;;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 2011 Raymond Toy ;;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ;;;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;;;; conditions: ;;;; ;;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;;; ;;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;;;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;;;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;;;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ;;;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;;;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;;;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (in-package #:oct) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setf *readtable* *oct-readtable*)) (declaim (inline descending-transform ascending-transform)) ;;; Jacobian elliptic functions (defun ascending-transform (u m) ;; A&S 16.14.1 ;; ;; Take care in computing this transform. For the case where ;; m is complex, we should compute sqrt(mu1) first as ;; (1-sqrt(m))/(1+sqrt(m)), and then square this to get mu1. ;; If not, we may choose the wrong branch when computing ;; sqrt(mu1). ;; ;; mu = 4*sqrt(m)/(1+sqrt(m))^2 ;; sqrt(mu1) = (1-sqrt(m))/(1+sqrt(m)) ;; v = u/(1+sqrt(mu1)) ;; ;; Return v, mu, sqrt(mu1) (let* ((root-m (sqrt m)) (mu (/ (* 4 root-m) (expt (1+ root-m) 2))) (root-mu1 (/ (- 1 root-m) (+ 1 root-m))) (v (/ u (1+ root-mu1)))) (values v mu root-mu1))) (defun descending-transform (u m) ;; A&S 16.12.1 ;; ;; Note: Don't calculate mu first, as given in 16.12.1. We ;; should calculate sqrt(mu) = (1-sqrt(m1)/(1+sqrt(m1)), and ;; then compute mu = sqrt(mu)^2. If we calculate mu first, ;; sqrt(mu) loses information when m or m1 is complex. ;; ;; sqrt(mu) = (1-sqrt(m1))/(1+sqrt(m1)) ;; v = u/(1+sqrt(mu)) ;; ;; where m1 = 1-m ;; ;; Return v, mu, sqrt(mu) (let* ((root-m1 (sqrt (- 1 m))) (root-mu (/ (- 1 root-m1) (+ 1 root-m1))) (mu (* root-mu root-mu)) (v (/ u (1+ root-mu)))) (values v mu root-mu))) ;; Could use the descending transform, but some of my tests show ;; that it has problems with roundoff errors. ;; WARNING: This doesn't work very well for u > 1000 or so. For ;; example (elliptic-dn-ascending 1000b0 .5b0) -> 3.228b324, but dn <= 1. #+nil (defun elliptic-dn-ascending (u m) (cond ((zerop m) ;; A&S 16.6.3 1.0) ((< (abs (- 1 m)) (* 4 (epsilon u))) ;; A&S 16.6.3 (/ (cosh u))) (t (multiple-value-bind (v mu root-mu1) (ascending-transform u m) ;; A&S 16.14.4 (let* ((new-dn (elliptic-dn-ascending v mu))) (* (/ (- 1 root-mu1) mu) (/ (+ root-mu1 (* new-dn new-dn)) new-dn))))))) ;; Don't use