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ucd.lisp 31.4 KiB
Newer Older
;;; Note about the origin of this file.
;;; This file was inherited by MKCL from ECL 9.6.2 when MKCL was
;;; initially forked from it. But being in the contrib directory,
;;; it is likely that it originated from some other unidentified source.
;;; In fact, this file content can be found verbatim in a file of
;;; the same name (ucd.lisp) in the tools-for-build directory of SBCL.
;;; It is suspected that this SBCL version is in fact the original
;;; source. (sampled in SBCL 1.0.58).  As inherited from ECL 9.6.2,
;;; this file did not include any copyright notice, nor do any
;;; version included in SBCL up to this day (2012/11/14).
;;; This file was later modified for MKCL's purposes, mainly to
;;; improve its robustness, reliability and maintainability.
;;; For these modifications the same conditions apply as for the
;;; rest of MKCL:
;;; Copyright (c) 2012, Jean-Claude Beaudoin.

;;; In its original form, this code was barely of kleenex quality,
;;; full of unchecked limitations, good to be used at most once...
;;; Some of that state may persist despite efforts to redress it. JCB

;;; Common

(defparameter *extension-directory*
  (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*)))

(defconstant *page-size-exponent* 8)
(defconstant *page-size* (ash 1 *page-size-exponent*))

(defconstant *unichar-codepoint-limit* #x110000)
(defconstant *ucd-version* "6.2.0")

;; #'cp-high and #'cp-low split a code-point in two parts.
;; The high part (from codepoints bits 21 to 8) becomes an index in the page table.
;; The low part (from codepoints bits 7 to 0) becomes an index to a specific
;; character info struct inside a given page.
(defun cp-high (cp)
  (ash cp (- *page-size-exponent*)))

(defun cp-low (cp)
  (ldb (byte *page-size-exponent* 0) cp))

;;; Generator

(defstruct unichar-info
(defparameter *unicode-character-database* ;; yet another misnomer.
  (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*)))

(defparameter *unichar-info-pages* nil) ;; a vector of pages.
;; There is (cp-high *unichar-codepoint-limit*) [4352] pages in this vector.
;; Each page is itself a vector of *page-size* [256] unichar-info structs.
(defparameter *unicode-names* (make-hash-table)) ;; indexed on code-point. 
(defparameter *unicode-names-total-size* 0)

(defparameter *last-uppercase* nil)
(defparameter *uppercase-transition-count* 0)
(defparameter *different-titlecases* nil)
(defparameter *different-numerics* nil)

(defparameter *unichar-properties-signature-indices* nil)
(defparameter *unichar-properties-signature-table* nil)
(defparameter *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table* nil)
(defparameter *unichar-properties-signature-to-sorted-mapping* nil)

(defparameter *both-cases* nil)
(defparameter *decompositions* nil)
(defparameter *decomposition-length-max* nil)
(defparameter *decomposition-types* nil)
(defparameter *decomposition-base* nil)

(defun find-unichar-properties-signature-index (general-category-index bidi-index ccc-index
						decimal-digit digit bidi-mirrored cl-both-case-p)
  (let* ((list (list general-category-index bidi-index ccc-index decimal-digit digit bidi-mirrored cl-both-case-p))
         (index (gethash list *unichar-properties-signature-indices*)))
        (let ((index (vector-push list *unichar-properties-signature-table*)))
	  (setf (gethash list *unichar-properties-signature-indices*) index)))))
(defun compare-unichar-properties-signatures (left right)
  (destructuring-bind (left-general-category-index left-bidi-index left-ccc-index
                       left-decimal-digit left-digit left-bidi-mirrored
    (destructuring-bind (right-general-category-index right-bidi-index right-ccc-index
                         right-decimal-digit right-digit right-bidi-mirrored
      (or (and left-cl-both-case-p (not right-cl-both-case-p))
          (and (or left-cl-both-case-p (not right-cl-both-case-p))
               (or (< left-general-category-index right-general-category-index)
                   (and (= left-general-category-index right-general-category-index)
                        (or (< left-bidi-index right-bidi-index)
                            (and (= left-bidi-index right-bidi-index)
                                 (or (< left-ccc-index right-ccc-index)
                                     (and (= left-ccc-index right-ccc-index)
                                          (or (string< left-decimal-digit
                                              (and (string= left-decimal-digit
                                                   (or (string< left-digit right-digit)
                                                       (and (string= left-digit
                                                            (string< left-bidi-mirrored

