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;;;;  -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: SYSTEM -*-
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1984, Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya.
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1990, Giuseppe Attardi.
;;;;  Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Jean-Claude Beaudoin.
;;;;    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;;    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;;    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;;    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;;    See file '../../Copyright' for full details.
;;;;        The IO library.

(in-package "SYSTEM")

(defmacro with-open-stream ((var stream) &rest body)
  "Syntax: (with-open-stream (var stream-form) {decl}* {form}*)
Evaluates FORMs with VAR bound to the value of STREAM-FORM.  The stream is
automatically closed on exit."
  (multiple-value-bind (ds b)
      (find-declarations body)
    `(LET ((,var ,stream))
         (PROGN ,@b)
         (CLOSE ,var)))))

(defmacro with-input-from-string ((var string &key index (start 0) end (encoding :default)) &rest body)
  "Syntax: (with-input-from-string (var string-form {keyword value}*)
           {decl}* {form}*)
Evaluates FORMs with VAR bound to a string input stream from the string that
is the value of STRING-FORM.  The stream is automatically closed on exit.
Possible keywords are :INDEX, :START, and :END."
  (if index
      (multiple-value-bind (ds b)
          (find-declarations body)
        `(LET ((,var (MAKE-STRING-INPUT-STREAM ,string ,start ,end :encoding ,encoding)))
	      (PROGN ,@b)
	      (SETF ,index (FILE-POSITION ,var)))
             (CLOSE ,var))))
      `(LET ((,var (MAKE-STRING-INPUT-STREAM ,string ,start ,end :encoding ,encoding)))

(defmacro with-output-to-string ((var &optional string &rest r &key element-type (encoding :default)) &rest body)
  "Syntax: (with-output-to-string (var [string-form]) {decl}* {form}*)
Evaluates FORMs with VAR bound to a string output stream to the string that is
the value of STRING-FORM.  If STRING-FORM is not given, a new string is used.
The stream is automatically closed on exit and the string is returned."
  (if string
      `(LET* ((,var (MAKE-STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM-FROM-STRING ,string ,encoding))
	      (,(gensym) ,element-type))
	;; We must evaluate element-type if it has been supplied by the user.
	;; Even if we ignore the value afterwards.
      `(LET ((,var (MAKE-STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM ,@r)))
         (GET-OUTPUT-STREAM-STRING ,var))))

(defun read-from-string (string
                         &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
                         &key (start 0) (end (length string))
			 preserve-whitespace (encoding :default))
  "Args: (string &optional (eof-error-p t) (eof-value nil)
              &key (start 0) (end (length string)) (preserve-whitespace nil))
Reads an object from STRING and returns the object.  As the second value,
returns the index to the character next to the object's representation.
PRESERVE-WHITESPACE specifies whether to leave the character next to the
object's representation."
  (let ((stream (make-string-input-stream string start end :encoding encoding)))
    (if preserve-whitespace
        (values (read-preserving-whitespace stream eof-error-p eof-value)
                (file-position stream))
        (values (read stream eof-error-p eof-value)
                (file-position stream)))))

(defun write-to-string (object &rest rest
                        &aux (stream (make-string-output-stream)))
  "Args: (object &key (escape *print-escape*) (radix *print-radix*)
                   (base *print-base*) (circle *print-circle*)
                   (pretty *print-pretty*) (level *print-level*)
                   (length *print-length*) (case *print-case*)
                   (array *print-array*) (gensym *print-gensym*))
Returns as a string the printed representation of OBJECT in the specified
mode.  See the variable docs of *PRINT-...* for the mode."
  (apply #'write object :stream stream rest)
  (get-output-stream-string stream))

(defun prin1-to-string (object
                        &aux (stream (make-string-output-stream)))
  "Args: (object)
PRIN1s OBJECT to a new string and returns the result.  Equivalent to
   (prin1 object stream)
   (get-output-stream-string stream))

(defun princ-to-string (object
                        &aux (stream (make-string-output-stream)))
  "Args: (object)
PRINCs OBJECT to a new string and returns the result.  Equivalent to
  (princ object stream)
  (get-output-stream-string stream))

(defun mkcl:write-to-base-string (object &rest rest &key (encoding :default) &allow-other-keys)
  "Args: (object &key (escape *print-escape*) (radix *print-radix*)
                   (base *print-base*) (circle *print-circle*)
                   (pretty *print-pretty*) (level *print-level*)
                   (length *print-length*) (case *print-case*)
                   (array *print-array*) (gensym *print-gensym*)
                   (encoding :default))
Returns as a base-string the printed representation of OBJECT in the specified
mode.  See the variable docs of *PRINT-...* for the mode."
  (let ((stream (make-string-output-stream :element-type 'base-char :encoding encoding)))
    (remf rest :encoding)
    (apply #'write object :stream stream rest)
    (get-output-stream-string stream)))

