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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: C; Log: code.log -*-
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;;; **********************************************************************
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;;; This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
  "$Header: src/compiler/float-tran.lisp $")
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;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This file contains floating-point specific transforms, and may be somewhat
;;; implementation dependent in its assumptions of what the formats are.
;;; Author: Rob MacLachlan
(in-package "C")
(intl:textdomain "cmucl")
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;;;; Coercions:

(defknown %single-float (real) single-float (movable foldable flushable))
(defknown %double-float (real) double-float (movable foldable flushable))

(deftransform float ((n prototype) (* single-float) * :when :both)
  '(%single-float n))
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(deftransform float ((n prototype) (* double-float) * :when :both)
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  '(%double-float n))

(deftransform float ((n) *)
  `(if (floatp n) n (%single-float n)))

(deftransform %single-float ((n) (single-float) * :when :both)
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(deftransform %double-float ((n) (double-float) * :when :both)
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(defknown %double-double-float (real)
  (movable foldable flushable))

(deftransform float ((n prototype) (* double-double-float) * :when :both)
  '(%double-double-float n))

(deftransform %double-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)
  '(double-double-hi n))

(deftransform %single-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)
  '(float (double-double-hi n) 1f0))

(deftransform %double-double-float ((n) (double-double-float) * :when :both)

(defun %double-double-float (n)
  (make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))

;; Moved to code/float.lisp, because we need this relatively early in
;; the build process to handle float and real types.
(defun %double-double-float (n)
  (typecase n
     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
     (%make-double-double-float (float n 1d0) 0d0))
     (bignum:bignum-to-float n 'double-double-float))
     (kernel::float-ratio n 'double-double-float))))
); progn

(defknown %complex-single-float (number) (complex single-float)
  (movable foldable flushable))
(defknown %complex-double-float (number) (complex double-float)
  (movable foldable flushable))
(defknown %complex-double-double-float (number) (complex double-double-float)
  (movable foldable flushable))

    ((frob (type)
       (let ((name (symbolicate "%COMPLEX-" type "-FLOAT"))
	     (convert (symbolicate "%" type "-FLOAT")))
	    (defun ,name (n)
	      (declare (number n))
	      (etypecase n
		 (complex (,convert n)))
		 (complex (,convert (realpart n))
			  (,convert (imagpart n))))))
	    (deftransform ,name ((n) ((complex ,(symbolicate type "-FLOAT"))) * :when :both)
  (frob single)
  (frob double)
  (frob double-double))

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(deftransform coerce ((n type) (* *) * :when :both)
  (unless (constant-continuation-p type)
  `(the ,(continuation-value type)
	,(let ( (tspec (specifier-type (continuation-value type))) )
	   (cond #+double-double
		 ((csubtypep tspec (specifier-type 'double-double-float))
		  '(%double-double-float n))
		 ((csubtypep tspec (specifier-type 'double-float))	
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		  '(%double-float n))	
		 ((csubtypep tspec (specifier-type 'float))
		  '(%single-float n))
		 ((csubtypep tspec (specifier-type '(complex double-double-float)))
		  '(%complex-double-double-float n))
		 ((csubtypep tspec (specifier-type '(complex double-float)))
		  '(%complex-double-float n))
		 ((csubtypep tspec (specifier-type '(complex single-float)))
		  '(%complex-single-float n))
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;;; Not strictly float functions, but primarily useful on floats:
(macrolet ((frob (fun ufun)
		(defknown ,ufun (real) integer (movable foldable flushable))
		(deftransform ,fun ((x &optional by)
				    (* &optional
				       (constant-argument (member 1))))
		  '(let ((res (,ufun x)))
		     (values res (- x res)))))))
  (frob round %unary-round))
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(defknown %unary-truncate (real) integer
	  (movable foldable flushable))

;; Convert (truncate x y) to the obvious implementation.  We only want
;; this when under certain conditions and let the generic truncate
;; handle the rest.  (Note: if y = 1, the divide and multiply by y
;; should be removed by other deftransforms.)