(defun build-unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table ()
  (let ((sig-max-index (fill-pointer *unichar-properties-signature-table*)))
    (setq *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table* (copy-seq *unichar-properties-signature-table*))
    (sort *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table* #'compare-unichar-properties-signatures)
    (setq *unichar-properties-signature-to-sorted-mapping* (make-array sig-max-index))
    (loop for i from 0 below sig-max-index
	  do (setf (aref *unichar-properties-signature-to-sorted-mapping*
			 (gethash (aref *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table* i) *unichar-properties-signature-indices*))

(defun slurp-ucd ()
  (setq *last-uppercase* nil)
  (setq *uppercase-transition-count* 0)
  (setq *different-titlecases* nil)
  (setq *different-numerics* nil)
  (setq *unicode-names-total-size* 0)
  (setq *unichar-properties-signature-indices* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
  (setq *unichar-properties-signature-table* (make-array 256 :fill-pointer 0))
  (setq *both-cases* nil)
  (setq *decompositions* 0)
  (setq *decomposition-types* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
  (setq *decomposition-length-max* 0)
  (setq *decomposition-base* (make-array (cp-high *unichar-codepoint-limit*) :initial-element nil))
  (setq *unichar-info-pages* (make-array (cp-high *unichar-codepoint-limit*) :initial-element nil))

  (with-open-file (*standard-input*
		   (make-pathname :name "UnicodeData" :type "txt"
				  :defaults *extension-directory*)
                   :direction :input :external-format '(:ascii :lf))
    (loop for line = (read-line nil nil)
          while line
          do (slurp-ucd-line line)))

(defun split-string (line character)
  (loop for prev-position = 0 then (1+ position)
        for position = (position character line :start prev-position)
        collect (subseq line prev-position position)
        do (unless position

(defun init-indices (strings)
  (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    (loop for string in strings
          for index from 0
          do (setf (gethash string hash) index))

(defparameter *general-categories-indices*
  (init-indices '("Lu" "Ll" "Lt" "Lm" "Lo" "Cc" "Cf" "Co" "Cs" "Mc"
                  "Me" "Mn" "Nd" "Nl" "No" "Pc" "Pd" "Pe" "Pf" "Pi"
                  "Po" "Ps" "Sc" "Sk" "Sm" "So" "Zl" "Zp" "Zs")))

(defun init-indices (strings)
  (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    (loop for (string c-string) across strings
          for index from 0
          do (setf (gethash string hash) index))

(defconstant *general-categories*
  #(("Lu" "mkcl_ucd_Uppercase_Letter")
    ("Ll" "mkcl_ucd_Lowercase_Letter")
    ("Lt" "mkcl_ucd_Titlecase_Letter")
    ("Lm" "mkcl_ucd_Modified_Letter")
    ("Lo" "mkcl_ucd_Other_Letter")
    ("Cc" "mkcl_ucd_Control")
    ("Cf" "mkcl_ucd_Format")
    ("Co" "mkcl_ucd_Private_Use")
    ("Cs" "mkcl_ucd_Surrogate")
    ("Mc" "mkcl_ucd_Spacing_Mark")
    ("Me" "mkcl_ucd_Enclosing_Mark")
    ("Mn" "mkcl_ucd_Nonspacing_Mark")
    ("Nd" "mkcl_ucd_Decimal_Number")
    ("Nl" "mkcl_ucd_Letter_Number")
    ("No" "mkcl_ucd_Other_Number")
    ("Pc" "mkcl_ucd_Connector_Punctuation")
    ("Pd" "mkcl_ucd_Dash_Punctuation")
    ("Pe" "mkcl_ucd_Close_Punctuation")
    ("Pf" "mkcl_ucd_Final_Punctuation")
    ("Pi" "mkcl_ucd_Initial_Punctuation")
    ("Po" "mkcl_ucd_Other_Punctuation")
    ("Ps" "mkcl_ucd_Open_Punctuation")
    ("Sc" "mkcl_ucd_Currency_Symbol")
    ("Sk" "mkcl_ucd_Modifier_Symbol")
    ("Sm" "mkcl_ucd_Math_Symbol")
    ("So" "mkcl_ucd_Other_Symbol")
    ("Zl" "mkcl_ucd_Line_Separator")
    ("Zp" "mkcl_ucd_Paragraph_Separator")
    ("Zs" "mkcl_ucd_Space_Separator")

