;;;; -*- Mode: lisp -*- ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 2007 Raymond Toy ;;;; ;;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ;;;; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;;;; conditions: ;;;; ;;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;;; ;;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;;;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;;;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;;;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT ;;;; HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;;;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;;;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (in-package #:oct) (defmethod add1 ((a qd-complex)) (make-instance 'qd-complex :real (add-qd-d (qd-value (realpart a)) 1d0) :imag (qd-value (imagpart a)))) (defmethod sub1 ((a qd-complex)) (make-instance 'qd-complex :real (sub-qd-d (qd-value (realpart a)) 1d0) :imag (qd-value (imagpart a)))) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a qd-real) (b cl:rational)) (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd (qd-value a) (qd-value (float b #q0))))) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a cl:rational) (b qd-real)) (make-instance 'qd-real :value (div-qd (qd-value (float a #q0)) (qd-value b)))) (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-real) (b cl:rational)) (make-instance 'qd-real :value (mul-qd (qd-value a) (qd-value (float b #q0))))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-real) (b cl:rational)) (make-instance 'qd-real :value (add-qd (qd-value a) (qd-value (float b #q0))))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a cl:rational) (b qd-real)) (make-instance 'qd-real :value (add-qd (qd-value b) (qd-value (float a #q0))))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-real) (b cl:rational)) (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sub-qd (qd-value a) (qd-value (float b #q0))))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a cl:rational) (b qd-real)) (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sub-qd (qd-value (float a #q0)) (qd-value b)))) (defmethod unary-minus ((z qd-complex)) (complex (- (realpart z)) (- (imagpart z)))) (defmethod qzerop ((z qd-complex)) (and (zerop (realpart z)) (zerop (imagpart z)))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-complex) (b qd-complex)) (complex (+ (realpart a) (realpart b)) (+ (imagpart a) (imagpart b)))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-complex) (b real)) (complex (+ (realpart a) b) (imagpart a))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-complex) (b qd-real)) (complex (+ (realpart a) b) (imagpart a))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-real) (b qd-complex)) (complex (+ a (realpart b)) (imagpart b))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-complex) (b cl:complex)) (complex (+ (realpart a) (imagpart b)) (+ (imagpart a) (imagpart b)))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a number) (b qd-complex)) (two-arg-+ b a)) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-complex) (b qd-complex)) (complex (- (realpart a) (realpart b)) (- (imagpart a) (imagpart b)))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-complex) (b real)) (complex (- (realpart a) b) (imagpart a))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-complex) (b cl:complex)) (complex (- (realpart a) (realpart b)) (- (imagpart a) (imagpart b)))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-complex) (b qd-real)) (complex (- (realpart a) b) (imagpart a))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a number) (b