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;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-

Distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file)

(in-package #:bordeaux-threads)

;;; documentation on the LispWorks Multiprocessing interface can be found at

Stelian Ionescu's avatar
Stelian Ionescu committed
(deftype thread ()

;;; Thread Creation

(defun start-multiprocessing ()

(defun %make-thread (function name)
   name nil
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   (lambda ()
     (let ((return-values
             (multiple-value-list (funcall function))))
       (setf (mp:process-private-property 'return-values (current-thread))
       (values-list return-values)))))
  #-#.(cl:if (cl:find-symbol (cl:string '#:get-current-process) :mp) '(and) '(or))
  ;; introduced in LispWorks 5.1
  #+#.(cl:if (cl:find-symbol (cl:string '#:get-current-process) :mp) '(and) '(or))
Martin Simmons's avatar
Martin Simmons committed
  (mp:process-p object))
  (mp:process-name thread))

;;; Resource contention: locks and recursive locks

(defun make-lock (&optional name)
  (mp:make-lock :name (or name "Anonymous lock")
                #-(or lispworks4 lispworks5) :recursivep
                #-(or lispworks4 lispworks5) nil))
(defun acquire-lock (lock &optional (wait-p t))
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  (mp:process-lock lock nil
                   (cond ((null wait-p)         0)
                         ((numberp wait-p) wait-p)
                         (t                   nil))))
  (mp:process-unlock lock))

(defmacro with-lock-held ((place) &body body)
  `(mp:with-lock (,place) ,@body))

(defun make-recursive-lock (&optional name)
  (mp:make-lock :name (or name "Anonymous recursive lock")
                #-(or lispworks4 lispworks5) :recursivep
                #-(or lispworks4 lispworks5) t))

(defun acquire-recursive-lock (lock &optional (wait-p t))
  (acquire-lock lock wait-p))

(defun release-recursive-lock (lock)
  (release-lock lock))

(defmacro with-recursive-lock-held ((place) &body body)
  `(mp:with-lock (,place) ,@body))

;;; Resource contention: condition variables

#+(or lispworks6)
(defun make-condition-variable (&key name)
  (mp:make-condition-variable :name (or name "Anonymous condition variable")))

#+(or lispworks6)
(defun condition-wait (condition-variable lock)
  (mp:condition-variable-wait condition-variable lock))

#+(or lispworks6)
(defun condition-notify (condition-variable)
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  (mp:condition-variable-signal condition-variable))

;;; Introspection/debugging


(defun interrupt-thread (thread function &rest args)
  (apply #'mp:process-interrupt thread function args))
(defun destroy-thread (thread)
  (signal-error-if-current-thread thread)
  (mp:process-kill thread))

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Greg Pfeil committed
  (mp:process-alive-p thread))

(declaim (inline %join-thread))
(defun %join-thread (thread)
  #-#.(cl:if (cl:find-symbol (cl:string '#:process-join) :mp) '(and) '(or))
  (mp:process-wait (format nil "Waiting for thread ~A to complete" thread)
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                   (complement #'mp:process-alive-p)
  #+#.(cl:if (cl:find-symbol (cl:string '#:process-join) :mp) '(and) '(or))
  (mp:process-join thread))
(defun join-thread (thread)
  (%join-thread thread)
  (let ((return-values
          (mp:process-private-property 'return-values thread)))
    (values-list return-values)))