z) + log(-%i*z)-log(%i*z)) ;; (flet ((si (z) (* #c(0 1/2) (let ((iz (* #c(0 1) z)) (-iz (* #c(0 -1) z))) (+ (- (incomplete-gamma-tail 0 -iz) (incomplete-gamma-tail 0 iz)) (- (log -iz) (log iz))))))) (if (realp z) ;; Si is odd and real for real z. In this case, we have ;; ;; Si(x) = %i/2*(gamma_inc_tail(0, -%i*x) - gamma_inc_tail(0, %i*x) - %i*%pi) ;; = %pi/2 + %i/2*(gamma_inc_tail(0, -%i*x) - gamma_inc_tail(0, %i*x)) ;; But gamma_inc_tail(0, conjugate(z)) = conjugate(gamma_inc_tail(0, z)), so ;; ;; Si(x) = %pi/2 + imagpart(gamma_inc_tail(0, %i*x)) (cond ((< z 0) (- (sin-integral (- z)))) ((= z 0) (* 0 z)) (t (+ (* 1/2 (float-pi z)) (imagpart (incomplete-gamma-tail 0 (complex 0 z)))))) (si z)))) (defun cos-integral (z) "Cos integral: Ci(z) = integrate((cos(t) - 1)/t, t, 0, z) + log(z) + gamma where gamma is Euler-Mascheroni constant" ;; Wolfram has ;; ;; Ci(z) = log(z) - 1/2*(gamma_inc_tail(0, -%i*z) + gamma_inc_tail(0, %i*z) + log(-%i*z)+log(%i*z)) ;; (flet ((ci (z) (- (log z) (* 1/2 (let ((iz (* #c(0 1) z)) (-iz (* #c(0 -1) z))) (+ (+ (incomplete-gamma-tail 0 -iz) (incomplete-gamma-tail 0 iz)) (+ (log -iz) (log iz)))))))) (if (and (realp z) (plusp z)) (realpart (ci z)) (ci z)))) ;; Array of values of the Bernoulli numbers. We only have enough for ;; the evaluation of the psi function. (defconstant bern-values (make-array 55 :initial-contents '(1 -1/2 1/6 0 -1/30 0 1/42 0 -1/30 0 5/66 0 -691/2730 0 7/6 0 -3617/510 0 43867/798 0 -174611/330 0 854513/138 0 -236364091/2730 0 8553103/6 0 -23749461029/870 0 8615841276005/14322 0 -7709321041217/510 0 2577687858367/6 0 -26315271553053477373/1919190 0 2929993913841559/6 0 -261082718496449122051/13530 0 1520097643918070802691/1806 0 -27833269579301024235023/690 0 596451111593912163277961/282 0 -5609403368997817686249127547/46410 0 495057205241079648212477525/66 0 -801165718135489957347924991853/1590 0 29149963634884862421418123812691/798 ))) (defun bern (k) (aref bern-values k)) (defun psi (z) "Digamma function defined by - %gamma + sum(1/k-1/(k+z-1), k, 1, inf) where %gamma is Euler's constant" ;; A&S 6.3.7: Reflection formula ;; ;; psi(1-z) = psi(z) + %pi*cot(%pi*z) ;; ;; A&S 6.3.6: Recurrence formula ;; ;; psi(n+z) = 1/(z+n-1)+1/(z+n-2)+...+1/(z+2)+1/(1+z)+psi(1+z) ;; ;; A&S 6.3.8: Asymptotic formula ;; ;; psi(z) ~ log(z) - sum(bern(2*n)/(2*n*z^(2*n)), n, 1, inf) ;; ;; So use reflection formula if Re(z) < 0. For z > 0, use the recurrence ;; formula to increase the argument and then apply the asymptotic formula. (cond ((= z 1) ;; psi(1) = -%gamma (- (float +%gamma+ (if (integerp z) 0.0 z)))) ((minusp (realpart z)) (let ((p (float-pi z))) (flet ((cot-pi (z) ;; cot(%pi*z), carefully. If z is an odd multiple ;; of 1/2, cot is 0. (if (and (realp z) (= 1/2 (abs (- z (ftruncate z))))) (float 0 z) (/ (tan (* p z)))))) (- (psi (- 1 z)) (* p (cot-pi z)))))) (t (let* ((k (* 2 (1+ (floor (* .41 (- (log (epsilon (float (realpart z))) 10))))))) (m 0) (y (expt (+ z k) 2)) (x 0)) (loop for i from 1 upto (floor k 2) do (progn (incf m (+ (/ (+ z i i -1)) (/ (+ z i i -2)))) (setf x (/ (+ x (/ (bern (+ k 2 (* -2 i))) (- k i i -2))) y)))) (- (log (+ z k)) (/ (* 2 (+ z k))) x m)))))