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;;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
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;;; This is ASDF 3.0.2: Another System Definition Facility.
;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
;;; please mail to <>.
;;; Note first that the canonical source for ASDF is presently
;;; <URL:>.
;;; If you obtained this copy from anywhere else, and you experience
;;; trouble using it, or find bugs, you may want to check at the
;;; location above for a more recent version (and for documentation
;;; and test files, if your copy came without them) before reporting
;;; bugs.  There are usually two "supported" revisions - the git master
;;; branch is the latest development version, whereas the git release
;;; branch may be slightly older but is considered `stable'

;;; (This is the MIT / X Consortium license as taken from
;;; on or about
;;;  Monday; July 13, 2009)
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;;; Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Daniel Barlow and contributors
;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
;;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
;;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
;;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
;;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
;;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
;;; the following conditions:
;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

;;; The problem with writing a defsystem replacement is bootstrapping:
;;; we can't use defsystem to compile it.  Hence, all in one file.

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#+xcvb (module ())
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(in-package :cl-user)
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
  (setf ext:*gc-verbose* nil))
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#+(or abcl clisp clozure cmu ecl xcl)
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (unless (member :asdf3 *features*)
    (let* ((existing-version
             (when (find-package :asdf)
               (or (symbol-value (find-symbol (string :*asdf-version*) :asdf))
                   (let ((ver (symbol-value (find-symbol (string :*asdf-revision*) :asdf))))
                     (etypecase ver
                       (string ver)
                       (cons (format nil "~{~D~^.~}" ver))
                       (null "1.0"))))))
           (first-dot (when existing-version (position #\. existing-version)))
           (second-dot (when first-dot (position #\. existing-version :start (1+ first-dot))))
           (existing-major-minor (subseq existing-version 0 second-dot))
           (existing-version-number (and existing-version (read-from-string existing-major-minor)))
           (away (format nil "~A-~A" :asdf existing-version)))
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      (when (and existing-version
                 (< existing-version-number #+abcl 2.25 #+cmu 2.018 #-(or abcl cmu) 2.27))
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        (rename-package :asdf away)
        (when *load-verbose*
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          (format t "~&; Renamed old ~A package away to ~A~%" :asdf away))))))
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;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Handle ASDF package upgrade, including implementation-dependent magic.
;; See
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(defpackage :uiop/package
  ;; CAUTION: we must handle the first few packages specially for hot-upgrade.
  ;; This package definition MUST NOT change unless its name too changes;
  ;; if/when it changes, don't forget to add new functions missing from below.
  ;; Until then, asdf/package is frozen to forever
  ;; import and export the same exact symbols as for ASDF 2.27.
  ;; Any other symbol must be import-from'ed and re-export'ed in a different package.
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  (:use :common-lisp)
   #:find-package* #:find-symbol* #:symbol-call
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   #:intern* #:export* #:import* #:shadowing-import* #:shadow* #:make-symbol* #:unintern*
   #:symbol-shadowing-p #:home-package-p
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   #:symbol-package-name #:standard-common-lisp-symbol-p
   #:reify-package #:unreify-package #:reify-symbol #:unreify-symbol
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   #:nuke-symbol-in-package #:nuke-symbol #:rehome-symbol
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   #:ensure-package-unused #:delete-package*
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   #:package-names #:packages-from-names #:fresh-package-name #:rename-package-away
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   #:package-definition-form #:parse-define-package-form
   #:ensure-package #:define-package))

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(in-package :uiop/package)
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;;;; General purpose package utilities
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
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  (defun find-package* (package-designator &optional (error t))
    (let ((package (find-package package-designator)))
        (package package)
        (error (error "No package named ~S" (string package-designator)))
        (t nil))))
  (defun find-symbol* (name package-designator &optional (error t))
    "Find a symbol in a package of given string'ified NAME;
unless CL:FIND-SYMBOL, work well with 'modern' case sensitive syntax
by letting you supply a symbol or keyword for the name;
also works well when the package is not present.
If optional ERROR argument is NIL, return NIL instead of an error
when the symbol is not found."
    (block nil
      (let ((package (find-package* package-designator error)))
        (when package ;; package error handled by find-package* already
          (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol (string name) package)
              (status (return (values symbol status)))
              (error (error "There is no symbol ~S in package ~S" name (package-name package))))))
        (values nil nil))))
  (defun symbol-call (package name &rest args)
    "Call a function associated with symbol of given name in given package,
with given ARGS. Useful when the call is read before the package is loaded,
or when loading the package is optional."