(defun mkcl:prin1-to-base-string (object &key (encoding :default))
  "Args: (object &key (encoding :default))
PRIN1s OBJECT to a new base-string and returns the result.
  (let ((stream (make-string-output-stream :element-type 'base-char :encoding encoding)))
    (prin1 object stream)
    (get-output-stream-string stream)))

(defun mkcl:princ-to-base-string (object &key (encoding :default))
  "Args: (object &key (encoding :default))
PRINCs OBJECT to a new base-string and returns the result.
  (let ((stream (make-string-output-stream :element-type 'base-char :encoding encoding)))
    (princ object stream)
    (get-output-stream-string stream)))

(defmacro with-open-file ((stream . filespec) &rest body)
  "Syntax: (with-open-file (var filespec-form {options}*) {decl}* {form}*)
Opens the specified file using OPTIONs, and evaluates FORMs with VAR bound to
a stream to/from the file.  The file is automatically closed on exit.  See
OPEN for the options."
  (multiple-value-bind (ds b)
      (find-declarations body)
    `(LET ((,stream (OPEN ,@filespec)))
         (MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1 (PROGN ,@b) (WHEN ,stream (CLOSE ,stream)))
         (WHEN ,stream (CLOSE ,stream :ABORT T))))))

(defun y-or-n-p (&optional string &rest args)
  "Args: (&optional format-string &rest args)
Asks the user a Y-or-N question.  Does FRESH-LINE, prints a message as if
FORMAT-STRING and ARGs were given to FORMAT, and then prints \"(Y or N)\" is
printed.  If FORMAT-STRING is NIL, however, no prompt will appear."
  (do ((reply))
    (when string (format *query-io* "~&~?  (Y or N) " string args))
    (setq reply (read *query-io*))
    (cond ((string-equal (symbol-name reply) "Y")
           (return-from y-or-n-p t))
          ((string-equal (symbol-name reply) "N")
           (return-from y-or-n-p nil)))))

(defun yes-or-no-p (&optional string &rest args)
  "Args: (&optional format-string &rest args)
Asks the user an YES-or-NO question.  Does FRESH-LINE, prints a message as if
FORMAT-STRING and ARGs were given to FORMAT, and then prints \"(Y or N)\" is
printed.  If FORMAT-STRING is NIL, however, no prompt will appear."
  (do ((reply))
    (when string (format *query-io* "~&~?  (Yes or No) " string args))
    (setq reply (read *query-io*))
    (cond ((string-equal (symbol-name reply) "YES")
           (return-from yes-or-no-p t))
          ((string-equal (symbol-name reply) "NO")
           (return-from yes-or-no-p nil)))))

(defun sharp-a-reader (stream subchar arg)
  (declare (ignore subchar))
  (let ((initial-contents (read-preserving-whitespace stream nil nil t)))
      (*read-suppress* nil)
      ((null arg)
        ;; readably-pretty-printed array: #A(type dims initial-contents)
        (let ((elt-type (car initial-contents))
	      (dims (cadr initial-contents))
	      (initial-contents (caddr initial-contents)))
	  (make-array dims :element-type elt-type :initial-contents initial-contents)))
        (do* ((i 0 (1+ i))
	      (d nil (cons (length ic) d))
	      (ic initial-contents (if (zerop (length ic)) ic (elt ic 0))))
            ((>= i arg)
             (make-array (nreverse d) :initial-contents initial-contents))
	  (declare (fixnum i)))))))

(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\a 'sharp-a-reader)
(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\A 'sharp-a-reader)

(defun sharp-s-reader (stream subchar arg)
  (declare (ignore subchar))
  (when (and arg (null *read-suppress*))
        (error "~S is an extra argument for the #s readmacro." arg))
  (let ((l (read-preserving-whitespace stream)))
    (when *read-suppress*
      (return-from sharp-s-reader nil))
    (unless (get-sysprop (car l) 'is-a-structure)
            (error "~S is not a structure." (car l)))
    ;; Intern keywords in the keyword package.
    (do ((ll (cdr l) (cddr ll)))
        ((endp ll)
         ;; Find an appropriate construtor.
         (do ((cs (get-sysprop (car l) 'structure-constructors) (cdr cs)))
             ((endp cs)
              (error "The structure ~S has no structure constructor."
                     (car l)))
           (when (symbolp (car cs))
                 (return (apply (car cs) (cdr l))))))
      (rplaca ll (intern (string (car ll)) 'keyword)))))

