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  1. Apr 05, 2014
    • Raymond Toy's avatar
      Simplify call-out for sse2. · 29359293
      Raymond Toy authored
      For sse2, we don't need to do the fldz/fstp dance when doing a
      foreign function call.
      A cross-compile is needed!
       * src/bootfiles/20e/boot-2014-04-cross-x86.lisp:
         * Cross-compile script to enable these changes.
       * src/compiler/x86/c-call.lisp:
         * Make the float result tn be xmm registers, not x87 fpu registers.
       * src/compiler/x86/sse2-c-call.lisp:
         * Simplify call-out not to use fldz/fstp except for the minimum
           required for the 32-bit ABI.
       * src/lisp/x86-assem.S
         * Comment out the fstp/fldz insts that aren't needed for SSE2.