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Stelian Ionescu's avatar
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;;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-

Distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file)

(in-package #:bordeaux-threads)

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Stelian Ionescu committed
(deftype thread ()

;;; Thread Creation

(defun start-multiprocessing ()

(defun %make-thread (function name)
  (mp:make-process (lambda ()
                     (let ((return-values
                             (multiple-value-list (funcall function))))
                       (setf (getf (mp:process-property-list mp:*current-process*)
                       (values-list return-values)))
                   :name name))

(defmethod threadp (object)
  (mp:processp object))

  (mp:process-name thread))

;;; Resource contention: locks and recursive locks

(defun make-lock (&optional name)
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  (mp:make-lock (or name "Anonymous lock")))
(defun acquire-lock (lock &optional (wait-p t))
  (if wait-p
      (mp::lock-wait lock "Lock")
      (mp::lock-wait-with-timeout lock "Lock" 0)))

  (setf (mp::lock-process lock) nil))

(defmacro with-lock-held ((place) &body body)
  `(mp:with-lock-held (,place) ,@body))

(defmacro with-recursive-lock-held ((place &key timeout) &body body)
  `(mp:with-lock-held (,place "Lock Wait" :timeout ,timeout) ,@body))

;;; Note that the locks _are_ recursive, but not "balanced", and only
;;; checked if they are being held by the same process by with-lock-held.
;;; The default with-lock-held in bordeaux-mp.lisp sort of works, in that
;;; it will wait for recursive locks by the same process as well.

;;; Resource contention: condition variables

;;; There's some stuff in x86-vm.lisp that might be worth investigating
;;; whether to build on. There's also process-wait and friends.

(defstruct condition-var
  "CMUCL doesn't have conditions, so we need to create our own type."
(defun make-condition-variable (&key name)
  (make-condition-var :lock (make-lock)
                      :name (or name "Anonymous condition variable")))
(defun condition-wait (condition-variable lock)
  (check-type condition-variable condition-var)
  (with-lock-held ((condition-var-lock condition-variable))
    (setf (condition-var-active condition-variable) nil))
  (release-lock lock)
  (mp:process-wait "Condition Wait"
                   #'(lambda () (condition-var-active condition-variable)))
  (acquire-lock lock)
(defun condition-notify (condition-variable)
  (check-type condition-variable condition-var)
  (with-lock-held ((condition-var-lock condition-variable))
    (setf (condition-var-active condition-variable) t))
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Greg Pfeil committed
(defun thread-yield ()

;;; Timeouts

(defmacro with-timeout ((timeout) &body body)
  (once-only (timeout)
    `(mp:with-timeout (,timeout (error 'timeout :length ,timeout))
;;; Introspection/debugging


(defun interrupt-thread (thread function &rest args)
  (flet ((apply-function ()
           (if args
               (lambda () (apply function args))
    (declare (dynamic-extent #'apply-function))
    (mp:process-interrupt thread (apply-function))))
(defun destroy-thread (thread)
  (signal-error-if-current-thread thread)
  (mp:destroy-process thread))

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  (mp:process-active-p thread))

(defun join-thread (thread)
  (mp:process-wait (format nil "Waiting for thread ~A to complete" thread)
                   (lambda () (not (mp:process-alive-p thread))))
  (let ((return-values
          (getf (mp:process-property-list thread) 'return-values)))
    (values-list return-values)))