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Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
Nikodemus Siivola committed
Linedit TODO

* Use CFFI instead of UFFI.
* Use terminfo properly instead of ad-hoc terminal translations.
* See how much of the C-side glue is really necessary.
* Multi-line editing is ugly and doesn't match parens across lines.
Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
Nikodemus Siivola committed
* Some of the terminal stuff is very similar to bits of TTY hemlock
*** Maybe refactor into a library both can use?
*** There may be other parts Linedit and Hemlock could share?
*** NOTE: I believe David Lichteblau did part of this from the hemlock direction.
    Need to take a look at that and decide if Linedit should just
    become a submodule of Hemlock, or what.
Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
Nikodemus Siivola committed