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;;;;  -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: C -*-
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1984, Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya.
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1990, Giuseppe Attardi.
;;;;  Copyright (c) 2011, Jean-Claude Beaudoin.
;;;;    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;;    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;;    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;;    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;;    See file '../../Copyright' for full details.

;;;; CMPENV  Environments of the Compiler.

(in-package "COMPILER")

;;; Only these flags are set by the user.
;;; If (safe-compile) is ON, some kind of run-time checks are not
;;; included in the compiled code.  The default value is OFF.

(defconstant +init-env-form+
  '((*gensym-counter* 0)
    (*compiler-in-use* t)
    (*compiler-phase* 't1)
    (*callbacks* nil)
    (*max-temp* 0)
    (*temp* 0)
    (*next-cmacro* 0)
    (*next-cfun* 0)
    (*last-label* 0)
    (*load-objects* (make-hash-table :size 128 :test #'equal))
    (*make-forms* nil)
    (*static-constants* nil)
    (*permanent-objects* nil)
    (*temporary-objects* nil)
    (*data-storage-frozen* nil) ;; JCB
    (*local-funs* nil)
    (*global-var-objects* nil)
    (*global-vars* nil)
    (*global-funs* nil)
    (*global-cfuns-array* (make-array 128 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)) ;; JCB
    (*lex-local-funs* nil)
    (*linking-calls* nil)
    (*undefined-vars* nil)
    (*reservations* nil)
    (*top-level-forms* nil)
    (*compile-time-too* nil)
    (*clines-string-list* '())
    (*inline-functions* nil)
    (*inline-blocks* 0)
    (*notinline* nil)
    (*debugger-hook*  (let ((outer-hook *debugger-hook*))
			#'(lambda (condition hook)
			  (compiler-debugger outer-hook condition hook))))
    (*readtable* (copy-readtable))   ;; for thread safety. JCB
    (si::*debug* si::*debug*)   ;; JCB
    (si::*safety* si::*safety*) ;; JCB
    (si::*space* si::*space*)   ;; JCB
    (si::*speed* si::*speed*)   ;; JCB
    (si::*compilation-speed* si::*compilation-speed*) ;; JCB
    (*compiler-floating-point-exclusion-set* *compiler-floating-point-exclusion-set*) ;; JCB
    (ffi::*referenced-libraries* ffi::*referenced-libraries*) ;; JCB

(defun next-lcl () (list 'LCL (incf *lcl*)))

(defun next-cfun (&optional (prefix "L~D~A") (lisp-name nil))
  (let ((code (incf *next-cfun*)))
    (format nil prefix code (lisp-to-c-function-name lisp-name))))

(defun next-temp ()
  (prog1 *temp*
         (incf *temp*)
         (setq *max-temp* (max *temp* *max-temp*))))

(defun next-lex ()
  (prog1 (cons *level* *lex*)
         (incf *lex*)
         (setq *max-lex* (max *lex* *max-lex*))))

(defun next-env () (prog1 *env*
		     (incf *env*)
		     (incf (car *closure-levels*))
		     (setq *max-env* (max *env* *max-env*))))

(defun function-arg-types (arg-types &aux (types nil))
  (do ((al arg-types (cdr al)))
      ((or (endp al)
           (member (car al) '(&optional &rest &key)))
       (nreverse types))
      ;;(declare (object al))
      (push (type-filter (car al)) types)))

(defun add-function-declaration (fname arg-types return-types)
  (if (si::valid-function-name-p fname)
      (let ((fun (cmp-env-search-function fname)))
	(if (functionp fun)
	    (warn "Found function declaration for local macro ~A" fname)
	    (push (list fun
			(function-arg-types arg-types)
			(si::function-return-type return-types))
      (warn "In (DECLARE (FTYPE ...)): ~s is not a valid function name" fname)))

(defun get-arg-types (fname)
  (let ((x (assoc fname *function-declarations*)))
    (if x
	(values (second x) t)
	(get-sysprop fname 'PROCLAIMED-ARG-TYPES))))

(defun get-return-type (fname)
  (let ((x (assoc fname *function-declarations*)))
    (if x
	(values (third x) t)
	(get-sysprop fname 'PROCLAIMED-RETURN-TYPE))))

(defun get-local-arg-types (fun &aux x)
  (if (setq x (assoc fun *function-declarations*))
      (values (second x) t)
      (values nil nil)))

(defun get-local-return-type (fun &aux x)
  (if (setq x (assoc fun *function-declarations*))
      (values (caddr x) t)
      (values nil nil)))