(defparameter *general-categories-indices*
  (init-indices *general-categories*))

(defparameter *bidi-classes-indices*
  (init-indices '("AL" "AN" "B" "BN" "CS" "EN" "ES" "ET" "L" "LRE" "LRO"
                  "NSM" "ON" "PDF" "R" "RLE" "RLO" "S" "WS")))

(defconstant *bidi-classes*
  #(("AL"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Arabic_Letter")
    ("AN"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Arabic_Number")
    ("B"   "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Paragraph_Separator")
    ("BN"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Boundary_Neutral")
    ("CS"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Common_Separator")
    ("EN"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_European_Number")
    ("ES"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_European_Separator")
    ("ET"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_European_Terminator")
    ("L"   "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Left_To_Right")
    ("LRE" "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Left_To_Right_Embedding")
    ("LRO" "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Left_To_Right_Override")
    ("NSM" "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Nonspacing_Mark")
    ("ON"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Other_Neutral")
    ("PDF" "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Pop_Directional_Format")
    ("R"   "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Right_To_Left")
    ("RLE" "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Right_To_Left_Embedding")
    ("RLO" "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Right_To_Left_Override")
    ("S"   "mkcl_ucd_bidi_Segment_Separator")
    ("WS"  "mkcl_ucd_bidi_White_Space")

(defparameter *bidi-classes-indices*
  (init-indices *bidi-classes*))

(defparameter *block-first* nil)

(defun normalize-character-name (name)
  (when (find #\_ name)
    (error "Bad name for a character: ~A" name))
  (unless (or (zerop (length name)) (find #\< name) (find #\> name))
    (substitute #\_ #\Space name)))

