;;; -*- mode: lisp -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Free Software available under an MIT-style license. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Daniel Barlow and contributors ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package :asdf) (defsystem :asdf :author ("Daniel Barlow") :licence "MIT" :description "Another System Definition Facility" :long-description "ASDF builds Common Lisp software organized into defined systems." :version "2.25.1" ;; to be automatically updated by bin/bump-revision :depends-on () :components ((:file "asdf") #+ecl (:file "asdf-ecl" :depends-on ("asdf")))) ;; The method below ensures that before we compile asdf, we load it as source. ;; This ensures that when we compile asdf, it won't remove symbols and packages ;; in the back of the compiling asdf, which then finds itself incapable of ;; perform'ing the load-op'ing of the newly compiled asdf fasl because ;; perform has been undefined during the initial package-frobbing eval-when code, ;; but not redefined yet by loading the code rather than merely compiling it. ;; We could use (:file "asdf" :do-first ((compile-op (load-source-op "asdf")))) ;; but it's only supported since ASDF 2.016.3. What's below should be more compatible. ;; We can't use find-component, because it's not compatible with old versions of ASDF 1.x (defmethod perform :before ((operation compile-op) (c (eql (first (module-components (find-system :asdf)))))) (perform (make-instance 'load-source-op) c))