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;;;;  -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: C -*-
;;;;  CMPSPECIAL  Miscellaneous special forms.

;;;;  Copyright (c) 1984, Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya.
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1990, Giuseppe Attardi.
;;;;  Copyrighg (c) 2010-2011, Jean-Claude Beaudoin.
;;;;    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;;    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;;    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;;    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;;    See file '../../Copyright' for full details.

(in-package "COMPILER")

(defun c1quote (args)
  (check-args-number 'QUOTE args 1 1)
  (c1constant-value (car args) :always t))

(defun c1declare (args)
  (cmperr "The declaration ~s was found in a bad place." (cons 'DECLARE args)))

(defun c1the (args)
  (check-args-number 'THE args 2 2)
  (let* ((form (c1expr (second args)))
	 (the-type (si::type-filter (first args) t))
    (cond ((and (consp the-type) (eq (first the-type) 'VALUES))
	   (cmpwarn-style "Ignoring THE form with type ~A" the-type))
	  ((not (setf type (type-and the-type (c1form-primary-type form))))
	   (cmpwarn "Type mismatch was found in ~s." (cons 'THE args)))
	   (setf (c1form-type form) type)))

(defun c1compiler-let (args &aux (symbols nil) (values nil))
  (when (endp args) (too-few-args 'COMPILER-LET 1 0))
  (dolist (spec (car args))
    (cond ((consp spec)
           (cmpck (not (and (symbolp (car spec))
                            (or (endp (cdr spec))
                                (endp (cddr spec)))))
                  "The variable binding ~s is illegal." spec)
           (push (car spec) symbols)
           (push (if (endp (cdr spec)) nil (eval (second spec))) values))
          ((symbolp spec)
           (push spec symbols)
           (push nil values))
          (t (cmperr "The variable binding ~s is illegal." spec))))
  (setq symbols (nreverse symbols))
  (setq values (nreverse values))
  (setq args (progv symbols values (c1progn (cdr args))))
  (make-c1form 'COMPILER-LET args symbols values args))

(defun c2compiler-let (symbols values body)
  (progv symbols values (c2expr body)))

(defun c1function (args &aux fd)
  (check-args-number 'FUNCTION args 1 1)
  (let ((fun (car args)))
    (cond ((si::valid-function-name-p fun)
	   (let ((funob (local-function-ref fun t)))
	     (if funob
		 (let* ((var (fun-var funob)))
		   (incf (var-ref var))
		   (add-to-read-nodes var (make-c1form* 'VAR :args var)))
	       (make-c1form* 'FUNCTION
			     :type 'FUNCTION
			     :sp-change (not (and (symbolp fun)
						  (get-sysprop fun 'NO-SP-CHANGE)))
			     :args 'GLOBAL nil fun))))
          ((and (consp fun) (member (car fun) '(LAMBDA SI::LAMBDA-BLOCK)))
           (cmpck (endp (cdr fun))
                  "The lambda expression ~s is illegal." fun)
	   (let (name body)
	     (if (eq (first fun) 'LAMBDA)
		 (setf name (gensym) body (rest fun))
		 (setf name (second fun) body (cddr fun)))
	     (let* ((funob (c1compile-function body :name name))
		    (lambda-form (fun-lambda funob)))
	       (setf (fun-ref-ccb funob) t)
	       (compute-fun-closure-type funob)
	       (make-c1form 'FUNCTION lambda-form 'CLOSURE lambda-form funob))))
	  (t (cmperr "The function ~s is illegal." fun)))))

(defun c2function (kind funob fun)
  (declare (ignore funob))
  (case kind
     (unwind-exit (list 'FDEFINITION fun)))
     (new-local fun)
     (unwind-exit `(MAKE-CCLOSURE ,fun)))))

(defun new-local (fun)
  ;; returns the previous function or NIL.
  (declare (type fun fun))
  (case (fun-closure fun)
     (setf (fun-level fun) 0
	   (fun-env fun) *env*
	   (fun-closure-levels fun) *closure-levels*)
     (let ((parent (fun-parent fun)))
       (declare (ignore parent))
       ;; Only increase the lexical level if there has been some
       ;; new variables created. This way, the same lexical environment
       ;; can be propagated through nested FLET/LABELS.
       (setf (fun-level fun) (if (plusp *lex*) (1+ *level*) *level*)
	     (fun-env fun) 0)
     (setf (fun-level fun) 0 (fun-env fun) 0)
  (push fun *local-funs*)

