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  1. Apr 16, 2014
  2. May 15, 2013
  3. Feb 19, 2013
  4. Nov 04, 2011
  5. Sep 25, 2011
  6. May 31, 2011
    • rtoy's avatar
      Add -unidata option to specify unidata.bin file. · d9b73849
      rtoy authored
      This change requires a cross-compile.  Use boot-2011-04-01-cross.lisp
      as the cross-compile script.
      o New cross-compile bootstrap file
      o Recognize -unidata option and setup *UNIDATA-PATH* appropriately.
      o Add defswitch for unidata so we don't get complaints about unknown
      o Rename +UNIDATA-PATH+ to *UNIDATA-PATH*, since it's not a constant
      o Update code to use new name.
      o Update code to use *UNIDATA-PATH*
      o Add *UNIDATA-PATH* to list of static symbols.
      o Add back in spare-9 and spare-8 static symbols since we need to do a
        cross-compile for this change anyway.
      o Add *UNIDATA-PATH* to list of static symbols.
      o Reorder the static symbols in a more logical arrangment so that the
        spare symbols are at the end.
      o Update
  7. Dec 22, 2010
  8. Dec 04, 2010
    • rtoy's avatar
      Support cross-compiling from x86 to sparc, unicode. Also fixes some · 3cd77bef
      rtoy authored
      bugs with dumping unicode strings to fasls on a different endian
      architecture.  Combined with cross-x86-sparc.lisp, this will
      successfully cross-compile from x86 (OSX) to sparc (Solaris).  The
      result won't, unfortunately, built itself, but if the callback support
      is commented out, the build is successful.  This new build can then be
      successfully used to do another build that includes callback support.
      don't know what is causing this issue.
      o DUMP-DATA-MAYBE-BYTE-SWAPPING needs to byte-swap unicode (16-bit)
      o STRING-TO-CORE needs to swap the byte order of unicode strings if
        the backend and native backend have different endianness.
      o LOAD-CHAR-CODE should load characters based on the backend, not
        native-backend.  (This not used anymore, though?)
      o Add new function byte-swap the char codes of a unicode string.
        unicode strings.
      o Initialize backend foreign-linkage space start and entry size
        appropriately.  The target versions are initialized from the backend
        values now too.
      o Some debugging stuff for foreign linkage data to print out symbol
        names.  Currently ifdef'ed out.
  9. Jul 14, 2010
  10. Mar 19, 2010
  11. Nov 25, 2009
  12. Jun 11, 2009
  13. Jan 05, 2009
    • rtoy's avatar
      Fix for handling arithmetic errors with x87. · 9edd3c4b
      rtoy authored
      Use bootstrap-2009-01-1.lisp to bootstrap this change.
      o FLOATING-POINT-MODES for :X87 needs to massage the results into the
        expected format (SSE2 MXCSR order).
      o Update for changed VOP names too.
      o Rename the floating-point-modes and set-floating-point-modes VOPS to
        x87-floating-point-modes and set-x87-floating-point-modes.  Change
        the translations accordingly too.
      o The float property bytes have been updated to match the SSE2 MXCSR
        register for both SSE2 and X87 builds because the code assumes SSE2
      o Don't OR in the SSE2 modes if we're not running an SSE2 build.
        Doing this can erroneously mask out exceptions because the Lisp code
        didn't set up the sse2 modes.  (This happens if you select the x87
        core on a chip that supports sse2.)
      o Declare fpu_mode.
      o Set fpu_mode to be the mode determined from the core file.  Needed
        in Linux-os.c to process the SSE2 modes correctly with an x87 core
        on a sse2-capable chip.
  14. Nov 12, 2008
  15. Nov 14, 2007
    • cshapiro's avatar
      * Change the way the x87 precision control is managed. While in Lisp, · 1440af76
      cshapiro authored
        the precision control will always be set to double precision.  For
        the duration of calls into C, the precision control will be set to
        the ABI default.  On Linux and Darwin this is double extended
        precision.  On all other platforms the precision control is left as
        double precision.  The specious FLOAT-ACCURACY declaration has been
      * Shorten the precision control field to 24-bits by disposing of the
        unexamined high order eight bits of the status word.  This compacts
        the code generated around floating point mode changes and reduces
      * Eliminate unnecessary uses of FLDENV and FSTENV.  We can substitute a
        use of FSTENV with FSTSW in FLOATING-POINT-MODES.  This reduces the
        number of cycles to access the relevant mode bits by a factor of
        thirty.  We cannot eliminate FLDENV in SET-FLOATING-POINT-MODES, but
        the common case does not require an update to the status word.  A
        fast path has been added to the VOP that improves the execution time
        by at least a factor of fifteen.
      * Remove the precision control option to SET-FLOATING-POINT-MODES.  It
        is the responsibility of the compiler to generating code that yields
        correctly rounded results in double and single precision.