(deftransform truncate ((x &optional y)
			(float &optional (or float integer)))
  '(let ((res (%unary-truncate (/ x y))))
     (values res (- x (* y res)))))

(deftransform floor ((number &optional divisor)
		     (float &optional (or integer float)))
  '(multiple-value-bind (tru rem) (truncate number divisor)
    (if (and (not (zerop rem))
	     (if (minusp divisor)
		 (plusp number)
		 (minusp number)))
	(values (1- tru) (+ rem divisor))
	(values tru rem))))

(deftransform ceiling ((number &optional divisor)
		       (float &optional (or integer float)))
  '(multiple-value-bind (tru rem) (truncate number divisor)
    (if (and (not (zerop rem))
	     (if (minusp divisor)
		 (minusp number)
		 (plusp number)))
	(values (1+ tru) (- rem divisor))
	(values tru rem))))

(defknown %unary-ftruncate/single-float (single-float) single-float
	  (movable foldable flushable))
(defknown %unary-ftruncate/double-float (double-float) double-float
	  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown %unary-ftruncate (real) float
	  (movable foldable flushable))

;; Convert (ftruncate x y) to the obvious implementation.  We only
;; want this under certain conditions and let the generic ftruncate
;; handle the rest.  (Note: if y = 1, the divide and multiply by y
;; should be removed by other deftransforms.)

(deftransform ftruncate ((x &optional (y 1))
			 (float &optional (or float integer)))
  '(let ((res (%unary-ftruncate (/ x y))))
     (values res (- x (* y res)))))

(defknown fast-unary-ftruncate ((or single-float double-float))
  (or single-float double-float)
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defoptimizer (fast-unary-ftruncate derive-type) ((f))
  (one-arg-derive-type f
		       #'(lambda (n)
			   (ftruncate-derive-type-quot-aux n
							   (specifier-type '(integer 1 1))

;; Convert %unary-ftruncate to unary-ftruncate/{single,double}-float
;; if x is known to be of the right type.  Also, if the result is
;; known to fit in the same range as a (signed-byte 32), convert this
;; to %unary-truncate, which might be a single instruction, and float
;; the result.  However, for sparc, we have a vop to do this so call
;; that, and for Sparc V9, we can actually handle a 64-bit integer
;; range.

(macrolet ((frob (ftype func)
	     `(deftransform %unary-ftruncate ((x) (,ftype))
	       (let* ((x-type (continuation-type x))
		      (lo (bound-value (numeric-type-low x-type)))
		      (hi (bound-value (numeric-type-high x-type)))
		      (limit-lo (- (ash 1 #-sparc-v9 31 #+sparc-v9 63)))
		      (limit-hi (ash 1 #-sparc-v9 31 #+sparc-v9 63)))
		 (if (and (numberp lo) (numberp hi)
			  (< limit-lo lo)
			  (< hi limit-hi))
		     #-sparc '(let ((result (coerce (%unary-truncate x) ',ftype)))
			        (if (zerop result)
				    (* result x)
		     #+sparc '(let ((result (fast-unary-ftruncate x)))
			        (if (zerop result)
				    (* result x)
		     '(,func x))))))
  (frob single-float %unary-ftruncate/single-float)
  (frob double-float %unary-ftruncate/double-float))
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(deftransform fround ((x &optional (y 1))
		      ((or single-float double-float)
		       &optional (or single-float double-float integer)))
  '(let ((res (%unary-fround (/ x y))))
    (values res (- x (* y res)))))

(defknown %unary-fround (real) float
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown %unary-fround/single-float (single-float) single-float
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown %unary-fround/double-float (double-float) double-float
  (movable foldable flushable))

(deftransform %unary-fround ((x) (single-float))
  '(%unary-fround/single-float x))

(deftransform %unary-fround ((x) (double-float))
  '(%unary-fround/double-float x))

); not x87

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;;; Random:
(macrolet ((frob (fun type)
	     `(deftransform random ((num &optional state)
				    (,type &optional *) *
				    :when :both)
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		"use inline float operations"
		'(,fun num (or state *random-state*)))))
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  (frob %random-single-float single-float)
  (frob %random-double-float double-float))

#-(or new-random random-mt19937)
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(deftransform random ((num &optional state)
		      ((integer 1 #.random-fixnum-max) &optional *))
  _N"use inline fixnum operations"
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  '(rem (random-chunk (or state *random-state*)) num))

