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 $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/lisp/hppa-arch.c,v 1.9 1994/10/27 17:13:54 ram Exp $

 This code was written as part of the CMU Common Lisp project at
 Carnegie Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.


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#include <stdio.h>
#include <machine/trap.h>

#include "lisp.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "validate.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "arch.h"
#include "lispregs.h"
#include "signal.h"
#include "internals.h"
#include "breakpoint.h"

char *arch_init(void)
    return NULL;

os_vm_address_t arch_get_bad_addr(int signal,
				  int code,
				  struct sigcontext *scp)
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#ifdef hpux
    struct save_state *state;
    os_vm_address_t addr;

    state = (struct save_state *)(&(scp->sc_sl.sl_ss));

    if (state == NULL)
	return NULL;

    /* Check the instruction address first. */
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    addr = (os_vm_address_t)((unsigned long)scp->sc_pcoq_head & ~3);
    if (addr < (os_vm_address_t)0x1000)
	return addr;

    /* Otherwise, it must have been a data fault. */
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    return (os_vm_address_t)state->ss_cr21;
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    struct hp800_thread_state *state;
    os_vm_address_t addr;

    state = (struct hp800_thread_state *)(scp->sc_ap);

    if (state == NULL)
	return NULL;

    /* Check the instruction address first. */
    addr = scp->sc_pcoqh & ~3;
    if (addr < 0x1000)
	return addr;

    /* Otherwise, it must have been a data fault. */
    return state->cr21;
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unsigned char *arch_internal_error_arguments(struct sigcontext *scp)
#ifdef hpux
    return (unsigned char *)((scp->sc_pcoq_head&~0x3)+4);
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    return (unsigned char *)((scp->sc_pcoqh&~0x3)+4);
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boolean arch_pseudo_atomic_atomic(struct sigcontext *scp)
    /* Pseudo-atomic-atomic is implemented by oring 0x4 into ALLOC. */

    if (SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC) & 0x4)
	return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

void arch_set_pseudo_atomic_interrupted(struct sigcontext *scp)
    /* Pseudo-atomic-atomic is implemented by oring 0x1 into ALLOC. */

    SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC) |= 1;

void arch_skip_instruction(struct sigcontext *scp)
    /* Skip the offending instruction */
#ifdef hpux
    scp->sc_pcoq_head = scp->sc_pcoq_tail;
    scp->sc_pcoq_tail += 4;
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    scp->sc_pcoqh = scp->sc_pcoqt;
    scp->sc_pcoqt += 4;
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unsigned long arch_install_breakpoint(void *pc)
    unsigned long *ulpc = (unsigned long *)pc;
    unsigned long orig_inst = *ulpc;

    *ulpc = trap_Breakpoint;
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    os_flush_icache((os_vm_address_t)pc, sizeof(*ulpc));
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    return orig_inst;

void arch_remove_breakpoint(void *pc, unsigned long orig_inst)
    unsigned long *ulpc = (unsigned long *)pc;

    *ulpc = orig_inst;
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    os_flush_icache((os_vm_address_t)pc, sizeof(*ulpc));
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#ifdef hpux
extern void SingleStepTraps();
static unsigned long *BreakpointAddr = NULL;
static unsigned long NextPc = NULL;

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void arch_do_displaced_inst(struct sigcontext *scp, unsigned long orig_inst)
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#ifdef hpux
    /* We change the next-pc to point to a breakpoint instruction, restore */
    /* the original instruction, and exit.  We would like to be able to */
    /* sigreturn, but we can't, because this is hpux. */
    unsigned long *pc = (unsigned long *)(SC_PC(scp) & ~3);

    NextPc = SC_NPC(scp);
    SC_NPC(scp) = (unsigned)SingleStepTraps | (SC_NPC(scp)&3);

    BreakpointAddr = pc;
    *pc = orig_inst;
    os_flush_icache((os_vm_address_t)pc, sizeof(unsigned long));
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    /* We set the recovery counter to cover one instruction, put the */
    /* original instruction back in, and then resume.  We will then trap */
    /* after executing that one instruction, at which time we can put */
    /* the breakpoint back in. */

    ((struct hp800_thread_state *)scp->sc_ap)->cr0 = 1;
    scp->sc_ps |= 0x10;
    *(unsigned long *)SC_PC(scp) = orig_inst;

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#ifdef hpux
static void restore_breakpoint(struct sigcontext *scp)
    /* We just single-stepped over an instruction that we want to replace */
    /* with a breakpoint.  So we put the breakpoint back in, and tweek the */
    /* state so that we will continue as if nothing happened. */

    if (NextPc == NULL)
	lose("SingleStepBreakpoint trap at strange time.");

    if ((SC_PC(scp)&~3) == (unsigned long)SingleStepTraps) {
	/* The next instruction was not nullified. */
	SC_PC(scp) = NextPc;
	if ((SC_NPC(scp)&~3) == (unsigned long)SingleStepTraps + 4) {
	    /* The instruction we just stepped over was not a branch, so */
	    /* we need to fix it up.  If it was a branch, it will point to */
	    /* the correct place. */
	    SC_NPC(scp) = NextPc + 4;
    else {
	/* The next instruction was nullified, so we want to skip it. */
	SC_PC(scp) = NextPc + 4;
	SC_NPC(scp) = NextPc + 8;
    NextPc = NULL;

    if (BreakpointAddr) {
	*BreakpointAddr = trap_Breakpoint;
			sizeof(unsigned long));
	BreakpointAddr = NULL;