(defun wt-fdefinition (fun-name)
  (let ((vv (add-object fun-name)))
    (if (and (symbolp fun-name)
	     (or (not (safe-compile))
		 (and (eql (symbol-package fun-name) (find-package "CL"))
		      (fboundp fun-name) (functionp (fdefinition fun-name)))))
	  (if (declared-notinline-p fun-name)
	      (wt "(" vv "->symbol.gfdef)")
	    (let ((fun-ref-index (find-global-fun-ref fun-name)))
	      ;; fun-name is a symbol in CL package
	      (unless fun-ref-index
		(setq fun-ref-index (add-global-fun-ref fun-name vv))) ;; JCB
	      (wt "mkcl_fun_ref_fdefinition(env, fun_refs, " fun-ref-index ")")
      (if (si::valid-function-name-p fun-name)
	    (if (declared-notinline-p fun-name)
		(wt "mkcl_fdefinition(env, " vv ")")
	      (let ((fun-ref-index (find-global-fun-ref fun-name)))
		(unless fun-ref-index
		  (setq fun-ref-index (add-global-fun-ref fun-name vv))) ;; JCB
		(wt "mkcl_fun_ref_fdefinition(env, fun_refs, " fun-ref-index ")")
	  ;; this should be a (baboon) case.
	  (wt "mkcl_fdefinition(env, " vv ")")

(defun environment-accessor (fun)
  (let* ((env-var (env-var-name *env-lvl*))
	 (expected-env-size (fun-env fun)))
    (if (< expected-env-size *env*)
	(format nil "mkcl_nthcdr(env, ~D,~A)" (- *env* expected-env-size) env-var)

(defun environment-symbols-accessor (fun)
  (let* ((syms-env-var (syms-env-var-name *env-lvl*))
	 (expected-env-size (fun-env fun)))
    (if (< expected-env-size *env*)
	(format nil "mkcl_nthcdr(env, ~D,~A)" (- *env* expected-env-size) syms-env-var)

(defun wt-make-closure (fun &aux (cfun (fun-cfun fun)))
  (declare (type fun fun))
  (let* ((closure (fun-closure fun))
    (flet ((namestring-or-empty (fun-file)
	      (if fun-file
		  (namestring fun-file)
      (cond ((eq closure 'CLOSURE)
	     (setq *cenv0-used* t)
	     (let ((minarg (fun-minarg fun))
		   (maxarg (fun-maxarg fun))
	       (if (and (= minarg maxarg) (< maxarg 5))
		   (wt "mkcl_make_cclosure(env, "
		     (if *written-function* "this_func" "mk_cl_Cnil")
		     ", (mkcl_objectfn_fixed)" cfun ", " maxarg
		     ", " (fun-closure-depth fun)
		     ;;", syms_cenv" *env-lvl*
		     (if (>= *debug-fun* 2)
			 (format nil ", syms_cenv~D" *env-lvl*)
		       ", mk_cl_Cnil")
		     ", cenv" *env-lvl*
		     ", Cblock, " (fun-file-end-position fun) ")")
		 (wt "mkcl_make_cclosure_va(env, "
		     (if *written-function* "this_func" "mk_cl_Cnil")
		     ", (mkcl_objectfn)" cfun
		     ", " (fun-closure-depth fun)
		     ;;", syms_cenv" *env-lvl*
		     (if (>= *debug-fun* 2)
			 (format nil ", syms_cenv~D" *env-lvl*)
		       ", mk_cl_Cnil")
		     ", cenv" *env-lvl*
		     ", Cblock, " (fun-file-end-position fun) ")"))))
	    ((eq closure 'LEXICAL) ;; a LEXICAL is a closure with strict dynamic extent therefore
	     (baboon))             ;; no indefinite extent reference to it can be taken. JCB
	    (t  ;; local function.
	     (if (fun-lex-local-p fun)
		 (wt "mkcl_fix_lex_local_fun_refs(env, "
		     (if *written-function* "this_func, " "mk_cl_Cnil, "))
	       (wt "mkcl_fix_lambda_fun_refs(env, VV, " cfun "_fun_ref_sym_locs,"
		   " MKCL_NB_ELEMS(" cfun "_fun_ref_sym_locs), "
	     (wt "(Cblock->cblock.cfun_objs[" (fun-block-index fun) "])")
	     (wt ")")

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

(put-sysprop 'quote 'c1special 'c1quote)
(put-sysprop 'function 'c1special 'c1function)
(put-sysprop 'function 'c2 'c2function)
(put-sysprop 'the 'c1special 'c1the)
(put-sysprop 'eval-when 'c1special 'c1eval-when)
(put-sysprop 'declare 'c1special 'c1declare)
(put-sysprop 'mkcl:compiler-let 'c1special 'c1compiler-let)
(put-sysprop 'mkcl:compiler-let 'c2 'c2compiler-let)

(put-sysprop 'fdefinition 'wt-loc 'wt-fdefinition)
(put-sysprop 'make-cclosure 'wt-loc 'wt-make-closure)