    (apply (find-symbol* name package) args))
  (defun intern* (name package-designator &optional (error t))
    (intern (string name) (find-package* package-designator error)))
  (defun export* (name package-designator)
    (let* ((package (find-package* package-designator))
           (symbol (intern* name package)))
      (export (or symbol (list symbol)) package)))
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  (defun import* (symbol package-designator)
    (import (or symbol (list symbol)) (find-package* package-designator)))
  (defun shadowing-import* (symbol package-designator)
    (shadowing-import (or symbol (list symbol)) (find-package* package-designator)))
  (defun shadow* (name package-designator)
    (shadow (string name) (find-package* package-designator)))
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  (defun make-symbol* (name)
    (etypecase name
      (string (make-symbol name))
      (symbol (copy-symbol name))))
  (defun unintern* (name package-designator &optional (error t))
    (block nil
      (let ((package (find-package* package-designator error)))
        (when package
          (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol* name package error)
              (status (unintern symbol package)
                      (return (values symbol status)))
              (error (error "symbol ~A not present in package ~A"
                            (string symbol) (package-name package))))))
        (values nil nil))))
  (defun symbol-shadowing-p (symbol package)
    (and (member symbol (package-shadowing-symbols package)) t))
  (defun home-package-p (symbol package)
    (and package (let ((sp (symbol-package symbol)))
                   (and sp (let ((pp (find-package* package)))
                             (and pp (eq sp pp))))))))
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (defun symbol-package-name (symbol)
    (let ((package (symbol-package symbol)))
      (and package (package-name package))))
  (defun standard-common-lisp-symbol-p (symbol)
    (multiple-value-bind (sym status) (find-symbol* symbol :common-lisp nil)
      (and (eq sym symbol) (eq status :external))))
  (defun reify-package (package &optional package-context)
    (if (eq package package-context) t
        (etypecase package
          (null nil)
          ((eql (find-package :cl)) :cl)
          (package (package-name package)))))
  (defun unreify-package (package &optional package-context)
    (etypecase package
      (null nil)
      ((eql t) package-context)
      ((or symbol string) (find-package package))))
  (defun reify-symbol (symbol &optional package-context)
    (etypecase symbol
      ((or keyword (satisfies standard-common-lisp-symbol-p)) symbol)
      (symbol (vector (symbol-name symbol)
                      (reify-package (symbol-package symbol) package-context)))))
  (defun unreify-symbol (symbol &optional package-context)
    (etypecase symbol
      (symbol symbol)
      ((simple-vector 2)
       (let* ((symbol-name (svref symbol 0))
              (package-foo (svref symbol 1))
              (package (unreify-package package-foo package-context)))
         (if package (intern* symbol-name package)
             (make-symbol* symbol-name)))))))
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (defvar *all-package-happiness* '())
  (defvar *all-package-fishiness* (list t))
  (defun record-fishy (info)
    ;;(format t "~&FISHY: ~S~%" info)
    (push info *all-package-fishiness*))
  (defmacro when-package-fishiness (&body body)
    `(when *all-package-fishiness* ,@body))
  (defmacro note-package-fishiness (&rest info)
    `(when-package-fishiness (record-fishy (list ,@info)))))
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  #+(or clisp clozure)
  (defun get-setf-function-symbol (symbol)
    #+clisp (let ((sym (get symbol 'system::setf-function)))
              (if sym (values sym :setf-function)
                  (let ((sym (get symbol 'system::setf-expander)))
                    (if sym (values sym :setf-expander)
                        (values nil nil)))))
    #+clozure (gethash symbol ccl::%setf-function-names%))
  #+(or clisp clozure)
  (defun set-setf-function-symbol (new-setf-symbol symbol &optional kind)
    #+clisp (assert (member kind '(:setf-function :setf-expander)))
    #+clozure (assert (eq kind t))
      ((null new-setf-symbol)
       (remprop symbol 'system::setf-function)
       (remprop symbol 'system::setf-expander))
      ((eq kind :setf-function)
       (setf (get symbol 'system::setf-function) new-setf-symbol))
      ((eq kind :setf-expander)
       (setf (get symbol 'system::setf-expander) new-setf-symbol))
      (t (error "invalid kind of setf-function ~S for ~S to be set to ~S"
                kind symbol new-setf-symbol)))
      (gethash symbol ccl::%setf-function-names%) new-setf-symbol
      (gethash new-setf-symbol ccl::%setf-function-name-inverses%) symbol))
  #+(or clisp clozure)
  (defun create-setf-function-symbol (symbol)
    #+clisp (system::setf-symbol symbol)
    #+clozure (ccl::construct-setf-function-name symbol))
  (defun set-dummy-symbol (symbol reason other-symbol)
    (setf (get symbol 'dummy-symbol) (cons reason other-symbol)))
  (defun make-dummy-symbol (symbol)
    (let ((dummy (copy-symbol symbol)))
      (set-dummy-symbol dummy 'replacing symbol)
      (set-dummy-symbol symbol 'replaced-by dummy)
  (defun dummy-symbol (symbol)
    (get symbol 'dummy-symbol))
  (defun get-dummy-symbol (symbol)
    (let ((existing (dummy-symbol symbol)))
      (if existing (values (cdr existing) (car existing))
          (make-dummy-symbol symbol))))
  (defun nuke-symbol-in-package (symbol package-designator)
    (let ((package (find-package* package-designator))
          (name (symbol-name symbol)))
      (multiple-value-bind (sym stat) (find-symbol name package)
        (when (and (member stat '(:internal :external)) (eq symbol sym))
          (if (symbol-shadowing-p symbol package)
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              (shadowing-import* (get-dummy-symbol symbol) package)
              (unintern* symbol package))))))
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  (defun nuke-symbol (symbol &optional (packages (list-all-packages)))
    #+(or clisp clozure)
    (multiple-value-bind (setf-symbol kind)
        (get-setf-function-symbol symbol)
      (when kind (nuke-symbol setf-symbol)))
    (loop :for p :in packages :do (nuke-symbol-in-package symbol p)))
  (defun rehome-symbol (symbol package-designator)
    "Changes the home package of a symbol, also leaving it present in its old home if any"