the descending version because it requires cn, dn, and ;; sn. ;; ;; WARNING: This doesn't work very well for large u. ;; (elliptic-cn-ascending 1000b0 .5b0) -> 4.565b324. But |cn| <= 1. #+nil (defun elliptic-cn-ascending (u m) (cond ((zerop m) ;; A&S 16.6.2 (cos u)) ((< (abs (- 1 m)) (* 4 (epsilon u))) ;; A&S 16.6.2 (/ (cl:cosh u))) (t (multiple-value-bind (v mu root-mu1) (ascending-transform u m) ;; A&S 16.14.3 (let* ((new-dn (elliptic-dn-ascending v mu))) (* (/ (+ 1 root-mu1) mu) (/ (- (* new-dn new-dn) root-mu1) new-dn))))))) ;; ;; This appears to work quite well for both real and complex values ;; of u. (defun elliptic-sn-descending (u m) (cond ((= m 1) ;; A&S 16.6.1 (tanh u)) ((< (abs m) (epsilon u)) ;; A&S 16.6.1 (sin u)) (t ;; A&S 16.12.2 ;; ;; sn(u|m) = (1 + sqrt(mu))*sn(v|u)/(1 + sqrt(mu)*sn(v|mu)^2) (multiple-value-bind (v mu root-mu) (descending-transform u m) (let* ((new-sn (elliptic-sn-descending v mu))) (/ (* (1+ root-mu) new-sn) (1+ (* root-mu new-sn new-sn)))))))) ;; We don't use the ascending transform here because it requires ;; evaluating sn, cn, and dn. The ascending transform only needs ;; sn. #+nil (defun elliptic-sn-ascending (u m) (if (< (abs (- 1 m)) (* 4 flonum-epsilon)) ;; A&S 16.6.1 (tanh u) (multiple-value-bind (v mu root-mu1) (ascending-transform u m) ;; A&S 16.14.2 (let* ((new-cn (elliptic-cn-ascending v mu)) (new-dn (elliptic-dn-ascending v mu)) (new-sn (elliptic-sn-ascending v mu))) (/ (* (+ 1 root-mu1) new-sn new-cn) new-dn))))) (defun jacobi-sn (u m) "Compute Jacobian sn for argument u and parameter m" (let ((s (elliptic-sn-descending u m))) (if (and (realp u) (realp m)) (realpart s) s))) (defun jacobi-dn (u m) "Compute Jacobi dn for argument u and parameter m" ;; Use the Gauss transformation from ;; http://functions.wolfram.com/ ;; ;; ;; dn((1+sqrt(m))*z, 4*sqrt(m)/(1+sqrt(m))^2) ;; = (1-sqrt(m)*sn(z, m)^2)/(1+sqrt(m)*sn(z,m)^2) ;; ;; So ;; ;; dn(y, mu) = (1-sqrt(m)*sn(z, m)^2)/(1+sqrt(m)*sn(z,m)^2) ;; ;; where z = y/(1+sqrt(m)) and mu=4*sqrt(m)/(1+sqrt(m))^2. ;; ;; Solve for m, and we get ;; ;; sqrt(m) = -(mu+2*sqrt(1-mu)-2)/mu or (-mu+2*sqrt(1-mu)+2)/mu. ;; ;; I don't think it matters which sqrt we use, so I (rtoy) ;; arbitrarily choose the first one above. ;; ;; Note that (1-sqrt(1-mu))/(1+sqrt(1-mu)) is the same as ;; -(mu+2*sqrt(1-mu)-2)/mu. Also, the former is more ;; accurate for small mu. (let* ((root (let ((root-1-m (sqrt (- 1 m)))) (/ (- 1 root-1-m) (+ 1 root-1-m)))) (z (/ u (+ 1 root))) (s (elliptic-sn-descending z (* root root))) (p (* root s s ))) (/ (- 1 p) (+ 1 p)))) (defun jacobi-cn (u m) "Compute