;;; With the latest propagate-float-type code the compiler can inline
;;; truncate (signed-byte 32) allowing 31 bits, and (unsigned-byte 32)
;;; 32 bits on the x86. When not using the propagate-float-type
;;; feature the best size that can be inlined is 29 bits.  The choice
;;; shouldn't cause bootstrap problems just slow code.
(deftransform random ((num &optional state)
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				#+x86 #xffffffff
				#-x86 #x7fffffff
  #+x86 (intl:gettext "use inline (unsigned-byte 32) operations")
  #-x86 (intl:gettext "use inline (signed-byte 32) operations")
  '(values (truncate (%random-double-float (coerce num 'double-float)
		      (or state *random-state*)))))

(deftransform random ((num &optional state)
		      ((integer 1 #.(expt 2 32)) &optional *))
  _N"use inline (unsigned-byte 32) operations"
  (let* ((num-type (continuation-type num))
	 (num-high (cond ((numeric-type-p num-type)
			  (numeric-type-high num-type))
			 ((union-type-p num-type)
			  ;; Find the maximum of the union type.  We
			  ;; know this works because if we're in this
			  ;; routine, NUM must be a subtype of
			  ;; (INTEGER 1 2^32), so each member of the
			  ;; union must be a subtype too.
			  (reduce #'max (union-type-types num-type)
				  :key #'numeric-type-high))
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    ;; Rather than doing (rem (random-chunk) num-high), we do,
    ;; essentially, (rem (* num-high (random-chunk)) #x100000000).  I
    ;; (rtoy) believe this approach doesn't have the bias issue with
    ;; doing rem.  This method works by treating (random-chunk) as if
    ;; it were a 32-bit fraction between 0 and 1, exclusive.  Multiply
    ;; this by num-high to get a random number between 0 and num-high,
    ;; This should have no bias.
    (cond ((constant-continuation-p num)
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	   (if (= num-high (expt 2 32))
	       '(random-chunk (or state *random-state*))
	       '(values (bignum::%multiply 
			 (random-chunk (or state *random-state*))
	  ((< num-high (expt 2 32))
	   '(values (bignum::%multiply (random-chunk (or state *random-state*))
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	  ((= num-high (expt 2 32))
	   '(if (= num (expt 2 32))
		(random-chunk (or state *random-state*))
		(values (bignum::%multiply (random-chunk (or state *random-state*))
	   (error (intl:gettext "Shouldn't happen"))))))
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;;;; Float accessors:

(defknown make-single-float ((signed-byte 32)) single-float
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown make-double-float ((signed-byte 32) (unsigned-byte 32)) double-float
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  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown single-float-bits (single-float) (signed-byte 32)
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown double-float-high-bits (double-float) (signed-byte 32)
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown double-float-low-bits (double-float) (unsigned-byte 32)
  (movable foldable flushable))

#+(or sparc ppc)
(defknown double-float-bits (double-float)
  (values (signed-byte 32) (unsigned-byte 32))
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown double-double-float-p (t)
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown %make-double-double-float (double-float double-float)
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown double-double-hi (double-double-float)
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown double-double-lo (double-double-float)
  (movable foldable flushable))

) ; progn
(deftransform float-sign ((float &optional float2)
			  (single-float &optional single-float) *)
  (if float2
      (let ((temp (gensym)))
	`(let ((,temp (abs float2)))
	  (if (minusp (single-float-bits float)) (- ,temp) ,temp)))
      '(if (minusp (single-float-bits float)) -1f0 1f0)))

(deftransform float-sign ((float &optional float2)
			  (double-float &optional double-float) *)
  (if float2
      (let ((temp (gensym)))
	`(let ((,temp (abs float2)))
	  (if (minusp (double-float-high-bits float)) (- ,temp) ,temp)))
      '(if (minusp (double-float-high-bits float)) -1d0 1d0)))
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(deftransform float-sign ((float &optional float2)
			  (double-double-float &optional double-double-float) *)
  (if float2
      (let ((temp (gensym)))
	`(let ((,temp (abs float2)))
	   (if (minusp (float-sign (double-double-hi float)))
	       (- ,temp)
      '(if (minusp (float-sign (double-double-hi float))) -1w0 1w0)))

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;;;    Convert these operations to format specific versions when the format is
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;;; known.