    (let* ((name (symbol-name symbol))
           (package (find-package* package-designator))
           (old-package (symbol-package symbol))
           (old-status (and old-package (nth-value 1 (find-symbol name old-package))))
           (shadowing (and old-package (symbol-shadowing-p symbol old-package) (make-symbol name))))
      (multiple-value-bind (overwritten-symbol overwritten-symbol-status) (find-symbol name package)
        (unless (eq package old-package)
          (let ((overwritten-symbol-shadowing-p
                  (and overwritten-symbol-status
                       (symbol-shadowing-p overwritten-symbol package))))
             :rehome-symbol name
             (when old-package (package-name old-package)) old-status (and shadowing t)
             (package-name package) overwritten-symbol-status overwritten-symbol-shadowing-p)
            (when old-package
              (if shadowing
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                  (shadowing-import* shadowing old-package))
              (unintern* symbol old-package))
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               (shadowing-import* symbol package))
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               (when overwritten-symbol-status
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                 (unintern* overwritten-symbol package))
               (import* symbol package)))
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            (if shadowing
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                (shadowing-import* symbol old-package)
                (import* symbol old-package))
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            #+(or clisp clozure)
            (multiple-value-bind (setf-symbol kind)
                (get-setf-function-symbol symbol)
              (when kind
                (let* ((setf-function (fdefinition setf-symbol))
                       (new-setf-symbol (create-setf-function-symbol symbol)))
                   name (package-name package)
                   (symbol-name setf-symbol) (symbol-package-name setf-symbol)
                   (symbol-name new-setf-symbol) (symbol-package-name new-setf-symbol))
                  (when (symbol-package setf-symbol)
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                    (unintern* setf-symbol (symbol-package setf-symbol)))
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                  (setf (fdefinition new-setf-symbol) setf-function)
                  (set-setf-function-symbol new-setf-symbol symbol kind))))
            #+(or clisp clozure)
            (multiple-value-bind (overwritten-setf foundp)
                (get-setf-function-symbol overwritten-symbol)
              (when foundp
                (unintern overwritten-setf)))
            (when (eq old-status :external)
              (export* symbol old-package))
            (when (eq overwritten-symbol-status :external)
              (export* symbol package))))
        (values overwritten-symbol overwritten-symbol-status))))
  (defun ensure-package-unused (package)
    (loop :for p :in (package-used-by-list package) :do
      (unuse-package package p)))
  (defun delete-package* (package &key nuke)
    (let ((p (find-package package)))
      (when p
        (when nuke (do-symbols (s p) (when (home-package-p s p) (nuke-symbol s))))
        (ensure-package-unused p)
        (delete-package package))))
  (defun package-names (package)
    (cons (package-name package) (package-nicknames package)))
  (defun packages-from-names (names)
    (remove-duplicates (remove nil (mapcar #'find-package names)) :from-end t))
  (defun fresh-package-name (&key (prefix :%TO-BE-DELETED)
                               (index (random most-positive-fixnum)))
    (loop :for i :from index
          :for n = (format nil "~A~@[~A~D~]" prefix (and (plusp i) (or separator "")) i)
          :thereis (and (not (find-package n)) n)))
  (defun rename-package-away (p &rest keys &key prefix &allow-other-keys)
    (let ((new-name
            (apply 'fresh-package-name
                   :prefix (or prefix (format nil "__~A__" (package-name p))) keys)))
      (record-fishy (list :rename-away (package-names p) new-name))
      (rename-package p new-name))))

;;; Communicable representation of symbol and package information
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (defun package-definition-form (package-designator
                                  &key (nicknamesp t) (usep t)
                                    (shadowp t) (shadowing-import-p t)
                                    (exportp t) (importp t) internp (error t))
    (let* ((package (or (find-package* package-designator error)
                        (return-from package-definition-form nil)))
           (name (package-name package))
           (nicknames (package-nicknames package))
           (use (mapcar #'package-name (package-use-list package)))
           (shadow ())
           (shadowing-import (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
           (import (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
           (export ())
           (intern ()))
      (when package
        (loop :for sym :being :the :symbols :in package
              :for status = (nth-value 1 (find-symbol* sym package)) :do
                (ecase status
                  ((nil :inherited))
                  ((:internal :external)
                   (let* ((name (symbol-name sym))
                          (external (eq status :external))
                          (home (symbol-package sym))
                          (home-name (package-name home))
                          (imported (not (eq home package)))
                          (shadowing (symbol-shadowing-p sym package)))
                       ((and shadowing imported)
                        (push name (gethash home-name shadowing-import)))
                        (push name shadow))
                        (push name (gethash home-name import))))
                        (push name export))
                       (t (push name intern)))))))
        (labels ((sort-names (names)
                   (sort names #'string<))
                 (table-keys (table)
                   (loop :for k :being :the :hash-keys :of table :collect k))
                 (when-relevant (key value)
                   (when value (list (cons key value))))
                 (import-options (key table)
                   (loop :for i :in (sort-names (table-keys table))
                         :collect `(,key ,i ,@(sort-names (gethash i table))))))
