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 * OS-dependent routines.  This file (along with os.h) exports an
 * OS-independent interface to the operating system VM facilities.
 * Suprisingly, this interface looks a lot like the Mach interface
 * (but simpler in some places).  For some operating systems, a subset
 * of these functions will have to be emulated.
 * This is the SunOS version.
 * March 1991, Miles Bader <> & ted <ted@edu.NMSU>

/* #define DEBUG */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/file.h>

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#define OS_HASERRNO(code)	(SEGV_CODE(code)==SEGV_OBJERR)
#define OS_ERRNO(code)		SEGV_ERRNO(code)
extern int errno;

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#include "os.h"
/* To get dynamic_0_space and friends */
#include "globals.h"
/* To get memory map */
#include "sparc-validate.h"
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/* block size must be larger than the system page size */
#define SPARSE_BLOCK_SIZE (1<<15)


#define OFFSET_NONE ((os_vm_offset_t)(~0))

#define EMPTYFILE "/tmp/empty"
#define ZEROFILE "/dev/zero"

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#define GROW_MAX_SEGS 16
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extern char *getenv();

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

#define ADJ_OFFSET(off,adj) (((off)==OFFSET_NONE) ? OFFSET_NONE : ((off)+(adj)))

long os_vm_page_size = (-1);
static long os_real_page_size = (-1);
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static struct segment {
    os_vm_address_t start;	/* note: start & length are expected to be on page */
    os_vm_size_t length;	/*       boundaries */
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    long file_offset;
    short mapped_fd;
    short protection;
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} *segments;
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static int n_segments = 0, max_segments = 0;
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static int zero_fd = (-1), empty_fd = (-1);
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static os_vm_address_t last_fault = 0;
static os_vm_size_t real_page_size_difference = 0;
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os_init0(const char *argv[], const char *envp[])

static void
     char *arg;
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    char buf[500];

    sprintf(buf, "os_init: %s", arg);
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os_init0(const char *argv[], const char *envp[])

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os_init(const char *argv[], const char *envp[])
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    char *empty_file = getenv("CMUCL_EMPTYFILE");
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    if (empty_file == NULL)
	empty_file = EMPTYFILE;
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    empty_fd = open(empty_file, O_RDONLY | O_CREAT);
    if (empty_fd < 0)
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    zero_fd = open(ZEROFILE, O_RDONLY);
    if (zero_fd < 0)
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    os_vm_page_size = os_real_page_size = getpagesize();
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    max_segments = INITIAL_MAX_SEGS;
    segments = (struct segment *) malloc(sizeof(struct segment) * max_segments);

    if (segments == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "os_init: Couldn't allocate %d segment descriptors\n",
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    if (os_vm_page_size > OS_VM_DEFAULT_PAGESIZE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "os_init: Pagesize too large (%d > %d)\n",
		os_vm_page_size, OS_VM_DEFAULT_PAGESIZE);
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	 * we do this because there are apparently dependencies on
	 * the pagesize being OS_VM_DEFAULT_PAGESIZE somewhere...
	 * but since the OS doesn't know we're using this restriction,
	 * we have to grovel around a bit to enforce it, thus anything
	 * that uses real_page_size_difference.
	real_page_size_difference = OS_VM_DEFAULT_PAGESIZE - os_vm_page_size;
	os_vm_page_size = OS_VM_DEFAULT_PAGESIZE;
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

seg_force_resident(struct segment *seg, os_vm_address_t addr, os_vm_size_t len)
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    int prot = seg->protection;

    if (prot != 0) {
	os_vm_address_t end = addr + len, touch = addr;

	while (touch < end) {
	    int contents = (*(char *) touch);

	    if (prot & OS_VM_PROT_WRITE)
		(*(char *) touch) = contents;
	    touch =
		(os_vm_address_t) (((long) touch + SPARSE_BLOCK_SIZE) &
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static struct segment *
seg_create_nomerge(addr, len, protection, mapped_fd, file_offset)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
     int protection;
     int mapped_fd;
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    int n;
    struct segment *seg;

