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os-common.c 14.4 KiB
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 This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
 Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.


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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <string.h>
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#include "os.h"
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#include "internals.h"
#include "validate.h"
#include "lisp.h"
#include "lispregs.h"
#include "globals.h"
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#include "interr.h"
#include "arch.h"
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#include "interrupt.h"
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/* Except for os_zero, these routines are only called by Lisp code.  These
   routines may also be replaced by os-dependent versions instead.  See
   hpux-os.c for some useful restrictions on actual usage. */

os_zero(os_vm_address_t addr, os_vm_size_t length)
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    os_vm_address_t block_start;
    os_vm_size_t block_size;

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    fprintf(stderr, ";;; os_zero: addr: 0x%08x, len: 0x%08x\n", addr, length);
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    block_start = os_round_up_to_page(addr);

    length -= block_start - addr;
    block_size = os_trunc_size_to_page(length);
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    if (block_start > addr)
	memset((char *) addr, 0, block_start - addr);
    if (block_size < length)
	memset((char *) block_start + block_size, 0, length - block_size);
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    if (block_size != 0) {
	/* Now deallocate and allocate the block so that it */
	/* faults in  zero-filled. */

	os_invalidate(block_start, block_size);
	addr = os_validate(block_start, block_size);
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	if (addr == NULL || addr != block_start)
	    fprintf(stderr, "os_zero: block moved, 0x%p ==> 0x%8p!\n",
		    (void *) block_start, (void *) addr);
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os_allocate(os_vm_size_t len)
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    return os_validate((os_vm_address_t) NULL, len);
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os_allocate_at(os_vm_address_t addr, os_vm_size_t len)
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    return os_validate(addr, len);

os_deallocate(os_vm_address_t addr, os_vm_size_t len)
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    os_invalidate(addr, len);
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/* This function once tried to grow the chunk by asking os_validate if the
   space was available, but this really only works under Mach. */

os_reallocate(os_vm_address_t addr, os_vm_size_t old_len, os_vm_size_t len)
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    addr = os_trunc_to_page(addr);
    len = os_round_up_size_to_page(len);
    old_len = os_round_up_size_to_page(old_len);
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	return os_allocate(len);
    else {
	long len_diff = len - old_len;

	if (len_diff < 0)
	    os_invalidate(addr + len, -len_diff);
	else {
	    if (len_diff != 0) {
		os_vm_address_t new = os_allocate(len);

		if (new != NULL) {
		    memcpy((char *) new, (char *) addr, old_len);
		    os_invalidate(addr, old_len);
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	return addr;
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    return errno;

os_set_errno(int value)
    return errno = value;

typedef enum {
} linkage_type_t;

/* These declarations are lies.  They actually take args, but are
   never called by C.  Only by Lisp */
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extern void resolve_linkage_tramp(void);
extern void call_into_c(void);
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/* In words */

convert_lisp_string(char* c_string, void* lisp_string, int len)
#ifdef UNICODE    
    * FIXME: Unicode hack to convert Lisp 16-bit string to 8-bit string
    * by lopping off the high bits.

    int k;
    unsigned short int* wide_string = (unsigned short int*) lisp_string;

    for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
        c_string[k] = (wide_string[k]) & 0xff;
    c_string[k] = 0;
    strcpy(c_string, lisp_string);

    return c_string;

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    lispobj linkage_data_obj = SymbolValue(LINKAGE_TABLE_DATA);
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    struct array *linkage_data = 0;
    long table_size = 0;
    struct vector *data_vector = 0;
    long i;

    linkage_data = (struct array *) PTR(linkage_data_obj);
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    table_size = fixnum_value(linkage_data->fill_pointer);
    data_vector = (struct vector *) PTR(linkage_data->data);
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    for (i = 0; i < table_size; i += LINKAGE_DATA_ENTRY_SIZE) {
	struct vector *symbol_name
	    = (struct vector *) PTR(data_vector->data[i]);
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	long type = fixnum_value(data_vector->data[i + 1]);
	lispobj lib_list = data_vector->data[i + 2];
        /* FIXME:  1000 may not be long enough.  Add checks to make sure it's ok!!!!*/
        char c_symbol_name[1000];
	 * Verify the "known" entries.  This had better match what
	 * init-foreign-linkage in new-genesis does!

        convert_lisp_string(c_symbol_name, symbol_name->data, (symbol_name->length >> 2));

