;;; -*- Package: SPARC -*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; (ext:file-comment "$Header: src/compiler/sparc/system.lisp $") ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; MIPS VM definitions of various system hacking operations. ;;; ;;; Written by Rob MacLachlan ;;; ;;; Mips conversion by William Lott and Christopher Hoover. ;;; (in-package "SPARC") (intl:textdomain "cmucl-sparc-vm") ;;;; Type frobbing VOPs (define-vop (get-lowtag) (:translate get-lowtag) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (object :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:generator 1 (inst and result object vm:lowtag-mask))) (define-vop (get-type) (:translate get-type) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (object :scs (descriptor-reg) :to (:eval 1))) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg) :from (:eval 0))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:generator 6 ;; Grab the lowtag. (inst andcc result object lowtag-mask) ;; Check for various pointer types. (inst cmp result list-pointer-type) (inst b :eq done) (inst cmp result other-pointer-type) (inst b :eq other-pointer) (inst cmp result function-pointer-type) (inst b :eq function-pointer) (inst cmp result instance-pointer-type) (inst b :eq done) ;; Okay, it is an immediate. If fixnum, we want zero. Otherwise, ;; we want the low 8 bits. (inst andcc zero-tn object vm:fixnum-tag-mask) (inst b :eq done) (inst li result 0) ; Watch out! LI in branch delay slot! ;; It wasn't a fixnum, so get the low 8 bits. (inst b done) (inst and result object type-mask) FUNCTION-POINTER (inst b done) (load-type result object (- function-pointer-type)) OTHER-POINTER (load-type result object (- other-pointer-type)) DONE)) (define-vop (function-subtype) (:translate function-subtype) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (function :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:generator 6 (load-type result function (- vm:function-pointer-type)))) (define-vop (set-function-subtype) (:translate (setf function-subtype)) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (type :scs (unsigned-reg) :target result) (function :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:arg-types positive-fixnum *) (:results (result :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:generator 6 ;; Sparc is big-endian, and the type bits are in the least ;; significant byte of the word, which means the type bits are at ;; the highest byte. (inst stb type function (- (- vm:word-bytes 1) function-pointer-type)) (move result type))) (define-vop (get-header-data) (:translate get-header-data) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:generator 6 (loadw res x 0 vm:other-pointer-type) (inst srln res res vm:type-bits))) (define-vop (get-closure-length) (:translate get-closure-length) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:results (res :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types positive-fixnum) (:generator 6 (loadw res x 0 vm:function-pointer-type) (inst srln res res vm:type-bits))) (define-vop (set-header-data) (:translate set-header-data) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (x :scs (descriptor-reg) :target res) (data :scs (any-reg immediate zero))) (:arg-types * positive-fixnum) (:results (res :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) t1 t2) (:generator 6 (loadw t1 x 0 vm:other-pointer-type) (inst and t1 vm:type-mask) (sc-case data (any-reg (inst slln t2 data (- vm:type-bits vm:fixnum-tag-bits)) (inst or t1 t2)) (immediate (inst or t1 (ash (tn-value data) vm:type-bits))) (zero)) (storew t1 x 0 vm:other-pointer-type) (move res x))) (define-vop (make-fixnum) (:args (ptr :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:results (res :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:generator 1 ;; ;; Some code (the hash table code) depends on this returning a ;; positive number so make sure it does. (inst slln res ptr vm:lowtag-bits) (inst srln res res 1))) (define-vop (make-other-immediate-type) (:args (val :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg)) (type :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg immediate) :target temp)) (:results (res :scs (any-reg descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) temp) (:generator 2 (sc-case type (immediate (inst slln temp val vm:type-bits) (inst or res temp (tn-value type))) (t (inst sran temp type vm:fixnum-tag-bits) (inst slln res val (- vm:type-bits vm:fixnum-tag-bits)) (inst or res res temp))))) ;;;; Allocation (define-vop (dynamic-space-free-pointer) (:results (int :scs (sap-reg))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:translate dynamic-space-free-pointer) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 1 (move int alloc-tn))) (define-vop (binding-stack-pointer-sap) (:results (int :scs (sap-reg))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:translate binding-stack-pointer-sap) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 1 (move int bsp-tn))) (define-vop (control-stack-pointer-sap) (:results (int :scs (sap-reg))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:translate control-stack-pointer-sap) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 1 (move int csp-tn))) ;;;; Code object frobbing. (define-vop (code-instructions) (:translate code-instructions) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (code :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) ndescr) (:results (sap :scs (sap-reg))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:generator 10 (loadw ndescr code 0 vm:other-pointer-type) (inst srln ndescr vm:type-bits) (inst slln ndescr vm:word-shift) (inst sub ndescr vm:other-pointer-type) (inst add sap code ndescr))) (define-vop (compute-function) (:args (code :scs (descriptor-reg)) (offset :scs (signed-reg unsigned-reg))) (:arg-types * positive-fixnum) (:results (func :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) ndescr) (:generator 10 (loadw ndescr code 0 vm:other-pointer-type) (inst srln ndescr vm:type-bits) (inst slln ndescr vm:word-shift) (inst add ndescr offset) (inst add ndescr (- vm:function-pointer-type vm:other-pointer-type)) (inst add func code ndescr))) ;;;; Other random VOPs. (defknown unix::do-pending-interrupt () (values)) (define-vop (unix::do-pending-interrupt) (:policy :fast-safe) (:translate unix::do-pending-interrupt) (:generator 1 (inst unimp pending-interrupt-trap))) (define-vop (halt) (:generator 1 (inst unimp halt-trap))) ;;;; Dynamic vop count collection support (define-vop (count-me) (:args (count-vector :scs (descriptor-reg))) (:info index) (:temporary (:scs (non-descriptor-reg)) count) (:generator 1 (let ((offset (- (* (+ index vector-data-offset) word-bytes) other-pointer-type))) (assert (typep offset '(signed-byte 13))) (inst ldn count count-vector offset) (inst add count 1) (inst stn count count-vector offset)))) ;; The RDTICK instruction on Sparc V9s allows access to a 63-bit cycle ;; counter. (defknown read-cycle-counter () (values (unsigned-byte 32) (unsigned-byte 32))) ;; Note: This should probably really only be used sparc-v8plus because ;; the tick counter is returned in a 64-bit register. (define-vop (read-cycle-counter) (:translate read-cycle-counter) (:guard (backend-featurep :sparc-v9)) (:args) (:policy :fast-safe) (:results (lo :scs (unsigned-reg)) (hi :scs (unsigned-reg))) (:result-types unsigned-num unsigned-num) ;; The temporary can be any of the 64-bit non-descriptor regs. It ;; can't be any non-descriptor reg because they might not get saved ;; on a task switch, since we're still a 32-bit app. Arbitrarily ;; select nl5. (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset nl5-offset) tick) (:generator 3 (inst rdtick tick) ;; Get the hi and low parts of the counter into the results. (inst srlx hi tick 32) (inst clruw lo tick))) #+sparc-v9 (defun read-cycle-counter () _N"Read the instruction cycle counter available on UltraSparcs. The 64-bit counter is returned as two 32-bit unsigned integers. The low 32-bit result is the first value." (read-cycle-counter)) (defmacro with-cycle-counter (&body body) "Returns the primary value of BODY as the primary value, and the number of CPU cycles elapsed as secondary value." (let ((hi0 (gensym)) (hi1 (gensym)) (lo0 (gensym)) (lo1 (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,lo0 ,hi0) (read-cycle-counter) (values (locally ,@body) (multiple-value-bind (,lo1 ,hi1) (read-cycle-counter) ;; Can't do anything about the notes about generic ;; arithmetic, so silence the notes.. (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3))) (+ (ash (- ,hi1 ,hi0) 32) (- ,lo1 ,lo0)))))))