(deftype single-float-exponent ()
  `(integer ,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-min vm:single-float-bias
	    ,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-max vm:single-float-bias)))

(deftype double-float-exponent ()
  `(integer ,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-min vm:double-float-bias
	    ,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-max vm:double-float-bias)))

(deftype single-float-int-exponent ()
  `(integer ,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-min vm:single-float-bias
		(* vm:single-float-digits 2))
	    ,(- vm:single-float-normal-exponent-max vm:single-float-bias
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(deftype double-float-int-exponent ()
  `(integer ,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-min vm:double-float-bias
		(* vm:double-float-digits 2))
	    ,(- vm:double-float-normal-exponent-max vm:double-float-bias
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(deftype single-float-significand ()
  `(integer 0 (,(ash 1 vm:single-float-digits))))
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(deftype double-float-significand ()
  `(integer 0 (,(ash 1 vm:double-float-digits))))
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(defknown decode-single-float (single-float)
  (values (single-float 0.5f0 (1f0))
	  (member -1f0 1f0))
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  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown decode-double-float (double-float)
  (values (double-float 0.5d0 (1d0))
	  (member -1d0 1d0))
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  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown integer-decode-single-float (single-float)
  (values single-float-significand single-float-int-exponent (integer -1 1))
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown integer-decode-double-float (double-float)
  (values double-float-significand double-float-int-exponent (integer -1 1))
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  (movable foldable flushable))
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(defknown scale-single-float (single-float fixnum) single-float
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown scale-double-float (double-float fixnum) double-float
  (movable foldable flushable))

(deftransform decode-float ((x) (single-float) * :when :both)
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  '(decode-single-float x))

(deftransform decode-float ((x) (double-float) * :when :both)
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  '(decode-double-float x))

(deftransform integer-decode-float ((x) (single-float) * :when :both)
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  '(integer-decode-single-float x))

(deftransform integer-decode-float ((x) (double-float) * :when :both)
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  '(integer-decode-double-float x))

(deftransform scale-float ((f ex) (single-float *) * :when :both)
  (if (and (backend-featurep :x86)
	   (not (backend-featurep :sse2))
	   (csubtypep (continuation-type ex)
		      (specifier-type '(signed-byte 32)))
	   (not (byte-compiling)))
      '(coerce (%scalbn (coerce f 'double-float) ex) 'single-float)
      '(scale-single-float f ex)))
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(deftransform scale-float ((f ex) (double-float *) * :when :both)
  (if (and (backend-featurep :x86)
	   (not (backend-featurep :sse2))
	   (csubtypep (continuation-type ex)
		      (specifier-type '(signed-byte 32))))
      '(%scalbn f ex)
      '(scale-double-float f ex)))
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;;; Optimizers for scale-float.  If the float has bounds, new bounds
;;; are computed for the result, if possible.

(defun scale-float-derive-type-aux (f ex same-arg)
  (declare (ignore same-arg))
  (flet ((scale-bound (x n)
	   ;; We need to be a bit careful here and catch any overflows
	   ;; that might occur.  We can ignore underflows which become
	   ;; zeros.
	    (let ((value (handler-case
			     (scale-float (bound-value x) n)
			   (floating-point-overflow ()
	      ;; This check is necessary for ppc because the current
	      ;; implementation on ppc doesn't signal floating-point
	      ;; overflow.  (How many other places do we need to check
	      ;; for this?)
	      (if (and (floatp value) (float-infinity-p value))
	    (consp x))))
    (when (and (numeric-type-p f) (numeric-type-p ex))
      (let ((f-lo (numeric-type-low f))
	    (f-hi (numeric-type-high f))
	    (ex-lo (numeric-type-low ex))
	    (ex-hi (numeric-type-high ex))
	    (new-lo nil)
	    (new-hi nil))
	(when (and f-hi ex-hi)
	  (setf new-hi (scale-bound f-hi ex-hi)))
	(when (and f-lo ex-lo)
	  (setf new-lo (scale-bound f-lo ex-lo)))
	;; We're computing bounds for scale-float.  Assume the bounds
	;; on f are fl and fh, and the bounds on ex are nl and nh.
	;; The resulting bound should be fl*2^nl and fh*2^nh.
	;; However, if fh is negative, and we get an underflow, we
	;; might get bounds like 0 and fh*2^nh < 0.  Our bounds are
	;; backwards.  Thus, swap the bounds to get the correct
	;; bounds.
	(when (and new-lo new-hi (< (bound-value new-hi)
				    (bound-value new-lo)))
	(make-numeric-type :class (numeric-type-class f)
			   :format (numeric-type-format f)
			   :complexp :real
			   :low new-lo
			   :high new-hi)))))
(defoptimizer (scale-float derive-type) ((f ex))
  (two-arg-derive-type f ex #'scale-float-derive-type-aux
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;;; Defoptimizers for %single-float and %double-float.  This makes the
;;; FLOAT function return the correct ranges if the input has some
;;; defined range.  Quite useful if we want to convert some type of
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;;; bounded integer into a float.

