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  1. Feb 23, 2013
  2. Aug 08, 2009
  3. Jun 03, 2008
  4. Dec 30, 2007
  5. Jun 29, 2007
  6. Jun 25, 2007
  7. Jun 17, 2007
    • Luís Oliveira's avatar
      Integrate cffi-grovel · c1f1e23e
      Luís Oliveira authored
      Added a groveller based on Dan Knap's and Matthew Backes's cffi-grovel
      and Stelian Ionescu's fork iolib-grovel.  cffi-grovel is inspired by
      SBCL's groveller.  This is a preliminary version.
      Includes a new wrapper generator syntax to simplify the writing of
      C glue libraries among other minor features.
      - Updated TODO items related to grovelling.
      - Integrated documentation into the CFFI manual.
      - src/libraries: use ".so" as the default library suffix.
  8. Jul 30, 2007
  9. Mar 17, 2007
  10. Feb 19, 2007
  11. Aug 31, 2006
  12. May 11, 2006
    • Stephen Compall's avatar
      implicit defbitfield symbol values · bfe56d18
      Stephen Compall authored
      - Foreign Type Translators: defctype does not create Lisp types; you
        have to use eql specializers.
      - enum.lisp: Use reduce in %foreign-bitfield-value.  Code a default
        rule for bitfield symbol values.
  13. May 03, 2006
  14. Feb 03, 2006
  15. Jan 14, 2006
  16. Jan 10, 2006
  17. Jan 03, 2006
  18. Sep 13, 2005
    • Luís Oliveira's avatar
      Changes to callbacks. · 6fd1fc83
      Luís Oliveira authored
      - Renamed make-callback to %defcallback and shifted the responsability
        of storing the address in the callback-ptr property to the cffi-sys
        backend. Previously in allegro and lispworks the host ffi's callback
        definitions were non toplevel, which is probably not right.
      - Use gensyms instead of callback-symbol-name (removed that function
        from utils.lisp)
  19. Aug 26, 2005
    • Luís Oliveira's avatar
      Type system improvements and more. · cf0aca67
      Luís Oliveira authored
      - New tests: tests/enums.lisp (4 tests) and tests/misc-types.lisp (3 tests).
      - New file: objects.lisp, skeleton of the safe typed pointer interface. I
        also added a :boolean type here, it's looking for a better home still.
      - (early-types.lisp): type parsers, DEFINE-TYPE-SPEC-PARSER and PARSE-TYPE.
        Added abbility to have anonymous types (ie. a name is no longer required
        for FOREIGN-TYPE). Moved DEFCTYPE to types.lisp.
      - (enum.lisp): improved DEFCENUM, the values for each keyword are now
        optional, like in C. Added the anonymous type (:enum ...)
      - (types.lisp):
          - Renamed :TO-C-ARG to :TO-C-DYNAMIC.
          - Renamed FOREIGN-AREF to MEM-AREF and implemented compiler macros
            for it.
          - New exported macro: DEFINE-FOREIGN-TYPE for parameterized types.
          - Change DEFINE-TYPE-TRANSLATOR back to the previous interface,
            translators take a type argument now and we have translators
            available at runtime now too.
          - FOREIGN-TYPEDEF's now inherit their parent type's translators.
          - New :wrapper type, for anonymous typedefs with translators.
      - (strings.lisp): Renamed string to :string. Added new type, :string+ptr.
      - (utils.lisp): renamed let-if to bif.
      - (tests/callbacks.lisp): two tests were not being run for SBCL
        because I thought it triggered a bug but it's actually only one that
        triggers the bug. Fixed that.
      - Updated examples and tests to use :string instead of string.
  20. Aug 21, 2005
    • Luís Oliveira's avatar
      A couple of minor changes. · 94e36ad3
      Luís Oliveira authored
      - Move #-cffi/no-foreign-funcall from cffi-tests.asd to
        tests/funcall.lisp and have the lisps that don't support this
        push the feature in cffi-<lisp>.lisp instead of defpackage.
      - New file: utils.lisp
      - Make Allegro, CMUCL, Corman and OpenMCL use callback-symbol-name  (from cffi-utils) to safely intern callback symbol names (James)
      - Clisp: consider (pointerp NIL)