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	return NULL;

    if (n_segments == max_segments) {
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	struct segment *new_segs;

	max_segments += GROW_MAX_SEGS;
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	new_segs = (struct segment *)
	    realloc(segments, max_segments * sizeof(struct segment));
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	if (new_segs == NULL) {
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		    "seg_create_nomerge: Couldn't grow segment descriptor table to %s segments\n",
	    max_segments -= GROW_MAX_SEGS;
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	    return NULL;
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    for (n = n_segments, seg = segments; n > 0; n--, seg++)
	if (addr < seg->start) {
	    seg = (&segments[n_segments]);
	    while (n-- > 0) {
		seg[0] = seg[-1];
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    seg->start = addr;
    seg->length = len;
    seg->protection = protection;
    seg->mapped_fd = mapped_fd;
    seg->file_offset = file_offset;
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    return seg;

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#if 1
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/* returns the first segment containing addr */
static struct segment *
     os_vm_address_t addr;
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    int n;
    struct segment *seg;

    for (n = n_segments, seg = segments; n > 0; n--, seg++)
	if (seg->start <= addr && seg->start + seg->length > addr)
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	    return seg;

    return NULL;
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/* returns the first segment containing addr */
static struct segment *
     os_vm_address_t addr;
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    /* does a binary search */
    struct segment *lo = segments, *hi = segments + n_segments;
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    while (hi > lo) {
	struct segment *mid = lo + ((hi - lo) >> 1);
	os_vm_address_t start = mid->start;
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	if (addr >= start && addr < start + mid->length)
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	    return mid;
	else if (addr < start)
	    hi = mid;
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    return NULL;
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/* returns TRUE if the range from addr to addr+len intersects with any segment */
static boolean
collides_with_seg_p(addr, len)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
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    int n;
    struct segment *seg;
    os_vm_address_t end = addr + len;
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    for (n = n_segments, seg = segments; n > 0; n--, seg++)
	if (seg->start >= end)
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	    return FALSE;
	else if (seg->start + seg->length > addr)
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	    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

#if 0				/* WAY to SLOW */
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/* returns TRUE if the range from addr to addr+len is a valid mapping
 * (that we don't know about) */
static boolean
mem_in_use(addr, len)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
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    os_vm_address_t p;

    for (p = addr; addr < addr + len; p += os_real_page_size) {
	char c;

	if (mincore((caddr_t) p, os_real_page_size, &c) == 0 || errno != ENOMEM)
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	    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

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#define seg_last_p(seg) (((seg)-segments)>=n_segments-1)
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static void
     struct segment *seg;
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	int n;

	for (n = seg - segments + 1; n < n_segments; n++) {
	    seg[0] = seg[1];
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static void
     struct segment *seg;
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    struct segment *nseg = seg + 1;

    if (!seg_last_p(seg)
	&& seg->start + seg->length == nseg->start
	&& seg->protection == nseg->protection
	&& seg->mapped_fd == nseg->mapped_fd
	&& ADJ_OFFSET(seg->file_offset, seg->length) == nseg->file_offset) {
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	/* can merge with the next segment */
#ifdef DEBUG
		";;; seg_try_merge: Merged 0x%08x[0x%08x] with 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n",
		seg->start, seg->length, nseg->start, nseg->length);
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	if (((long) nseg->start & SPARSE_SIZE_MASK) != 0) {
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	     * if not on a block boundary, we have to ensure both parts
	     * of a common block are in a known state
	    seg_force_resident(seg, nseg->start - 1, 1);
	    seg_force_resident(nseg, nseg->start, 1);
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	seg->length += nseg->length;
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 * Try to merge seg with adjacent segments.
static void
     struct segment *seg;
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    if (!seg_last_p(seg))
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    if (seg > segments)
	seg_try_merge_next(seg - 1);
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static struct segment *
seg_create(addr, len, protection, mapped_fd, file_offset)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
     int protection;
     int mapped_fd;
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    struct segment *seg =

	seg_create_nomerge(addr, len, protection, mapped_fd, file_offset);
    if (seg != NULL)
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    return seg;