(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\s 'sharp-s-reader)
(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\S 'sharp-s-reader)

(defvar *dribble-stream* nil)
(defvar *dribble-io* nil)
(defvar *dribble-namestring* nil)
(defvar *dribble-saved-terminal-io* nil)

(defun dribble (&optional (pathname "DRIBBLE.LOG" psp)) ;; Old (and broken) version of dribble. Worked back in the CLTL1 days.
  "Args: (&optional filespec)
If FILESPEC is given, starts recording the interaction to the specified file.
FILESPEC may be a symbol, a string, a pathname, or a file stream.  If FILESPEC
is not given, ends the recording."
  (cond ((not psp)
         (when (null *dribble-stream*) (error "Not in dribble."))
         (if (eq *dribble-io* *terminal-io*)
             (setq *terminal-io* *dribble-saved-terminal-io*)
             (warn "*TERMINAL-IO* was rebound while DRIBBLE is on.~%~
                   You may miss some dribble output."))
         (close *dribble-stream*)
         (setq *dribble-stream* nil)
         (format t "~&Finished dribbling to ~A." *dribble-namestring*))
         (error "Already in dribble (to ~A)." *dribble-namestring*))
         (let* ((namestring (namestring pathname))
                (stream (open pathname :direction :output
                                       :if-exists :supersede
                                       :if-does-not-exist :create)))
           (setq *dribble-namestring* namestring
                 *dribble-stream* stream
                 *dribble-saved-terminal-io* *terminal-io*
                 *dribble-io* (make-two-way-stream
                               (make-echo-stream *terminal-io* stream)
                               (make-broadcast-stream *terminal-io* stream))
                 *terminal-io* *dribble-io*)
           (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day month year)
             (format t "~&Start dribbling to ~A (~d/~d/~d, ~d:~d:~d)."
                     namestring year month day hour min sec))))))

(defun dribble (&optional (dribble-pathname "DRIBBLE.LOG" dribble-on-p)) ;; This version of dribble is recursive. JCB
  "Args: (&optional filespec)
If FILESPEC is given, starts recording the interaction to the specified file.
FILESPEC may be a symbol, a string, a pathname, or a file stream.  If FILESPEC
is not given, ends the recording."

  (cond (dribble-on-p
         (let* ((dribble-namestring (namestring dribble-pathname))
                (dribble-stream (open dribble-pathname :direction :output
				      :if-exists :supersede
				      :if-does-not-exist :create))
		;; Common Lisp set of 7 basic IO streams.
		(standard-input *standard-input*)
		(standard-output *standard-output*)
		(error-output *error-output*)
		(trace-output *trace-output*)
		(terminal-io *terminal-io*)
		(query-io *query-io*)
		(debug-io *debug-io*)
		;; Closer closures are link-stacked through this binding.
		(dribble-closer si::*dribble-closer*)
	   (let ((new-standard-input (make-echo-stream standard-input dribble-stream))
		 (new-standard-output (make-broadcast-stream standard-output dribble-stream))
		 (new-error-output (make-broadcast-stream error-output dribble-stream))
		 (new-trace-output (make-broadcast-stream trace-output dribble-stream))
		 (new-terminal-io (make-two-way-stream (make-echo-stream terminal-io dribble-stream)
						       (make-broadcast-stream terminal-io dribble-stream)))
		 (new-query-io (if (and (typep query-io 'synonym-stream) (eq '*terminal-io* (synonym-stream-symbol query-io)))
				   query-io ;; terminal-io is already dribbling, no need to do more.
				 (make-two-way-stream (make-echo-stream query-io dribble-stream)
						    (make-broadcast-stream query-io dribble-stream))))
		 (new-debug-io (if (and (typep debug-io 'synonym-stream) (eq '*terminal-io* (synonym-stream-symbol debug-io)))
				   debug-io ;; terminal-io is already dribbling, no need to do more.
				 (make-two-way-stream (make-echo-stream debug-io dribble-stream)
						    (make-broadcast-stream debug-io dribble-stream))))
	     (setq si::*dribble-closer* ;; push on the dribble stack.
		   #'(lambda ()
			(format t "~&;;; End of dribbling to ~A.~%" dribble-namestring)
			(finish-output *standard-output*)
			(finish-output *error-output*)
			(finish-output *trace-output*)
			(finish-output *terminal-io*)
			(finish-output *query-io*)
			(finish-output *debug-io*)
			(close dribble-stream)
		       ;; Should we check for input/output stream rebinding?
		       (setq *standard-input* standard-input
			     *standard-output* standard-output
			     *error-output* error-output
			     *trace-output* trace-output
			     *terminal-io* terminal-io
			     *query-io* query-io
			     *debug-io* debug-io
			     ;; pop the dribble stack.
			     si::*dribble-closer* dribble-closer)))
	     ;; Now that all memory allocation for this dribbling is done, and
	     ;; that no more exceptions can be raised, we force redirection.
	     (setq *standard-input* new-standard-input
		   *standard-output* new-standard-output
		   *error-output* new-error-output
		   *trace-output* new-trace-output
		   *terminal-io* new-terminal-io
		   *query-io* new-query-io
		   *debug-io* new-debug-io)
	   (multiple-value-bind (sec min hour day month year)
             (format t "~&;;; Dribbling to ~A started on (~d/~d/~d, ~d:~d:~d).~%"
                     dribble-namestring year month day hour min sec))
	(t (when si::*dribble-closer* (funcall si::*dribble-closer*)))