;;;   3400  --  4DB5  : cjk ideograph extension a ;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
;;;   AC00  --  D7A3  : hangul syllables ;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
;;;   D800  --  F8FF  : surrogates and private use
;;;  20000  --  2A6D6 : cjk ideograph extension b ;Lo;0;L;;;;;N;;;;;
;;;  F0000  --  FFFFD : private use
;;; 100000  --  10FFFD: private use
(defun parse-ucd-line (line code-point)
  (destructuring-bind (name general-category canonical-combining-class
                            bidi-class decomposition-type-and-mapping
                            decimal-digit digit numeric bidi-mirrored
                            unicode-1-name iso-10646-comment simple-uppercase
                            simple-lowercase simple-titlecase)
    (declare (ignore unicode-1-name iso-10646-comment))
    (if (and (> (length name) 8)
             (string= ", First>" name :start2 (- (length name) 8)))
          (setq *block-first* code-point)
        (let* ((general-category-index (or (gethash general-category *general-categories-indices*)
                             (error "unknown general category ~A"
               (bidi-index (or (gethash bidi-class *bidi-classes-indices*)
                               (error "unknown bidirectional class ~A"
               (ccc-index (parse-integer canonical-combining-class))
               (digit-index (unless (string= "" decimal-digit)
                              (parse-integer decimal-digit)))
               (upper-index (unless (string= "" simple-uppercase)
                              (parse-integer simple-uppercase :radix 16)))
               (lower-index (unless (string= "" simple-lowercase)
                              (parse-integer simple-lowercase :radix 16)))
               (title-index (unless (string= "" simple-titlecase)
                              (parse-integer simple-titlecase :radix 16)))
                (not (null (or (and (= general-category-index 0) lower-index)
                               (and (= general-category-index 1) upper-index)))))
		(find-unichar-properties-signature-index general-category-index bidi-index ccc-index
							 decimal-digit digit bidi-mirrored cl-both-case-p)))
          (declare (ignore digit-index))
          (incf *unicode-names-total-size* (length name))
          (when (string/= "" decomposition-type-and-mapping)
            (let ((split (split-string decomposition-type-and-mapping
              (when (char= #\< (aref (first split) 0))
                (setf (gethash (pop split) *decomposition-types*) t))
              (unless (aref *decomposition-base* (cp-high code-point))
                (setf (aref *decomposition-base* (cp-high code-point))
                                  :initial-element nil)))
              (setf (aref (aref *decomposition-base* (cp-high code-point))
                          (cp-low code-point))
                    (mapcar #'(lambda (string)
                                (parse-integer string :radix 16))
              (setq *decomposition-length-max*
                    (max *decomposition-length-max* (length split)))
              (incf *decompositions* (length split))))
          (when (and (string/= "" simple-uppercase)
                     (string/= "" simple-lowercase))
            (push (list code-point upper-index lower-index) *both-cases*))
          (when (string/= simple-uppercase simple-titlecase)
            (push (cons code-point title-index) *different-titlecases*))
          (when (string/= digit numeric)
            (push (cons code-point numeric) *different-numerics*))
            ((= general-category-index 8) ;; Is this really testing for category "Cs"? JCB
             (unless *last-uppercase*
               (incf *uppercase-transition-count*))
             (setq *last-uppercase* t))
             (when *last-uppercase*
               (incf *uppercase-transition-count*))
             (setq *last-uppercase* nil)))
          (when (> ccc-index 255)
            (error "canonical combining class too large ~A" ccc-index))
          (let ((result (make-unichar-info :properties-sig-index unichar-properties-signature-index
					   :transform (or upper-index lower-index 0))))
            (when (and (> (length name) 7)
                       (string= ", Last>" name :start2 (- (length name) 7)))
              (let ((page-start (cp-high (+ *block-first*
                    (page-end (cp-high code-point)))
                (loop for point from *block-first*
                      below (ash page-start *page-size-exponent*)
                      do (setf (aref (aref *unichar-info-pages* (cp-high point))
                                     (cp-low point))
                (loop for page from page-start below page-end
                      do (setf (aref *unichar-info-pages* page)
                               (make-array *page-size*
                                           :initial-element result)))
                (loop for point from (ash page-end *page-size-exponent*)
                      below code-point
                      do (setf (aref (aref *unichar-info-pages* (cp-high point))
                                     (cp-low point))
            (values result (normalize-character-name name)))))))

(defun slurp-ucd-line (line)
  (let* ((split-line (split-string line #\;))
         (code-point (parse-integer (first split-line) :radix 16))
         (code-high (cp-high code-point))
         (code-low (cp-low code-point)))
    (unless (aref *unichar-info-pages* code-high)
      (setf (aref *unichar-info-pages* code-high)
            (make-array *page-size* :initial-element nil)))
    (multiple-value-bind (char-info char-name)
        (parse-ucd-line (cdr split-line) code-point)
      (setf (aref (aref *unichar-info-pages* code-high) code-low) char-info
            (gethash code-point *unicode-names*) char-name))))

(defun second-pass ()
  (loop for i from 0 below (length *unichar-info-pages*)
        when (aref *unichar-info-pages* i)
        do (loop for j from 0 below (length (aref *unichar-info-pages* i))
                 for result = (aref (aref *unichar-info-pages* i) j)
                 when (let* ((transform-point (unichar-info-transform result))
                             (transform-high (cp-high transform-point))
                             (transform-low (cp-low transform-point)))
                        (and (plusp transform-point)
                             (/= (unichar-info-transform
                                  (aref (aref *unichar-info-pages* transform-high)
                                 (+ (ash i *page-size-exponent*) j))))
                 do (destructuring-bind (general-category-index bidi-index ccc-index
                                         decimal-digit digit bidi-mirrored
                        (aref *unichar-properties-signature-table* (unichar-info-properties-sig-index result))
                      (declare (ignore cl-both-case-p))
                      ;;(format t "~A~%" (+ (ash i *page-size-exponent*) j))
                      (setf (unichar-info-properties-sig-index result)
                            (find-unichar-properties-signature-index general-category-index bidi-index ccc-index
								     decimal-digit digit bidi-mirrored

