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alloc.c 3.31 KiB
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rtoy's avatar
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/* $Header: /Volumes/share2/src/cmucl/cvs2git/cvsroot/src/lisp/alloc.c,v 1.8 2004/07/08 17:49:04 rtoy Exp $ */

#include <string.h>
wlott's avatar
wlott committed

#include "lisp.h"
#include "internals.h"
#include "alloc.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "gc.h"

#ifdef ibmrt
#define GET_FREE_POINTER() ((lispobj *)SymbolValue(ALLOCATION_POINTER))
#define SET_FREE_POINTER(new_value) \
#define GET_GC_TRIGGER() ((lispobj *)SymbolValue(INTERNAL_GC_TRIGGER))
#define SET_GC_TRIGGER(new_value) \
#define GET_FREE_POINTER() current_dynamic_space_free_pointer
#define SET_FREE_POINTER(new_value) \
    (current_dynamic_space_free_pointer = (new_value))
#define GET_GC_TRIGGER() current_auto_gc_trigger
#define SET_GC_TRIGGER(new_value) \
    clear_auto_gc_trigger(); set_auto_gc_trigger(new_value);

ram's avatar
ram committed
#define ALIGNED_SIZE(n) (n+lowtag_Mask) & ~lowtag_Mask
wlott's avatar
wlott committed

Allocation Routines.
rtoy's avatar
rtoy committed
#define alloc(nbytes) alloc_pseudo_atomic(nbytes)
#include "gencgc.h"
ram's avatar
ram committed
extern lispobj *alloc(int bytes);
wlott's avatar
wlott committed
static lispobj *alloc(int bytes)
    lispobj *result;

    /* Round to dual word boundry. */
    bytes = (bytes + lowtag_Mask) & ~lowtag_Mask;

    result = GET_FREE_POINTER();
    SET_FREE_POINTER(result + (bytes / sizeof(lispobj)));

		       - (char *)current_dynamic_space);

    return result;
ram's avatar
ram committed
wlott's avatar
wlott committed

static lispobj *alloc_unboxed(int type, int words)
    lispobj *result;

cwang's avatar
cwang committed
    result = (lispobj *)alloc(ALIGNED_SIZE((1 + words) * sizeof(lispobj)));
wlott's avatar
wlott committed

    *result = (lispobj) (words << type_Bits) | type;

    return result;

static lispobj alloc_vector(int type, int length, int size)
    struct vector *result;

ram's avatar
ram committed
    result = (struct vector *)
      alloc(ALIGNED_SIZE((2 + (length*size + 31) / 32) * sizeof(lispobj)));
wlott's avatar
wlott committed

    result->header = type;
    result->length = make_fixnum(length);

    return ((lispobj)result)|type_OtherPointer;

lispobj alloc_cons(lispobj car, lispobj cdr)
ram's avatar
ram committed
    struct cons *ptr = (struct cons *)alloc(ALIGNED_SIZE(sizeof(struct cons)));
wlott's avatar
wlott committed

    ptr->car = car;
    ptr->cdr = cdr;

    return (lispobj)ptr | type_ListPointer;

lispobj alloc_number(long n)
    struct bignum *ptr;

cwang's avatar
cwang committed
#ifdef __x86_64
    if (-0x2000000000000000 < n && n < 0x2000000000000000)  /* -2^61 to 2^61 */
wlott's avatar
wlott committed
    if (-0x20000000 < n && n < 0x20000000)
cwang's avatar
cwang committed
wlott's avatar
wlott committed
        return make_fixnum(n);
    else {
        ptr = (struct bignum *)alloc_unboxed(type_Bignum, 1);

        ptr->digits[0] = n;

	return (lispobj) ptr | type_OtherPointer;

lispobj alloc_string(char *str)
    int len = strlen(str);
    lispobj result = alloc_vector(type_SimpleString, len+1, 8);
    struct vector *vec = (struct vector *)PTR(result);

    vec->length = make_fixnum(len);
    strcpy((char *)vec->data, str);

    return result;

lispobj alloc_sap(void *ptr)
hallgren's avatar
hallgren committed
#ifndef alpha
wlott's avatar
wlott committed
    struct sap *sap = (struct sap *)alloc_unboxed(type_Sap, 1);
hallgren's avatar
hallgren committed
    struct sap *sap = (struct sap *)alloc_unboxed(type_Sap, 3);
wlott's avatar
wlott committed
    sap->pointer = ptr;

    return (lispobj) sap | type_OtherPointer;