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;;;;  -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: C -*-
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1984, Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya.
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1990, Giuseppe Attardi.
;;;;    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;;    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;;    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;;    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;;    See file '../../Copyright' for full details.

;;;; CMPMULT  Multiple-value-call and Multiple-value-prog1.

(in-package "COMPILER")


  (defun c1multiple-value-call (args &aux forms)
    (check-args-number 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL args 1)
     ((endp (rest args)) (c1funcall args))
     ;; (M-V-C #'FUNCTION (VALUES A ... Z)) => (FUNCALL #'FUNCTION A ... Z)
     ((and (= (length args) 2)
	   (consp (setq forms (second args)))
	   (eq 'VALUES (first forms)))
      (c1funcall (list* (first args) (rest forms))))
     ;; More complicated case.
       (let ((function (gensym))
	     (frame (gensym)))
	 `(with-temp-stack ,frame
		      (let* ((,function ,(first args)))
			,@(loop for i in (rest args)
				collect `(temp-stack-push-values ,frame ,i))
			(si::apply-from-temp-stack-frame ,frame ,function))))))))

  (defun c1multiple-value-prog1 (args)
    (check-args-number 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1 args 1)
    (c1expr (let ((frame (gensym)))
	      `(with-temp-stack ,frame
			   (temp-stack-push-values ,frame ,(first args))
			   ,@(rest args)


;;; Beppe:
;;; this is the WRONG way to handle 1 value problem.
;;; should be done in c2values, so that (values (truncate a b)) can
;;; be used to restrict to one value, so we would not have to warn
;;; if this occurred in a proclaimed fun.

(defun c1values (args)
  (make-c1form* 'VALUES :args (c1args* args)))

(defun c2values (forms)
  (when (and (eq *destination* 'RETURN-OBJECT)
             (rest forms)
             (consp *current-form*)
             (eq 'DEFUN (first *current-form*)))
    (cmpwarn-style "Trying to return multiple values. ~
                   ~%;But ~a was proclaimed to have single value.~
                   ~%;Only first one will be assured."
		   (second *current-form*)))
   ;; When the values are not going to be used, then just
   ;; process each form separately.
   ((eq *destination* 'TRASH)
    (mapc #'c2expr* forms)
    ;; We really pass no value, but we need UNWIND-EXIT to trigger all the
    ;; frame-pop, temp-stack-pop and all other exit forms.
    (unwind-exit 'VALUE0)
   ;; For (VALUES) we can replace the output with either NIL (if the value
   ;; is actually used) and set only MKCL_NVALUES when the value is the output
   ;; of a function.
   ((endp forms)
    (cond ((eq *destination* 'RETURN)
	   (wt-nl "value0=mk_cl_Cnil; env->nvalues=0;")
	   (unwind-exit 'RETURN))
	  ((eq *destination* 'VALUES)
	   (wt-nl "env->values[0]=mk_cl_Cnil; env->nvalues=0;")
	   (unwind-exit 'VALUES))
	   (unwind-exit 'NIL))))
   ;; For a single form, we must simply ensure that we only take a single
   ;; value of those that the function may output.
   ((endp (rest forms))
    ;; ... FIXME! This can be improved! It leads to code like
    ;;		value0 = <computed value>;
    ;;		T0 = value0;
    (let ((*destination* 'VALUE0))
      (c2expr* (first forms)))
    (unwind-exit 'VALUE0))
   ;; In all other cases, we store the values in the VALUES vector,
   ;; and force the compiler to retrieve anything out of it.
    (let* ((nv (length forms))
	   (*inline-blocks* 0)
	   ;;(forms (nreverse (coerce-locs (inline-args forms)))) ;; JCB value 3
	   (forms (coerce-locs (inline-args forms))) ;; JCB value 4
      ;; By inlining arguments we make sure that VL has no call to funct.
      ;; Reverse args to avoid clobbering VALUES(0)

      ;; (wt-nl "env->nvalues=" nv "; /* JCB value 3 */ ")
      ;; (do ((vl forms (rest vl))
      ;; 	   (i (1- (length forms)) (1- i)))
      ;; 	  ((null vl))
      ;; 	(declare (fixnum i))
      ;; 	(wt-nl "env->values[" i "]=" (first vl) "; /* JCB value 3 */ "))

      (wt-nl "{ /* JCB value 4 */ ")
      (do ((vl forms (rest vl))
	   (i 0 (1+ i)))
	  ((null vl))
	(declare (fixnum i))
	(wt-nl "const mkcl_object __value" i " = " (first vl) "; /* JCB value 4 */ "))

