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  1. Mar 19, 2013
  2. Feb 25, 2013
  3. Feb 24, 2013
    • Luís Oliveira's avatar
      Update README. · a38269c6
      Luís Oliveira authored
      It's still a bit oriented towards the CFFI developer, rather than
      potential users, but at least it doesn't revolve around a comparison
      against UFFI which is not as relevant as it once was.
  4. Feb 23, 2013
  5. Feb 21, 2013
  6. Jan 21, 2013
  7. Jan 18, 2013
  8. Jan 07, 2013
  9. Jan 06, 2013
  10. Jan 03, 2013
  11. Nov 24, 2012
  12. Nov 23, 2012
  13. Nov 12, 2012
    • Liam M. Healy's avatar
      Restore default type class name · 1b88e331
      Liam M. Healy authored
      In defcstruct, there was a line, removed in be626770, that set a
      default type class name by appending "-TCLASS".  Without this line,
      the class will be directly FOREIGN-STRUCT-TYPE instead of a subclass.
      This is acceptable if the translate methods are not going to be
      redefined, but if they are, any change will apply to all instances
      (including instances of subclasses of other structures, which may call
      these with call-next-method).  In fact, there is a check in
      define-translation-method to prevent redefinition with that macro, but
      of course a defmethod would be just as bad.
      While in principal one can specify the :class argument, this isn't
      always possible, for example, if the structure was made by groveling.
      Even so, it is a bad idea to make a default which has the potential
      for this kind of harm.
      This fix now permits GSLL to compile and load correctly.
  14. Nov 04, 2012
    • easye's avatar
      Arguments to CONCATENATE need to be sequences. · 588b96ff
      easye authored and Luís Oliveira's avatar Luís Oliveira committed
    • easye's avatar
      cffi-abcl-20121028a: changes to cffi_0.10.7.1 Quicklisp 2012-10-13 for ABCL. · bd316af7
      easye authored and Luís Oliveira's avatar Luís Oliveira committed
      The interactive restart when reloading callbacks is no longer needed.
      A callable function pointer is now returned by CALLBACK and
      GET-CALLBACK, which wasn't the case previously.
      Now down to 25 failing tests!
      Callbacks "automacro-ly" now get a translation layer to convert back
      from native types to ones which ABCL expects.  This translation is
      currently a work in progress, as not all cases are covered correctly.
      (Stas Boukarev) MAKE-FUNCTION-POINTER typo.
      Refactored to remove compile warnings about MAKE-IMMEDIATE-OBJECT.
      CFFI-SYS::%LOAD-FOREIGN-LIBRARY tries harder to figure out which
      library to load.
      Docstrings added.
    • easye's avatar
      Fix Solaris compilation options. · 90aa613c
      easye authored and Luís Oliveira's avatar Luís Oliveira committed
      The "-fPIC" flag will always be necessary when using GCC-derived compilers as I understand it.
      Additionally, Solaris compilation options now unconditionally tries a
      64bit build.  Contemporary Solaris (since Solaris 10), are hybrid
      32/64 bit environments where "uname -m" reports "i86pc".  Whether one
      wants the 32 or 64 bit version of the libraries depends on the type of
      the Lisp implementation doing the loading, which is currently not
      available in the environment in which make(1) is executing.
    • Luís Oliveira's avatar
      grovel: include <inttypes.h> · d66b1f2a
      Luís Oliveira authored
      This header defines the PRI{fmt}{type} printf format specifiers used by
    • Nicolas Martyanoff's avatar
      grovel: use the right printf specification for bitfields · 993dc1d6
      Nicolas Martyanoff authored and Luís Oliveira's avatar Luís Oliveira committed
      The BITFIELD grovel syntax always used %i to print the foreign values. But
      when the base type is larger than an int, the resulting values will be
      We introduce the FOREIGN-TYPE-TO-PRINTF-SPECIFICATION function which returns a
      printf string containing a single format specification for a foreign type, and
      use it in the BITFIELD grovel syntax.
    • Orivej Desh's avatar
      doc: generate an info directory file · fe04097c
      Orivej Desh authored and Luís Oliveira's avatar Luís Oliveira committed
    • Luís Oliveira's avatar