(defmacro with-standard-io-syntax (&body body)
  "Syntax: ({forms}*)
The forms of the body are executed in a print environment that corresponds to
the one defined in the ANSI standard. *print-base* is 10, *print-array* is t,
*package* is \"CL-USER\", etc."
  `(let*((*package* (find-package :cl-user))
	 (*print-array* t)
	 (*print-base* 10)
	 (*print-case* :upcase)
	 (*print-circle* nil)
	 (*print-escape* t)
	 (*print-gensym* t)
	 (*print-length* nil)
	 (*print-level* nil)
	 (*print-lines* nil)
	 (*print-miser-width* nil)
         (*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
	 (*print-pretty* nil)
	 (*print-radix* nil)
	 (*print-readably* t)
	 (*print-right-margin* nil)
	 (*read-base* 10)
	 (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float)
	 (*read-eval* t)
	 (*read-suppress* nil)
	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable (si::standard-readtable))))

(defun print-unreadable-object-function (object stream type identity function)
  (if *print-readably*
    (error 'print-not-readable :object object)
    (when (and *print-level* (zerop *print-level*))
      (write-string "#" stream)
      (return-from print-unreadable-object-function nil)))
  (write-string "#<" stream)
  (when type
    (prin1 (type-of object) stream)
    (write-string " " stream))
  (when function (funcall function))
  (when identity
    (when (or function (not type)) (write-string " " stream))
    (princ (si:pointer object) stream))
  (write-string ">" stream)

(defmacro print-unreadable-object
	  ((object stream &key type identity) &body body)
  (if body
      `(flet ((.print-unreadable-object-body. () ,@body))
	   ,object ,stream ,type ,identity #'.print-unreadable-object-body.))
    `(print-unreadable-object-function ,object ,stream ,type ,identity nil)))

(let* ((basic-encodings
	   :UTF-16 :UTF-16BE :UTF-16LE
	   :UTF-32 :UTF-32BE :UTF-32LE
           :ISO-8859-1 :US-ASCII :DEFAULT)
       (all-encodings nil))
  (defun all-encodings ()
    (or all-encodings
          (setf all-encodings basic-encodings)
	    (dolist (i (directory "SYS:ENCODINGS;*"))
	      (push (intern (pathname-name i) "KEYWORD") all-encodings))
	    (dolist (i (directory "SYS:ENCODINGS;*.BIN"))
	      (push (intern (pathname-name i) "KEYWORD") all-encodings)))

(defun load-encoding (name)
  (values nil (format nil "Cannot load encoding ~A because this MKCL instance does not have Unicode support" name))
  (let ((filename (make-pathname :name (symbol-name name) :defaults "SYS:ENCODINGS;")))
    (cond ((mkcl:probe-file-p filename)
	   (load filename :verbose nil)
	  ((mkcl:probe-file-p (setf filename (make-pathname :type "BIN" :defaults filename)))
	   (with-open-file (in filename :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16)
			       :external-format :big-endian)
	     (let* ((l (read-byte in))
		    (s (make-array l :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16) :initial-element 0)))
	       (read-sequence s in)
	   (values nil (format nil "Unable to find mapping file ~A for encoding ~A" filename name))))))

