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 This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
 Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.


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#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>

#include "lisp.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "internals.h"
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#include "interrupt.h"
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#include "arch.h"
#include "lispregs.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "breakpoint.h"
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#if defined GENCGC
#include "gencgc.h"
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 * See MAKE-BOGUS-LRA in code/debug-int.lisp for these values.
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 * Ideally, internals.h should have the correct values.  We leave
 * these defaults here for now.
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#define REAL_LRA_SLOT 0
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#ifndef i386
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static void *
compute_pc(lispobj code_obj, int pc_offset)
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    struct code *code;

    code = (struct code *) PTR(code_obj);
    return (void *) ((char *) code + HeaderValue(code->header) * sizeof(lispobj)
		     + pc_offset);
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unsigned long
breakpoint_install(lispobj code_obj, int pc_offset)
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    return arch_install_breakpoint(compute_pc(code_obj, pc_offset));

breakpoint_remove(lispobj code_obj, int pc_offset, unsigned long orig_inst)
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    arch_remove_breakpoint(compute_pc(code_obj, pc_offset), orig_inst);

breakpoint_do_displaced_inst(os_context_t * scp, unsigned long orig_inst)
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#if !defined(hpux) && !defined(irix) && !defined(i386)
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    arch_do_displaced_inst(scp, orig_inst);

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#if !defined(i386)
static lispobj
find_code(os_context_t * scp)
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#ifdef reg_CODE
    lispobj code = SC_REG(scp, reg_CODE), header;
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    if (LowtagOf(code) != type_OtherPointer)
	return NIL;

    header = *(lispobj *) (code - type_OtherPointer);
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    if (TypeOf(header) == type_CodeHeader)
	return code;
	return code - HeaderValue(header) * sizeof(lispobj);
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    return NIL;
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#if defined(i386)
static lispobj
find_code(os_context_t * scp)
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    lispobj *codeptr = component_ptr_from_pc((lispobj *) SC_PC(scp));
    if (codeptr == NULL)
	return NIL;
	return (lispobj) codeptr | type_OtherPointer;
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#if (defined(DARWIN) && defined(__ppc__)) || (defined(sparc))
 * During a function-end-breakpoint, the pc is sometimes less than the
 * code address, which bypasses the function end stuff.  Then the
 * offset is zero for a function-end-breakpoint, and we can't find the
 * breakpoint data, causing an error during tracing.  But we know this
 * is a function-end breakpoint, because function_end is set to true.
 * (This condition of pc < code address seems to occur only if a GC
 * happens during tracing.  I guess the function-end code object
 * sometimes gets moved to a lower address than the corresponding
 * code.)
 * Hence this replacement looks at the function end flag first
 * to see if it is a function-end breakpoint and does the function-end
 * stuff anyway.  If not, we do the normal stuff.
static int
compute_offset(os_context_t * scp, lispobj code, boolean function_end)
    if (code == NIL)
	return 0;
    if (function_end) {
         * We're in a function end breakpoint.  Compute the
         * offset from the (known) breakpoint location and the
         * beginning of the breakpoint guts.  (See *-assem.S.)
         * Then make the offset negative so the caller knows
         * that the offset is not from the code object.
        extern char function_end_breakpoint_trap;
        extern char function_end_breakpoint_guts;
        int offset;
        offset =
            &function_end_breakpoint_trap -
#if 0
        fprintf(stderr, "compute_offset\n");
        fprintf(stderr, " function end offset  = %d\n", offset);
        return make_fixnum(-offset);
    } else {
	unsigned long code_start;
	struct code *codeptr = (struct code *) PTR(code);
	unsigned long pc = SC_PC(scp);

	code_start = (unsigned long) codeptr
	    + HeaderValue(codeptr->header) * sizeof(lispobj);
#if 0
        fprintf(stderr, "compute_offset\n");
        fprintf(stderr, " pc = %d\n", pc);
        fprintf(stderr, " code_start = %d\n", code_start);
        fprintf(stderr, " function_end = %d\n", function_end);
        if (pc < code_start) {
	    return 0;
        } else {
	    int offset = pc - code_start;

#if 0
            fprintf(stderr, " offset = %d\n", offset);
            fprintf(stderr, " codeptr->code_size = %d\n", codeptr->code_size);
            fprintf(stderr, " function_end = %d\n", function_end);
	    if (offset >= codeptr->code_size) {
                return 0;
	    } else {
                return make_fixnum(offset);
static int
compute_offset(os_context_t * scp, lispobj code, boolean function_end)
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    if (code == NIL)
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	return 0;
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    else {
	unsigned long code_start;
	struct code *codeptr = (struct code *) PTR(code);