          `(defpackage ,name
             ,@(when-relevant :nicknames (and nicknamesp (sort-names nicknames)))
             (:use ,@(and usep (sort-names use)))
             ,@(when-relevant :shadow (and shadowp (sort-names shadow)))
             ,@(import-options :shadowing-import-from (and shadowing-import-p shadowing-import))
             ,@(import-options :import-from (and importp import))
             ,@(when-relevant :export (and exportp (sort-names export)))
             ,@(when-relevant :intern (and internp (sort-names intern)))))))))

;;; ensure-package, define-package
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (defun ensure-shadowing-import (name to-package from-package shadowed imported)
    (check-type name string)
    (check-type to-package package)
    (check-type from-package package)
    (check-type shadowed hash-table)
    (check-type imported hash-table)
    (let ((import-me (find-symbol* name from-package)))
      (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name to-package)
          ((gethash name shadowed)
           (unless (eq import-me existing)
             (error "Conflicting shadowings for ~A" name)))
           (setf (gethash name shadowed) t)
           (setf (gethash name imported) t)
           (unless (or (null status)
                       (and (member status '(:internal :external))
                            (eq existing import-me)
                            (symbol-shadowing-p existing to-package)))
              :shadowing-import name
              (package-name from-package)
              (or (home-package-p import-me from-package) (symbol-package-name import-me))
              (package-name to-package) status
              (and status (or (home-package-p existing to-package) (symbol-package-name existing)))))
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           (shadowing-import* import-me to-package))))))
  (defun ensure-imported (import-me into-package &optional from-package)
    (check-type import-me symbol)
    (check-type into-package package)
    (check-type from-package (or null package))
    (let ((name (symbol-name import-me)))
      (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name into-package)
          ((not status)
           (import* import-me into-package))
          ((eq import-me existing))
           (let ((shadowing-p (symbol-shadowing-p existing into-package)))
              :ensure-imported name
              (and from-package (package-name from-package))
              (or (home-package-p import-me from-package) (symbol-package-name import-me))
              (package-name into-package)
              (and status (or (home-package-p existing into-package) (symbol-package-name existing)))
               ((or shadowing-p (eq status :inherited))
                (shadowing-import* import-me into-package))
                (unintern* existing into-package)
                (import* import-me into-package))))))))
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  (defun ensure-import (name to-package from-package shadowed imported)
    (check-type name string)
    (check-type to-package package)
    (check-type from-package package)
    (check-type shadowed hash-table)
    (check-type imported hash-table)
    (multiple-value-bind (import-me import-status) (find-symbol name from-package)
      (when (null import-status)
         :import-uninterned name (package-name from-package) (package-name to-package))
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        (setf import-me (intern* name from-package)))
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      (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name to-package)
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          ((and imported (gethash name imported))
           (unless (and status (eq import-me existing))
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             (error "Can't import ~S from both ~S and ~S"
                    name (package-name (symbol-package existing)) (package-name from-package))))
          ((gethash name shadowed)
           (error "Can't both shadow ~S and import it from ~S" name (package-name from-package)))
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           (setf (gethash name imported) t))))
      (ensure-imported import-me to-package from-package)))
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  (defun ensure-inherited (name symbol to-package from-package mixp shadowed imported inherited)
    (check-type name string)
    (check-type symbol symbol)
    (check-type to-package package)
    (check-type from-package package)
    (check-type mixp (member nil t)) ; no cl:boolean on Genera
    (check-type shadowed hash-table)
    (check-type imported hash-table)
    (check-type inherited hash-table)
    (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name to-package)
      (let* ((sp (symbol-package symbol))
             (in (gethash name inherited))
             (xp (and status (symbol-package existing))))
        (when (null sp)
           :import-uninterned name
           (package-name from-package) (package-name to-package) mixp)
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          (import* symbol from-package)
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          (setf sp (package-name from-package)))
          ((gethash name shadowed))
           (unless (equal sp (first in))
             (if mixp
                 (ensure-shadowing-import name to-package (second in) shadowed imported)
                 (error "Can't inherit ~S from ~S, it is inherited from ~S"
                        name (package-name sp) (package-name (first in))))))
          ((gethash name imported)
           (unless (eq symbol existing)
             (error "Can't inherit ~S from ~S, it is imported from ~S"
                    name (package-name sp) (package-name xp))))
           (setf (gethash name inherited) (list sp from-package))
           (when (and status (not (eq sp xp)))
             (let ((shadowing (symbol-shadowing-p existing to-package)))
                :inherited name
                (package-name from-package)
                (or (home-package-p symbol from-package) (symbol-package-name symbol))
                (package-name to-package)
                (or (home-package-p existing to-package) (symbol-package-name existing)))
               (if shadowing (ensure-shadowing-import name to-package from-package shadowed imported)
                   (unintern* existing to-package)))))))))