(defun make-encoding (mapping)
  (values nil (format nil "Not a valid external format ~A" mapping))
    ((symbolp mapping)
     (if (member mapping
		 #+unicode '(:UTF-8 :UTF-16 :UTF-16BE :UTF-16LE :UTF-32 :UTF-32BE :UTF-32LE :ISO-8859-1 :US-ASCII :DEFAULT)
		 #-unicode '(:DEFAULT)
		 :test #'string=)
	 (values (intern (symbol-name mapping) keyword-package #|(find-package "KEYWORD")|#)) ;; This is a built-in mapping.
       (let* ((mk-ext-pkg (find-package "MK-EXT"))
	      (var (find-symbol (symbol-name mapping) mk-ext-pkg)))
	 (unless var
	   (let ((mk-ext-was-closed (si:package-closed-p mk-ext-pkg))
		   (when mk-ext-was-closed (reopen-package mk-ext-pkg))
		   (setq var (intern (symbol-name mapping) mk-ext-pkg))
		   (multiple-value-bind (array-map failure-reason)
		       (load-encoding mapping)
		     (when array-map
			 (multiple-value-setq (encoding failure-reason) (make-encoding array-map)))
                     (unless encoding
                       (unintern var mk-ext-pkg)
		       (return-from make-encoding (values nil failure-reason))))
		   (set var encoding)
	       (when mk-ext-was-closed (close-package mk-ext-pkg)))))
	 (symbol-value var))))
    ((consp mapping)
     (let ((output (make-hash-table :size 512 :test 'eq)))
       (dolist (record mapping output)
	 (let* ((byte (car record))
		(unicode (cdr record))
		(unicode-char (code-char unicode)))
	   (when (> byte #xFF)
	     (setf (gethash (ash byte -8) output) t))
	   (setf (gethash byte output) unicode-char)
	   (setf (gethash unicode-char output) byte)))))
    ((arrayp mapping)
      (do* ((l (array-total-size mapping))
	    (output (make-hash-table :size (floor (* 1.5 l)) :test 'eq))
	    (i 0 (+ 2 i)))
	   ((>= i l) output)
	(let* ((byte (aref mapping i))
	       (unicode (aref mapping (1+ i)))
	       (unicode-char (code-char unicode)))
	  (when (> byte #xFF)
	    (setf (gethash (ash byte -8) output) t))
	  (setf (gethash byte output) unicode-char)
	  (setf (gethash unicode-char output) byte))))
     (values nil (format nil "Not a valid external format ~A" mapping)))))


;;(in-package "SYSTEM")

(defun   logical-pathname-translations (p) (si:pathname-translations p))
(defsetf logical-pathname-translations si:pathname-translations)

(defun load-logical-pathname-translations (host)
  "Search for a logical pathname named host, if not already defined. If already
defined no attempt to find or load a definition is attempted and NIL is
returned. If host is not already defined, but definition is found and loaded
successfully, T is returned, else error."
  (declare (type string host))
  (let ((*autoload-translations* nil))
    (unless (or (string-equal host "sys")
                (si::pathname-translations host))
      (with-open-file (in-str (make-pathname :defaults (translate-logical-pathname #P"SYS:")
516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908
                                             :name (string-downcase host)
                                             :type "translations"))
        (if *load-verbose*
            (format *error-output*
                    ";; Loading pathname translations from ~A~%"
                    (namestring (truename in-str))))
        (setf (logical-pathname-translations host) (read in-str)))

(defun ensure-directories-exist (pathname &key verbose)
"Args: (ensure-directories pathname &key :verbose)
Creates tree of directories specified by the given pathname. Outputs
	(VALUES pathname created)
where CREATED is true only if we succeeded on creating all directories."
  (let* ((created nil)
	 (full-pathname (merge-pathnames pathname))
    (when (or (wild-pathname-p full-pathname :directory)
	      (wild-pathname-p full-pathname :host)
	      (wild-pathname-p full-pathname :device))
      (error 'file-error :pathname pathname))
    (dolist (item (pathname-directory full-pathname))
      (setf d (nconc d (list item)))
      (let ((p (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :directory d
						  :defaults full-pathname)))
	;; (unless (or (symbolp item) (si::file-kind p nil))
	;;   (setf created t)
	;;   (when verbose
	;;     (format t "~%;;; Making directory ~A" p))
	;;   (si::mkdir p #o777))
	(unless (symbolp item)
	  (if (mkcl:probe-file-p p)
	      (unless (eq :directory (si::file-kind p :follow-symlinks t))
		(error 'file-error :pathname p :format-control "~S is not a directory" :format-arguments (list item)))
	      (when verbose
		(format t "~%;;; Making directory ~A" p))
	      (si::mkdir p #o777)
	      (setf created t))))
    (values pathname created)))


(in-package "MKCL")