    ((frob (fun type)
       (let ((aux-name (symbolicate fun "-DERIVE-TYPE-AUX")))
	     ;; When converting a number to a float, the limits are
	     (let* ((lo (bound-func #'(lambda (x)
					;; If we can't coerce it, we
					;; return a NIL for the bound.
					;; (Is IGNORE-ERRORS too
					;; heavy-handed?  Should we
					;; try to do something more
					;; fine-grained?)
					(ignore-errors (coerce x ',type)))
				    (numeric-type-low num)))
		    (hi (bound-func #'(lambda (x)
					(ignore-errors (coerce x ',type)))
				    (numeric-type-high num))))
	       (specifier-type `(,',type ,(or lo '*) ,(or hi '*)))))
	   (defoptimizer (,fun derive-type) ((num))
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	     (one-arg-derive-type num #',aux-name #',fun))))))
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  (frob %single-float single-float)
  (frob %double-float double-float))
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;;;; Float contagion:

;;; FLOAT-CONTAGION-ARG1, ARG2  --  Internal
;;;    Do some stuff to recognize when the loser is doing mixed float and
;;; rational arithmetic, or different float types, and fix it up.  If we don't,
;;; he won't even get so much as an efficency note.
(deftransform float-contagion-arg1 ((x y) * * :defun-only t :node node)
  `(,(continuation-function-name (basic-combination-fun node))
    (float x y) y))
(deftransform float-contagion-arg2 ((x y) * * :defun-only t :node node)
  `(,(continuation-function-name (basic-combination-fun node))
    x (float y x)))

(dolist (x '(+ * / -))
  (%deftransform x '(function (rational float) *) #'float-contagion-arg1)
  (%deftransform x '(function (float rational) *) #'float-contagion-arg2))
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(dolist (x '(= < > + * / -))
  (%deftransform x '(function (single-float double-float) *)
  (%deftransform x '(function (double-float single-float) *)

;;; Prevent zerop, plusp, minusp from losing horribly.  We can't in general
;;; float rational args to comparison, since Common Lisp semantics says we are
;;; supposed to compare as rationals, but we can do it for any rational that
;;; has a precise representation as a float (such as 0).
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(macrolet ((frob (op)
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	     `(deftransform ,op ((x y) (float rational) * :when :both)
		(unless (constant-continuation-p y)
		  (give-up (intl:gettext "Can't open-code float to rational comparison.")))
		(let ((val (continuation-value y)))
		  (unless (eql (rational (float val)) val)
		    (give-up (intl:gettext "~S doesn't have a precise float representation.")
		`(,',op x (float y x)))))
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  (frob <)
  (frob >)
  (frob =))

;; Convert (/ x n) to (* x (/ n)) when x is a float and n is a power
;; of two, because (/ n) can be reprsented exactly.
(deftransform / ((x y) (float float) * :when :both)
  (unless (constant-continuation-p y)
  (let ((val (continuation-value y)))
    (multiple-value-bind (frac exp sign)
	(decode-float val)
      (unless (= frac 0.5)
      `(* x (float (/ ,val) x)))))

;; Convert 2*x to x+x.
(deftransform * ((x y) (float real) * :when :both)
  (unless (constant-continuation-p y)
  (let ((val (continuation-value y)))
    (unless (= val 2)
    '(+ x x)))

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(defknown (%tan %sinh %asinh %atanh %log %logb %log10 #+x87 %tan-quick)
	  (double-float) double-float
  (movable foldable flushable))