qd-complex)) (complex (- (realpart a) (realpart b)) (- (imagpart a) (imagpart b)))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-real) (b qd-complex)) (complex (- a (realpart b)) (- (imagpart b)))) (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-complex) (b qd-complex)) (let* ((rx (realpart a)) (ix (imagpart a)) (ry (realpart b)) (iy (imagpart b))) (complex (- (* rx ry) (* ix iy)) (+ (* rx iy) (* ix ry))))) (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-complex) (b real)) (let* ((rx (realpart a)) (ix (imagpart a))) (complex (* rx b) (* ix b)))) (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-complex) (b qd-real)) (let* ((rx (realpart a)) (ix (imagpart a))) (complex (* rx b) (* ix b)))) (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-real) (b qd-complex)) (two-arg-* b a)) #+cmu (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-complex) (b cl:complex)) ;; For now, convert B into a qd-complex and use that. (let ((re (coerce (realpart b) 'ext:double-double-float)) (im (coerce (imagpart b) 'ext:double-double-float))) (two-arg-* a (make-instance 'qd-complex :real (make-qd-dd re 0w0) :imag (make-qd-dd im 0w0))))) #-cmu (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-complex) (b cl:complex)) ;; For now, convert B into a qd-complex and use that. (let ((re (coerce (realpart b) 'double-float)) (im (coerce (imagpart b) 'double-float))) (two-arg-* a (make-instance 'qd-complex :real (make-qd-d re) :imag (make-qd-d im))))) (defmethod two-arg-* ((a number) (b qd-complex)) (two-arg-* b a)) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((x qd-complex) (y qd-complex)) (let* ((rx (realpart x)) (ix (imagpart x)) (ry (realpart y)) (iy (imagpart y))) (if (> (abs ry) (abs iy)) (let* ((r (/ iy ry)) (dn (+ ry (* r iy)))) (complex (/ (+ rx (* ix r)) dn) (/ (- ix (* rx r)) dn))) (let* ((r (/ ry iy)) (dn (+ iy (* r ry)))) (complex (/ (+ (* rx r) ix) dn) (/ (- (* ix r) rx) dn)))))) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((x qd-complex) (y qd-real)) (complex (/ (realpart x) y) (/ (imagpart x) y))) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((x qd-complex) (y number)) (complex (/ (realpart x) y) (/ (imagpart x) y))) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((x number) (y qd-complex)) (let* ((rx (realpart x)) (ix (imagpart x)) (ry (realpart y)) (iy (imagpart y))) (if (> (abs ry) (abs iy)) (let* ((r (/ iy ry)) (dn (+ ry (* r iy)))) (complex (/ (+ rx (* ix r)) dn) (/ (- ix (* rx r)) dn))) (let* ((r (/ ry iy)) (dn (+ iy (* r ry)))) (complex (/ (+ (* rx r) ix) dn) (/ (- (* ix r) rx) dn)))))) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((x qd-real) (y qd-complex)) ;; This can be simplified since X is real. (let* ((rx (realpart x)) (ix (imagpart x)) (ry (realpart y)) (iy (imagpart y))) (if (> (abs ry) (abs iy)) (let* ((r (/ iy ry)) (dn (+ ry (* r iy)))) (complex (/ (+ rx (* ix r)) dn) (/ (- ix (* rx r)) dn))) (let* ((r (/ ry iy)) (dn (+ iy (* r ry)))) (complex (/ (+ (* rx r) ix) dn) (/ (- (* ix r) rx) dn)))))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a qd-real) (b cl:complex)) (complex (+ a (realpart b)) (imagpart b))) (defmethod two-arg-+ ((a cl:complex) (b qd-real)) (complex (+ (realpart a) b) (imagpart a))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a qd-real) (b cl:complex)) (complex (- a (realpart b)) (- (imagpart b)))) (defmethod two-arg-- ((a cl:complex) (b qd-real)) (complex (- (realpart a) b) (imagpart a))) (defmethod two-arg-* ((a qd-real) (b cl:complex)) (complex (* a (realpart b)) (* a (imagpart b)))) (defmethod two-arg-* ((a cl:complex) (b qd-real)) (complex (* (realpart a) b) (* (imagpart