  16. Oct 04, 2007
    • rtoy's avatar
      The floating point precision was always getting reset to :53-bit, even · d88bcbc7
      rtoy authored
      if the user set a different value.  Fix this so the correct precision
      is restored.
      o Add new static-symbol *FPU-PRECISION* to hold the precision bits
        that are given in (setf floating-point-modes).
      o Whenever (setf floating-point-modes) is called, save the precision
        bits to *FPU-PRECISION* so that get restored correctly in
      o Update DEALLOC-NUMBER-STACK-SPACE VOP so that when float-accuracy
        policy says so, we restore the precision from *fpu-precision*,
        instead of always making it :53-bit.
      o Initialize the default precision to :53-bit on startup.
  17. Jul 06, 2007
  18. Aug 18, 2006
  19. Aug 10, 2006
  20. Jun 30, 2006
  21. Jul 07, 2004
  22. Jan 16, 2004
    • toy's avatar
      o Make target-read-only-space-start, target-static-space-start, and · 5c4707fd
      toy authored
        target-dynamic-space-start be defconstants so that they'll get
        dumped to internals.h.
      o Move the dynamic space start on Linux to a higher address so that
        CMUCL can run in an x86-64 CPU.
      o Move the start of the foreign linkage space higher on Linux too so
        that we don't lose as much heap space.
  23. Oct 24, 2003
    • toy's avatar
      Add support for x86 heap-overflow checking. · 10d10ac0
      toy authored
      	* x86-assem.S (multiple_value_return): Add new functions to handle
      	heap overflow warnings and errors.
      	* x86-arch.c (sigtrap_handler): Add cases for the two new heap
      	overflow traps.
      	* interrupt.c (interrupt_handle_space_overflow): Add support for
      	* parms.lisp (static-symbols): Add new static symbols for heap
      	overflow checking.  Add new trap types for heap overflow
  24. Sep 26, 2003
  25. Mar 23, 2003
    • gerd's avatar
      Optional control stack checking. This is controlled by the · 670d643f
      gerd authored
      	feature :stack-checking because it's not implemented for other
      	systems/architectures yet.  It is currently known to work on
      	FreeBSD 4.8-RC/x86 and Debian 2.2.20/x86.
      	* bootfiles/18e/boot3.lisp: New boot file, well, only a
      	description of the boot procedure since no boot file is needed.
      	* lisp/x86-validate.h (SIGNAL_STACK_START, SIGNAL_STACK_SIZE)
      	[__FreeBSD__, __linux__]: New defines.
      	(CONTROL_STACK_SIZE) {__FreeBSD__, __linux__]:
      	Adjust for signal stack.
      	* lisp/validate.c (validate) [RED_ZONE_HIT]: Call
      	os_guard_control_stack.  Some cleanup.
      	* lisp/os.h (BOTH_ZONES, YELLOW_ZONE, RED_ZONE): New enums.
      	Add function prototypes.
      	* lisp/interrupt.c (interrupt_install_low_level_handler)
      	[RED_ZONE_HIT]: Deliver protection violations on a dedicated
      	signal stack.
      	* lisp/os-common.c (os_stack_grows_down_1, os_stack_grows_down):
      	New functions.
      	(guard_zones, control_stack_zone, os_guard_control_stack)
      	(os_control_stack_overflow) [RED_ZONE_HIT]: New functions.
      	(os_control_stack_overflow) [!RED_ZONE_HIT]: Dummy function.
      	* lisp/Linux-os.c (sigsegv_handler) [RED_ZONE_HIT]: Handle control
      	stack overflows.
      	* lisp/FreeBSD-os.c: General cleansing.
      	(sigbus_handler) [RED_ZONE_HIT]: Handle control stack overflows.
      	* lisp/FreeBSD-os.h (PROTECTION_VIOLATION_SIGNAL): New define.
      	* lisp/Linux-os.h (PROTECTION_VIOLATION_SIGNAL): New define.
      	* compiler/x86/system.lisp (lisp::%scrub-control-stack): Change
      	defknown from sys:scrub-control-stack.
      	(%scrub-control-stack): Rename VOP.
      	* code/lispinit.lisp (os-guard-control-stack) [#+stack-checking]:
      	Define alien os_guard_control_stack.
      	(%scrub-control-stack) [#+x86]: New function.
      	(scrub-control-stack) [#+x86]: Call %scrub-control-stack,
      	call os-guard-control-stack if #+stack-checking.
      	* code/interr.lisp (yellow-zone-hit,
      	red-zone-hit) [#+stack-checking]: New functions.
      	* code/error.lisp (stack-overflow) [#+stack-checking]: New
      	* compiler/generic/new-genesis.lisp (finish-symbols)
      	[#+stack-checking]: Add symbols for control stack checking.