Jacobi cn for argument u and parameter m" ;; Use the ascending Landen transformation, A&S 16.14.3. ;; ;; cn(u,m) = (1+sqrt(mu1))/mu * (dn(v,mu)^2-sqrt(mu1))/dn(v,mu) (multiple-value-bind (v mu root-mu1) (ascending-transform u m) (let ((d (jacobi-dn v mu))) (* (/ (+ 1 root-mu1) mu) (/ (- (* d d) root-mu1) d))))) ;;; Elliptic Integrals ;;; ;; Translation of Jim FitzSimons' bigfloat implementation of elliptic ;; integrals from http://www.getnet.com/~cherry/elliptbf3.mac. ;; ;; The algorithms are based on B.C. Carlson's "Numerical Computation ;; of Real or Complex Elliptic Integrals". These are updated to the ;; algorithms in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 118 ;; (2000) 71-85 "Reduction Theorems for Elliptic Integrands with the ;; Square Root of two quadritic factors" ;; (defun errtol (&rest args) ;; Compute error tolerance as sqrt(). Not sure ;; this is quite right, but it makes the routines more accurate as ;; precision increases increases. (sqrt (reduce #'min (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (rationalp x) single-float-epsilon (epsilon x))) args)))) (defun carlson-rf (x y z) "Compute Carlson's Rf function: Rf(x, y, z) = 1/2*integrate((t+x)^(-1/2)*(t+y)^(-1/2)*(t+z)^(-1/2), t, 0, inf)" (let* ((precision (float-contagion x y z)) (xn (apply-contagion x precision)) (yn (apply-contagion y precision)) (zn (apply-contagion z precision)) (a (/ (+ xn yn zn) 3)) (epslon (/ (max (abs (- a xn)) (abs (- a yn)) (abs (- a zn))) (errtol x y z))) (an a) (power4 1) (n 0) xnroot ynroot znroot lam) (loop while (> (* power4 epslon) (abs an)) do (setf xnroot (sqrt xn)) (setf ynroot (sqrt yn)) (setf znroot (sqrt zn)) (setf lam (+ (* xnroot ynroot) (* xnroot znroot) (* ynroot znroot))) (setf power4 (* power4 1/4)) (setf xn (* (+ xn lam) 1/4)) (setf yn (* (+ yn lam) 1/4)) (setf zn (* (+ zn lam) 1/4)) (setf an (* (+ an lam) 1/4)) (incf n)) ;; c1=-3/14,c2=1/6,c3=9/88,c4=9/22,c5=-3/22,c6=-9/52,c7=3/26 (let* ((xndev (/ (* (- a x) power4) an)) (yndev (/ (* (- a y) power4) an)) (zndev (- (+ xndev yndev))) (ee2 (- (* xndev yndev) (* 6 zndev zndev))) (ee3 (* xndev yndev zndev)) (s (+ 1 (* -1/10 ee2) (* 1/14 ee3) (* 1/24 ee2 ee2) (* -3/44 ee2 ee3)))) (/ s (sqrt an))))) ;; rd(x,y,z) = integrate(3/2*(t+x)^(-1/2)*(t+y)^(-1/2)*(t+z)^(-3/2), t, 0, inf) ;; ;; E(K) = rf(0, 1-K^2, 1) - (K^2/3)*rd(0,1-K^2,1) ;; ;; B = integrate(s^2/sqrt(1-s^4), s, 0 ,1) ;; = beta(3/4,1/2)/4 ;; = sqrt(%pi)*gamma(3/4)/gamma(1/4) ;; = 1/3*rd(0,2,1) (defun carlson-rd (x y z) "Compute Carlson's Rd function: Rd(x,y,z) = integrate(3/2*(t+x)^(-1/2)*(t+y)^(-1/2)*(t+z)^(-3/2), t, 