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 $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/lisp/sparc-arch.c,v 1.12 2002/10/24 20:39:00 toy Exp $
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 This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
 Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.


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#include <stdio.h>
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#ifdef SOLARIS
#include <sys/trap.h>
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#include <machine/trap.h>
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#include "arch.h"
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#include "lisp.h"
#include "internals.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "validate.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "lispregs.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "interrupt.h"

char *arch_init()
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    return 0;
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os_vm_address_t arch_get_bad_addr(HANDLER_ARGS)
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    unsigned long badinst;
    int rs1;

    /* On the sparc, we have to decode the instruction. */

    /* Make sure it's not the pc thats bogus, and that it was lisp code */
    /* that caused the fault. */
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    if ((SC_PC(context) & 3) != 0 ||
	((SC_PC(context) < READ_ONLY_SPACE_START ||
	 ((lispobj *)SC_PC(context) < current_dynamic_space &&
	  (lispobj *)SC_PC(context) >=
	      current_dynamic_space + dynamic_space_size)))
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	return 0;
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    badinst = *(unsigned long *)SC_PC(context);
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    if ((badinst >> 30) != 3)
	/* All load/store instructions have op = 11 (binary) */
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	return 0;
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    rs1 = (badinst>>14)&0x1f;

    if (badinst & (1<<13)) {
	/* r[rs1] + simm(13) */
	int simm13 = badinst & 0x1fff;

	if (simm13 & (1<<12))
	    simm13 |= -1<<13;

	return (os_vm_address_t)(SC_REG(context, rs1) + simm13);
    else {
	/* r[rs1] + r[rs2] */
	int rs2 = badinst & 0x1f;

	return (os_vm_address_t)(SC_REG(context, rs1) + SC_REG(context, rs2));


void arch_skip_instruction(context)
struct sigcontext *context;
    /* Skip the offending instruction */
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    SC_PC(context) = SC_NPC(context);
    SC_NPC(context) += 4;
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unsigned char *arch_internal_error_arguments(struct sigcontext *scp)
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    return (unsigned char *)(SC_PC(scp)+4);
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boolean arch_pseudo_atomic_atomic(struct sigcontext *scp)
    return (SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC) & 4);

void arch_set_pseudo_atomic_interrupted(struct sigcontext *scp)
    SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC) |= 1;

unsigned long arch_install_breakpoint(void *pc)
    unsigned long *ptr = (unsigned long *)pc;
    unsigned long result = *ptr;
    *ptr = trap_Breakpoint;
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    os_flush_icache((os_vm_address_t) pc, sizeof(unsigned long));
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    return result;

void arch_remove_breakpoint(void *pc, unsigned long orig_inst)
    *(unsigned long *)pc = orig_inst;
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    os_flush_icache((os_vm_address_t) pc, sizeof(unsigned long));
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static unsigned long *skipped_break_addr, displaced_after_inst;
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static sigset_t orig_sigmask;
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static int orig_sigmask;
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void arch_do_displaced_inst(struct sigcontext *scp,
				   unsigned long orig_inst)
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    unsigned long *pc = (unsigned long *)SC_PC(scp);
    unsigned long *npc = (unsigned long *)SC_NPC(scp);

    orig_sigmask = scp->uc_sigmask;
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    orig_sigmask = scp->sc_mask;
    scp->sc_mask = BLOCKABLE;
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    *pc = orig_inst;
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    os_flush_icache((os_vm_address_t) pc, sizeof(unsigned long));
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    skipped_break_addr = pc;
    displaced_after_inst = *npc;
    *npc = trap_AfterBreakpoint;
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    os_flush_icache((os_vm_address_t) npc, sizeof(unsigned long));
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#ifdef SOLARIS
    /* XXX never tested */
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static int pseudo_atomic_trap_p(struct sigcontext *context)
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  unsigned int* pc;
  unsigned int badinst;
  int result;
  pc = (unsigned int*) SC_PC(context);
  badinst = *pc;
  result = 0;

   * Check to see if the current instruction is a trap #16.  We check
   * to make sure this instruction was a trap instruction with rs1 = 0
   * and a software trap number (immediate value) of 16.
  if (((badinst >> 30) == 2)
      && (((badinst >> 19) & 0x3f) == 0x3a)
      && (((badinst >> 14) & 0x1f) == reg_ZERO)
      && (((badinst >> 13) & 1) == 1)
      && ((badinst & 0x3f) == trap_PseudoAtomic))
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      unsigned int previnst;
      previnst = pc[-1];
       * Check to see if the previous instruction was an andcc alloc-tn,
       * 3, zero-tn instruction.
      if (((previnst >> 30) == 2) && (((previnst >> 19) & 0x3f) == 0x11)
          && (((previnst >> 14) & 0x1f) == reg_ALLOC)
          && (((previnst >> 25) & 0x1f) == reg_ZERO)
          && (((previnst >> 13) & 1) == 1)
          && ((previnst & 0x1fff) == 3))
          result = 1;
          fprintf(stderr, "Oops!  Got a pseudo atomic trap without a preceeding andcc!\n");
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  return result;