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(defknown (%sin %cos %tanh #+x87 %sin-quick #+x87 %cos-quick)
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    (double-float) (double-float -1.0d0 1.0d0)
    (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown (%asin %atan)
    (double-float) (double-float #.(- (/ pi 2)) #.(/ pi 2))
    (movable foldable flushable))
(defknown (%acos)
    (double-float) (double-float 0.0d0 #.pi)
    (movable foldable flushable))
(defknown (%cosh)
    (double-float) (double-float 1.0d0)
    (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown (%acosh %exp %sqrt)
    (double-float) (double-float 0.0d0)
    (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown %expm1
    (double-float) (double-float -1d0)
    (movable foldable flushable))
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(defknown (%hypot)
    (double-float double-float) (double-float 0d0)
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(defknown (%pow)
    (double-float double-float) double-float
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown (%atan2)
    (double-float double-float) (double-float #.(- pi) #.pi)
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown (%scalb)
    (double-float double-float) double-float
  (movable foldable flushable))

(defknown (%scalbn)
    (double-float (signed-byte 32)) double-float
    (movable foldable flushable))

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    (double-float) double-float
    (movable foldable flushable))

(dolist (stuff '((exp %exp *)
		 (log %log float)
		 (sqrt %sqrt float)
		 (asin %asin float)
		 (acos %acos float)
		 (atan %atan *)
		 (sinh %sinh *)
		 (cosh %cosh *)
		 (tanh %tanh *)
		 (asinh %asinh *)
		 (acosh %acosh float)
		 (atanh %atanh float)))
  (destructuring-bind (name prim rtype) stuff
    (deftransform name ((x) '(single-float) rtype :eval-name t)
      `(coerce (,prim (coerce x 'double-float)) 'single-float))
    (deftransform name ((x) '(double-float) rtype :eval-name t :when :both)
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;;; The argument range is limited on the x86 FP trig. functions. A
;;; post-test can detect a failure (and load a suitable result), but
;;; this test is avoided if possible.
;;; Simple tests show that sin/cos produce numbers greater than 1 when
;;; the arg >= 2^63.  tan produces floating-point invalid exceptions
;;; for arg >= 2^62.  So limit these to that range.
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(dolist (stuff '((sin %sin %sin-quick 63)
		 (cos %cos %cos-quick 63)
		 (tan %tan %tan-quick 62)))
  (destructuring-bind (name prim prim-quick limit)
    (deftransform name ((x) '(single-float) '* :eval-name t)
      (if (and (backend-featurep :x86)
	       (not (backend-featurep :sse2)))
	  (cond ((csubtypep (continuation-type x)
			    (specifier-type `(single-float
					      (,(- (expt 2f0 limit)))
					      (,(expt 2f0 limit)))))
		 `(coerce (,prim-quick (coerce x 'double-float))
		  _N"Unable to avoid inline argument range check~@
                      because the argument range (~s) was not within 2^~D"
		  (type-specifier (continuation-type x))
		 `(coerce (,prim (coerce x 'double-float)) 'single-float)))
	  `(coerce (,prim (coerce x 'double-float)) 'single-float)))
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    (deftransform name ((x) '(double-float) '* :eval-name t :when :both)
      (if (and (backend-featurep :x86)
	       (not (backend-featurep :sse2)))
	  (cond ((csubtypep (continuation-type x)
			    (specifier-type `(double-float
					      (,(- (expt 2d0 limit)))
					      (,(expt 2d0 limit)))))
		 `(,prim-quick x))
		  _N"Unable to avoid inline argument range check~@
                   because the argument range (~s) was not within 2^~D"
		  (type-specifier (continuation-type x))
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(deftransform atan ((x y) (single-float single-float) *)
  `(coerce (%atan2 (coerce x 'double-float) (coerce y 'double-float))
(deftransform atan ((x y) (double-float double-float) * :when :both)
  `(%atan2 x y))