 * Change the attributes of the given range of an existing segment, and return
 * a segment corresponding to the new bit.
static struct segment *
seg_change_range(seg, addr, len, protection, mapped_fd, file_offset)
     struct segment *seg;
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
     int protection;
     int mapped_fd;
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    os_vm_address_t end = addr + len;
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	return NULL;

    if (protection != seg->protection
	|| mapped_fd != seg->mapped_fd
	|| file_offset != ADJ_OFFSET(seg->file_offset, addr - seg->start)) {
	os_vm_size_t old_len = seg->length, seg_offset = (addr - seg->start);

	if (old_len < len + seg_offset) {
	    struct segment *next = seg + 1;

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#ifdef DEBUG
		    ";;; seg_change_range: region 0x%08x[0x%08x] overflows 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n",
		    addr, len, seg->start, old_len);
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	    while (!seg_last_p(seg) && next->start + next->length <= end) {
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#ifdef DEBUG
			";;; seg_change_range: merging extra segment 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n",
			next->start, next->length);
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	    if (!seg_last_p(seg) && next->start < end) {
		next->length -= end - next->start;
		next->start = end;
		old_len = next->start - seg->start;
	    } else
		old_len = len + seg_offset;

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#ifdef DEBUG
		    ";;; seg_change_range: extended first seg to 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n",
		    seg->start, old_len);
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	if (seg_offset + len < old_len) {
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	    /* add second part of old segment */
			       old_len - (seg_offset + len),
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			       ADJ_OFFSET(seg->file_offset, seg_offset + len));
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#ifdef DEBUG
		    ";;; seg_change_range: Split off end of 0x%08x[0x%08x]: 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n",
		    seg->start, old_len, end, old_len - (seg_offset + len));
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	if (seg_offset == 0) {
	    seg->length = len;
	    seg->protection = protection;
	    seg->mapped_fd = mapped_fd;
	    seg->file_offset = file_offset;
	} else {
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	    /* adjust first part of remaining old segment */
	    seg->length = seg_offset;
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#ifdef DEBUG
		    ";;; seg_change_range: Split off beginning of 0x%08x[0x%08x]: 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n",
		    seg->start, old_len, seg->start, seg_offset);
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	    /* add new middle segment for new protected region */
	    seg =
		seg_create_nomerge(addr, len, protection, mapped_fd,
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    return seg;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

static os_vm_address_t
mapin(addr, len, protection, map_fd, offset, is_readable)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
     int protection;
     int map_fd;
     long offset;
     int is_readable;
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    os_vm_address_t real;
    boolean sparse = (len >= SPARSE_BLOCK_SIZE);
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    if (offset != OFFSET_NONE
	&& (offset < os_vm_page_size || (offset & (os_vm_page_size - 1)) != 0)) {
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		"mapin: file offset (%d) not multiple of pagesize (%d)\n",
		offset, os_vm_page_size);
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    if (addr == NULL)
	len += real_page_size_difference;	/* futz around to get an aligned region */
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    last_fault = 0;
    real = (os_vm_address_t)
	mmap((caddr_t) addr,
	     (long) len,
	     sparse ? (is_readable ? PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC : 0) : protection,
	     (addr == NULL ? 0 : MAP_FIXED) | MAP_PRIVATE,
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	     (is_readable || !sparse) ? map_fd : empty_fd,
	     (off_t) (offset == OFFSET_NONE ? 0 : offset));
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    if ((long) real == -1) {
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	perror("mapin: mmap");
	return NULL;

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	 * now play around with what the os gave us to make it align by
	 * our standards (which is why we overallocated)
	os_vm_size_t overflow;

	addr = os_round_up_to_page(real);
	if (addr != real)
	    munmap((caddr_t) real, addr - real);

	overflow = real_page_size_difference - (addr - real);
	if (overflow != 0)
	    munmap((caddr_t) (addr + len - real_page_size_difference),
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    return real;

static os_vm_address_t
map_and_remember(addr, len, protection, map_fd, offset, is_readable)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
     int protection;
     int map_fd;
     long offset;
     int is_readable;
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    os_vm_address_t real =
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	mapin(addr, len, protection, map_fd, offset, is_readable);
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    if (real != NULL) {
	struct segment *seg = seg_find(real);