(defun write-3-byte (triplet stream)
  (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 0) triplet) stream)
  (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 8) triplet) stream)
  (write-byte (ldb (byte 8 16) triplet) stream))

(defun digit-to-byte (digit)
  (if (string= "" digit)
      (parse-integer digit)))

(defun output ()
  (let ((page-folding-bucket (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
        (folded-page-top-index 0))
    (loop for page across *unichar-info-pages*
               (unless (gethash page page-folding-bucket)
                 (setf (gethash page page-folding-bucket)
                       (incf folded-page-top-index)))))
    (when (<= 255 folded-page-top-index) (error "~&In output: UCD page folding bucket has overflowed: ~S.~%" folded-page-top-index))
    (let ((unichar-info-folded-pages (make-array (1+ folded-page-top-index))))
      (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
                   (setf (aref unichar-info-folded-pages value) key))
      (setf (aref unichar-info-folded-pages 0) ;; Is this a blank page simply because we do not know how to count from 0? Yep! JCB
            (make-array *page-size* :initial-element nil))
      (with-open-file (stream (make-pathname :name "ucd"
                                             :type "dat"
                                             :defaults *extension-directory*)
                              :direction :output
                              :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
                              :if-exists :supersede
                              :if-does-not-exist :create)
	(let ((offset (* (length *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table*) 8)))
	  ;; "offset" is the external size of the properties signatures table in bytes.
	  (write-byte (mod offset 256) stream)
	  (write-byte (floor offset 256) stream))
        (loop for (general-category-index bidi-index ccc-index decimal-digit digit bidi-mirrored)
              across *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table*
              do (write-byte general-category-index stream)
              do (write-byte bidi-index stream)
              do (write-byte ccc-index stream)
              do (write-byte (digit-to-byte decimal-digit) stream)
              do (write-byte (digit-to-byte digit) stream)
              do (write-byte (if (string= "N" bidi-mirrored) 0 1) stream)
              do (write-byte 0 stream)
              do (write-byte 0 stream))
        (loop for page across *unichar-info-pages*
           do (write-byte (if page (gethash page page-folding-bucket) 0) stream))
        (loop for page across unichar-info-folded-pages
           do (loop for entry across page
                 do (write-byte (if entry
                                    (aref *unichar-properties-signature-to-sorted-mapping*
					  (unichar-info-properties-sig-index entry))
                                    255) ;; 255 is an index that does/should not exist. JCB
                 do (write-3-byte (if entry (unichar-info-transform entry) 0)
  (with-open-file (f (make-pathname :name "ucd-code-names" :type "lisp-expr"
                                    :defaults *extension-directory*)
		     :external-format '(:ascii :lf)
                     :direction :output
                     :if-exists :supersede
                     :if-does-not-exist :create)
      ;;(write-string ";;; Do not edit by hand: generated by ucd.lisp" f)
      (maphash (lambda (code name)
                 (when name
                  (print code f)
                  (prin1 name f)))
      (terpri f))
    ;;(setf *unicode-names* nil) ;; why should we destroy this? JCB
  (with-open-file (f (make-pathname :name "ucd-name-codes" :type "lisp-expr"
                                    :defaults *extension-directory*)
		     :external-format '(:ascii :lf)
                     :direction :output
                     :if-exists :supersede
                     :if-does-not-exist :create)
      ;;(write-string ";;; Do not edit by hand: generated by ucd.lisp" f)
      (maphash (lambda (code name)
                 (when name
                  (print name f)
                  (prin1 code f)))
      (terpri f))
    ;;(setf *unicode-names* nil) ;; why should we destroy this? JCB
  (with-open-file (*standard-output*
                   (make-pathname :name "numerics"
                                  :type "lisp-expr"
                                  :defaults *extension-directory*)
		   :external-format '(:ascii :lf)
                   :direction :output
                   :if-exists :supersede
                   :if-does-not-exist :create)
    (let ((*print-pretty* t))
      (prin1 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (car x) (read-from-string (cdr x))))
  (with-open-file (*standard-output*
                   (make-pathname :name "titlecases"
                                  :type "lisp-expr"
                                  :defaults *extension-directory*)
		   :external-format '(:ascii :lf)
                   :direction :output
                   :if-exists :supersede
                   :if-does-not-exist :create)
    (let ((*print-pretty* t))
      (prin1 *different-titlecases*)))
  (with-open-file (*standard-output*
                   (make-pathname :name "misc"
                                  :type "lisp-expr"
                                  :defaults *extension-directory*)
		   :external-format '(:ascii :lf)
                   :direction :output
                   :if-exists :supersede
                   :if-does-not-exist :create)
    (let ((*print-pretty* t))
      (prin1 `(:length ,(length *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table*)
               :uppercase ,(loop for (general-category-index) across *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table*
                                 when (= general-category-index 0)
               :lowercase ,(loop for (general-category-index) across *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table*
                                 when (= general-category-index 1)
               :titlecase ,(loop for (general-category-index) across *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table*
                                 when (= general-category-index 2)
                                 collect i)))))