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#ifdef parisc
	unsigned long pc = SC_PC(scp) & ~3;
	unsigned long pc = SC_PC(scp);
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	code_start = (unsigned long) codeptr
	    + HeaderValue(codeptr->header) * sizeof(lispobj);
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	if (pc < code_start)
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	    return 0;
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	else {
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	    int offset = pc - code_start;
	    if (offset >= codeptr->code_size) {
		return make_fixnum(offset);
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handle_breakpoint(int signal, int subcode, os_context_t * scp)
    lispobj code;


    code = find_code(scp);

#if 0
    fprintf(stderr, "handle_breakpoint\n");
    fprintf(stderr, " offset = %d\n", compute_offset(scp, code, 0));
	     compute_offset(scp, code, 0), code, alloc_sap(scp));

handle_breakpoint(int signal, int subcode, os_context_t * scp)
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    lispobj code, scp_sap = alloc_sap(scp);
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    code = find_code(scp);
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     * Don't disallow recursive breakpoint traps.  Otherwise, we can't
     * use debugger breakpoints anywhere in here.

    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &scp->uc_sigmask, NULL);
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	     compute_offset(scp, code, 0), code, scp_sap);
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void *
handle_function_end_breakpoint(int signal, int subcode, os_context_t * scp)
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    struct code *codeptr;
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    code = find_code(scp);
    codeptr = (struct code *) PTR(code);
    offset = compute_offset(scp, code, 1);
#if 0
    printf(" code    = 0x%08x\n", code);
    printf(" codeptr = %p\n", codeptr);
    printf(" offset  = %d\n", fixnum_value(offset));
    if (offset < 0) {
	 * We were in the function end breakpoint.  Which means we are
	 * in a bogus LRA, so compute where the code-component of this
	 * bogus lra object starts.  Adjust code, and codeptr
	 * appropriately so the breakpoint handler can do the right
	 * thing.
	unsigned int pc;

	pc = SC_PC(scp);

	offset = -offset;
	 * Some magic here.  pc points to the trap instruction.  The
	 * offset gives us where the function_end_breakpoint_guts
	 * begins.  But we need to back up some more to get to the
	 * code-component object.  See MAKE-BOGUS-LRA in
	 * debug-int.lisp
	code = pc - fixnum_value(offset);
	code -= sizeof(struct code) + BOGUS_LRA_CONSTANTS * sizeof(lispobj);

	code += type_OtherPointer;
	codeptr = (struct code *) PTR(code);
#if 0
	printf("  pc   = 0x%08x\n", pc);
	printf("  code    = 0x%08x\n", code);
	printf("  codeptr = %p\n", codeptr);
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    lra = codeptr->constants[REAL_LRA_SLOT];

    known_return_p = codeptr->constants[KNOWN_RETURN_P_SLOT] != NIL;
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	lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

	 * Because HANDLE_BREAKPOINT can GC, the LRA could move, and
	 * we need to know where it went so we can return to the
	 * correct place.  We do this by saving the LRA on the Lisp
	 * stack.  If GC moves the LRA, the stack entry will get
	 * updated appropriately too.
	current_control_stack_pointer += 1;
	args[0] = lra;
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        funcall3(SymbolFunction(HANDLE_BREAKPOINT), offset, code, alloc_sap(scp));

	 * Breakpoint handling done.  Get the (possibly changed) LRA
	 * value off the stack so we know where to return to.
	lra = args[0];
	current_control_stack_pointer -= 1;

#ifdef reg_CODE	
	 * With the known-return convention, we definitely do NOT want
	 * to mangle the CODE register because it isn't pointing to
	 * the bogus LRA but to the actual routine.
	if (!known_return_p) {
	    SC_REG(scp, reg_CODE) = lra;
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    return (void *) (lra - type_OtherPointer + sizeof(lispobj));
void *
handle_function_end_breakpoint(int signal, int subcode, os_context_t * scp)
    lispobj code, scp_sap = alloc_sap(scp);
    struct code *codeptr;


    code = find_code(scp);
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    codeptr = (struct code *) PTR(code);

     * Don't disallow recursive breakpoint traps.  Otherwise, we can't
     * use debugger breakpoints anywhere in here.
    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &scp->uc_sigmask, NULL);
	     compute_offset(scp, code, 1), code, scp_sap);
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    return compute_pc(codeptr->constants[REAL_LRA_SLOT],
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		      fixnum_value(codeptr->constants[REAL_LRA_SLOT + 1]));
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