      	* compiler/x86/parms.lisp (static-symbols): Likewise.
  26. Mar 21, 2003
  27. Feb 12, 2003
    • emarsden's avatar
      Update the fasl-file-version and byte-fasl-file-version to #x18e, in · 7a2c356d
      emarsden authored
      preparation for the 18e release. This change makes it necessary to
      intervene during the rebuild: when loading the FASL files, a
      continuable error related to fasl-file-version mismatch will be
      signalled. Say
         (setq cl::*skip-fasl-file-version-check* t)
      then select the CONTINUE restart, and the build should proceed without
  28. Jan 29, 2003
    • toy's avatar
      o Adds support for searching for the lisp.core file based on the · a20170bc
      toy authored
        location of the lisp C binary, when CMUCLLIB is not given, and the
        core file is not specified.
      o Add support for a CMUCLCORE envvar, and a -lib option for setting
        the path for the library: search-list.
      o Added some spare static symbols for the sparc port so we don't have
        to cross-compile again for a while.
      See cmucl-imp archives for some more details.
  29. Aug 27, 2002
    • moore's avatar
      · bf84be07
      moore authored
      On x86 FreeBSD and Linux, change the way foreign symbol addresses are resolved.
      They now go through a table -- effectively a new space in the core file.
      Function references are resolved lazily, data references are resolved on startup
      and when a .so is loaded.  The end result is that cores can be dumped that
      contain references to symbols in shared libraries.  Also, the dependence of the core on addresses in the Lisp runtime is broken.
      The linkage table feature is controlled by :linkage-table and LINKAGE_TABLE in C
      runtime.  Several foreign symbols are now Lisp static symbols, so a cross
      compile is required whether or not the new stuff is used.  I've checked in
      boot4-cross-foreign-linkage.lisp that builds the compiler for linkage table; do whatever you usually do for the non-linkage table case:)  Seriously, lets start
      a discussion on standardizing "cross compilation," not to mention the general
      build procedure.
  30. Mar 31, 2002
    • pw's avatar
      From Eric Marsden: · 9792d475
      pw authored
        - change the FASL file format to store fasl-file version as uint32,
          rather than a single octet. This requires small changes to the
          FASL dumper and two FOP functions
        - change the FASL-FILE-FORMAT to #x18d for each of the backends
        - change the byte-code version number to #x18d
        - make the FASL file version checking errors continuable
        - add a variable CL::*SKIP-FASL-FILE-VERSION-CHECK* that avoids the
          version check
        - add a bootfile that bootstraps this change
      Loading an old FASL file results in the following behaviour:
      | Error in function COMMON-LISP::CHECK-VERSION:
      |    #<Stream for file "/usr/local/lib/cmucl/lib/subsystems/defsystem-library.x86f">
      |    was compiled for fasl-file version 3E3F02, but this is version 18D
      | Restarts:
      |   0: [CONTINUE] Load #<Stream for file "/usr/local/lib/cmucl/lib/subsystems/defsystem-library.x86f"> anyway
      |   1:            Return NIL from load of #p"modules:defsystem-library".
      |   2:            Return NIL from load of "home:.cmucl-init".
      |   3: [ABORT   ] Skip remaining initializations.
  31. Mar 13, 2002
    • moore's avatar
      · c90d3517
      moore authored
      Support for dynamic loading in FreeBSD 4.0 and later.  This involves moving
      the static space up, so a cross-compile is required to bootstrap these changes.
  32. Jan 13, 2002
  33. Oct 16, 2000
  34. Sep 16, 1999
  35. Nov 13, 1998
  36. Sep 17, 1998
  37. Aug 30, 1998
    • dtc's avatar
      Revise the address map to better utilise the address space, allowing · 0d71a1cd
      dtc authored
      larger heaps and stacks:
      * There is now the potential for up to 2.75GB dynamic space on
      FreeBSD, and 1.75GB on linux.  Since GENCGC statically allocates page
      tables the default size is set at just 1GB.
      * The Read-only and Static spaces have been increased to 256MB
      allowing larger heaps to be purified. The Read-only and Static spaces
      are in the same locations for both the FreeBSD and Linux ports to
      avoid unnecessary binary incompatibility.
      * The Control stack and Binking stack now have room for upto 128MB,
      supporting deeply nested algorithms, and potentially giving room for
      subdivision for thread stacks.
      * There is a reserve for the FreeBSD static libraries in the event
      that the FreeBSD lisp binary is dynamically linked, and the foreign
      segment size for FreeBSD is now 32MB, up from just 4MB.
      * There is now significantly more room for C allocated memory, roughly
      128M on Linux and 224M on FreeBSD.
  38. Jun 07, 1998
  39. Mar 21, 1998
  40. Nov 18, 1997