0, inf)" (let* ((precision (float-contagion x y z)) (xn (apply-contagion x precision)) (yn (apply-contagion y precision)) (zn (apply-contagion z precision)) (a (/ (+ xn yn (* 3 zn)) 5)) (epslon (/ (max (abs (- a xn)) (abs (- a yn)) (abs (- a zn))) (errtol x y z))) (an a) (sigma 0) (power4 1) (n 0) xnroot ynroot znroot lam) (loop while (> (* power4 epslon) (abs an)) do (setf xnroot (sqrt xn)) (setf ynroot (sqrt yn)) (setf znroot (sqrt zn)) (setf lam (+ (* xnroot ynroot) (* xnroot znroot) (* ynroot znroot))) (setf sigma (+ sigma (/ power4 (* znroot (+ zn lam))))) (setf power4 (* power4 1/4)) (setf xn (* (+ xn lam) 1/4)) (setf yn (* (+ yn lam) 1/4)) (setf zn (* (+ zn lam) 1/4)) (setf an (* (+ an lam) 1/4)) (incf n)) ;; c1=-3/14,c2=1/6,c3=9/88,c4=9/22,c5=-3/22,c6=-9/52,c7=3/26 (let* ((xndev (/ (* (- a x) power4) an)) (yndev (/ (* (- a y) power4) an)) (zndev (- (* (+ xndev yndev) 1/3))) (ee2 (- (* xndev yndev) (* 6 zndev zndev))) (ee3 (* (- (* 3 xndev yndev) (* 8 zndev zndev)) zndev)) (ee4 (* 3 (- (* xndev yndev) (* zndev zndev)) zndev zndev)) (ee5 (* xndev yndev zndev zndev zndev)) (s (+ 1 (* -3/14 ee2) (* 1/6 ee3) (* 9/88 ee2 ee2) (* -3/22 ee4) (* -9/52 ee2 ee3) (* 3/26 ee5) (* -1/16 ee2 ee2 ee2) (* 3/10 ee3 ee3) (* 3/20 ee2 ee4) (* 45/272 ee2 ee2 ee3) (* -9/68 (+ (* ee2 ee5) (* ee3 ee4)))))) (+ (* 3 sigma) (/ (* power4 s) (expt an 3/2)))))) ;; Complete elliptic integral of the first kind. This can be computed ;; from Carlson's Rf function: ;; ;; K(m) = Rf(0, 1 - m, 1) (defun elliptic-k (m) "Complete elliptic integral of the first kind K for parameter m K(m) = integrate(1/sqrt(1-m*sin(x)^2), x, 0, %pi/2). Note: K(m) = F(%pi/2, m), where F is the (incomplete) elliptic integral of the first kind." (cond ((= m 0) (/ (float +pi+ m) 2)) (t (carlson-rf 0 (- 1 m) 1)))) ;; Elliptic integral of the first kind. This is computed using ;; Carlson's Rf function: ;; ;; F(phi, m) = sin(phi) * Rf(cos(phi)^2, 1 - m*sin(phi)^2, 1) ;; ;; Also, DLMF 19.25.5 says ;; ;; F(phi, k) = Rf(c-1, c-k^2, c) ;; ;; where c = csc(phi)^2. (defun elliptic-f (x m) "Incomplete Elliptic integral of the first kind: F(x, m) = integrate(1/sqrt(1-m*sin(phi)^2), phi, 0, x) Note for the complete elliptic integral, you can use elliptic-k" (let* ((precision (float-contagion x m)) (x (apply-contagion x precision)) (m (apply-contagion m precision))) (cond ((and (realp m) (realp x)) (cond ((> m 1) ;; A&S 17.4.15 ;; ;; F(phi|m) = 1/sqrt(m)*F(theta|1/m) ;; ;; with sin(theta) = sqrt(m)*sin(phi) (/ (elliptic-f (asin (* (sqrt m) (sin x))) (/ m)) (sqrt m))) ((< m 0) ;; A&S 17.4.17 (let* ((m (- m)) (m+1 (+ 1 m)) (root (sqrt m+1)) (m/m+1 (/ m m+1))) (- (/ (elliptic-f (/ (float-pi m) 2) m/m+1) root) (/ (elliptic-f (- (/ (float-pi x) 2) x) m/m+1) root)))) ((= m 0) ;; A&S 17.4.19 x) ((= m 1) ;; A&S 17.4.21 ;; ;; F(phi,1) = log(sec(phi)+tan(phi)) ;; = log(tan(pi/4+pi/2)) (log (tan (+ (/ x 2) (/ (float-pi x) 4))))) ((minusp x) (- (elliptic-f (- x) m))) ((> x (float-pi x)) ;; A&S 17.4.3 (multiple-value-bind (s x-rem) (truncate x (float-pi x)) (+ (* 2 s (elliptic-k m)) (elliptic-f x-rem m)))) ((<= x (/ (float-pi x) 2)) (let ((sin-x (sin x)) (cos-x (cos x)) (k (sqrt m))) (* sin-x (carlson-rf (* cos-x cos-x) (* (- 1 (* k sin-x)) (+ 1 (* k sin-x))) 1)))) ((< x (float-pi x)) (+ (* 2 (elliptic-k m)) (elliptic-f (- x (float pi x)) m))))) (t (let ((sin-x (sin x)) (cos-x (cos x)) (k (sqrt m))) (* sin-x (carlson-rf (* cos-x cos-x) (* (- 1 (* k sin-x)) (+ 1 (* k sin-x))) 1))))))) ;; Incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind. ;; ;; E(phi, m) = integrate(sqrt(1-m*sin(x)^2), x, 0, phi) ;; ;; Carlson says ;; ;; E(phi, k) = sin(phi) * Rf(cos(phi)^2, 1-k^2*sin(phi)^2, 1) ;; - (k^2/3)*sin(phi)^3 * Rd(cos(phi)^2, 1 - k^2*sin(phi)^2, 1) ;; ;; But note that DLMF 19.25.9 says ;; ;; E(phi, k) = Rf(c-1, c - k^2, c) - k^2/3*Rd(c-1, c-k^2, c) ;; ;; where c = csc(phi)^2. Also DLMF 19.25.10 has ;; ;; E(phi, k) = k1^2*Rf(c-1,c-k^2,c) + k^/3*k1^2*Rd(c-1, c, c-k^2) ;; + k^2*sqrt((c-1)/(c*(c-k^2))) ;; ;; where k1^2 = 1-k^2 and c > k^2. Finally, DLMF 19.25.11 says ;; ;; E(phi, k) = -k1^2/3*Rd(c-k^2,c,c-1) + sqrt((c-k^2)/(c*(c-1))) ;; ;; for phi /= pi/2. ;; ;; One possible advantage is that all terms on the rhs are positive ;; for 19.25.9 if k^2 <= 0; 19.25.10 if 0 <= k^2 <= 1; 19.25.11 if 1 ;; <= k^2 <= c. It might be beneficial to use this idea so that we ;; don't have subtractive cancellation. (defun elliptic-e (phi m) "Incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind: E(phi, m) = integrate(sqrt(1-m*sin(x)^2), x, 0, phi)" (let* ((precision (float-contagion phi m)) (phi (apply-contagion phi precision)) (m (apply-contagion m precision))) (cond ((= m 0) ;; A&S 17.4.23 phi) ((= m 1) ;; A&S 17.4.25 (sin phi)) (t ;; For quad-doubles, it's significantly faster to compute ;; cis(phi) than to compute sin and cos separately. (multiple-value-bind (cos-phi sin-phi) (let ((cis (cis phi))) (values (realpart cis) (imagpart cis))) (let ((y (- 1 (* m sin-phi sin-phi)))) (- (* sin-phi (carlson-rf (* cos-phi cos-phi) y 1)) (* (/ m 3) (expt sin-phi 3) (carlson-rd (* cos-phi cos-phi) y 1))))))))) ;; Complete elliptic integral of second kind. ;; ;; E(phi) = integrate(sqrt(1-m*sin(x)^2), x, 