#if 0
        fprintf(stderr, "i =%2d:  %s\n", i, c_symbol_name);
            int k;
            unsigned short int* wide_string;
            fprintf(stderr, "  symbol_name->data = ");

            wide_string = (unsigned short int *) symbol_name->data;
            for (k = 0; k < (symbol_name->length >> 2); ++k) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%4x ", wide_string[k]);
            fprintf(stderr, "\n");
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	if (i == 0) {
	    if (type != LINKAGE_CODE_TYPE || strcmp(c_symbol_name, "call_into_c")) {
		fprintf(stderr, "linkage_data is %s but expected call_into_c\n",
			(char *) symbol_name->data);
		lose("First element of linkage_data is bogus.\n");
	    arch_make_linkage_entry(i, (void*) call_into_c, 1);
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#elif (defined(DARWIN) && defined(__ppc__))
	    if (type != 1 || strcmp(c_symbol_name, "_call_into_c")) {
		fprintf(stderr, "linkage_data is %s but expected call_into_c\n",
			(char *) c_symbol_name);
		lose("First element of linkage_data is bogus.\n");
	    arch_make_linkage_entry(i, &call_into_c, 1);
	    if (type != LINKAGE_CODE_TYPE || strcmp(c_symbol_name,
                                                    "resolve_linkage_tramp")) {
			"linkage_data is %s but expected resolve_linkage_tramp\n",
			(char *) c_symbol_name);
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		lose("First element of linkage_data is bogus.\n");
	    arch_make_linkage_entry(i, (void *) &resolve_linkage_tramp, 1);
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	if (type == LINKAGE_DATA_TYPE && lib_list == NIL) {
	    void *target_addr = os_dlsym(c_symbol_name, NIL);
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	    if (!target_addr) {
#if 0
                int k;
                unsigned short int* wide_string;
                fprintf(stderr, "c_symbol_name = `%s'\n", c_symbol_name);
                fprintf(stderr, "symbol_name->data = \n");

                wide_string = (unsigned short int *) symbol_name->data;
                for (k = 0; k < (symbol_name->length >> 2); ++k) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "%4x ", wide_string[k]);
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
		lose("%s is not defined.\n",  c_symbol_name);
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	    arch_make_linkage_entry(i / LINKAGE_DATA_ENTRY_SIZE, target_addr,
	} else {
	    arch_make_lazy_linkage(i / LINKAGE_DATA_ENTRY_SIZE);
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#endif /* LINKAGE_TABLE */

/* At the second stage of initialization, after Lisp has dlopened all
   needed shared libraries, go back through the table and initialize
   data symbols. */

    lispobj linkage_data_obj = SymbolValue(LINKAGE_TABLE_DATA);
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    struct array *linkage_data = 0;
    long table_size = 0;
    struct vector *data_vector = 0;
    long i;

    linkage_data = (struct array *) PTR(linkage_data_obj);
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    table_size = fixnum_value(linkage_data->fill_pointer);
    data_vector = (struct vector *) PTR(linkage_data->data);
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    for (i = 0; i < table_size; i += LINKAGE_DATA_ENTRY_SIZE) {
	struct vector *symbol_name
	    = (struct vector *) PTR(data_vector->data[i]);
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	long type = fixnum_value(data_vector->data[i + 1]);
	lispobj lib_list = data_vector->data[i + 2];
        char c_symbol_name[1000];
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        convert_lisp_string(c_symbol_name, symbol_name->data, (symbol_name->length >> 2));
	if (type == LINKAGE_DATA_TYPE && lib_list != NIL) {
	    void *target_addr = os_dlsym(c_symbol_name, lib_list);
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	    if (!target_addr) {
		lose("%s is not defined.\n", c_symbol_name);
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	    arch_make_linkage_entry(i / LINKAGE_DATA_ENTRY_SIZE, target_addr,
#endif /* LINKAGE_TABLE */

/* Make entry for the symbol at entry in LINKAGE_TABLE_DATA.  Called
   from register-foreign-linkage. */
extern void undefined_foreign_symbol_trap(lispobj arg);
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unsigned long
os_link_one_symbol(long entry)
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    lispobj linkage_data_obj = SymbolValue(LINKAGE_TABLE_DATA);
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    struct array *linkage_data = 0;
    long table_size = 0;
    struct vector *data_vector = 0;
    struct vector *symbol_name;
    long type;
    void *target_addr;
    long table_index = entry * LINKAGE_DATA_ENTRY_SIZE;
    char c_symbol_name[1000];

    linkage_data = (struct array *) PTR(linkage_data_obj);
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    table_size = fixnum_value(linkage_data->fill_pointer);
    if (table_index >= table_size - 1) {
	return 0;
    data_vector = (struct vector *) PTR(linkage_data->data);
    symbol_name = (struct vector *) PTR(data_vector->data[table_index]);
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    type = fixnum_value(data_vector->data[table_index + 1]);

    convert_lisp_string(c_symbol_name, symbol_name->data, (symbol_name->length >> 2));
    target_addr = os_dlsym(c_symbol_name,
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			   data_vector->data[table_index + 2]);
    fprintf(stderr, "Looked up %s symbol %s at %lx\n",
	    type == LINKAGE_CODE_TYPE ? "code" : "data",
	    c_symbol_name, (unsigned long) target_addr);
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    if (!target_addr) {
	undefined_foreign_symbol_trap((lispobj) data_vector->data[table_index]);
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    arch_make_linkage_entry(entry, target_addr, type);
    return (unsigned long) target_addr;
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    return 0;
#endif /* LINKAGE_TABLE */

unsigned long
lazy_resolve_linkage(unsigned long retaddr)
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    unsigned long target_addr = os_link_one_symbol(arch_linkage_entry(retaddr));
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    return target_addr;
    return 0;
#endif /* LINKAGE_TABLE */

/* The end of the control stack contains two guard zones:

   +----------+ stack start (stack growing down)
   |          |
   |          |
   |          | yellow zone
   +----------+				CONTROL_STACK_START

   Both the yellow zone and the red zone are write-protected.