      (wt-nl "env->nvalues=" nv "; /* JCB value 4 */ ")
      (do ((i (1- nv) (1- i)))
	  ((< i 0))
	(declare (fixnum i))
	(wt-nl "env->values[" i "] = __value" i "; /* JCB value 4 */ "))
      (wt-nl "} /* JCB value 4 */ ")

      (unwind-exit 'VALUES)

(defun c1multiple-value-setq (args &aux (vars nil) (temp-vars nil)
			      (late-bindings nil))
  (check-args-number 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ args 2 2)
  (dolist (var (reverse (first args)))
    (cmpck (not (symbolp var)) "The variable ~s is not a symbol." var)
    (setq var (chk-symbol-macrolet var))
    (cond ((symbolp var)
	   (cmpck (constantp var)
		  "The constant ~s is being assigned a value." var)
	   (push var vars))
	  (t (let ((new-var (gensym)))
	       (push new-var vars)
	       (push new-var temp-vars)
	       (push `(setf ,var ,new-var) late-bindings)))))
  (let ((value (second args)))
    (cond (temp-vars
	   (c1expr `(let* (,@temp-vars)
		     (multiple-value-setq ,vars ,value)
	  ((endp vars)
	   (c1expr `(values ,value)))
	  ((= (length vars) 1)
	   (c1expr `(setq ,(first vars) ,value)))
	   (setq value (c1expr value)
		 vars (mapcar #'c1vref vars))
	    vars (make-c1form* 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-SETQ :type (c1form-primary-type value) :args vars value))))))

(defun c1form-values-number (form)
  (let ((type (c1form-type form)))
    (cond ((or (eq type 'T) (eq type '*))
	  ((or (atom type) (not (eq (first type) 'VALUES)))
	   (values 1 1))
	  ((or (member '&rest type) (member 'optional type))
	   (let ((l (1- (length type))))
	     (values l l))))))

(defun do-m-v-setq-fixed (nvalues vars form use-bind &aux (output (first vars)))
  ;; This routine should evaluate FORM and store the values (whose amount
  ;; is known to be MKCL_NVALUES) into the variables VARS. The output is a
  ;; place from where the first value can be retreived
  (if (or (> nvalues 1) use-bind)
      (let ((*destination* 'VALUES))
	(c2expr* form)
	(dotimes (i nvalues)
	  (funcall (if use-bind #'bind-var #'set-var)
		   (values-loc i) (pop vars))))
    (let ((*destination* (pop vars)))
      (c2expr* form)))
  (dolist (v vars)
    (if use-bind
	(bind (c1form-arg 0 (default-init v)) v)
	(set-var '(C-INLINE (:object) "mk_cl_Cnil" () t nil) v)))

(defun do-m-v-setq-any (min-values max-values vars use-bind)
  ;; This routine moves values from the multiple-value stack into the
  ;; variables VARS. The amount of values is not known (or at least we only
  ;; know that there is some number between MIN-VALUES and MAX-VALUES).  If
  ;; the values are to be created with BIND, then USED-BIND=T.  The output of
  ;; this routine is a location containing the first value (typically, the
  ;; name of the first variable).
  (let* ((*lcl* *lcl*)
         (nr (make-lcl-var :type :int))
	 (output (first vars))
	 (labels '()))
    ;; We know that at least MIN-VALUES variables will get a value
    (dotimes (i min-values)
      (when vars
	(let ((v (pop vars))
	      (loc (values-loc i)))
	  (if use-bind (bind loc v) (set-var loc v)))))
    ;; If there are more variables, we have to check whether there
    ;; are enough values left in the stack.
    (when vars
      (wt-nl "{int " nr "=env->nvalues-" min-values ";")
      ;; Loop for assigning values to variables
      (do (;; We call BIND twice for each variable. Hence, we need to
	   ;; remove spurious BDS-BIND from the list. See also C2LAMBDA.
	   (*unwind-exit* *unwind-exit*)
	   (vs vars (rest vs))
	   (i min-values (1+ i)))
	  ((or (endp vs) (= i max-values)))
	(declare (fixnum i))
	(let ((loc (values-loc i))
	      (v (first vs))
	      (label (next-label)))
	  (wt-nl "if (" nr "--<=0) ") (wt-go label)
	  (push label labels)
	  (if use-bind (bind loc v) (set-var loc v))))
      ;; Loop for setting default values when there are less output than vars.
      (let ((label (next-label)))
	(wt-nl) (wt-go label) (wt "}")
	(push label labels)
	(setq labels (nreverse labels))
	(dolist (v vars)
	  (when labels (wt-label (pop labels)))
	  (if use-bind
	      (bind '(C-INLINE (:object) "mk_cl_Cnil" () t nil) v)
	      (set-var '(C-INLINE (:object) "mk_cl_Cnil" () t nil) v)))
	(when labels (wt-label label))))

