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  1. May 25, 2013
    • Raymond Toy's avatar
      Remove all the extensions to string-upcase and friends. The extended · 49f041ad
      Raymond Toy authored
      functions now live in the new UNICODE package.
       * Export some unicode functions and constants.
       * Removed the extended versions of string-upcase and friends.
       * Export surrogates function.
       * Make sure with-one-string is defined so the unicode package can use
       * New file with extended versions of string-upcase and friends.
       * Export some unicode functions and constants.
       * Update defknowns for string-upcase and friends.
       * Build unicode.lisp
       * Load unicode.lisp
  2. Nov 04, 2011
  3. Sep 25, 2011
  4. Mar 19, 2010
  5. Jun 18, 2009
  6. Jun 11, 2009
  7. Jun 30, 2006
  8. Jul 25, 2004
  9. Jun 01, 2004
  10. Sep 08, 2003
  11. May 23, 2003
    • gerd's avatar
      Add fwrappers. Rewrite TRACE and PROFILE to use fwrappers. · e9211546
      gerd authored
      	To bootstrap, use boot12.lisp with pmai's scripts.
      	* src/bootfiles/18e/boot12.lisp: New file.
      	* src/tools/worldload.lisp, src/tools/worldcom.lisp:
      	* src/tools/worldbuild.lisp: Add code:fwrappers.
      	* src/docs/cmu-user/extensions.tex (Function Wrappers):
      	New section.
      	* src/code/fwrappers.lisp: New file.
      	* src-fw/pcl/defs.lisp (gdefinition): Don't check for profiled
      	* src-fw/code/exports.lisp: Add walker and fwrappers.
      	* src-fw/code/fdefinition.lisp (fdefn-init): Set
      	*valid-function-names* to nil.
      	(encapsulation): Structure removed.
      	(do-encapsulations, encapsulation, last-encapsulation)
      	(push-encapsulation, encapsulate, unencapsulate, encapsulated-p):
      	Removed.  There is a compatibility layer in fwrappers.lisp.
      	(fdefinition, %set-fdefinition): Rewritten.
      	* src/code/profile.lisp: Remove #+cmu and #-cmu.
      	("PROFILE"): Use fwrappers.
      	(*profile-info*): Removed.
      	(profile-info): Redefined.
      	(*existing-encapsulations*): Removed.
      	(reset-profile-info, profile-info-profiling-values): New functions.
      	(make-profile-encapsulation): Removed.
      	(profile): New function name syntax.
      	(make-profile-fwrapper-name, make-profile-fwrapper): New functions.
      	(def-profile-fwrapper): Precompute some fwrappers.
      	(ensure-profile-fwrapper, find-profile-fwrapper, pi-or-lose):
      	New functions.
      	(profile-1-function): Rewritten.
      	(unprofile-1-function): Ditto.
      	(re-profile-redefined-function): New function.
      	(toplevel): Push it on *setf-fdefinition-hook*.
      	* src/code/ntrace.lisp (trace-call): Removed.
      	(trace-fwrapper): New fwrapper.
      	(trace-1): Use fwrap instead of encapsulate.
      	(untrace-1): Use funwrap instead of unencapsulate.
  12. Apr 11, 2003
    • emarsden's avatar
      · 78558530
      emarsden authored
       - the :new-compiler and :hash-new features were announced as being
         deprecated in 18e; remove them and make code that depended on them
         enabled unconditionally.
       - if CMUCL is built with the :no-docstrings feature, docstrings are
         discarded while building. This is intended for embedded-type images.
  13. Feb 03, 2003
  14. Jan 23, 2003
    • toy's avatar
      From Eric Marsden: · f315d7f1
      toy authored
          fix typos in comments, signal more specific error types, remove
          some stale code, fix a few compiler warnings in the runtime.
  15. Nov 05, 2002
    • cracauer's avatar
      · 65f0bdc0
      cracauer authored
      Make (time ...) and the profiler do precise measuring of space
      allocation.  It will also not overflow or bomb out when consing
      amounts cross most-positive fixnum.
      The new profiler also has an interface to plug in your own print
      function (also dictates sorting or results).
      This is written on gencgc/x86 but tests indicated the fallsbacks for
      other platforms work.
      The dfixnum package included here is sketchy.
  16. Aug 27, 2002
    • moore's avatar
      · bf84be07
      moore authored
      On x86 FreeBSD and Linux, change the way foreign symbol addresses are resolved.
      They now go through a table -- effectively a new space in the core file.
      Function references are resolved lazily, data references are resolved on startup
      and when a .so is loaded.  The end result is that cores can be dumped that
      contain references to symbols in shared libraries.  Also, the dependence of the core on addresses in the Lisp runtime is broken.
      The linkage table feature is controlled by :linkage-table and LINKAGE_TABLE in C
      runtime.  Several foreign symbols are now Lisp static symbols, so a cross
      compile is required whether or not the new stuff is used.  I've checked in
      boot4-cross-foreign-linkage.lisp that builds the compiler for linkage table; do whatever you usually do for the non-linkage table case:)  Seriously, lets start
      a discussion on standardizing "cross compilation," not to mention the general
      build procedure.
  17. Dec 06, 2001
    • pmai's avatar
      Added specialised port to OpenBSD (2.9). Many parts of the original · 195461c1
      pmai authored
      code which were previously conditionalized on :FreeBSD, are now
      conditionalized on :BSD instead, with the :BSD feature now implying a
      4.4BSD(lite2) derived OS.  This should make future BSD-ports easier.
      FreeBSD and OpenBSD are differentiated by having either :FreeBSD or
      :OpenBSD on the features list.
      Currently the OpenBSD port does not have working ELF support, because
      OpenBSD 2.9 is still non-ELF by default.  So don't put ELF on the
      features list when building for OpenBSD, or fix the code to work
      correctly in this case instead.
  18. Feb 11, 2001
  19. May 01, 1998
  20. Jan 13, 1998
  21. Dec 12, 1997
  22. Nov 04, 1997
  23. Sep 24, 1997
  24. Jan 18, 1997
  25. Oct 24, 1994
  26. Jun 06, 1994
  27. May 22, 1994
  28. Aug 31, 1993
  29. Aug 19, 1993
  30. Jul 13, 1993
  31. Jul 03, 1993
  32. May 27, 1993
    • wlott's avatar
      typo · b9f130aa
      wlott authored
  33. May 26, 1993
  34. May 21, 1993