(deftransform expt ((x y) ((single-float 0f0) single-float) *)
  `(coerce (%pow (coerce x 'double-float) (coerce y 'double-float))
(deftransform expt ((x y) ((double-float 0d0) double-float) * :when :both)
  `(%pow x y))
(deftransform expt ((x y) ((single-float 0f0) (signed-byte 32)) *)
  `(coerce (%pow (coerce x 'double-float) (coerce y 'double-float))
(deftransform expt ((x y) ((double-float 0d0) (signed-byte 32)) * :when :both)
  `(%pow x (coerce y 'double-float)))
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;;; ANSI says log with base zero returns zero.
(deftransform log ((x y) (float float) float)
  '(if (zerop y) y (/ (log x) (log y))))

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;;; Handle some simple transformations
(deftransform abs ((x) ((complex double-float)) double-float :when :both)
  '(%hypot (realpart x) (imagpart x)))

(deftransform abs ((x) ((complex single-float)) single-float)
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  '(coerce (%hypot (coerce (realpart x) 'double-float)
		   (coerce (imagpart x) 'double-float))
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(deftransform abs ((x) (real) real)
  (let ((x-type (continuation-type x)))
    ;; If the arg is known to non-negative, we can just return the
    ;; arg.  However, (abs -0.0) is 0.0, so this transform only works
    ;; on floats that are known not to include negative zero.
    (if (csubtypep x-type (specifier-type '(or (rational 0) (float (0d0)) (member 0f0 0d0))))

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(deftransform phase ((x) ((complex double-float)) double-float :when :both)
  '(%atan2 (imagpart x) (realpart x)))

(deftransform phase ((x) ((complex single-float)) single-float)
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  '(coerce (%atan2 (coerce (imagpart x) 'double-float)
		   (coerce (realpart x) 'double-float))
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(deftransform phase ((x) ((float)) float :when :both)
  '(if (minusp (float-sign x))
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       (float pi x)
       (float 0 x)))

;;; The number is of type REAL.
(declaim (inline numeric-type-real-p))
(defun numeric-type-real-p (type)
  (and (numeric-type-p type)
       (eq (numeric-type-complexp type) :real)))

;;; Coerce a numeric type bound to the given type while handling
;;; exclusive bounds.
(defun coerce-numeric-bound (bound type)
  (when bound
    (if (consp bound)
	(list (coerce (car bound) type))

;;;; Optimizers for elementary functions
;;;; These optimizers compute the output range of the elementary
;;;; function, based on the domain of the input.

;;; Generate a specifier for a complex type specialized to the same
;;; type as the argument.
(defun complex-float-type (arg)
  (declare (type numeric-type arg))
  (let* ((format (case (numeric-type-class arg)
		   ((integer rational) 'single-float)
		   (t (numeric-type-format arg))))
	 (float-type (or format 'float)))
    (specifier-type `(complex ,float-type))))