a) b))) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a qd-real) (b cl:complex)) (two-arg-/ a (coerce b 'qd-complex))) (defmethod two-arg-/ ((a cl:complex) (b qd-real)) (complex (/ (realpart a) b) (/ (imagpart a) b))) (defmethod unary-divide ((a qd-complex)) (two-arg-/ #q1 a)) (defmethod coerce ((obj t) (type t)) (cl:coerce obj type)) (defmethod coerce ((number cl:real) (type (eql 'qd-real))) (float number #q0)) (defmethod coerce ((number qd-real) (type (eql 'qd-real))) number) (defmethod coerce ((number cl:number) (type (eql 'qd-complex))) (complex (float (realpart number) #q0) (float (imagpart number) #q0))) (defmethod coerce ((number qd-complex) (type (eql 'qd-complex))) number) ;; These two macros are borrowed from CMUCL. (defmacro incf (place &optional (delta 1) &environment env) "The first argument is some location holding a number. This number is incremented by the second argument, DELTA, which defaults to 1." (multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter) (get-setf-expansion place env) (let ((d (gensym))) `(let* (,@(mapcar #'list dummies vals) (,d ,delta) (,(car newval) (+ ,getter ,d))) ,setter)))) (defmacro decf (place &optional (delta 1) &environment env) "The first argument is some location holding a number. This number is decremented by the second argument, DELTA, which defaults to 1." (multiple-value-bind (dummies vals newval setter getter) (get-setf-expansion place env) (let ((d (gensym))) `(let* (,@(mapcar #'list dummies vals) (,d ,delta) (,(car newval) (- ,getter ,d))) ,setter)))) ;; Most of this code taken from CMUCL and slightly modified to support ;; QD-COMPLEX. (declaim (inline square)) (defun square (x) (declare (type qd-real x)) (make-instance 'qd-real :value (sqr-qd (qd-value x)))) (defun qd-complex-sqrt (z) "Principle square root of Z Z may be any number, but the result is always a complex." (declare (type qd-complex z)) (multiple-value-bind (rho k) (qd-cssqs z) (declare (type qd-real rho) (type fixnum k)) (let ((x (realpart z)) (y (imagpart z)) (eta #q0.0) (nu #q0.0)) (declare (type qd-real x y eta nu)) (locally ;; space 0 to get maybe-inline functions inlined. (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0))) (setf rho (+ (scalb (abs x) (- k)) (sqrt rho))) (cond ((oddp k) (setf k (ash k -1))) (t (setf k (1- (ash k -1))) (setf rho (+ rho rho)))) (setf rho (scalb (sqrt rho) k)) (setf eta rho) (setf nu y) (when (not (zerop rho)) (setf nu (/ (/ nu rho) 2d0))) (when (minusp x) (setf eta (abs nu)) (setf nu (float-sign y rho)))) (complex eta nu)))) (defun qd-complex-log-scaled (z j) "Compute log(2^j*z). This is for use with J /= 0 only when |z| is huge." (declare (type qd-complex z) (fixnum j)) ;; The constants t0, t1, t2 should be evaluated to machine ;; precision. In addition, Kahan says the accuracy of log1p ;; influences the choices of these constants but doesn't say how to ;; choose them. We'll just assume his choices matches our ;; implementation of log1p. (let ((t0 (/ 1 (sqrt #q2.0q0))) (t1 #q1.2q0) (t2 #q3q0) (ln2 +log2+) (x (realpart z)) (y (imagpart z))) (multiple-value-bind (rho k) (qd-cssqs z) (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (let ((beta (max (abs x) (abs y))) (theta (min (abs x) (abs y)))) (complex (if (and (zerop k) (< t0 beta) (or (<= beta t1) (< rho t2))) (/ (log1p (+ (* (- beta 1.0d0) (+ beta 1.0d0)) (* theta theta))) 2d0) (+ (/ (log rho) 2d0) (* (+ k j) ln2))) (atan y x)))))) (defun qd-complex-log (z) "Log of Z = log |Z| + i * arg Z Z may be any number, but the result is always a complex." (declare (type qd-complex z)) (qd-complex-log-scaled z 0)) ;; Let us note the following "strange" behavior. atanh 