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  1. Jan 14, 2013
    • Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
      2.26.95: more frobbing of the runtime support · 3d3b65d4
      Francois-Rene Rideau authored
      Settle on "restore-image" and "dump-image" for our API names.
      Unbreak match-condition-p and move it to utility,
      give static scoping to the generic muffler,
      rename the compiler and loader mufflers.
      Fix with-input.
      Remove crud from script-support.
    • Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
      2.26.94: Yet another package cleanup. Debug the test scripts. · eef7278f
      Francois-Rene Rideau authored
      Package cleanup: every file in asdf itself now :use's asdf/driver asdf/upgrade.
      Test script fix:
      Allegro, like ECL *really* hates that we close *standard-input*,
      so stop trying at all.
      Tweak some utilities and debug utilities.
    • Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
      2.26.93: play nicer with packages, notably for Allegro and CLISP · c534ca65
      Francois-Rene Rideau authored
      On Allegro, frob the autoload earlier and intern the gethostname later
      so we don't unnecessarily autoload stuff.
      On CLISP, don't undefine functions, just unintern everything in the beginning,
      and it won't complain about disappearing methods anymore.
      Also, only retrigger the upgrade attempt on source-registry change
      if ASDF was not upgraded yet. This avoids unnecessary reloading of ASDF.
      Finally, be sure to share more symbols between everyone - hopefully,
      all the symbols that were used in ASDF and got recycled.
      Slot names are a big one, notably.
  2. Jan 13, 2013
    • Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
    • Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
      2.26.82: much cleanups and fixes on the driver. · 21594070
      Francois-Rene Rideau authored
      Tests: SBCL passes test-lisp and test-upgrade
      * big refactoring of test infrastructure
      * contrib/debug.lisp and (asdf/driver:asdf-debug) for debugging.
      * remove aif and it, use the cleaner if-bind.
      * backtrace support, with improvements from trivial-backtrace.
      * integration of asdf-condition-control (originally from xcvb-driver)
      * simplify the upgrade heuristic: always tries to upgrade once.
        The previous heuristic was too complex with too many failure cases.
        You are thus assumed to want a given version asdf
        if and only if it is in your source-registry.
  3. Jan 10, 2013
  4. Jan 09, 2013
  5. Jan 08, 2013