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static void sigtrap_handler(int signal, int code, struct sigcontext *scp)
    unsigned long bad_inst;


#if 0
    printf("sigtrap_handler, pc=0x%08x, alloc=0x%08x\n", scp->sc_pcoqh,
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#ifdef hpux
    bad_inst = *(unsigned long *)(scp->sc_pcoq_head & ~3);
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    bad_inst = *(unsigned long *)(scp->sc_pcoqh & ~3);
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    if (bad_inst & 0xfc001fe0)
	interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, scp);
    else {
	int im5 = bad_inst & 0x1f;

	switch (im5) {
	  case trap_Halt:
	    lose("%%primitive halt called; the party is over.\n");

	  case trap_PendingInterrupt:

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	  case trap_Error:
	  case trap_Cerror:
	    interrupt_internal_error(signal, code, scp, im5==trap_Cerror);

	  case trap_Breakpoint:
	    handle_breakpoint(signal, code, scp);

	  case trap_FunctionEndBreakpoint:
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		unsigned long pc;
		pc = (unsigned long)
		    handle_function_end_breakpoint(signal, code, scp);
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		scp->sc_pcoq_head = pc;
		scp->sc_pcoq_tail = pc + 4;
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		scp->sc_pcoqh = pc;
		scp->sc_pcoqt = pc + 4;
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	  case trap_SingleStepBreakpoint:
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	    interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, scp);

static void sigfpe_handler(int signal, int code, struct sigcontext *scp)
    unsigned long badinst;
    int opcode, r1, r2, t;
    long op1, op2, res;

#if 0
    printf("sigfpe_handler, pc=0x%08x, alloc=0x%08x\n", scp->sc_pcoqh,

    switch (code) {
      case I_OVFLO:
	badinst = *(unsigned long *)(SC_PC(scp)&~3);
	opcode = badinst >> 26;
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	if (opcode == 2) {
	    /* reg/reg inst. */
	    r1 = (badinst >> 16) & 0x1f;
	    op1 = fixnum_value(SC_REG(scp, r1));
	    r2 = (badinst >> 21) & 0x1f;
	    op2 = fixnum_value(SC_REG(scp, r2));
	    t = badinst & 0x1f;

	    switch ((badinst >> 5) & 0x7f) {
	      case 0x70:
		/* Add and trap on overflow. */
		res = op1 + op2;

	      case 0x60:
		/* Subtract and trap on overflow. */
		res = op1 - op2;

		goto not_interesting;
	else if ((opcode & 0x37) == 0x25 && (badinst & (1<<11))) {
	    /* Add or subtract immediate. */
	    op1 = ((badinst >> 3) & 0xff) | ((-badinst&1)<<8);
	    r2 = (badinst >> 16) & 0x1f;
	    op2 = fixnum_value(SC_REG(scp, r1));
	    t = (badinst >> 21) & 0x1f;
	    if (opcode == 0x2d)
		res = op1 + op2;
		res = op1 - op2;
	    goto not_interesting;

        current_dynamic_space_free_pointer = (lispobj *)SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC);
	SC_REG(scp, t) = alloc_number(res);
	SC_REG(scp, reg_ALLOC)
	    = (unsigned long)current_dynamic_space_free_pointer;


      case I_COND:
	badinst = *(unsigned long *)(SC_PC(scp)&~3);
	if ((badinst&0xfffff800) == (0xb000e000|reg_ALLOC<<21|reg_ALLOC<<16)) {
	    /* It is an ADDIT,OD i,ALLOC,ALLOC instruction that trapped. */
	    /* That means that it is the end of a pseudo-atomic.  So do the */
	    /* add stripping off the pseudo-atomic-interrupted bit, and then */
	    /* tell the machine-independent code to process the pseudo- */
	    /* atomic. */
	    int immed = (badinst>>1)&0x3ff;
	    SC_REG(scp,reg_ALLOC) += (immed-1);
	/* else drop-through. */
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	interrupt_handle_now(signal, code, scp);
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void arch_install_interrupt_handlers(void)
#ifdef hpux
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lispobj funcall0(lispobj function)
    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 0);

lispobj funcall1(lispobj function, lispobj arg0)
    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

    current_control_stack_pointer += 1;
    args[0] = arg0;

    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 1);

lispobj funcall2(lispobj function, lispobj arg0, lispobj arg1)
    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

    current_control_stack_pointer += 2;
    args[0] = arg0;
    args[1] = arg1;

    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 2);

lispobj funcall3(lispobj function, lispobj arg0, lispobj arg1, lispobj arg2)
    lispobj *args = current_control_stack_pointer;

    current_control_stack_pointer += 3;
    args[0] = arg0;
    args[1] = arg1;
    args[2] = arg2;

    return call_into_lisp(function, args, 3);