1.0d0 is ;; +infinity, but the following code returns approx 176 + i*pi/4. The ;; reason for the imaginary part is caused by the fact that arg i*y is ;; never 0 since we have positive and negative zeroes. ;; ;; atanh(z) = (log(1+z) - log(1-z))/2 ;; ;; The branch cut is on the real axis for |x| >= 1. For x =< -1, ;; atanh is continuous with quadrant III; for x >= 1, continuous with ;; quadrant I. (defun qd-complex-atanh (z) "Compute atanh z = (log(1+z) - log(1-z))/2" (declare (type (or qd-real qd-complex) z)) (cond ((and (typep z 'qd-real) (< z -1)) (qd-complex-atanh (complex z -0d0))) (t (flet ((careful-mul (a b) ;; Carefully multiply a and b, taking care to handle ;; signed zeroes. Only need to handle the case of b ;; being zero. (if (zerop b) (if (minusp (* (float-sign a) (float-sign b))) #q-0 #q0) (* a b)))) (let* ( ;; Constants (theta (/ (sqrt most-positive-double-float) 4.0d0)) (rho (/ 4.0d0 (sqrt most-positive-double-float))) (half-pi +pi/2+) (rp (realpart z)) (beta (float-sign rp)) (x (* beta rp)) (y (careful-mul beta (- (imagpart z)))) (eta #q0.0q0) (nu #q0.0q0)) ;; Shouldn't need this declare. (declare (type qd-real x y)) (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (cond ((or (> x theta) (> (abs y) theta)) ;; To avoid overflow... (setf nu (float-sign y half-pi)) ;; eta is real part of 1/(x + iy). This is x/(x^2+y^2), ;; which can cause overflow. Arrange this computation so ;; that it won't overflow. (setf eta (let* ((x-bigger (> x (abs y))) (r (if x-bigger (/ y x) (/ x y))) (d (+ 1.0d0 (* r r)))) (if x-bigger (/ (/ x) d) (/ (/ r y) d))))) ((= x #q1.0q0) ;; Should this be changed so that if y is zero, eta is set ;; to +infinity instead of approx 176? In any case ;; tanh(176) is 1.0d0 within working precision. (let ((t1 (+ 4d0 (square y))) (t2 (+ (abs y) rho))) (setf eta (log (/ (sqrt (sqrt t1)) (sqrt t2)))) (setf nu (* 0.5d0 (float-sign y (+ half-pi (atan (* 0.5d0 t2)))))) )) (t (let ((t1 (+ (abs y) rho))) ;; Normal case using log1p(x) = log(1 + x) (setf eta (* 0.25d0 (log1p (/ (* 4.0d0 x) (+ (square (- 1.0d0 x)) (square t1)))))) (setf nu (* 0.5d0 (atan (careful-mul 2.0d0 y) (- (* (- 1.0d0 x) (+ 1.0d0 x)) (square t1)))))))) (complex (* beta eta) (- (* beta nu))))))))) ;; tanh(z) = sinh(z)/cosh(z) ;; (defun qd-complex-tanh (z) "Compute tanh z = sinh z / cosh z" (declare (type (or qd-real qd-complex) z)) (let ((x (realpart z)) (y (imagpart z))) (locally ;; space 0 to get maybe-inline functions inlined (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0))) (cond ((> (abs x) #.(/ (+ (log most-positive-double-float) (log 2d0)) 4d0)) ;; The threshold above is ;; asinh(most-positive-double-float)/4, but many Lisps ;; cannot actually compute that. Hence use the ;; (accurate) approximation ;; asinh(most-positive-double-float) = ;; log(most-positive-double-float) + log(2) (complex (float-sign x) (float-sign y))) (t ;; With quad-double's it happens that tan(pi/2) will ;; actually produce a division by zero error. We need to ;; handle that case carefully. (let* ((tv (ignore-errors (tan y))) (s (sinh x)) (rho (sqrt (+ 1.0d0 (* s s))))) (cond (tv (let* ((beta (+ 1.0d0 (* tv tv))) (den (+ 1.0d0 (* beta s s)))) (complex (/ (* beta rho s) den) (/ tv den)))) (t ;; This means tan(y) produced some error. We'll ;; assume it's an overflow error because y is ;; pi/2 + 2*k*pi. But we need a value for tv to ;; compute (/ tv). This would be a signed-zero. ;; For now, just return +0. (complex (/ rho s) #q0))))))))) ;; Kahan says we should only compute the parts needed. Thus, the ;; realpart's below should only compute the real part, not the whole ;; complex expression. Doing