;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- (defpackage :cl-stomp (:nicknames :stomp) (:use :cl :cl-user) (:export :frame :set-header :get-header :set-destination :get-destination :frame-body-of :frame-name-of :stomp-connection :make-connection :connect :register :post :start :stop)) (in-package :cl-stomp) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; socket interface (defun ip-addr-of (host-name) (let ((host (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name host-name))) (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-address host))) (defun inet-addr (ip-address) (sb-bsd-sockets:make-inet-address ip-address)) (defun sk-connect (sock address port) (let ((ip-address (if (stringp address) (inet-addr address) address))) (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect sock ip-address port))) (defun sk-file-desc (sock) (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor sock)) (defun sk-close (sock) (let ((fd (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor sock))) (sb-sys:invalidate-descriptor fd) (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close sock))) (defun sk-make () (let ((sock (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))) (setf (sb-bsd-sockets:sockopt-reuse-address sock) t) sock)) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; convenience utils (defun log-debug (fmt &rest args) (apply #'format *standard-output* fmt args) (finish-output *standard-output*)) (defun string-from-bytes (bytes) (map 'string #'code-char bytes)) (defun string-strip (str) "Remove spaces, tabs and line enders from a string." (declare (string str)) (string-trim (list #\Space #\NewLine #\Return #\Tab #\Nul) str)) (defun string-join (lines) (let ((result (make-array '(0) :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) (with-output-to-string (stream result) (dolist (line lines) (write-line line stream))) (string-strip result))) (defun string-split (str &key (delim " ") (limit nil)) "Returns a list of words in STR broken at the DELIM boundary." (labels ((pop-word (str &key (delim " ")) "Returns the first word and rest of STR broken at DELIM." (let ((start (position delim str :test 'string=))) (if (null start) (values str nil) (let ((start2 (min (length str) (+ 1 start)))) (values (subseq str 0 start) (subseq str start2)))))) (splitter (str delim limit count) (if (null str) nil (if (and (not (null limit)) (>= count limit)) (list str) (multiple-value-bind (word rest) (pop-word str :delim delim) (if (not (zerop (length word))) (append (list (string-strip word)) (splitter rest delim limit (incf count))) (splitter rest delim limit (incf count)))))))) (splitter str delim limit 0))) (defun string-lines (string) (let ((result ())) (with-input-from-string (stream string) (loop :for line = (read-line stream nil 'eof) :while (not (eql line 'eof)) :do (setf result (pushnew line result)))) (nreverse result))) (defun string-contains (string str-or-char-list) "Returns true if STR-OR-CHAR-LIST is contained in STRING." (declare (type string string)) (search (coerce str-or-char-list 'string) string :test #'string=)) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; frame (defgeneric set-destination (frame destination) (:documentation "Set the destination header for the frame.")) (defgeneric get-header (frame key) (:documentation "")) (defgeneric get-destination (frame) (:documentation "")) (defgeneric set-header (frame key value) (:documentation "")) (defclass frame () ((name :initform "MESSAGE" :initarg :name :accessor frame-name-of) (headers :initform () :initarg :headers :accessor frame-headers-of) (body :initform "" :initarg :body :accessor frame-body-of))) (defun make-frame (string) ;; declare some useful local functions (labels ( (make-header (line) (map 'list #'string-strip (string-split line :delim ":" :limit 1))) ;; frame name is first line (find-name (source) (first source)) ;; frame headers are second lines through to empty line (find-headers (source) (let ((lines (rest source))) (loop :for line :in lines :while (> (length line) 0) :collect (make-header line)))) ;; frame body is all lines after the empty line (find-body (source) (let* ((lines (reverse source)) (result (loop :for line :in lines :while (> (length line) 0) :collect line))) (string-join (nreverse result))))) (let ((lines (string-lines string))) (let ((name (find-name lines)) (headers (find-headers lines)) (body (find-body lines))) (make-instance 'frame :name name :headers headers :body body))))) (defmethod print-object ((self frame) stream) (with-slots (name headers body) self (format stream "~A~%" name) (dolist (header headers) (format stream "~a:~a~%" (first header) (second header))) (format stream "~%~a~%~a~%" body (code-char 0)))) (defmethod set-destination ((self frame) destination) (set-header self "destination" destination)) (defmethod get-header ((self frame) key) (with-slots (headers) self (second (assoc key headers :test #'string=)))) (defmethod get-destination ((self frame)) (get-header self "destination")) (defmethod set-header ((self frame) key value) (with-slots (headers) self (if (not (assoc key headers :test #'string=)) (setf headers (append (list (list key value)) headers)) (let ((result)) (dolist (header headers) (if (string= (first header) key) (push (list key value) result) (push header result))) (format t "result: ~s~%" result) (setf headers result))))) ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; stomp (defgeneric connect (connection &key user pass) (:documentation "Connect to the stomp server.")) (defgeneric disconnect (connection) (:documentation "Disconnection from the stomp server.")) (defgeneric send (connection frame) (:documentation "Send a string to stomp.")) (defgeneric post (connection message destination) (:documentation "Post a message to a destination.")) (defgeneric register (connection callback destination) (:documentation "Register a listener for messages to a destination.")) (defgeneric receive (connection) (:documentation "Read data from stomp.")) (defgeneric subscribe (connection destination) (:documentation "Subscribe to a topic.")) (defgeneric start (connection) (:documentation "Start listening for messages from stomp.")) (defgeneric apply-callbacks (instance frame) (:documentation "Send message to registered callbacks.")) (defgeneric stop (connection) (:documentation "Stop the connection with stomp.")) (defclass stomp-connection () ((host :initform "localhost" :initarg :host :accessor host-of) (port :initform 61613 :initarg :port :accessor port-of) (ip :initform "" :initarg :ip :accessor ip-of) (socket :initform nil :initarg :socket :accessor socket-of) (fd :initform nil :initarg :fd :accessor fd-of) (handler :initform nil :initarg :handler :accessor handler-of) (callbacks :initform () :initarg :callbacks :accessor callbacks-of) (terminate :initform nil))) (defun make-connection (host port) (make-instance 'stomp-connection :host host :port port)) (defmethod connect ((self stomp-connection) &key user pass) (handler-case ;; open the socket and send the connect string (with-slots (host port ip socket fd handler) self (setf ip (ip-addr-of host)) (setf socket (sk-make)) (sk-connect socket ip port) (setf fd (sk-file-desc socket)) (setf handler (sb-sys:add-fd-handler fd :input (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) (receive self)))) (let ((frame (make-instance 'frame :name "CONNECT"))) (if user (set-header frame "login" user)) (if pass (set-header frame "passcode" pass)) (send self frame))) ;; just log the error for now (condition (c) (setf (socket-of self) nil) (log-debug "error-on-connect: ~a" c)))) (defmethod subscribe ((self stomp-connection) destination) (let ((frame (make-instance 'frame :name "SUBSCRIBE"))) (set-destination frame destination) (send self frame))) (defmethod start ((self stomp-connection)) (with-slots (terminate) self (setf terminate nil) (loop :until terminate :do (sb-sys:serve-all-events 1)) (log-debug "terminated"))) (defmethod stop ((self stomp-connection)) (with-slots (terminate) self (setf terminate t))) (defmethod send ((self stomp-connection) (frame frame)) (with-slots (fd) self (let ((stream (sb-sys:make-fd-stream fd :output t :element-type 'character :buffering :none))) (print frame stream) (finish-output stream)))) (defmethod send ((self stomp-connection) string) (with-slots (fd) self (let ((stream (sb-sys:make-fd-stream fd :output t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :buffering :none))) (write-sequence (sb-ext:string-to-octets string) stream) (finish-output stream)))) (defmethod apply-callbacks ((self stomp-connection) (frame frame)) (with-slots (callbacks) self (let ((destination (get-destination frame))) (loop :for (dest func) :in callbacks :do (if (string= dest destination) (funcall func frame)))))) (defmethod receive ((self stomp-connection)) "Called whenever there's activity on the file descriptor." (with-slots (socket fd handler callbacks) self (let ((str (sb-sys:make-fd-stream fd :input t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :buffering :full))) (let ((buffer (loop :for b = (read-byte str nil 'eof) :while (listen str) :collect b))) (if (> (length buffer) 0) ;; if we got something, send it to all the ;; registered callbacks (let ((frame (make-frame (string-from-bytes buffer)))) (apply-callbacks self frame)) ;; otherwise, it means the other end has terminated, ;; so close things down (eventually go into a sleep/wait ;; loop in case of reconnection (handler-case (progn (log-debug "nothing to read from socket~%") (disconnect self) (sb-sys:remove-fd-handler handler) (sk-close socket)) (condition (c) (log-debug "close: ~a" c)))))))) (defmethod register ((self stomp-connection) callback destination) (with-slots (callbacks) self (subscribe self destination) (setf callbacks (append callbacks (list (list destination callback)))))) (defmethod post ((self stomp-connection) message destination) (let ((frame (make-instance 'frame :name "SEND" :body message))) (set-destination frame destination) (send self frame))) (defmethod disconnect ((self stomp-connection)) (let ((frame (make-instance 'frame :name "DISCONNECT"))) (send self frame)) (with-slots (handler socket) self (handler-case (sb-sys:remove-fd-handler handler) (condition (c) (log-debug "discconnect-handler-error: ~a" c))) (handler-case (sk-close socket) (condition (c) (log-debug "disconnect-socket-error: ~a" c)))))