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  1. Jan 18, 2013
  2. Oct 23, 2011
    • Liam M. Healy's avatar
      Test foreign function calls with recursive structure by value · a227e3be
      Liam M. Healy authored
      Add definition of C functions prodsumpair and doublepairdouble that
      take, and for the latter, return, the structure struct-pair+double
      (struct_pair_double) that has a structure struct-pair (struct_pair) in
      its slot 'pr.  Two tests, fsbv.3 and fsbv.4, have been defined, and
      pass.  Fixed argument to libffi-type-pointer call in
      libffi-type-pointer :around method so that these will work.
  3. Oct 22, 2011
    • Liam M. Healy's avatar
      Tests for CFFI-FSBV libffi; fix return value translation in ffcall-body-libffi · b41e37be
      Liam M. Healy authored
      Tests fsbv.1 and fsbv.2 added that test foreign structure call and
      return by value.  This includes the C file and addition to makefile to
      generate the appropriate library, libfsbv.  So that the tests are
      properly defined, load cffi-fsbv and then cffi-tests.  Both tests
      should pass.  The test returning a structure, fsbv.2, exposed an error
      in the form generated by ffcall-body-libffi; because it always
      generated a mem-aref on the return value, the subsequent
      translate-from-foreign was effectively making a double translation.
      Thus, this form generation has been conditionalized so that if
      translate-from-foreign will not be applied (e.g., built-in-type) to
      call mem-aref, otherwise just return the pointer.
  4. Feb 14, 2007
    • Luís Oliveira's avatar
      stdcall, namespaces, close-foreign-library · 4f37c6d9
      Luís Oliveira authored
      Three new features:
        - stdcall (defcfun, foreign-funcall(-pointer), defcallback)
        - namespaces, associate foreigns vars and functions to a
          specific library. (CLISP and Lispworks only)
        - close-foreign-library actually works now.
      Backwards incompatible changes:
        - define-foreign-library's syntax changed slightly, can't
          load more than one foreign library per define-foreign-library
          form anymore.
        - defcvar's syntax changed.
        - foreign-funcall can't funcall pointers anymore. Use
          foreign-funcall-pointer for that.