this can be important because we may get ;; spurious signals that occur in the part that we are not using. ;; ;; However, we take a pragmatic approach and just use the whole ;; expression. ;; NOTE: The formula given by Kahan is somewhat ambiguous in whether ;; it's the conjugate of the square root or the square root of the ;; conjugate. This needs to be checked. ;; I checked. It doesn't matter because (conjugate (sqrt z)) is the ;; same as (sqrt (conjugate z)) for all z. This follows because ;; ;; (conjugate (sqrt z)) = exp(0.5*log |z|)*exp(-0.5*j*arg z). ;; ;; (sqrt (conjugate z)) = exp(0.5*log|z|)*exp(0.5*j*arg conj z) ;; ;; and these two expressions are equal if and only if arg conj z = ;; -arg z, which is clearly true for all z. ;; NOTE: The rules of Common Lisp says that if you mix a real with a ;; complex, the real is converted to a complex before performing the ;; operation. However, Kahan says in this paper (pg 176): ;; ;; (iii) Careless handling can turn infinity or the sign of zero into ;; misinformation that subsequently disappears leaving behind ;; only a plausible but incorrect result. That is why compilers ;; must not transform z-1 into z-(1+i*0), as we have seen above, ;; nor -(-x-x^2) into (x+x^2), as we shall see below, lest a ;; subsequent logarithm or square root produce a non-zero ;; imaginary part whose sign is opposite to what was intended. ;; ;; The interesting examples are too long and complicated to reproduce ;; here. We refer the reader to his paper. ;; ;; The functions below are intended to handle the cases where a real ;; is mixed with a complex and we don't want CL complex contagion to ;; occur.. (declaim (inline 1+z 1-z z-1 z+1)) (defun 1+z (z) (complex (+ 1 (realpart z)) (imagpart z))) (defun 1-z (z) (complex (- 1 (realpart z)) (- (imagpart z)))) (defun z-1 (z) (complex (- (realpart z) 1) (imagpart z))) (defun z+1 (z) (complex (+ (realpart z) 1) (imagpart z))) (defun qd-complex-acos (z) "Compute acos z = pi/2 - asin z Z may be any number, but the result is always a complex." (declare (type (or qd-real qd-complex) z)) (if (and (typep z 'qd-real) (> z 1)) ;; acos is continuous in quadrant IV in this case. (qd-complex-acos (complex z -0f0)) (let ((sqrt-1+z (qd-complex-sqrt (1+z z))) (sqrt-1-z (qd-complex-sqrt (1-z z)))) (cond ((zerop (realpart sqrt-1+z)) ;; Same as below, but we compute atan ourselves (because we ;; have atan +/- infinity). (complex (if (minusp (float-sign (* (realpart sqrt-1-z) (realpart sqrt-1+z)))) (- +pi+) +pi+) (asinh (imagpart (* (conjugate sqrt-1+z) sqrt-1-z))))) (t (complex (* 2 (atan (/ (realpart sqrt-1-z) (realpart sqrt-1+z)))) (asinh (imagpart (* (conjugate sqrt-1+z) sqrt-1-z))))))))) (defun qd-complex-acosh (z) "Compute acosh z = 2 * log(sqrt((z+1)/2) + sqrt((z-1)/2)) Z may be any number, but the result is always a complex." (declare (type (or qd-real qd-complex) z)) (let* ((sqrt-z-1 (qd-complex-sqrt (z-1 z))) (sqrt-z+1 (qd-complex-sqrt (z+1 z)))) ;; We need to handle the case where real part of sqrt-z+1 is zero, ;; because division by zero with double-double-floats doesn't ;; produce infinity. (cond ((zerop (realpart sqrt-z+1)) ;; Same as below, but we compute atan ourselves (because we ;; have atan +/- infinity). (complex (asinh (realpart (* (conjugate sqrt-z-1) sqrt-z+1))) (if (minusp (float-sign (* (imagpart sqrt-z-1) (realpart sqrt-z+1)))) (- +pi+) +pi+))) (t (complex (asinh (realpart (* (conjugate sqrt-z-1) sqrt-z+1))) (* 2 (atan (/ (imagpart sqrt-z-1) (realpart sqrt-z+1))))))))) ;; asin(z) = asinh(i*z)/i ;; = -i log(i*z + sqrt(1-z^2)) (defun qd-complex-asin (z) "Compute asin z = asinh(i*z)/i Z may be any number, but