  (defun ensure-mix (name symbol to-package from-package shadowed imported inherited)
    (check-type name string)
    (check-type symbol symbol)
    (check-type to-package package)
    (check-type from-package package)
    (check-type shadowed hash-table)
    (check-type imported hash-table)
    (check-type inherited hash-table)
    (unless (gethash name shadowed)
      (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name to-package)
        (let* ((sp (symbol-package symbol))
               (im (gethash name imported))
               (in (gethash name inherited)))
            ((or (null status)
                 (and status (eq symbol existing))
                 (and in (eq sp (first in))))
             (ensure-inherited name symbol to-package from-package t shadowed imported inherited))
             (remhash name inherited)
             (ensure-shadowing-import name to-package (second in) shadowed imported))
             (error "Symbol ~S import from ~S~:[~; actually ~:[uninterned~;~:*from ~S~]~] conflicts with existing symbol in ~S~:[~; actually ~:[uninterned~;from ~:*~S~]~]"
                    name (package-name from-package)
                    (home-package-p symbol from-package) (symbol-package-name symbol)
                    (package-name to-package)
                    (home-package-p existing to-package) (symbol-package-name existing)))
             (ensure-inherited name symbol to-package from-package t shadowed imported inherited)))))))
  (defun recycle-symbol (name recycle exported)
    (check-type name string)
    (check-type recycle list)
    (check-type exported hash-table)
    (when (gethash name exported) ;; don't bother recycling private symbols
      (let (recycled foundp)
        (dolist (r recycle (values recycled foundp))
          (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol name r)
            (when (and status (home-package-p symbol r))
                 ;; (nuke-symbol symbol)) -- even simple variable names like O or C will do that.
                 (note-package-fishiness :recycled-duplicate name (package-name foundp) (package-name r)))
                 (setf recycled symbol foundp r)))))))))
  (defun symbol-recycled-p (sym recycle)
    (check-type sym symbol)
    (check-type recycle list)
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    (and (member (symbol-package sym) recycle) t))
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  (defun ensure-symbol (name package intern recycle shadowed imported inherited exported)
    (check-type name string)
    (check-type package package)
    (check-type intern (member nil t)) ; no cl:boolean on Genera
    (check-type shadowed hash-table)
    (check-type imported hash-table)
    (check-type inherited hash-table)
    (unless (or (gethash name shadowed)
                (gethash name imported)
                (gethash name inherited))
      (multiple-value-bind (existing status)
          (find-symbol name package)
        (multiple-value-bind (recycled previous) (recycle-symbol name recycle exported)
            ((and status (eq existing recycled) (eq previous package)))
             (rehome-symbol recycled package))
            ((and status (eq package (symbol-package existing))))
             (when status
                :ensure-symbol name
                (reify-package (symbol-package existing) package)
                status intern)
               (unintern existing))
             (when intern
               (intern* name package))))))))
  (declaim (ftype function ensure-exported))
  (defun ensure-exported-to-user (name symbol to-package &optional recycle)
    (check-type name string)
    (check-type symbol symbol)
    (check-type to-package package)
    (check-type recycle list)
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    (assert (equal name (symbol-name symbol)))
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    (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name to-package)
      (unless (and status (eq symbol existing))
        (let ((accessible
                (or (null status)
                    (let ((shadowing (symbol-shadowing-p existing to-package))
                          (recycled (symbol-recycled-p existing recycle)))
                      (unless (and shadowing (not recycled))
                         :ensure-export name (symbol-package-name symbol)
                         (package-name to-package)
                         (or (home-package-p existing to-package) (symbol-package-name existing))
                         status shadowing)
                        (if (or (eq status :inherited) shadowing)
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                            (shadowing-import* symbol to-package)
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                            (unintern existing to-package))
          (when (and accessible (eq status :external))
            (ensure-exported name symbol to-package recycle))))))
  (defun ensure-exported (name symbol from-package &optional recycle)
    (dolist (to-package (package-used-by-list from-package))
      (ensure-exported-to-user name symbol to-package recycle))
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    (unless (eq from-package (symbol-package symbol))
      (ensure-imported symbol from-package))
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    (export* name from-package))
  (defun ensure-export (name from-package &optional recycle)
    (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol* name from-package)
      (unless (eq status :external)
        (ensure-exported name symbol from-package recycle))))
  (defun ensure-package (name &key
                                nicknames documentation use
                                shadow shadowing-import-from
                                import-from export intern
                                recycle mix reexport
    #+(or gcl2.6 genera) (declare (ignore documentation))
    (let* ((package-name (string name))
           (nicknames (mapcar #'string nicknames))
           (names (cons package-name nicknames))
           (previous (packages-from-names names))
           (discarded (cdr previous))
           (to-delete ())
           (package (or (first previous) (make-package package-name :nicknames nicknames)))
           (recycle (packages-from-names recycle))
           (use (mapcar 'find-package* use))
           (mix (mapcar 'find-package* mix))
           (reexport (mapcar 'find-package* reexport))
           (shadow (mapcar 'string shadow))
           (export (mapcar 'string export))
           (intern (mapcar 'string intern))