(defun read-compiled-ucd ()
  (with-open-file (stream (make-pathname :name "ucd"
                                         :type "dat"
                                         :defaults *extension-directory*)
                          :direction :input
                          :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
    (let ((length (file-length stream)))
      (setq *compiled-ucd*
            (make-array length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
      (read-sequence *compiled-ucd* stream)))


(defconstant *unichar-invalid-digit-value* 255)

(defun output-h-file (h-file)
  (format h-file "
    This file was automatically generated by utility contrib/unicode/ucd.lisp
    for Unicode ~S

    Copyright (c) 2012, Jean-Claude Beaudoin.

    MKCL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    See file '../../Copyright' for full details.
*/~%" *ucd-version*)
  (terpri h-file)
  (format h-file "#ifndef MKCL_UNICODE_H~%")
  (format h-file "#define MKCL_UNICODE_H~2%")

  (format h-file "#define MKCL_UNICHAR_INVALID_DIGIT ((mkcl_uint8_t) ~D)~2%" *unichar-invalid-digit-value*)

  (format h-file "~%enum mkcl_ucd_general_category {~%")
  (loop for (string c-string) across *general-categories*
	do (progn (format h-file "  ~A,~%" c-string))
  (format h-file "};~%")
  (format h-file "~%enum mkcl_ucd_bidi_class {~%")
  (loop for (string c-string) across *bidi-classes*
	do (progn (format h-file "  ~A,~%" c-string))
  (format h-file "};~%")
  (terpri h-file)
  (format h-file "struct mkcl_unichar_properties_signature~%")
  (format h-file "{~%")
  (format h-file "  enum mkcl_ucd_general_category general_category;~%")
  (format h-file "  enum mkcl_ucd_bidi_class bidi;~%")
  (format h-file "  mkcl_uint8_t canonical_combining_class;~%")
  (format h-file "  mkcl_uint8_t decimal_digit;~%")
  (format h-file "  mkcl_uint8_t digit;~%")
  (format h-file "  bool bidi_mirrored;~%")
  (format h-file "};~%")
  (terpri h-file)
  (format h-file "extern const struct mkcl_unichar_properties_signature~%")
  (format h-file "                    _mkcl_unichar_properties_signatures[];~%")
  (terpri h-file)
  (format h-file "const mkcl_uint8_t _mkcl_unichar_info_pages[~D];~2%" (cp-high *unichar-codepoint-limit*))
  (format h-file "struct mkcl_unichar_info~%")
  (format h-file "{~%")
  (format h-file "  mkcl_uint8_t properties_signature_index;~%")
  (format h-file "  unsigned int transform:24;~%")
  (format h-file "};~2%")
  (format h-file "extern const struct mkcl_unichar_info _mkcl_unichar_info[][~D];~2%" *page-size*)

  (format h-file "#endif /* MKCL_UNICODE_H */~2%")

(defun output-c-file (c-file)
  (format c-file "
    This file was automatically generated by utility contrib/unicode/ucd.lisp
    for Unicode ~S

    Copyright (c) 2012, Jean-Claude Beaudoin.