the result is always a complex." (declare (type (or qd-real qd-complex) z)) (cond ((and (typep z 'qd-real) (> z 1)) (qd-complex-asin (complex z -0d0))) (t (let* ((sqrt-1-z (qd-complex-sqrt (1-z z))) (sqrt-1+z (qd-complex-sqrt (1+z z))) (den (realpart (* sqrt-1-z sqrt-1+z)))) (cond ((zerop den) ;; Like below but we handle atan part ourselves. ;; Must be sure to take into account the sign of ;; (realpart z) and den! (complex (if (minusp (* (float-sign (realpart z)) (float-sign den))) (- (/ +pi+ 2)) (/ +pi+ 2)) (asinh (imagpart (* (conjugate sqrt-1-z) sqrt-1+z))))) (t ;; We get a invalid operation here when z is real and |z| > 1. (complex (atan (/ (realpart z) (realpart (* sqrt-1-z sqrt-1+z)))) (asinh (imagpart (* (conjugate sqrt-1-z) sqrt-1+z)))))))))) (defun qd-complex-asinh (z) "Compute asinh z = log(z + sqrt(1 + z*z)) Z may be any number, but the result is always a complex." (declare (type (or qd-real qd-complex) z)) ;; asinh z = -i * asin (i*z) (let* ((iz (complex (- (imagpart z)) (realpart z))) (result (qd-complex-asin iz))) (complex (imagpart result) (- (realpart result))))) (defun qd-complex-atan (z) "Compute atan z = atanh (i*z) / i Z may be any number, but the result is always a complex." (declare (type (or qd-real qd-complex) z)) ;; atan z = -i * atanh (i*z) (let* ((iz (complex (- (imagpart z)) (realpart z))) (result (qd-complex-atanh iz))) (complex (imagpart result) (- (realpart result))))) (defun qd-complex-tan (z) "Compute tan z = -i * tanh(i * z) Z may be any number, but the result is always a complex." (declare (type (or qd-real qd-complex) z)) ;; tan z = -i * tanh(i*z) (let* ((iz (complex (- (imagpart z)) (realpart z))) (result (qd-complex-tanh iz))) (complex (imagpart result) (- (realpart result))))) ;; End of implementation of complex functions from CMUCL. (defmethod asin ((x qd-complex)) (qd-complex-asin x)) (defmethod acos ((x qd-complex)) (qd-complex-acos x)) (defmethod acosh ((x qd-complex)) (qd-complex-acosh x)) (defmethod atanh ((x qd-complex)) (qd-complex-atanh x)) (defmethod sin ((z qd-complex)) (let ((x (realpart z)) (y (imagpart z))) (complex (* (sin x) (cosh y)) (* (cos x) (sinh y))))) (defmethod cos ((z qd-complex)) (let ((x (realpart z)) (y (imagpart z))) (complex (* (cos x) (cosh y)) (- (* (sin x) (sinh y)))))) (defmethod tan ((z qd-complex)) (qd-complex-tan z)) (defmethod sinh ((z qd-complex)) (let ((x (realpart z)) (y (imagpart z))) (complex (* (sinh x) (cos y)) (* (cosh x) (sin y))))) (defmethod cosh ((z qd-complex)) (let ((x (realpart z)) (y (imagpart z))) (complex (* (cosh x) (cos y)) (* (sinh x) (sin y))))) (defmethod tanh ((z qd-complex)) (qd-complex-tanh z)) (defmethod sqrt ((z qd-complex)) (qd-complex-sqrt z)) (defmethod atan ((y qd-complex) &optional x) (if x (error "First arg of 2-arg ATAN must be real") (qd-complex-atan y))) (defmethod atan ((y cl:complex) &optional x) (if x (error "First arg of 2-arg ATAN must be real") (cl:atan y))) (defmethod exp ((z qd-complex)) (let* ((x (realpart z)) (y (imagpart z)) (ex (exp x))) (complex (* ex (cos y)) (* ex (sin y))))) (defmethod log ((a qd-complex) &optional b) (if b (/ (log a) (log b)) (complex (log (abs a)) (atan (imagpart a) (realpart a))))) (defmethod qexpt ((x qd-complex) (y number)) (exp (* (float y #q0) (log x)))) (defmethod qexpt ((x number) (y qd-complex)) (exp (* y (log (float x #q0))))) (defmethod qexpt ((x qd-complex) (y qd-complex)) (exp (* y (log x)))) (defmethod phase ((z qd-complex)) (atan (imagpart z) (realpart z))) (defun realp (x) (or (typep x 'qd-real) (cl:realp x))) (defun complexp (x) (or (typep x 'qd-complex) (cl:complexp x))) (defun numberp (x) (or (realp x) (complexp x)))