0, %pi/2) ;; ;; Carlson says ;; ;; E(k) = Rf(0, 1-k^2,1) - (k^2/3)*Rd(0,1-k^2,1) ;; (defun elliptic-ec (m) "Complete elliptic integral of the second kind: E(m) = integrate(sqrt(1-m*sin(x)^2), x, 0, %pi/2)" (cond ((= m 0) ;; A&S 17.4.23 (/ (float-pi m) 2)) ((= m 1) ;; A&S 17.4.25 (float 1 m)) (t (let* ((m1 (- 1 m))) (- (carlson-rf 0 m1 1) (* (/ m 3) (carlson-rd 0 m1 1))))))) ;; Carlson's Rc function. ;; ;; Some interesting identities: ;; ;; log(x) = (x-1)*rc(((1+x)/2)^2, x), x > 0 ;; asin(x) = x * rc(1-x^2, 1), |x|<= 1 ;; acos(x) = sqrt(1-x^2)*rc(x^2,1), 0 <= x <=1 ;; atan(x) = x * rc(1,1+x^2) ;; asinh(x) = x * rc(1+x^2,1) ;; acosh(x) = sqrt(x^2-1) * rc(x^2,1), x >= 1 ;; atanh(x) = x * rc(1,1-x^2), |x|<=1 ;; (defun carlson-rc (x y) "Compute Carlson's Rc function: Rc(x,y) = integrate(1/2*(t+x)^(-1/2)*(t+y)^(-1), t, 0, inf)" (let* ((precision (float-contagion x y)) (yn (apply-contagion y precision)) (x (apply-contagion x precision)) xn z w a an pwr4 n epslon lambda sn s) (cond ((and (zerop (imagpart yn)) (minusp (realpart yn))) (setf xn (- x y)) (setf yn (- yn)) (setf z yn) (setf w (sqrt (/ x xn)))) (t (setf xn x) (setf z yn) (setf w 1))) (setf a (/ (+ xn yn yn) 3)) (setf epslon (/ (abs (- a xn)) (errtol x y))) (setf an a) (setf pwr4 1) (setf n 0) (loop while (> (* epslon pwr4) (abs an)) do (setf pwr4 (/ pwr4 4)) (setf lambda (+ (* 2 (sqrt xn) (sqrt yn)) yn)) (setf an (/ (+ an lambda) 4)) (setf xn (/ (+ xn lambda) 4)) (setf yn (/ (+ yn lambda) 4)) (incf n)) ;; c2=3/10,c3=1/7,c4=3/8,c5=9/22,c6=159/208,c7=9/8 (setf sn (/ (* pwr4 (- z a)) an)) (setf s (* sn sn (+ 3/10 (* sn (+ 1/7 (* sn (+ 3/8 (* sn (+ 9/22 (* sn (+ 159/208 (* sn 9/8)))))))))))) (/ (* w (+ 1 s)) (sqrt an)))) (defun carlson-rj1 (x y z p) (let* ((xn x) (yn y) (zn z) (pn p) (en (* (- pn xn) (- pn yn) (- pn zn))) (sigma 0) (power4 1) (k 0) (a (/ (+ xn yn zn pn pn) 5)) (epslon (/ (max (abs (- a xn)) (abs (- a yn)) (abs (- a zn)) (abs (- a pn))) (errtol x y z p))) (an a) xnroot ynroot znroot pnroot lam dn) (loop while (> (* power4 epslon) (abs an)) do (setf xnroot (sqrt xn)) (setf ynroot (sqrt yn)) (setf znroot (sqrt zn)) (setf pnroot (sqrt pn)) (setf lam (+ (* xnroot ynroot) (* xnroot znroot) (* ynroot znroot))) (setf dn (* (+ pnroot xnroot) (+ pnroot ynroot) (+ pnroot znroot))) (setf sigma (+ sigma (/ (* power4 (carlson-rc 1 (+ 1 (/ en (* dn dn))))) dn))) (setf power4 (* power4 1/4)) (setf en (/ en 64)) (setf xn (* (+ xn lam) 1/4)) (setf yn (* (+ yn lam) 1/4)) (setf zn (* (+ zn lam) 1/4)) (setf pn (* (+ pn lam) 1/4)) (setf an (* (+ an lam) 1/4)) (incf k)) (let* ((xndev (/ (* (- a x) power4) an)) (yndev (/ (* (- a y) power4) an)) (zndev (/ (* (- a z) power4) an)) (pndev (* -0.5 (+ xndev yndev zndev))) (ee2 (+ (* xndev yndev) (* xndev zndev) (* yndev zndev) (* -3 pndev pndev))) (ee3 (+ (* xndev yndev zndev) (* 2 ee2 pndev) (* 4 pndev pndev pndev))) (ee4 (* (+ (* 2 xndev yndev zndev) (* ee2 pndev) (* 3 pndev pndev pndev)) pndev)) (ee5 (* xndev yndev zndev pndev pndev)) (s (+ 1 (* -3/14 ee2) (* 1/6 ee3) (* 9/88 ee2 ee2) (* -3/22 ee4) (* -9/52 ee2 ee3) (* 3/26 ee5) (* -1/16 ee2 ee2 ee2) (* 3/10 ee3 ee3) (* 3/20 ee2 ee4) (* 45/272 ee2 ee2 ee3) (* -9/68 (+ (* ee2 ee5) (* ee3 ee4)))))) (+ (* 6 sigma) (/ (* power4 s) (sqrt (* an an an))))))) (defun carlson-rj (x y z p) "Compute Carlson's Rj function: Rj(x,y,z,p) = integrate(3/2*(t+x)^(-1/2)*(t+y)^(-1/2)*(t+z)^(-1/2)*(t+p)^(-1), t, 0, inf)" (let* ((precision (float-contagion x y z p)) (xn (apply-contagion x precision)) (yn (apply-contagion y precision)) (zn (apply-contagion z precision)) (p (apply-contagion p precision)) (qn (- p))) (cond ((and (and (zerop (imagpart xn)) (>= (realpart xn) 0)) (and (zerop (imagpart yn)) (>= (realpart yn) 0)) (and (zerop (imagpart zn)) (>= (realpart zn) 0)) (and (zerop (imagpart qn)) (> (realpart qn) 0))) (destructuring-bind (xn yn zn) (sort (list xn yn zn) #'<) (let* ((pn (+ yn (* (- zn yn) (/ (- yn xn) (+ yn qn))))) (s (- (* (- pn yn) (carlson-rj1 xn yn zn pn)) (* 3 (carlson-rf xn yn zn))))) (setf s (+ s (* 3 (sqrt (/ (* xn yn zn) (+ (* xn zn) (* pn qn)))) (carlson-rc (+ (* xn zn) (* pn qn)) (* pn qn))))) (/ s (+ yn qn))))) (t (carlson-rj1 x y z p))))) ;; Elliptic integral of the third kind: ;; ;; (A&S 17.2.14) ;; ;; PI(n; phi|m) = integrate(1/sqrt(1-m*sin(x)^2)/(1-n*sin(x)^2), x, 0, phi) ;; ;; ;; Carlson writes ;; ;; P(phi,k,n) = integrate((1+n*sin(t)^2)^(-1)*(1-k^2*sin(t)^2)^(-1/2), t, 0, phi) ;; = sin(phi)*Rf(cos(phi)^2, 1-k^2*sin(phi)^2, 1) ;; - n/3*sin(phi)^3*Rj(cos(phi)^2, 1-k^2*sin(phi)^2, 1, 1+n*sin(phi)^2) ;; ;; Note that this definition as a different sign for the n parameter from A&S! (defun elliptic-pi (n phi m) "Compute elliptic integral of the third kind: PI(n; phi|m) = integrate(1/sqrt(1-m*sin(x)^2)/(1-n*sin(x)^2), x, 0, phi)" (let* ((precision (float-contagion n phi m)) (n (apply-contagion n precision)) (phi (apply-contagion phi precision)) (m (apply-contagion m precision)) (nn (- n)) (sin-phi (sin phi)) (cos-phi (cos phi)) (m-sin2 (- 1 (* m sin-phi sin-phi)))) (- (* sin-phi (carlson-rf (expt cos-phi 2) m-sin2 1)) (* (/ nn 3) (expt sin-phi 3) (carlson-rj (expt cos-phi 2) m-sin2 1 (+ 1 (* nn (expt sin-phi 2))))))))