	if (seg != NULL)
	    seg = seg_change_range(seg, real, len, protection, map_fd, offset);
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	    seg = seg_create(real, len, protection, map_fd, offset);
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	if (seg == NULL) {
	    munmap((caddr_t) real, len);
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	    return NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
	    ";;; map_and_remember: 0x%08x[0x%08x] offset: %d, mapped to: %d\n",
	    real, len, offset, map_fd);
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    return real;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

os_validate(addr, len)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
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    addr = os_trunc_to_page(addr);
    len = os_round_up_size_to_page(len);
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#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, ";;; os_validate: 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n", addr, len);
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    if (addr != NULL && collides_with_seg_p(addr, len))
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	return NULL;

    return map_and_remember(addr, len, PROT_DEFAULT, zero_fd, OFFSET_NONE,
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os_invalidate(addr, len)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
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    struct segment *seg = seg_find(addr);
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    addr = os_trunc_to_page(addr);
    len = os_round_up_size_to_page(len);
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#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, ";;; os_invalidate: 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n", addr, len);
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    if (seg == NULL)
	fprintf(stderr, "os_invalidate: Unknown segment: 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n",
		addr, len);
    else {
	seg = seg_change_range(seg, addr, len, 0, 0, OFFSET_NONE);
	if (seg != NULL)
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	last_fault = 0;
	if (munmap((caddr_t) addr, len) != 0)
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	    perror("os_invalidate: munmap");

os_map(fd, offset, addr, len)
     int fd;
     int offset;
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     long len;
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    addr = os_trunc_to_page(addr);
    len = os_round_up_size_to_page(len);
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#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, ";;; os_map: 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n", addr, len);
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    return map_and_remember(addr, len, PROT_DEFAULT, fd, offset, TRUE);
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os_flush_icache(address, length)
     os_vm_address_t address;
     os_vm_size_t length;
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#if defined(MACH) && defined(mips)
    vm_machine_attribute_val_t flush;
    kern_return_t kr;
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    kr = vm_machine_attribute(task_self(), address, length,
			      MATTR_CACHE, &flush);
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
	mach_error("Could not flush the instruction cache", kr);
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os_protect(addr, len, prot)
     os_vm_address_t addr;
     os_vm_size_t len;
     int prot;
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    struct segment *seg = seg_find(addr);
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    addr = os_trunc_to_page(addr);
    len = os_round_up_size_to_page(len);
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#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, ";;; os_protect: 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n", addr, len);
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    if (seg != NULL) {
	int old_prot = seg->protection;
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	if (prot != old_prot) {
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	     * oooooh, sick: we have to make sure all the pages being protected have
	     * faulted in, so they're in a known state...
	    seg_force_resident(seg, addr, len);
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	    seg_change_range(seg, addr, len, prot, seg->mapped_fd,
wlott's avatar
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	    if (mprotect((caddr_t) addr, (long) len, prot) != 0)
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		perror("os_unprotect: mprotect");
    } else
	fprintf(stderr, "os_protect: Unknown segment: 0x%08x[0x%08x]\n", addr,
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     os_vm_address_t test;
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    return seg_find(test) != NULL;
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

static boolean
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     * It's necessary to enable recursive SEGVs, since the handle is
     * used for multiple things (e.g., both gc-trigger & faulting in pages).
     * We check against recursive gc's though...

    boolean did_gc;
    static already_trying = 0;
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	return FALSE;

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    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &context->uc_sigmask, 0);
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    already_trying = TRUE;
    did_gc = interrupt_maybe_gc(signal, code, context);
    already_trying = FALSE;
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    return did_gc;

 * The primary point of catching segmentation violations is to allow 
 * read only memory to be re-mapped with more permissions when a write
 * is attempted.  this greatly decreases the residency of the program
 * in swap space since read only areas don't take up room
 * Running into the gc trigger page will also end up here...
segv_handler(HANDLER_ARGS, caddr_t addr)
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    if (CODE(code) == OS_PROTERR) {	/* allow writes to this chunk */
	struct segment *seg = seg_find(addr);
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	if ((caddr_t) last_fault == addr) {
	    if (seg != NULL && maybe_gc(signal, code, context))
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		/* we just garbage collected */
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		/* a *real* protection fault */
			"segv_handler: Real protection violation: 0x%08x\n",
		interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, context);
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	} else
	    last_fault = (os_vm_address_t) addr;
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	    int err;
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	    /* round down to a page */
	    os_vm_address_t block =