           (unintern (mapcar 'string unintern))
           (shadowed (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ; string to bool
           (imported (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ; string to bool
           (exported (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ; string to bool
           ;; string to list home package and use package:
           (inherited (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
      (when-package-fishiness (record-fishy package-name))
      #-(or gcl2.6 genera)
      (when documentation (setf (documentation package t) documentation))
      (loop :for p :in (set-difference (package-use-list package) (append mix use))
            :do (note-package-fishiness :over-use name (package-names p))
                (unuse-package p package))
      (loop :for p :in discarded
            :for n = (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (member x names :test 'equal))
                                (package-names p))
            :do (note-package-fishiness :nickname name (package-names p))
                (cond (n (rename-package p (first n) (rest n)))
                      (t (rename-package-away p)
                         (push p to-delete))))
      (rename-package package package-name nicknames)
      (dolist (name unintern)
        (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name package)
          (when status
            (unless (eq status :inherited)
               :unintern (package-name package) name (symbol-package-name existing) status)
              (unintern* name package nil)))))
      (dolist (name export)
        (setf (gethash name exported) t))
      (dolist (p reexport)
        (do-external-symbols (sym p)
          (setf (gethash (string sym) exported) t)))
      (do-external-symbols (sym package)
        (let ((name (symbol-name sym)))
          (unless (gethash name exported)
             :over-export (package-name package) name
             (or (home-package-p sym package) (symbol-package-name sym)))
            (unexport sym package))))
      (dolist (name shadow)
        (setf (gethash name shadowed) t)
        (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name package)
          (multiple-value-bind (recycled previous) (recycle-symbol name recycle exported)
            (let ((shadowing (and status (symbol-shadowing-p existing package))))
                ((eq previous package))
                 (rehome-symbol recycled package))
                ((or (member status '(nil :inherited))
                     (home-package-p existing package)))
                 (let ((dummy (make-symbol name)))
                    :shadow-imported (package-name package) name
                    (symbol-package-name existing) status shadowing)
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                   (shadowing-import* dummy package)
                   (import* dummy package)))))))
        (shadow* name package))
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      (loop :for (p . syms) :in shadowing-import-from
            :for pp = (find-package* p) :do
              (dolist (sym syms) (ensure-shadowing-import (string sym) package pp shadowed imported)))
      (loop :for p :in mix
            :for pp = (find-package* p) :do
              (do-external-symbols (sym pp) (ensure-mix (symbol-name sym) sym package pp shadowed imported inherited)))
      (loop :for (p . syms) :in import-from
            :for pp = (find-package p) :do
              (dolist (sym syms) (ensure-import (symbol-name sym) package pp shadowed imported)))
      (dolist (p (append use mix))
        (do-external-symbols (sym p) (ensure-inherited (string sym) sym package p nil shadowed imported inherited))
        (use-package p package))
      (loop :for name :being :the :hash-keys :of exported :do
        (ensure-symbol name package t recycle shadowed imported inherited exported)
        (ensure-export name package recycle))
      (dolist (name intern)
        (ensure-symbol name package t recycle shadowed imported inherited exported))
      (do-symbols (sym package)
        (ensure-symbol (symbol-name sym) package nil recycle shadowed imported inherited exported))
      (map () 'delete-package* to-delete)
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (defun parse-define-package-form (package clauses)
      :with use-p = nil :with recycle-p = nil
      :with documentation = nil
      :for (kw . args) :in clauses
      :when (eq kw :nicknames) :append args :into nicknames :else
        :when (eq kw :documentation)
          :do (cond
                (documentation (error "define-package: can't define documentation twice"))
                ((or (atom args) (cdr args)) (error "define-package: bad documentation"))
                (t (setf documentation (car args)))) :else
      :when (eq kw :use) :append args :into use :and :do (setf use-p t) :else
        :when (eq kw :shadow) :append args :into shadow :else
          :when (eq kw :shadowing-import-from) :collect args :into shadowing-import-from :else
            :when (eq kw :import-from) :collect args :into import-from :else
              :when (eq kw :export) :append args :into export :else
                :when (eq kw :intern) :append args :into intern :else
                  :when (eq kw :recycle) :append args :into recycle :and :do (setf recycle-p t) :else
                    :when (eq kw :mix) :append args :into mix :else
                      :when (eq kw :reexport) :append args :into reexport :else
                        :when (eq kw :unintern) :append args :into unintern :else
                          :do (error "unrecognized define-package keyword ~S" kw)
      :finally (return `(,package
                         :nicknames ,nicknames :documentation ,documentation
                         :use ,(if use-p use '(:common-lisp))
                         :shadow ,shadow :shadowing-import-from ,shadowing-import-from
                         :import-from ,import-from :export ,export :intern ,intern
                         :recycle ,(if recycle-p recycle (cons package nicknames))
                         :mix ,mix :reexport ,reexport :unintern ,unintern)))))

(defmacro define-package (package &rest clauses)
  (let ((ensure-form
          `(apply 'ensure-package ',(parse-define-package-form package clauses))))
       (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
       #+(or clisp ecl gcl) (defpackage ,package (:use))
       (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)

;;;; Final tricks to keep various implementations happy.