(defun get-proclaimed-narg (fun-name)
  (multiple-value-bind (arg-list found)
      (get-arg-types fun-name)
    (if found
	(loop for type in arg-list
	   with minarg = 0
	   and maxarg = 0
	   and in-optionals = nil
	   do (cond ((member type '(* &rest &key &allow-other-keys) :test #'eq)
		     (return (values minarg call-arguments-limit)))
		    ((eq type '&optional)
		     (setf in-optionals t maxarg minarg))
		     (incf maxarg))
		     (incf minarg)
		     (incf maxarg)))
	   finally (return (values minarg maxarg)))
      #+(and) ;; JCB
      (multiple-value-bind (found cname minarg maxarg) (si::mangle-function-name fun-name)
	(declare (ignore found cname))
	(values minarg maxarg)
      #+(or)(values 0 call-arguments-limit)))) ;; JCB

;;; Proclamation and declaration handling.

(defun declared-notinline-p (fname)
  (let ((local-decl (assoc fname *notinline* :test #'same-fname-p)))
    (if local-decl
	(eq (cdr local-decl) 'NOTINLINE)
      (get-sysprop fname 'NOTINLINE)

(defun inline-possible (fname)
  (not (or (declared-notinline-p fname)
           (<= 3 (cmp-env-optimization 'debug))

(defun c1body (body doc-p &aux
	            (all-declarations nil)
		    (ss nil)		; special vars
		    (is nil)		; ignored vars
		    (iables nil)        ; ignorable vars
		    (ts nil)		; typed vars (var . type)
		    (dyns nil)          ; dynamic-extent vars
		    (others nil)	; all other vars
	            doc form)
    (when (endp body) (return))
    (setq form (cmp-macroexpand (car body)))
     ((stringp form)
      (when (or (null doc-p) (endp (cdr body)) doc) (return))
      (setq doc form))
     ((and (consp form) (eq (car form) 'DECLARE))
      (push form all-declarations)
      (dolist (decl (cdr form))
        (cmpassert (and (proper-list-p decl) (si::typespecp (first decl)))
		   "Syntax error in declaration ~s" form)
	(let* ((decl-name (first decl))
	       (decl-args (rest decl)))
	  (flet ((declare-variables (type var-list)
		   (cmpassert (proper-list-p var-list #'symbolp)
			      "Syntax error in declaration ~s" decl)
		   (when type
		     (dolist (var var-list)
		       (push (cons var type) ts)))))
	    (case decl-name
	       (cmpassert (proper-list-p decl-args #'symbolp)
			  "Syntax error in declaration ~s" decl)
	       (setf ss (append decl-args ss)))
	       (cmpassert (proper-list-p decl-args
                                         #'(lambda (x) 
                                             (or (symbolp x)
                                                 (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'function) 
                                                      (si::valid-function-name-p (cadr x)))))
			  "Syntax error in declaration ~s" decl)
	       (setf is (append decl-args is)))
	       (cmpassert (proper-list-p decl-args
                                         #'(lambda (x) 
                                             (or (symbolp x)
                                                 (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'function) 
                                                      (si::valid-function-name-p (cadr x)))))
			  "Syntax error in declaration ~s" decl)
	       (setf iables (append decl-args iables)))
	       (cmpassert decl-args "Syntax error in declaration ~s" decl)
	       (declare-variables (first decl-args) (rest decl-args)))
	       (cmpassert (proper-list-p decl-args
                                         #'(lambda (x)
                                             (or (symbolp x)
                                                 (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'function)
                                                      (si::valid-function-name-p (cadr x))))))
Jean-Claude Beaudoin's avatar
Jean-Claude Beaudoin committed
			  "Syntax error in declaration ~s" decl)
	       (setf dyns (append decl-args dyns))
	       (declare-variables 'OBJECT decl-args))
	      ;; read-only variable treatment. obsolete!
	       (push decl others))
	       (push decl others))
	       (if (member decl-name si::*alien-declarations*)
		   (push decl others)
		 (multiple-value-bind (ok type)
		     (si::valid-type-specifier decl-name)
		   (if ok  
		       (declare-variables type decl-args)
		     (cmpwarn "The declaration specifier ~s is unknown." decl-name)) ;; JCB
     (t (return)))
    (pop body)
  (values body ss ts is others doc all-declarations iables dyns)

(defun default-optimization (optimization)
  (ecase optimization
    (speed si::*speed*)
    (safety si::*safety*)
    (space si::*space*)
    (debug si::*debug*)
    (compilaton-speed si::*compilation-speed*)))

(defun search-optimization-quality (declarations what)
  (dolist (i (reverse declarations) (cmp-env-optimization what))
    (when (and (consp i) (eq (first i) 'optimize))
      (dolist (j (rest i))
	(cond ((consp j)
	       (when (eq (first j) what)
		 (return-from search-optimization-quality (second j))))
	      ((eq j what)
	       (return-from search-optimization-quality 3)))))))

