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  1. Mar 24, 2013
  2. Feb 22, 2013
    • Raymond Toy's avatar
      Remove the :i486 feature. · 6e4b4118
      Raymond Toy authored
      * Remove :i486 from *features*
      * Change :i486 to :x86 on the off chance that multi-proc will be
        ported to other archs.
      * Remove guard on backend-featurep :i486 since we got rid of :i486 and
        have it always enabled now.
  3. Nov 04, 2011
  4. Sep 25, 2011
  5. Apr 19, 2010
  6. Mar 19, 2010
  7. Nov 12, 2008
  8. Jul 05, 2005
  9. Sep 25, 2003
    • toy's avatar
      Implmement Pierre Mai's idea of adding 2 macros for setting *FEATURES* · 11faa4e0
      toy authored
      and *RUNTIME-FEATURES* and setting them appropriately as files are
      loaded so that recompiling CMUCL produces a result with the same set
      of features.  *RUNTIME-FEATURES* is a subset of *FEATURES* that is
      written out to internals.h so the C code can be compiled
      A simple bootstrap with boot17 is needed.
  10. Dec 12, 2002
    • moore's avatar
      · 1a766c11
      moore authored
      Fix a typo in apply-with-bindings.
      Add string-stream and file-stream, required by the ANSI spec, as
      structure classes.  Make the string streams and fd-stream,
      respectively, inherit from them.  Add bootstrap magic.
  11. Feb 20, 2002
    • moore's avatar
      · 687ef8de
      moore authored
      Add features to multiprocessing that make it more compatible with ACL.  These
      include process run reasons, arrest reasons, and property lists.
  12. Aug 19, 2000
  13. Aug 12, 2000
  14. Sep 25, 1999
  15. Sep 10, 1999
  16. Sep 04, 1999
  17. Mar 13, 1999
  18. Mar 06, 1999
    • dtc's avatar
      Add support for non-recursive error-check locks for compatibility with · bb5e96ee
      dtc authored
      the pthread implementation. Add new structures recursive-lock and
      error-check-lock. Make-lock now accepts a :kind key which defaults to
      :recursive for backwards compatibility. Rework with-lock-held to
      handle the error-check locks, and add a new key :wait - when :wait is
      Nil and the lock is not free the body is not executed.
  19. Jan 11, 1999
  20. Sep 26, 1998
  21. Aug 14, 1998
  22. May 19, 1998
  23. May 01, 1998
  24. Jan 26, 1998
    • dtc's avatar
      Take more care to inhibit scheduling when modifying process state and · 70464fca
      dtc authored
      the *all-processes* list, function affected: make-process,
      destroy-process, restart-process, disable-process, and enable-process.
      Save and restore the process wait return value when a process is
      interrupted in case a process is interrupted before it reads the
      return value.
  25. Jan 25, 1998
    • dtc's avatar
      Bug fix for the setup of the initial binding stack in · 25393675
      dtc authored
      make-stack-group.  The binding stack size didn't match the actual
      vector length which was recently reduced, this typically led to heap
      and bindings stack corruption.  Better abstract the creation of the
      initial binding stack, adding a new function initial-binding-stack.
  26. Jan 20, 1998
  27. Jan 17, 1998
  28. Jan 15, 1998
  29. Jan 13, 1998
  30. Jan 12, 1998
  31. Jan 11, 1998
  32. Jan 04, 1998
    • dtc's avatar
      Define a new function process-wait-until-fd-usable; similar to · 9e78a0f2
      dtc authored
      sys:wait-until-fd-usable but uses process-wait so avoids blocking if
      there are other runnable processes.
      Redefine the sleep function to use process-wait-with-timeout to avoid
      blocking if there are other runnable processes.
  33. Jan 03, 1998
  34. Jan 02, 1998
  35. Jan 01, 1998
    • dtc's avatar
      Fix a bug in the scrubbing of the current stack-group's eval-stack. · 30a881ca
      dtc authored
      Update the eval-stack for the current stack-group when scrubbing to
      ensuring that the stack-top is valid and maybe flush an old stored
      Completely scrub the stored binding stack for the current stack group.
      Implement the lock waiting in a separate function rather than
      inlining. This ensures that the wait predicate is fast native code so
      that locking in byte-compiled and interpreted code doesn't slow the
  36. Dec 31, 1997
    • dtc's avatar
      Add support for creating stack-groups with a fresh control stack, · 8e8f4c2a
      dtc authored
      rather than inheriting the current stack.
      Add support for scrubbing the binding and eval stacks of all the
      processes - call this before GC.
    • dtc's avatar
      Add the option of creating stack groups that are allocated fresh · e7093599
      dtc authored
      stacks rather than inheriting those of the current stack group. The
      alien stack, the eval stack, and the shallow bindings are allocated
      afresh for the new stack-group, but some work on the VOPs is needed to
      handle the control stack. Initial bindings for the following symbols
      are setup by default: * ** *** - + ++ +++ /// // /.
      Exploit this new option during the creation of new processes. The user
      visible change is that new processes now have a fresh set of bindings
      rather than inheriting those of the parent process.
      During the unwinding and rebinding of the binding stacks there is the
      possibility that *interrupts-enabled* will briefly set to true which
      may cause an unexpected interrupt. For now mask the interrupts during
      the binding stack switch; a better fix may be to implement these
      functions in assembly routines using pseudo-atomic to block
  37. Dec 30, 1997
    • dtc's avatar
      New function shutdown-multi-processing to try and gracefully destroy · 8eae9f25
      dtc authored
      all the processes giving them some chance to unwinding, before
      shutting down multi-processing. Can be restarted by init-multi-processing.
      Ensure that processes are activated when sent an interrupt by
      destroy-process, otherwise inactive processes can't be destroyed.
    • dtc's avatar
      Allow the quitting of lisp from any process (this had only been · 3258c6c6
      dtc authored
      possible from the initial process). When a process throws to
      %end-of-the-world the exit value is noted in the *quitting-lisp*
      variable and further process creation is blocked. Have the idle loop
      try to gracefully destroy all the processes when *quitting-lisp*
      before exiting.