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 * How to identify an illegal instruction trap and a trap instruction
 * trap.
#ifdef SOLARIS
#define TRAP_INST(code) (CODE(code) == ILL_ILLTRP)
#define TRAP_INST(code) ((CODE(code) >= T_SOFTWARE_TRAP + 16) && (CODE(code) < T_SOFTWARE_TRAP + 32))
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static void sigill_handler(HANDLER_ARGS)
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    sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &context->uc_sigmask, 0);
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    if (CODE(code) == ILLTRAP_INST)
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	int illtrap_code;
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	unsigned int inst;
	unsigned int* pc = (unsigned int *)(SC_PC(context));
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	inst = *pc;
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	illtrap_code = inst & 0x3fffff;

	switch (illtrap_code) {
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	  case trap_PendingInterrupt:
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	  case trap_Halt:
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	    lose("%%primitive halt called; the party is over.\n");

	  case trap_Error:
	  case trap_Cerror:
	    interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, context, illtrap_code == trap_Cerror);
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	  case trap_Breakpoint:
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	    handle_breakpoint(signal, code, context);
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	  case trap_FunctionEndBreakpoint:
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	    SC_PC(context)=(int)handle_function_end_breakpoint(signal, code, context);
	    SC_NPC(context)=SC_PC(context) + 4;
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	  case trap_AfterBreakpoint:
	    *skipped_break_addr = trap_Breakpoint;
	    skipped_break_addr = NULL;
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	    *(unsigned long *)SC_PC(context) = displaced_after_inst;
	    context->uc_sigmask = orig_sigmask;
	    context->sc_mask = orig_sigmask;
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	    os_flush_icache((os_vm_address_t) SC_PC(context),
			    sizeof(unsigned long));
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	    interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, context);
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    else if (TRAP_INST(code))
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        if (pseudo_atomic_trap_p(context))
            /* A trap instruction from a pseudo-atomic.  We just need
               to fixup up alloc-tn to remove the interrupted flag,
               skip over the trap instruction, and then handle the
               pending interrupt(s). */
            SC_REG(context, reg_ALLOC) &= ~7;
            interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, context, FALSE);
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	interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, context);
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static void sigemt_handler(HANDLER_ARGS)
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    unsigned long badinst;
    boolean subtract, immed;
    int rd, rs1, op1, rs2, op2, result;

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    badinst = *(unsigned long *)SC_PC(context);
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    if ((badinst >> 30) != 2 || ((badinst >> 20) & 0x1f) != 0x11) {
	/* It wasn't a tagged add.  Pass the signal into lisp. */
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	interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, context);
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    fprintf(stderr, "SIGEMT trap handler with tagged op instruction!\n");
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    /* Extract the parts of the inst. */
    subtract = badinst & (1<<19);
    rs1 = (badinst>>14) & 0x1f;
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    op1 = SC_REG(context, rs1);
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    /* If the first arg is $ALLOC then it is really a signal-pending note */
    /* for the pseudo-atomic noise. */
    if (rs1 == reg_ALLOC) {
	/* Perform the op anyway. */
	op2 = badinst & 0x1fff;
	if (op2 & (1<<12))
	    op2 |= -1<<13;
	if (subtract)
	    result = op1 - op2;
	    result = op1 + op2;
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	SC_REG(context, reg_ALLOC) = result & ~7;
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    if ((op1 & 3) != 0) {
	/* The first arg wan't a fixnum. */
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	interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, context, FALSE);
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    if (immed = badinst & (1<<13)) {
	op2 = badinst & 0x1fff;
	if (op2 & (1<<12))
	    op2 |= -1<<13;
    else {
	rs2 = badinst & 0x1f;
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	op2 = SC_REG(context, rs2);
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    if ((op2 & 3) != 0) {
	/* The second arg wan't a fixnum. */
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	interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, context, FALSE);
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    rd = (badinst>>25) & 0x1f;
    if (rd != 0) {
	/* Don't bother computing the result unless we are going to use it. */
	if (subtract)
	    result = (op1>>2) - (op2>>2);
	    result = (op1>>2) + (op2>>2);

        current_dynamic_space_free_pointer =
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            (lispobj *) SC_REG(context, reg_ALLOC);
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	SC_REG(context, rd) = alloc_number(result);
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	SC_REG(context, reg_ALLOC) =
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	    (unsigned long) current_dynamic_space_free_pointer;