(defun c1add-declarations (decls &aux (dl nil) (optimizations))
  (dolist (decl decls)
    (case (car decl)
       (push decl dl)
       (dolist (x (cdr decl))
	 (when (symbolp x) (setq x (list x 3)))
	 (unless optimizations
	   (setq optimizations (cmp-env-all-optimizations)))
	 (if (or (not (consp x))
		 (not (consp (cdr x)))
		 (not (numberp (second x)))
		 (not (<= 0 (second x) 3)))
	   (cmpwarn "The OPTIMIZE proclamation ~s is illegal." x)
	   (let ((value (second x)))
	     (case (car x)
	       (DEBUG (setf (first optimizations) value))
	       (SAFETY (setf (second optimizations) value))
	       (SPACE (setf (third optimizations) value))
	       (SPEED (setf (fourth optimizations) value))
	       (t (cmpwarn "The OPTIMIZE quality ~s is unknown." (car x))))))))
       (if (atom (rest decl))
	   (cmpwarn "Syntax error in declaration ~a" decl)
	   (multiple-value-bind (type-name args)
	       (si::normalize-type (second decl))
	     (if (eq type-name 'FUNCTION)
		 (dolist (v (cddr decl))
		   (add-function-declaration v (first args) (rest args)))
		 (cmpwarn "In an FTYPE declaration, found ~A which is not a function type." (second decl))))))
       (push decl dl)
       (dolist (fname (cdr decl))
	 (if (si::valid-function-name-p fname)
             (push (cons fname 'INLINE) *notinline*)
	   (cmperr "Not a valid function name ~s in declaration ~s" fname decl))))
       (push decl dl)
       (dolist (fname (cdr decl))
	 (if (si::valid-function-name-p fname)
	     (push (cons fname 'NOTINLINE) *notinline*)
	   (cmperr "Not a valid function name ~s in declaration ~s" fname decl))))
       (do-declaration (rest decl) #'cmperr))
       ;; These need no action here and are handled elsewhere.
       (unless (member (car decl) si:*alien-declarations*)
	 (cmpwarn "The declaration specifier ~s is unknown." (car decl))))))
  (when optimizations
    (setf *cmp-env*
	  (cons (cons `(:declare optimize ,@optimizations)
		      (car *cmp-env*))
		(cdr *cmp-env*))))

(defun c1decl-body (decls body)
  (if (null decls)
      (c1progn body)
      (let* ((*function-declarations* *function-declarations*)
	     (si:*alien-declarations* si:*alien-declarations*)
	     (*notinline* *notinline*)
	     (*cmp-env* *cmp-env*)
	     (dl (c1add-declarations decls)))
	(setq body (c1progn body))
	(make-c1form 'DECL-BODY body dl body))))

(put-sysprop 'decl-body 'c2 'c2decl-body)

(defun c2decl-body (decls body)
  (let ((*cmp-env* *cmp-env*)
        (*notinline* *notinline*))
    (c1add-declarations decls)
    (c2expr body)))

(defun check-vdecl (specials ignored-vars)
  (dolist (svar specials)
    (when (member svar ignored-vars)
      (cmpwarn-style "Variable ~s declared special while explicitly ignored." svar))))


(defmacro cmp-env-new ()
  '(cons nil nil))

(defun cmp-env-copy (&optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (cons (car env) (cdr env)))

(defmacro cmp-env-variables (&optional (env '*cmp-env*))
  `(car ,env))

(defmacro cmp-env-functions (&optional (env '*cmp-env*))
  `(cdr ,env))

(defun cmp-env-register-var (var &optional (env *cmp-env*) (boundp t))
  ;;(declare (ignore env))
  (push (list (var-name var)
	      (if (member (var-kind var) '(special global))
	(cmp-env-variables env)

(defun cmp-env-declare-special (name &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (cmp-env-register-var (c1make-global-variable name :warn nil :kind 'SPECIAL)
			env nil))

(defun cmp-env-register-function (fun &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (push (list (fun-name fun) 'function fun)
	(cmp-env-functions env)))

(defun cmp-env-register-macro (name function &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (push (list name 'si::macro function)
	(cmp-env-functions env)))

(defun cmp-env-register-symbol-macro (name form &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (push (list name
	      #'(lambda (whole env) (declare (ignore whole env)) form))
	(cmp-env-variables env)))

(defun cmp-env-register-block (blk &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (push (list :block (blk-name blk) blk)
	(cmp-env-variables env)))

