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;;;;  -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: SYSTEM -*-
;;;;  Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Jean-Claude Beaudoin.
;;;;  Copyright by a number of previous anonymous authors
;;;;            presumed to be the same as for the rest of MKCL.
;;;;  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;;  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;;  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;;  version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;;  See file '../../Copyright' for full details.

;; @configure_input@
;; Configuration file for MKCL
(in-package "COMMON-LISP")

;; Moved to unixsys.d on 2012/04/12. JCB

#+(and (not mkcl-min) uname)
(ffi:clines "
#include <sys/utsname.h>

#+(and (not mkcl-min) uname)
(defun uname ()
 (ffi:c-inline () ()
  :object "{
	mkcl_object output;
	struct utsname aux;
	if (uname(&aux) < 0)
	  output = mk_cl_Cnil;
	  output = mk_cl_list(env, 5,
                              mkcl_make_base_string_copy(env, aux.sysname),
			      mkcl_make_base_string_copy(env, aux.nodename),
			      mkcl_make_base_string_copy(env, aux.release),
			      mkcl_make_base_string_copy(env, aux.version),
			      mkcl_make_base_string_copy(env, aux.machine));
	@(return) = output;
}" :one-liner nil))

;; * Short and long site names
;; Edit these with the name of your site:
(defun short-site-name ()
  "Args: ()
Returns, as a string, the location of the machine on which MKCL runs."

(defun long-site-name () 
  "Args: ()
Returns, as a string, the location of the machine on which MKCL runs."

;; * MKCL version, architecture, etc
(defun si:mkcl-version ()
Returns the version of your MKCL as a string."

(defun si:mkcl-major-version ()
Returns the version of your MKCL as a string."

(defun si:mkcl-minor-version ()
Returns the version of your MKCL as a string."

(defun si:mkcl-patch-level ()
Returns the version of your MKCL as a string."

(defun lisp-implementation-version ()
Returns the version of your MKCL as a string."

(defun machine-type ()
  "Args: ()
Returns, as a string, the type of the machine on which MKCL runs."
  (or (mkcl:getenv "HOSTTYPE")
      (mkcl:getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")
      (nth-value 4 (si:uname))

(defun machine-instance ()
  "Args: ()
Returns, as a string, the identifier of the machine on which MKCL runs."
  (or (mkcl:getenv "HOSTNAME")
      (mkcl:getenv "COMPUTERNAME")
      (nth-value 1 (si:uname))

(defun machine-version ()
  "Args: ()
Returns, as a string, the version of the machine on which MKCL runs. Obtained from
uname(2) where available."
  (or #+windows
      (mkcl:getenv "PROCESSOR_LEVEL")))

;;(pushnew :@thehost@ *features*) ;; This is done in c/main.d! JCB

(defun software-type ()
  "Args: ()
Returns, as a string, the type of the software under which MKCL runs."
  (or (nth-value 0 (si:uname)) "@SOFTWARE_TYPE@"))

(defun software-version ()
  "Args: ()
Returns, as a string, the version of the software under which MKCL runs."
  (or (nth-value 2 (si:uname))
      #.(let ((aux "@SOFTWARE_VERSION@"))
	  (if (plusp (length aux))

;; * Set configuration of basic logical pathnames.
  (si::pathname-translations "SYS" `(("**;*.*" ,(merge-pathnames "**/*.*" (si::get-SYS-library-pathname)))))
  (si::pathname-translations "CONTRIB" `(("**;*.*" ,(merge-pathnames "contrib/**/*.*" (si::get-SYS-library-pathname)))))

(si::pathname-translations "HOME" '(("**;*.*" "~/**/*.*")))
(si::pathname-translations "HOME" `(("**;*.*" ,(merge-pathnames "**/*.*" (user-homedir-pathname)))))

;; For TMP: we try to follow the local platform customs.
(let (x)
  (cond #+unix ((and (setq x (mkcl:getenv "TMPDIR"))
		     (setq x (probe-file x))))
	#+windows ((and (setq x (mkcl:getenv "TMP"))
			(setq x (probe-file x))))
	#+windows ((and (setq x (mkcl:getenv "TEMP"))
			(setq x (probe-file x))))
	(t (setq x #+unix #P"/tmp/" #-unix #P"./")))
  (si::pathname-translations "TMP" `(("**;*.*" ,(merge-pathnames "**/*.*" x)))))