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void arch_install_interrupt_handlers()

extern lispobj call_into_lisp(lispobj fun, lispobj *args, int nargs);

lispobj funcall0(lispobj function)
    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 0);

lispobj funcall1(lispobj function, lispobj arg0)
    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

    current_control_stack_pointer += 1;
    args[0] = arg0;

    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 1);

lispobj funcall2(lispobj function, lispobj arg0, lispobj arg1)
    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

    current_control_stack_pointer += 2;
    args[0] = arg0;
    args[1] = arg1;

    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 2);

lispobj funcall3(lispobj function, lispobj arg0, lispobj arg1, lispobj arg2)
    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

    current_control_stack_pointer += 3;
    args[0] = arg0;
    args[1] = arg1;
    args[2] = arg2;

    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 3);


/* This is mostly stolen from the x86 version, with adjustments for sparc */

 * Linkage entry size is 16, because we need at least 3 instruction to
 * implement a jump:
 *      sethi %hi(addr), %g4
 *      jmpl  [%g4 + %lo(addr)], %g5
 *      nop
 * The Sparc V9 ABI seems to use 8 words for its jump tables.  Maybe
 * we should do the same?

 * This had better match lisp::target-foreign-linkage-entry-size in
 * sparc/parms.lisp!  Each entry is 4 instructions long, so 16 bytes.
#ifndef LinkageEntrySize
#define LinkageEntrySize (4*4)

 * Define the registers to use in the linkage jump table.  Can be the
 * same.  This MUST be coordinated with resolve_linkage_tramp which
 * needs to know the register used for LINKAGE_ADDR_REG.
 * Some care must be exercised when choosing these.  It has to be a
 * register that is not otherwise being used.  reg_L0 is a good
 * choice.  call_into_c trashes reg_L0 without preserving it, so we
 * can trash it in the linkage jump table.  For the linkage entries
 * that call resolve_linkage_tramp, we can use reg_L0 too because
 * resolve_linkage_tramp is always called from call_into_c.  (This is
 * enforced by having new-genesis create an entry for call_into_c, so
 * we never have to do a lookup for call_into_c.)
#define LINKAGE_TEMP_REG        reg_L0
#define LINKAGE_ADDR_REG        reg_L0

 * Insert the necessary jump instructions at the given address.
 * Return the address of the next word
void* arch_make_jump_entry(void* reloc_addr, void *target_addr)
   * Make JMP to function entry.
   * The instruction sequence is:
   *        sethi %hi(addr), temp_reg
   *        jmp   %temp_reg + %lo(addr), %addr_reg
   *        nop
   *        nop
  int* inst_ptr;
  unsigned long hi;                   /* Top 22 bits of address */
  unsigned long lo;                   /* Low 10 bits of address */
  unsigned int inst;

  inst_ptr = (int*) reloc_addr;

   * Split the target address into hi and lo parts for the sethi
   * instruction.  hi is the top 22 bits.  lo is the low 10 bits.
  hi = (unsigned long) target_addr;
  lo = hi & 0x3ff;
  hi >>= 10;

   * sethi %hi(addr), temp_reg
  inst = (0 << 30) | (LINKAGE_TEMP_REG << 25) | (4 << 22) | hi;
  *inst_ptr++ = inst;

   * jmpl [temp_reg + %lo(addr)], addr_reg

  inst = (2 << 30) | (LINKAGE_ADDR_REG << 25) | (0x38 << 19)
    | (LINKAGE_TEMP_REG << 14) | (1 << 13) | lo;
  *inst_ptr++ = inst;

  /* nop (really sethi 0, %g0) */

  inst = (0 << 30) | (0 << 25) | (4 << 22) | 0;
  *inst_ptr++ = inst;
  *inst_ptr++ = inst;
  os_flush_icache(reloc_addr, (char*) inst_ptr - (char*) reloc_addr);
  return reloc_addr;

void arch_make_linkage_entry(long linkage_entry, void *target_addr, long type)
  int *reloc_addr = (int *)(FOREIGN_LINKAGE_SPACE_START
                            + linkage_entry * LinkageEntrySize);

  if (type == 1)
    {			/* code reference */
      arch_make_jump_entry(reloc_addr, target_addr);
  else if (type == 2)
      *(unsigned long *)reloc_addr = (unsigned long)target_addr;

/* Make a the entry a jump to resolve_linkage_tramp. */

extern void resolve_linkage_tramp(void);

void arch_make_lazy_linkage(long linkage_entry)
  arch_make_linkage_entry(linkage_entry, (void*) resolve_linkage_tramp, 1);

/* Get linkage entry.  We're given the return address which should be
   the address of the jmpl instruction (2nd word) of the linkage
   entry.  Figure out which entry this address belong to. */

long arch_linkage_entry(unsigned long retaddr)
  return (retaddr - (FOREIGN_LINKAGE_SPACE_START))
    / LinkageEntrySize;
#endif /* LINKAGE_TABLE */