(defun cmp-env-register-tag (tag &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (push (list :tag (list (tag-name tag)) tag)
	(cmp-env-variables env)))

(defun cmp-env-search-function (name &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (let ((ccb nil)
	(clb nil)
	(unw nil)
	(found nil))
    (dolist (record (cmp-env-functions env))
      (cond ((eq record 'CB)
	     (setf ccb t))
	    ((eq record 'LB)
	     (setf clb t))
	    ((eq record 'UNWIND-PROTECT)
	     (setf unw t))
	    ((atom record)
	    ;; We have to use EQUAL because the name can be a list (SETF whatever)
	    ((equal (first record) name)
	     (setf found (first (last record)))
    (values found ccb clb unw)))

(defun cmp-env-search-variables (type name env)
  (let ((ccb nil)
	(clb nil)
	(unw nil)
	(found nil))
    (dolist (record (cmp-env-variables env))
      (cond ((eq record 'CB)
	     (setf ccb t))
	    ((eq record 'LB)
	     (setf clb t))
	    ((eq record 'UNWIND-PROTECT)
	     (setf unw t))
	    ((atom record)
	    ((not (eq (first record) type)))
	    ((eq type :block)
	     (when (eq name (second record))
	       (setf found record)
	    ((eq type :tag)
	     (when (member name (second record) :test #'eql)
	       (setf found record)
	    ((eq (second record) 'si::symbol-macro)
	     (when (eq name 'si::symbol-macro)
	       (setf found record))
	     (setf found record)
    (values (first (last found)) ccb clb unw)))

(defun cmp-env-search-block (name &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (cmp-env-search-variables :block name env))

(defun cmp-env-search-tag (name &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (cmp-env-search-variables :tag name env))

(defun cmp-env-search-symbol-macro (name &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (cmp-env-search-variables name 'si::symbol-macro env))

(defun cmp-env-search-var (name &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (cmp-env-search-variables name t env))

(defun cmp-env-search-macro (name &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (let ((f (cmp-env-search-function name env)))
    (if (functionp f) f nil)))

(defun cmp-env-mark (mark &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (cons (cons mark (car env))
	(cons mark (cdr env))))

(defun cmp-env-new-variables (new-env old-env)
  (declare (ignore new-env))
  (loop for i in (ldiff (cmp-env-variables *cmp-env*)
			(cmp-env-variables old-env))
	when (and (consp i) (var-p (fourth i)))
	collect (fourth i)))

(defun cmp-env-all-optimizations (&optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (loop for i in (car env)
     when (and (consp i)
	       (eq (first i) :declare)
	       (eq (second i) 'optimize))
     do (return (cddr i))
     finally (return (list si::*debug* si::*safety* si::*space* si::*speed*))))

(defun cmp-env-optimization (property &optional (env *cmp-env*))
  (let ((x (cmp-env-all-optimizations env)))
    (case property
      (debug (first x))
      (safety (second x))
      (space (third x))
      (speed (fourth x)))))

(defun policy-assume-right-type (&optional (env *cmp-env*)) ;; used in funcall optimization
  (< (cmp-env-optimization 'safety env) 2))

(defun policy-check-call-stack-overflow (&optional (env *cmp-env*))
  "Do we add a stack check to every function?"
  (>= (cmp-env-optimization 'safety env) 1))

(defun policy-inline-slot-access-p (&optional (env *cmp-env*))
  "Do we inline access to structures and sealed classes?"
  (or (< (cmp-env-optimization 'safety env) 2)
       (<= (cmp-env-optimization 'safety env) (cmp-env-optimization 'speed env))))

(defun policy-check-all-arguments-p (&optional (env *cmp-env*))
  "Do we assume that arguments are the right type?"
  (>= (cmp-env-optimization 'safety env) 1))

(defun policy-automatic-check-type-p (&optional (env *cmp-env*))
  "Do we generate CHECK-TYPE forms for function arguments with type declarations?"
  (let ((safety (cmp-env-optimization 'safety env)))
    ;;(format t "~& In policy-automatic-check-type-p, safety is ~S for env: ~S.~%" safety env) (finish-output) ;; debug JCB
    (and *automatic-check-type-in-lambda*
	 (>= safety 3 #|1|#))) ;; JCB

(defun policy-assume-types-dont-change-p (&optional (env *cmp-env*))
  "Do we assume that type and class definitions will not change?"
  (< (cmp-env-optimization 'safety env) 1))


;;; This is a useful way to trace declaim. JCB
(define-compiler-macro declaim (&whole form &rest decl-specs &environment env)
  (format t "~&Applying compiler-macro declaim on: ~S.~%" form)