(defun logical-pathname-p (obj)
  (si:logical-pathname-p obj))

(defun directory-p (pathspec)
  (setq pathspec (pathname pathspec))
  (let ((name (pathname-name pathspec))
	(type (pathname-type pathspec))
	#-(or unix windows) (version (pathname-version pathspec)) ;; who cares about versions anymore.
	#-unix (device (pathname-device pathspec)))
    (and (or (null name) (eq name :unspecific))
	 (or (null type) (eq type :unspecific))
	 #-(or unix windows) (or (null version) (eq version :unspecific)) ;; who cares about versions anymore.
	 #-unix (and device (not (eq device :unspecific))) ;; on Unix the device never matters.
	 (pathname-host pathspec)
	 (consp (pathname-directory pathspec)))))

(defun copy-pathname (pathspec)
  (if (pathnamep pathspec)
      (make-pathname :defaults pathspec)
    (pathname pathspec)))

(defun pathname+ (pathspec &key
			   (host nil hostp) (device nil devicep)
			   (directory nil directoryp) (root-directory nil rootp)
			   (name nil namep) (type nil typep) (version nil versionp))
  (let ((path (pathname pathspec)))
    (let ((host (if hostp host (pathname-host path)))
	  (device (if devicep device (pathname-device path)))
	  (directory (if directoryp directory (pathname-directory path)))
	  (name (if namep name (pathname-name path)))
	  (type (if typep type (pathname-type path)))
	  (version (if versionp version (pathname-version path))))
      (when (and rootp (consp root-directory))
	(if (and (consp directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))
	    (setq directory (append root-directory (cdr directory)))
	  (setq directory root-directory)))
      (make-pathname :host host :device device :directory directory :name name :type type :version version))))

(defun absolute-logical-pathname (pathspec &optional cwd)
  (let ((path (if (pathnamep pathspec) pathspec (pathname pathspec))))
    (when (pathname-complete-p path)
      (return-from absolute-logical-pathname path)) ;; already an absolute pathname

    (let ((host (pathname-host path))
	  (directory (pathname-directory path))
	  (cwd (or cwd mkcl:*current-working-directory*))
	  (acwd mkcl:*all-current-working-directories*)

      (when (and (consp directory) (eq :absolute (car directory)))
	(return-from absolute-logical-pathname path)) ;; already an absolute pathname

      (if host
	  (if (and cwd (progn (setq wd-host (pathname-host cwd))
			      (and (logical-pathname-p cwd) (stringp wd-host) (string-equal host wd-host))))
	      (setq root-dir (pathname-directory cwd))
	    (dolist (wd acwd nil)
	      (setq wd-host (pathname-host wd))
	      (when (and (logical-pathname-p wd) (stringp wd-host) (string-equal host wd-host))
		(setq root-dir (pathname-directory wd))
	(if (and cwd (progn (setq wd-host (pathname-host cwd))
			    (and (logical-pathname-p cwd) (stringp wd-host))))
	    (setq root-dir (pathname-directory cwd))
	  (dolist (wd acwd nil)
	    (setq wd-host (pathname-host wd))
	    (when (and (logical-pathname-p wd) (stringp wd-host))
	      (setq root-dir (pathname-directory wd))

      (cond ((consp root-dir)
	     (if (and (consp directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))
		 (setq directory (append root-dir (cdr directory)))
	       (unless directory
		 (setq directory root-dir))))
	    ((stringp root-dir)
	     (if (and (consp directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))
		 (setq directory (list* :absolute root-dir (cdr directory)))
	       (unless directory
		 (setq directory (list :absolute root-dir))))))

      (make-pathname :host host :directory directory :defaults path))))

(defun absolute-pathname-p (pathspec)
  (let ((path (if (pathnamep pathspec) pathspec (pathname pathspec))))
    (when (pathname-complete-p path)
      (return-from absolute-pathname-p path)) ;; already an absolute pathname

    (let ((host (pathname-host path))
	  (device (pathname-device path))
	  (directory (pathname-directory path)))
      (when (and host (stringp device)
		 (or (and (consp directory) (eq :absolute (car directory)))
		     (stringp directory)))
	(return-from absolute-pathname-p path)))))

(defun relative-pathname-p (pathspec)
  (let ((path (if (pathnamep pathspec) pathspec (pathname pathspec))))
    (when (pathname-complete-p path)
      (return-from relative-pathname-p nil)) ;; an absolute pathname

    (let ((directory (pathname-directory path)))
      (when (or (and (consp directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))
		(null directory))
	(return-from relative-pathname-p path)))))