;; We want most such tricks in common-lisp.lisp,
;; but these need to be done before the define-package form there,
;; that we nevertheless want to be the very first form.
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  #+allegro ;; We need to disable autoloading BEFORE any mention of package ASDF.
  (setf excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
        (remove "asdf" excl::*autoload-package-name-alist*
                :test 'equalp :key 'car))
  ;; Debian's GCL 2.7 has bugs with compiling multiple-value stuff,
  ;; but can run ASDF 2.011. GCL 2.6 has even more issues.
    ((or (< system::*gcl-major-version* 2)
         (and (= system::*gcl-major-version* 2)
              (< system::*gcl-minor-version* 6)))
     (error "GCL 2.6 or later required to use ASDF"))
    ((and (= system::*gcl-major-version* 2)
          (= system::*gcl-minor-version* 6))
     (pushnew 'ignorable pcl::*variable-declarations-without-argument*)
     (pushnew :gcl2.6 *features*))
     (pushnew :gcl2.7 *features*))))
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;; Compatibility with whoever calls asdf/package
(define-package :asdf/package (:use :cl :uiop/package) (:reexport :uiop/package))
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;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; Handle compatibility with multiple implementations.
;;; This file is for papering over the deficiencies and peculiarities
;;; of various Common Lisp implementations.
;;; For implementation-specific access to the system, see os.lisp instead.
;;; A few functions are defined here, but actually exported from utility;
;;; from this package only common-lisp symbols are exported.

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(uiop/package:define-package :uiop/common-lisp
  (:nicknames :uoip/cl :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/cl)
  (:use #-genera :common-lisp #+genera :future-common-lisp :uiop/package)
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  (:reexport :common-lisp)
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  (:recycle :uiop/common-lisp :uoip/cl :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/cl :asdf)
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  #+allegro (:intern #:*acl-warn-save*)
  #+cormanlisp (:shadow #:user-homedir-pathname)
   #:logical-pathname #:translate-logical-pathname
   #:make-broadcast-stream #:file-namestring)
  #+gcl2.6 (:shadow #:type-of #:with-standard-io-syntax) ; causes errors when loading fasl(!)
  #+gcl2.6 (:shadowing-import-from :system #:*load-pathname*)
  #+genera (:shadowing-import-from :scl #:boolean)
  #+genera (:export #:boolean #:ensure-directories-exist)
  #+mcl (:shadow #:user-homedir-pathname))
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(in-package :uiop/common-lisp)
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#-(or abcl allegro clisp clozure cmu cormanlisp ecl gcl genera lispworks mcl mkcl sbcl scl xcl)
(error "ASDF is not supported on your implementation. Please help us port it.")
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;; (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (debug 3) (safety 3))) ; DON'T: trust implementation defaults.
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;;;; Early meta-level tweaks
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#+(or abcl (and allegro ics) (and (or clisp cmu ecl mkcl) unicode)
      clozure lispworks (and sbcl sb-unicode) scl)
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (pushnew :asdf-unicode *features*))
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (defparameter *acl-warn-save*
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    (when (boundp 'excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals*)
  (when (boundp 'excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals*)
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    (setf excl:*warn-on-nested-reader-conditionals* nil))
  (setf *print-readably* nil))
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
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  (deftype logical-pathname () nil)
  (defun make-broadcast-stream () *error-output*)
  (defun translate-logical-pathname (x) x)
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  (defun user-homedir-pathname (&optional host)
    (declare (ignore host))
    (parse-namestring (format nil "~A\\" (cl:user-homedir-pathname))))
  (defun file-namestring (p)
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    (setf p (pathname p))
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    (format nil "~@[~A~]~@[.~A~]" (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p))))

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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (setf *load-verbose* nil)
  (defun use-ecl-byte-compiler-p () (and (member :ecl-bytecmp *features*) t))
  (unless (use-ecl-byte-compiler-p) (require :cmp)))

#+gcl ;; Debian's GCL 2.7 has bugs with compiling multiple-value stuff, but can run ASDF 2.011
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (unless (member :ansi-cl *features*)
    (error "ASDF only supports GCL in ANSI mode. Aborting.~%"))
  (setf compiler::*compiler-default-type* (pathname "")
        compiler::*lsp-ext* ""))

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
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  (shadow 'type-of :uiop/common-lisp)
  (shadowing-import 'system:*load-pathname* :uiop/common-lisp))
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(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
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  (export 'type-of :uiop/common-lisp)
  (export 'system:*load-pathname* :uiop/common-lisp))
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#+gcl2.6 ;; Doesn't support either logical-pathnames or output-translations.