(defun c2multiple-value-setq (vars form)
  (multiple-value-bind (min-values max-values)
      (c1form-values-number form)
     (if (= min-values max-values)
	 (do-m-v-setq-fixed min-values vars form nil)
	 (let ((*destination* 'VALUES))
	   (c2expr* form)
	   (do-m-v-setq-any min-values max-values vars nil))))))

(defun c1multiple-value-bind (args &aux (vars nil) init-form
                                   ss is ts body other-decls doc all-decls iables dyns
                                   (*cmp-env* (cmp-env-copy)))
  (check-args-number 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND args 2)

  (multiple-value-setq (body ss ts is other-decls doc all-decls iables dyns) 
		       (c1body (cddr args) nil))

  (c1declare-specials ss)

  (dolist (s (first args))
    (push (c1make-var s ss is ts iables dyns) vars))
  (setq init-form (c1expr (second args)))
  (dolist (v (setq vars (nreverse vars)))
    (push-vars v))
  (setq body (c1decl-body other-decls body))
  (dolist (var vars) (check-vref var))
  (make-c1form* 'MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND :type (c1form-type body)
		:local-vars vars
		:args vars init-form body)

(defun c2multiple-value-bind (vars init-form body)
  ;; 0) Compile the form which is going to give us the values
  (let ((*destination* 'VALUES)) (c2expr* init-form))

  (let* ((*unwind-exit* *unwind-exit*)
	 (*env-lvl* *env-lvl*)
	 (*closure-levels* *closure-levels*)
	 (*env* *env*)
	 (*lcl* *lcl*)
	 (labels nil)
	 (env-grows nil)
	 (nr (make-lcl-var :type :int))
	 min-values max-values)
    (declare (ignore nr))
    ;; 1) Retrieve the number of output values
    (wt-nl "{")
    (multiple-value-setq (min-values max-values)
      (c1form-values-number init-form))

    ;; 2) For all variables which are not special and do not belong to
    ;;    a closure, make a local C variable.
    (dolist (var vars)
      (declare (type (or null var) var))
      (let ((kind (local var)))
	(if kind
	    (bind (next-lcl) var)
	    (wt-nl *volatile* (rep-type-name kind) " " var ";")
	    (wt-comment (var-name var)))
	  (unless env-grows (setq env-grows (var-ref-ccb var))))))

    ;; 3) If there are closure variables, set up an environment.
    (when (setq env-grows (env-grows env-grows))
      (push 0 *closure-levels*)
      (setq closure-block-id (incf *closure-block-id*) *cenv0-used* t)
      (let ((env-lvl *env-lvl*))
	(incf *env-lvl*)
	(wt-nl "mkcl_object cenv" *env-lvl* " = mkcl_alloc_clevel_block(env, "
	       (if *written-function* "this_func" "mk_cl_Cnil")
	       ", cenv" env-lvl ", "
	       (written-function-cname) "_cblock_" closure-block-id ");")
	(when (>= *debug-fun* 2)
	  (wt-nl "mkcl_object syms_cenv" *env-lvl* " = mkcl_alloc_clevel_block(env, "
		 (if *written-function* "this_func" "mk_cl_Cnil")
		 ", syms_cenv" env-lvl ", "
		 (written-function-cname) "_cblock_" closure-block-id ");")

    ;; 4) Assign the values to the variables
    (do-m-v-setq-any min-values max-values vars t)

    (when (>= *debug-fun* 3)
      (build-debug-lexical-env (reverse vars))

    ;; 5) Compile the body. If there are bindings of special variables,
    ;;    these bindings are undone here.
    (c2expr body)

    (when closure-block-id
      (wt-nl-h "#define " (written-function-cname) "_cblock_" closure-block-id " "
	       (first *closure-levels*))

    ;; 6) Close the C block.
    (wt "}"))

;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------

(put-sysprop 'multiple-value-call 'c1special 'c1multiple-value-call)
(put-sysprop 'multiple-value-call 'c2 'c2multiple-value-call) ;; Does not exist! JCB
(put-sysprop 'multiple-value-prog1 'c1special 'c1multiple-value-prog1)
(put-sysprop 'multiple-value-prog1 'c2 'c2multiple-value-prog1) ;; Does not exist! JCB
(put-sysprop 'values 'c1 'c1values)
(put-sysprop 'values 'c2 'c2values)
(put-sysprop 'multiple-value-setq 'c1 'c1multiple-value-setq)
(put-sysprop 'multiple-value-setq 'c2 'c2multiple-value-setq)
(put-sysprop 'multiple-value-bind 'c1 'c1multiple-value-bind)
(put-sysprop 'multiple-value-bind 'c2 'c2multiple-value-bind)