		(os_vm_address_t) ((long) addr & ~SPARSE_SIZE_MASK);
	    os_vm_size_t length = SPARSE_BLOCK_SIZE;
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	    if (block < seg->start) {
		length -= (seg->start - block);
		block = seg->start;
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	    if (block + length > seg->start + seg->length)
		length = seg->start + seg->length - block;
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#if 0
	    /* unmap it.  probably redundant. */
	    if (munmap((caddr_t) block, length) == -1)
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		perror("segv_handler: munmap");

	    /* and remap it with more permissions */
	    err = (int)
		mmap((caddr_t) block,
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		     seg->file_offset == OFFSET_NONE
		     ? 0 : seg->file_offset + (block - seg->start));
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	    if (err == -1) {
		perror("segv_handler: mmap");
		interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, context);
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	} else {
	    fprintf(stderr, "segv_handler: 0x%08x not in any segment\n", addr);
	    interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, context);
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     * note that we check for a gc-trigger hit even if it's not a PROT error
    else if (!maybe_gc(signal, code, context)) {
	static int nomap_count = 0;
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	if (CODE(code) == OS_MAPERR) {
	    if (nomap_count == 0) {
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			"segv_handler: No mapping fault: 0x%08x\n", addr);
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		 * There should be higher-level protection against stack
		 * overflow somewhere, but at least this prevents infinite
		 * puking of error messages...
			"segv_handler: Recursive no mapping fault (stack overflow?)\n");
	} else if (OS_HASERRNO(code)) {
	    errno = OS_ERRNO(code);
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	    perror("segv_handler: Object error");

	interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, context);
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	if (CODE(code) == OS_MAPERR)
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    interrupt_install_low_level_handler(SIGSEGV, segv_handler);
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os_vm_address_t round_up_sparse_size(os_vm_address_t addr)
    return (addr + SPARSE_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) & ~SPARSE_SIZE_MASK;

 * An array of the start of the spaces which should have holes placed
 * after them.  Must not include the dynamic spaces because the size
 * of the dynamic space can be controlled from the command line.
static os_vm_address_t spaces[] = {

 * The corresponding array for the size of each space.  Be sure that
 * the spaces and holes don't overlap!  The sizes MUST be on
 * SPARSE_BLOCK_SIZE boundaries.
static unsigned long space_size[] = {

 * The size of the hole to make.  It should be strictly smaller than

#define HOLE_SIZE 0x2000

    int k;
    os_vm_address_t hole;

    /* Make holes of the appropriate size for desired spaces */

    for (k = 0; k < sizeof(spaces) / sizeof(spaces[0]); ++k) {

	hole = spaces[k] + space_size[k];

	if (os_validate(hole, HOLE_SIZE) == NULL) {
		    "ensure_space: Failed to validate hole of %ld bytes at 0x%08X\n",
		    HOLE_SIZE, (unsigned long) hole);
	/* Make it inaccessible */
	os_protect(hole, HOLE_SIZE, 0);
    /* Round up the dynamic_space_size to the nearest SPARSE_BLOCK_SIZE */
    dynamic_space_size = round_up_sparse_size(dynamic_space_size);

    /* Now make a hole for the dynamic spaces */
    hole = dynamic_space_size + (os_vm_address_t) dynamic_0_space;

    if (os_validate(hole, HOLE_SIZE) == NULL) {
		"ensure_space: Failed to validate hold of %ld bytes at 0x%08X\n",
		HOLE_SIZE, (unsigned long) hole);
    os_protect(hole, HOLE_SIZE, 0);

    hole = dynamic_space_size + (os_vm_address_t) dynamic_1_space;
    if (os_validate(hole, HOLE_SIZE) == NULL) {
		"ensure_space: Failed to validate hole of %ld bytes at 0x%08X\n",
		HOLE_SIZE, (unsigned long) hole);
    os_protect(hole, HOLE_SIZE, 0);