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;;; Compute a specifier like '(or float (complex float)), except float
;;; should be the right kind of float.  Allow bounds for the float
;;; part too.
(defun float-or-complex-float-type (arg &optional lo hi)
  (declare (type numeric-type arg))
  (let* ((format (case (numeric-type-class arg)
		   ((integer rational) 'single-float)
		   (t (numeric-type-format arg))))
	 (float-type (or format 'float))
	 (lo (coerce-numeric-bound lo float-type))
	 (hi (coerce-numeric-bound hi float-type)))
    (specifier-type `(or (,float-type ,(or lo '*) ,(or hi '*))
		         (complex ,float-type)))))
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;;; Domain-Subtype
;;; Test if the numeric-type ARG is within in domain specified by
;;; DOMAIN-LOW and DOMAIN-HIGH, consider negative and positive zero to
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;;; be distinct as for the :negative-zero-is-not-zero feature. Note
;;; that only inclusive and open domain limits are handled as these
;;; are the only types of limits currently used. With the
;;; :negative-zero-is-not-zero feature this could be handled by the
;;; numeric subtype code in type.lisp.
(defun domain-subtypep (arg domain-low domain-high)
  (declare (type numeric-type arg)
	   (type (or real null) domain-low domain-high))
  (let* ((arg-lo (numeric-type-low arg))
	 (arg-lo-val (bound-value arg-lo))
	 (arg-hi (numeric-type-high arg))
	 (arg-hi-val (bound-value arg-hi)))
    ;; Check that the ARG bounds are correctly canonicalised.
    (when (and arg-lo (floatp arg-lo-val) (zerop arg-lo-val) (consp arg-lo)
	       (minusp (float-sign arg-lo-val)))
      (compiler-note _N"Float zero bound ~s not correctly canonicalised?" arg-lo)
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      (setq arg-lo 0l0 arg-lo-val 0l0))
    (when (and arg-hi (zerop arg-hi-val) (floatp arg-hi-val) (consp arg-hi)
	       (plusp (float-sign arg-hi-val)))
      (compiler-note _N"Float zero bound ~s not correctly canonicalised?" arg-hi)
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      (setq arg-hi -0l0 arg-hi-val -0l0))
    (flet ((fp-neg-zero-p (f)	; Is F -0.0?
	     (and (floatp f) (zerop f) (minusp (float-sign f))))
	   (fp-pos-zero-p (f)	; Is F +0.0? 
	     (and (floatp f) (zerop f) (plusp (float-sign f)))))
      (and (or (null domain-low)
	       (and arg-lo (>= arg-lo-val domain-low)
		    (not (and (fp-pos-zero-p domain-low)
			      (fp-neg-zero-p arg-lo)))))
	   (or (null domain-high)
	       (and arg-hi (<= arg-hi-val domain-high)
		    (not (and (fp-neg-zero-p domain-high)
			      (fp-pos-zero-p arg-hi)))))))))
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;;; Elfun-Derive-Type-Simple
;;; Handle monotonic functions of a single variable whose domain is
;;; possibly part of the real line.  ARG is the variable, FCN is the
;;; function, and DOMAIN is a specifier that gives the (real) domain
;;; of the function.  If ARG is a subset of the DOMAIN, we compute the
;;; bounds directly.  Otherwise, we compute the bounds for the
;;; intersection between ARG and DOMAIN, and then append a complex
;;; result, which occurs for the parts of ARG not in the DOMAIN.
;;; Negative and positive zero are considered distinct within
;;; DOMAIN-LOW and DOMAIN-HIGH, as for the :negative-zero-is-not-zero
;;; feature.
;;; DEFAULT-LOW and DEFAULT-HIGH are the lower and upper bounds if we
;;; can't compute the bounds using FCN.
(defun elfun-derive-type-simple (arg fcn domain-low domain-high
				     default-low default-high
				     &optional (increasingp t))
  (declare (type (or null real) domain-low domain-high))
  (etypecase arg
     (cond ((eq (numeric-type-complexp arg) :complex)
	    (complex-float-type arg))
	   ((numeric-type-real-p arg)
	    ;; The argument is real, so let's find the intersection
	    ;; between the argument and the domain of the function.
	    ;; We compute the bounds on the intersection, and for
	    ;; everything else, we return a complex number of the
	    ;; appropriate type.
	    (multiple-value-bind (intersection difference)
		 (numeric-type->interval arg)
		 (make-interval :low domain-low :high domain-high))
		 ;; Process the intersection.
		 (let* ((low (interval-low intersection))
			(high (interval-high intersection))
			(res-lo (or (bound-func fcn (if increasingp low high))
			(res-hi (or (bound-func fcn (if increasingp high low))
			;; Result specifier type.
			(format (case (numeric-type-class arg)
				  ((integer rational) 'single-float)
				  (t (numeric-type-format arg))))
			(bound-type (or format 'float))
			  :class 'float
			  :format format
			  :low (coerce-numeric-bound res-lo bound-type)
			  :high (coerce-numeric-bound res-hi bound-type))))
		   ;; If the ARG is a subset of the domain, we don't
		   ;; have to worry about the difference, because that
		   ;; can't occur.
		   (if (or (null difference)
			   ;; Check if the arg is within the domain.
			   (domain-subtypep arg domain-low domain-high))
		       (list result-type
			     (specifier-type `(complex ,bound-type))))))
		 ;; No intersection so the result must be purely complex.
		 (complex-float-type arg)))))
	    (float-or-complex-float-type arg default-low default-high))))))
    ((frob (name domain-low domain-high def-low-bnd def-high-bnd
		 &key (increasingp t))
       (let ((num (gensym)))
	 `(defoptimizer (,name derive-type) ((,num))
	    #'(lambda (arg)
		(elfun-derive-type-simple arg #',name
					  ,domain-low ,domain-high
					  ,def-low-bnd ,def-high-bnd
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  ;; These functions are easy because they are defined for the whole