   When entering the yellow zone, we unprotect the yellow zone and
   make Lisp signal a control stack exhausted error, with stack
   contents left intact for the debugger, which is entered.

   When hitting the red zone we arrange for calling a function that
   throws back to the top-level.  */

#define YELLOW_ZONE_SIZE 0x8000	/* 32K */


/* Return the start addresses of the yellow and red zones in

static void
guard_zones(char **yellow_start, char **red_start)
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#if (defined(i386) || defined(__x86_64))
     * All x86's have a control stack (aka C stack) that grows down.
    char *end = (char *) CONTROL_STACK_START;
    *red_start = end;
    *yellow_start = *red_start + RED_ZONE_SIZE;
     * On Solaris/sparc, the C stack grows down, but the Lisp control
     * stack grows up.  The stack zones begin just before the end of the
     * control stack area.

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    char *end = (char *) CONTROL_STACK_START + control_stack_size;

    *red_start = end - RED_ZONE_SIZE;
    *yellow_start = *red_start - YELLOW_ZONE_SIZE;

/* Return the guard zone FAULT_ADDR is in or 0 if not in a guard
   zone.  */

static int
control_stack_zone(void *fault_addr)
    char *yellow_start, *red_start;
    char *p = (char *) fault_addr;

    guard_zones(&yellow_start, &red_start);

    if (p >= yellow_start && p < yellow_start + YELLOW_ZONE_SIZE)
	return YELLOW_ZONE;
    else if (p >= red_start && p < red_start + RED_ZONE_SIZE)
	return RED_ZONE;
	return 0;

/* Protect/unprotect the guard zone ZONE of the control stack.  */

os_guard_control_stack(int zone, int guard)
    char *yellow_start, *red_start;
    int flags;

    guard_zones(&yellow_start, &red_start);

    if (guard)
	flags = OS_VM_PROT_ALL;

    if (zone == YELLOW_ZONE)
	os_protect((os_vm_address_t) yellow_start, YELLOW_ZONE_SIZE, flags);
    else if (zone == RED_ZONE)
	os_protect((os_vm_address_t) red_start, RED_ZONE_SIZE, flags);
    else {
	char *start = red_start < yellow_start ? red_start : yellow_start;

	os_protect((os_vm_address_t) start, RED_ZONE_SIZE + YELLOW_ZONE_SIZE,

/* Handle a possible guard zone hit at FAULT_ADDR.  Value is
   non-zero if FAULT_ADDR is in a guard zone.  */

os_control_stack_overflow(void *fault_addr, os_context_t * context)
    enum stack_zone_t zone;
    zone = control_stack_zone(fault_addr);
    if (zone == YELLOW_ZONE || zone == RED_ZONE) {
	lispobj error;
	fprintf(stderr, "hit end of control stack in zone %s\n",
		(zone == YELLOW_ZONE) ? "YELLOW" : (zone ==
						    RED_ZONE) ? "RED" : "BOTH");
	/* Unprotect the stack, giving us some room on the stack for
	   error handling in Lisp.  Fake a stack frame for this
	   interruption.  */
	os_guard_control_stack(zone, 0);


	/* The protection violation signal is delivered on a signal
	   stack different from the normal stack, so that we don't
	   trample on the guard pages of the normal stack while handling
	   the signal.  To get a Lisp function called when the signal
	   handler returns, we change the return address of the signal
	   context to the address of the function we want to be
	   called.  */
	if (zone == RED_ZONE)
	    error = SymbolFunction(RED_ZONE_HIT);
	    error = SymbolFunction(YELLOW_ZONE_HIT);
#if defined(i386) || defined(__x86_64)
	SC_PC(context) = (int) ((struct function *) PTR(error))->code;
	SC_REG(context, reg_NARGS) = 0;
#elif defined(sparc)
	/* This part should be common to all non-x86 ports */
	SC_PC(context) = (long) ((struct function *) PTR(error))->code;
	SC_NPC(context) = SC_PC(context) + 4;
	SC_REG(context, reg_NARGS) = 0;
	SC_REG(context, reg_LIP) =
	    (long) ((struct function *) PTR(error))->code;
	SC_REG(context, reg_CFP) = (long) current_control_frame_pointer;
	/* This is sparc specific */
	SC_REG(context, reg_CODE) = ((long) PTR(error)) + type_FunctionPointer;
#error os_control_stack_overflow not implemented for this system

#else /* not RED_ZONE_HIT */

/* Dummy for bootstrapping.  */

os_guard_control_stack(int zone, int guard)