(defun absolute-pathname (pathspec &optional cwd)
  (let ((path (if (pathnamep pathspec) pathspec (pathname pathspec))))
    (when (pathname-complete-p path)
      (return-from absolute-pathname path)) ;; already an absolute pathname

    (when (logical-pathname-p path)
      (return-from absolute-pathname (absolute-logical-pathname path cwd)))

    (let ((host (pathname-host path))
	  (device (pathname-device path))
	  (directory (pathname-directory path))
	  (cwd (or cwd mkcl:*current-working-directory*))
	  (acwd mkcl:*all-current-working-directories*)

      (when (and host (stringp device) (consp directory) (eq :absolute (car directory)))
	(return-from absolute-pathname path)) ;; already an absolute pathname

      (when (and (stringp host) (string= host "localhost")
		 (not (stringp device))
		 (or (null directory) (and (consp directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))))
	(setq host nil))

      (if host
	  (cond ((eq device :unspecific)
		 (if (and cwd (progn (setq wd-host (pathname-host cwd)
					   wd-device (pathname-device cwd))
				     (and (stringp wd-host) (string= host wd-host)
					  (eq device wd-device))))
		     (setq root-dir (pathname-directory cwd))
		   (dolist (wd acwd nil)
		     (setq wd-host (pathname-host wd)
			   wd-device (pathname-device wd))
		     (when (and (stringp wd-host) (string= host wd-host))
		       (when (eq device wd-device)
			 (setq root-dir (pathname-directory wd))
		((stringp device)
		 (if (and cwd (progn (setq wd-host (pathname-host cwd)
					   wd-device (pathname-device cwd))
				     (and (stringp wd-host) (string= host wd-host)
					  (stringp wd-device) (string= device wd-device))))
		     (setq root-dir (pathname-directory cwd))
		   (dolist (wd acwd nil)
		     (setq wd-host (pathname-host wd)
			   wd-device (pathname-device wd))
		     (when (and (stringp wd-host) (string= host wd-host))
		       (when (and #+windows (and (stringp wd-device) (string= device wd-device)))
			 (setq root-dir (pathname-directory wd))
		 (if (and cwd (progn (setq wd-host (pathname-host cwd)
					   wd-device (pathname-device cwd))
				     (and (stringp wd-host) (string= host wd-host) (stringp wd-device))))
		     (setq root-dir (pathname-directory cwd) device wd-device)
		   (dolist (wd acwd nil)
		     (setq wd-host (pathname-host wd)
			   wd-device (pathname-device wd))
		     (when (and (stringp wd-host) (string= host wd-host))
		       (when (and #+windows (stringp wd-device))
			 (setq root-dir (pathname-directory wd) device wd-device)
	(cond ((eq device :unspecific)
	       (if (and cwd (progn (setq wd-host (pathname-host cwd)
					 wd-device (pathname-device cwd))
				   (and (stringp wd-host)
					(eq device wd-device))))
		   (setq root-dir (pathname-directory cwd) host wd-host)
		 (dolist (wd acwd nil)
		   (setq wd-host (pathname-host wd)
			 wd-device (pathname-device wd))
		   (when (stringp wd-host)
		     (when (eq device wd-device)
		       (setq root-dir (pathname-directory wd) host wd-host)
	      ((stringp device)
	       (if (and cwd (progn (setq wd-host (pathname-host cwd)
					 wd-device (pathname-device cwd))
				   (and (stringp wd-host)
					(stringp wd-device) (string= device wd-device))))
		   (setq root-dir (pathname-directory cwd) host wd-host)
		 (dolist (wd acwd nil)
		   (setq wd-host (pathname-host wd)
			 wd-device (pathname-host wd))
		   (when (stringp wd-host)
		     (when (and #+windows (and (stringp wd-device) (string= device wd-device)))
		       (setq root-dir (pathname-directory wd) host wd-host)
	       (if (and cwd (progn (setq wd-host (pathname-host cwd)
					 wd-device (pathname-device cwd))
				   (and (stringp wd-host) (stringp wd-device))))
		   (setq root-dir (pathname-directory cwd) host wd-host device wd-device)
		 (dolist (wd acwd nil)
		   (setq wd-host (pathname-host wd)
			 wd-device (pathname-host wd))
		   (when (stringp wd-host)
		     (when (and #+windows (stringp wd-device))
		       (setq root-dir (pathname-directory wd) host wd-host device wd-device)