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
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  (defvar *gcl2.6* t)
  (deftype logical-pathname () nil)
  (defun type-of (x) (class-name (class-of x)))
  (defun wild-pathname-p (path) (declare (ignore path)) nil)
  (defun translate-logical-pathname (x) x)
  (defvar *compile-file-pathname* nil)
  (defun pathname-match-p (in-pathname wild-pathname)
    (declare (ignore in-wildname wild-wildname)) nil)
  (defun translate-pathname (source from-wildname to-wildname &key)
    (declare (ignore from-wildname to-wildname)) source)
  (defun %print-unreadable-object (object stream type identity thunk)
    (format stream "#<~@[~S ~]" (when type (type-of object)))
    (funcall thunk)
    (format stream "~@[ ~X~]>" (when identity (system:address object))))
  (defmacro with-standard-io-syntax (&body body)
    `(progn ,@body))
  (defmacro with-compilation-unit (options &body body)
    (declare (ignore options)) `(progn ,@body))
  (defmacro print-unreadable-object ((object stream &key type identity) &body body)
    `(%print-unreadable-object ,object ,stream ,type ,identity (lambda () ,@body)))
  (defun ensure-directories-exist (path)
    (lisp:system (format nil "mkdir -p ~S"
                         (namestring (make-pathname :name nil :type nil :version nil :defaults path))))))

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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (unless (fboundp 'ensure-directories-exist)
    (defun ensure-directories-exist (path)
      (fs:create-directories-recursively (pathname path)))))
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#.(or #+mcl ;; the #$ doesn't work on other lisps, even protected by #+mcl, so we use this trick
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       "(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
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          (ccl:define-entry-point (_getenv \"getenv\") ((name :string)) :string)
          (ccl:define-entry-point (_system \"system\") ((name :string)) :int)
          ;; Note: ASDF may expect user-homedir-pathname to provide
          ;; the pathname of the current user's home directory, whereas
          ;; MCL by default provides the directory from which MCL was started.
          ;; See
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          (defun user-homedir-pathname ()
rtoy's avatar
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            (ccl::findfolder #$kuserdomain #$kCurrentUserFolderType))
          (defun probe-posix (posix-namestring)
            \"If a file exists for the posix namestring, return the pathname\"
            (ccl::with-cstrs ((cpath posix-namestring))
              (ccl::rlet ((is-dir :boolean)
                          (fsref :fsref))
                (when (eq #$noerr (#_fspathmakeref cpath fsref is-dir))
                  (ccl::%path-from-fsref fsref is-dir))))))"))
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (require :cmp)
  (setq clos::*redefine-class-in-place* t)) ;; Make sure we have strict ANSI class redefinition semantics
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;;;; Looping
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(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
  (defmacro loop* (&rest rest)
    #-genera `(loop ,@rest)
    #+genera `(lisp:loop ,@rest))) ;; In genera, CL:LOOP can't destructure, so we use LOOP*. Sigh.
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;;;; compatfmt: avoid fancy format directives when unsupported
(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
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  (defun frob-substrings (string substrings &optional frob)
    (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
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    (let ((length (length string)) (stream nil))
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      (labels ((emit-string (x &optional (start 0) (end (length x)))
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                 (when (< start end)
                   (unless stream (setf stream (make-string-output-stream)))
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                   (write-string x stream :start start :end end)))
               (emit-substring (start end)
                 (when (and (zerop start) (= end length))
                   (return-from frob-substrings string))
                 (emit-string string start end))
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               (recurse (substrings start end)
                   ((>= start end))
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                   ((null substrings) (emit-substring start end))
                   (t (let* ((sub-spec (first substrings))
                             (sub (if (consp sub-spec) (car sub-spec) sub-spec))
                             (fun (if (consp sub-spec) (cdr sub-spec) frob))
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                             (found (search sub string :start2 start :end2 end))
                             (more (rest substrings)))
                           (recurse more start found)
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                           (etypecase fun
                             (string (emit-string fun))
                             (function (funcall fun sub #'emit-string)))
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                           (recurse substrings (+ found (length sub)) end))
                           (recurse more start end))))))))
        (recurse substrings 0 length))
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      (if stream (get-output-stream-string stream) "")))
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  (defmacro compatfmt (format)
    #+(or gcl genera)
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    (frob-substrings format `("~3i~_" #+(or genera gcl2.6) ,@'("~@<" "~@;" "~@:>" "~:>")))
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    #-(or gcl genera) format))