    MKCL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    See file '../../Copyright' for full details.
*/~%" *ucd-version*)
  (terpri c-file)
  (format c-file "#include <mkcl/mkcl.h>~%")
  (terpri c-file)
  (format c-file "const struct mkcl_unichar_properties_signature~%")
  (format c-file "             _mkcl_unichar_properties_signatures[] =~%")
  (format c-file "{~%")
  (loop for (general-category-index bidi-index ccc-index decimal-digit digit bidi-mirrored)
	across *unichar-properties-signature-sorted-table*
	do (format c-file "  { ~A, " (cadr (aref *general-categories* general-category-index)))
	do (format c-file "~A, " (cadr (aref *bidi-classes* bidi-index)))
	do (format c-file "~D, " ccc-index)
	do (format c-file "~A, " (if (and decimal-digit (string/= "" decimal-digit)) decimal-digit *unichar-invalid-digit-value*))
	do (format c-file "~A, " (if (and digit (string/= "" digit)) digit *unichar-invalid-digit-value*))
	do (format c-file "~A },~%" (if (string= "N" bidi-mirrored) "false" "true"))
  (format c-file "};~2%")

  (let ((page-folding-bucket (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
        (folded-page-top-index 0))
    (loop for page across *unichar-info-pages*
          do (when page
               (unless (gethash page page-folding-bucket)
                 (setf (gethash page page-folding-bucket) folded-page-top-index)
		 (incf folded-page-top-index))))
    (when (<= 255 folded-page-top-index) (error "~&In output: UCD page folding bucket has overflowed: ~S.~%" folded-page-top-index))
    ;;(format t "~&In output: folded-page-top-index = ~S.~%" folded-page-top-index) ;; debug JCB
    (let ((unichar-info-folded-pages (make-array folded-page-top-index)))
      (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
                   (setf (aref unichar-info-folded-pages value) key))

      (format c-file "const mkcl_uint8_t _mkcl_unichar_info_pages[~D] =~%" (cp-high *unichar-codepoint-limit*))
      (format c-file "{")
      (loop for page across *unichar-info-pages*
	    for count from 0
	    do (when (eql 0 (mod count 10)) (format c-file "~%  /* ~4D */ " count))
	    do (format c-file " ~D," (if page (gethash page page-folding-bucket) 0))
      (format c-file "~%};~2%")

      (format c-file "const struct mkcl_unichar_info~%")
      (format c-file "             _mkcl_unichar_info[][~D] =~%" *page-size*)
      (format c-file "{~%")
        (loop for page across unichar-info-folded-pages
	      for page-index from 0
	      do (format c-file "  { /* page ~D */" page-index)
	      do (loop for entry across page
		       for count from 0
		       do (when (eql 0 (mod count 8)) (format c-file "~%  /* ~2X */ " count))
		       do (format c-file " { ~D, 0x~X }," 
				  (if entry
				      (aref *unichar-properties-signature-to-sorted-mapping*
					    (unichar-info-properties-sig-index entry))
                                    255) ;; 255 is an index that does/should not exist. JCB
				  (if entry (unichar-info-transform entry) 0)
	      do (format c-file "~%  },~%")
      (format c-file "};~2%")

(defun output-c-code ()
  (with-open-file (h-file (make-pathname :name "mkcl-unicode"
					 :type "h"
					 :defaults *extension-directory*)
			  :direction :output
			  :external-format '(:ascii :lf)
			  :if-exists :supersede
			  :if-does-not-exist :create)
		  (output-h-file h-file))
  (with-open-file (c-file (make-pathname :name "unicode"
					 :type "c"
					 :defaults *extension-directory*)
			  :direction :output
			  :external-format '(:ascii :lf)
			  :if-exists :supersede
			  :if-does-not-exist :create)
		  (output-c-file c-file)))
