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 $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/lisp/save.c,v 1.9 2004/07/07 22:22:59 rtoy Exp $
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 This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
 Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.


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#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/file.h>

#include "lisp.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "internals.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "save.h"
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#include "validate.h"
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#include "dynbind.h"
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#ifdef GENCGC
#include "gencgc.h"

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extern int version;

static long write_bytes(FILE *file, char *addr, long bytes)
    long count, here, data;

    bytes = (bytes+CORE_PAGESIZE-1)&~(CORE_PAGESIZE-1);

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    here = ftell(file);
    fseek(file, 0, 2);
    data = (ftell(file)+CORE_PAGESIZE-1)&~(CORE_PAGESIZE-1);
    fseek(file, data, 0);

    while (bytes > 0) {
        count = fwrite(addr, 1, bytes, file);
        if (count > 0) {
            bytes -= count;
            addr += count;
        else {
            perror("Error writing to save file");
            bytes = 0;
    fseek(file, here, 0);
    return data/CORE_PAGESIZE - 1;

static void output_space(FILE *file, int id, lispobj *addr, lispobj *end)
    int words, bytes, data;
    static char *names[] = {NULL, "Dynamic", "Static", "Read-Only"};

    putw(id, file);
    words = end - addr;
    putw(words, file);

    bytes = words * sizeof(lispobj);

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    printf("Writing %d bytes from the %s space at 0x%08lX.\n",
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           bytes, names[id], (unsigned long)addr);

    data = write_bytes(file, (char *)addr, bytes);

    putw(data, file);
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    putw((long) addr / CORE_PAGESIZE, file);
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    putw((bytes + CORE_PAGESIZE - 1) / CORE_PAGESIZE, file);

boolean save(char *filename, lispobj init_function)
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#if defined WANT_CGC
    volatile lispobj*func_ptr = &init_function;
    char sbuf[128];
    /* Get rid of remnant stuff. This is a MUST so that
     * the memory manager can get started correctly when
     * we restart after this save. Purify is going to
     * maybe move the args so we need to consider them volatile,
     * especially if the gcc optimizer is working!!

    init_function = *func_ptr;
    /* Set dynamic space pointer to base value so we don't write out
     * MBs of just cleared heap.
    if(SymbolValue(X86_CGC_ACTIVE_P) != NIL)
    /* Open the file: */
    file = fopen(filename, "w");
    if (file == NULL) {
        return TRUE;
    printf("[Undoing binding stack... ");
    unbind_to_here((lispobj *)BINDING_STACK_START);
    SetSymbolValue(CURRENT_CATCH_BLOCK, 0);
    SetSymbolValue(EVAL_STACK_TOP, 0);
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#if defined WANT_CGC && defined X86_CGC_ACTIVE_P
    SetSymbolValue(X86_CGC_ACTIVE_P, T);
    printf("[Saving current lisp image into %s:\n", filename);
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    putw(CORE_MAGIC, file);

    putw(CORE_VERSION, file);
    putw(3, file);
    putw(version, file);

    putw(CORE_NDIRECTORY, file);
    putw((5*3)+2, file);

    output_space(file, READ_ONLY_SPACE_ID, read_only_space,
		 (lispobj *)SymbolValue(READ_ONLY_SPACE_FREE_POINTER));
    output_space(file, STATIC_SPACE_ID, static_space,
		 (lispobj *)SymbolValue(STATIC_SPACE_FREE_POINTER));
#ifdef GENCGC
    /* Flush the current_region updating the tables. */

#ifdef reg_ALLOC
    output_space(file, DYNAMIC_SPACE_ID, current_dynamic_space,
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    output_space(file, DYNAMIC_SPACE_ID, current_dynamic_space,
		 (lispobj *)SymbolValue(ALLOCATION_POINTER));

    putw(CORE_INITIAL_FUNCTION, file);
    putw(3, file);
    putw(init_function, file);
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    putw(CORE_END, file);


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