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  1. Sep 01, 2012
    • Raymond Toy's avatar
      Clean up RCS ids · eeab7066
      Raymond Toy authored
       * Get rid of the RCS Header stuff.  They're meaningless in git.
       * Add public domain comment to some of the files if the only comment
         was the RCS header.
  2. Jan 27, 2012
  3. Jan 04, 2012
  4. Nov 04, 2011
  5. Jan 09, 2011
    • rtoy's avatar
      Changes to support building on Mac OS X 10.6. When compiled on 10.6, · 0b2b8885
      rtoy authored
      the resulting binary still works on 10.5.
      o Add -m32 flag to build and link a 32-bit binary.
      o Include <sys/ucontext.h> instead of <ucontext.h> to get rid of the
        error about deprecated functions in ucontext.h.
      o Mac OS X defines PAGE_SIZE in a header and that conflicts with our
        name.  Rename our PAGE_SIZE to GC_PAGE_SIZE.
      o Rename PAGE_SIZE to GC_PAGE_SIZE.
  6. Jan 03, 2008
    • cshapiro's avatar
      Switch the FreeBSD port to use the common floating point trap handling · 9495c516
      cshapiro authored
      code.  Rather than introduce a new FreeBSD case to the x86 sigcontext
      member accessor routines, collapse all of the system specific routines
      down to a common set of routines.
      * code/debug-int.lisp - Disable some Darwin-specific code to debug
        NULL mcontext pointers.
      * code/float-trap.lisp - Remove ancient FreeBSD-specific code for
        handling floating point signals.
      * code/macros.lisp, code/sap.lisp, compiler/saptran.lisp - Include the
        SAP-REF-LONG setter by default on the x86.
      * code/x86-vm.lisp - Remove operating system specific sigcontext
        definitions and sigcontext accessors.  Define the alien sigcontext
        as a system area pointer.  Replace the sigcontext accessors with
        foreign function calls that mask the complexity of the underlying
        sigcontext member access.
      * compiler/x86/float.lisp - Unconditionally define STORE-LONG-FLOAT.
        This function is used by the %SET-SAP-REF-LONG VOP that underlies
        the SAP-REF-LONG setter.
      * compiler/x86/sap.lisp - Unconditionally define %SET-SAP-REF-LONG.
        In the case where there is not a distinct LONG-FLOAT type, admit
        DOUBLE-FLOAT values instead.  The x87 automatically widens values
        pushed onto stack.  This mirrors the behavior of the SAP-REF-LONG
      * lisp/Darwin-os.c, lisp/Linux-os.c - Define functions to access
        sigcontext members of interest to Lisp.  Delete the sc_reg function
        and replace its uses with os_sigcontext_reg which is more suitably
      * lisp/FreeBSD-os.c - Define functions to access sigcontext members of
        interest to Lisp.  We need to be careful about the SSE and non-SSE
        cases for retrieving x87 registers from the saved machine state.
        Define a low-level SIGFPE handler to intercept floating point traps
        and restore the cleared status word bits based on the signal code.
        Get rid of sc_reg for the reasons noted above.
      * lisp/Darwin-os.h, lisp/FreeBSD-os.h - Declare the restore_fpu
        function and define a specialized RESTORE_FPU macro.  Remove the
        sc_reg prototype.
      * lisp/Linux-os.h - Remove the sc_reg prototype.
      * lisp/os.h - Add prototypes for the new os_sigcontext functions.
      * lisp/x86-lispregs.h - Redefine SC_REG and SC_PC to expand out to the
        new os_sigcontext functions.  Redfine SC_SP to expand out to SC_REG.
        Eliminate all platform-specific defintions of SC_PC and SC_SP.
  7. Jul 15, 2007
  8. Jun 12, 2007
  9. Jan 01, 2007
  10. Sep 15, 2005
  11. Jan 13, 2005
  12. Jul 13, 2004
    • pmai's avatar
      First merge of the C side of the OS X/Darwin port. Besides adding Darwin · eb44537a
      pmai authored
      versions of all the required things, this commit separates the
      interrupt handler proper (now interrupt_handle_now_handler) from the
      actual work-horse (interrupt_handle_now), which is now only ever called
      from the two interrupt handlers, interrupt_handle_now_handler and
      maybe_now_maybe_later.  This follows similar changes in SBCL, and is in
      fact needed in order to properly use sigreturn in signal handlers, as
      required to work around a problem with the G5.
  13. Jul 07, 2004
  14. Jan 28, 2002
    • pmai's avatar
      Added specialised port to NetBSD (1.5.2) on x86. Since the code-base · 4ea11535
      pmai authored
      was already cleaned up with the OpenBSD port, this doesn't require
      massive changes.
      Since current NetBSD is ELF-based by default, we don't make use of the
      ELF feature, or in other words:  The presence of the NetBSD feature
      implies ELF, since there is no support for non-ELF NetBSD.
  15. Dec 06, 2001
    • pmai's avatar
      Added specialised port to OpenBSD (2.9). Many parts of the original · 195461c1
      pmai authored
      code which were previously conditionalized on :FreeBSD, are now
      conditionalized on :BSD instead, with the :BSD feature now implying a
      4.4BSD(lite2) derived OS.  This should make future BSD-ports easier.
      FreeBSD and OpenBSD are differentiated by having either :FreeBSD or
      :OpenBSD on the features list.
      Currently the OpenBSD port does not have working ELF support, because
      OpenBSD 2.9 is still non-ELF by default.  So don't put ELF on the
      features list when building for OpenBSD, or fix the code to work
      correctly in this case instead.