      (cond ((consp root-dir)
	     (if (and (consp directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))
		 (setq directory (append root-dir (cdr directory)))
	       (unless directory (setq directory root-dir))))
	    ((stringp root-dir)
	     (if (and (consp directory) (eq :relative (car directory)))
		 (setq directory (list* :absolute root-dir (cdr directory)))
	       (unless directory (setq directory (list :absolute root-dir))))))

      (make-pathname :host host :device device :directory directory :defaults path))))

(defconstant +pathname-closer+ (make-pathname :host "localhost"
					      :device :unspecific
					      :directory :unspecific
					      :name :unspecific
					      :type :unspecific
					      :version :unspecific))
(defun complete-pathname (path &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
  (unless (pathnamep path) (setq path (pathname path)))
  (if (pathname-complete-p path)
    ;; (let ((cwd mkcl:*current-working-directory*)
    ;; 	  (acwd mkcl:*all-current-working-directories*)
    ;; 	  (path-host (pathname-host path))
    ;; 	  #+windows (path-device (pathname-device path))
    ;; 	  (defaults (if has-defaults-p defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
    ;; 	  )
    ;;   (unless (and cwd (string= (pathname-host path) (pathname-host cwd))
    ;; 		   #+windows (and (not (logical-pathname-p path)) (string= (pathname-device path) (pathname-device path))))
    ;; 	(setq cwd
    ;; 	      (dolist (wd acwd nil)
    ;; 		(when (string= path-host (pathname-host wd))
    ;; 		  (when (and #+windows (logical-pathname-p path) #+windows (string= path-device (pathname-device wd)))
    ;; 		    (return wd))))))
    ;;   (meld-pathnames (if cwd
    ;; 			  (meld-pathnames (pathname+ path :root-directory (pathname-directory cwd)) defaults)
    ;; 			(merge-pathnames path defaults))
    ;; 		      +pathname-closer+)
    ;;   )
    (meld-pathnames (meld-pathnames (absolute-pathname path) defaults) +pathname-closer+))

(defun physically-complete-pathname (pathspec)
  (let ((path (if (pathnamep pathspec) pathspec (pathname pathspec))))
    (unless (pathname-complete-p path) (setq path (complete-pathname path)))
    (when (logical-pathname-p path)
      (setq path (translate-logical-pathname path))
      (unless (pathname-complete-p path) (setq path (complete-pathname path)))

(defun file-pathname (pathspec)
  (make-pathname :host nil :device nil :directory nil :defaults pathspec))

(defun full-directory-pathname (pathspec)
  (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults pathspec))

(defun full-directory-namestring (pathspec)
  (namestring (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults pathspec)))

(defun relative-pathname (pathspec root-dirspec)
  (unless (pathnamep pathspec) (setq pathspec (pathname pathspec)))
  (unless (pathnamep root-dirspec) (setq root-dirspec (pathname root-dirspec)))

  (unless (directory-p root-dirspec) (return-from relative-pathname (values nil root-dirspec)))

  (unless (absolute-pathname-p root-dirspec) (setq root-dirspec (absolute-pathname root-dirspec)))
  (unless (absolute-pathname-p pathspec) (setq pathspec (absolute-pathname pathspec)))

  (let ((true-root (probe-file root-dirspec)))
    (unless true-root (return-from relative-pathname (values nil root-dirspec)))
    (setq root-dirspec true-root))

  (unless (and root-dirspec pathspec
	       (if (logical-pathname-p pathspec)
		   (and (logical-pathname-p root-dirspec)
			(equalp (pathname-host pathspec) (pathname-host root-dirspec)))
		 (and (equal (pathname-host pathspec) (pathname-host root-dirspec))
		      (equal (pathname-device pathspec) (pathname-device root-dirspec))))
    (return-from relative-pathname (values nil root-dirspec)))

  (let ((dir-path (pathname-directory pathspec))
	(dir-root (pathname-directory root-dirspec))
	;;(depth 0)
    (unless (and (listp (pathname-directory pathspec)) (listp (pathname-directory root-dirspec)))
      (return-from relative-pathname (values nil root-dirspec)))
    (si:while (and dir-path dir-root (equal (car dir-path) (car dir-root)))
      ;;(incf depth)
      (pop dir-path)
      (pop dir-root))

    (setq rel-dir dir-path)

    (dotimes (i (list-length dir-root))
      (push :up rel-dir))

    (push :relative rel-dir)
    (make-pathname :directory rel-dir :defaults pathspec)

(defun relative-namestring (pathspec root-dirspec)
  (let ((rel-pathspec (relative-pathname pathspec root-dirspec)))
    (when rel-pathspec (namestring rel-pathspec))))

(export '(relative-pathname
