;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Actions (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/action (:nicknames :asdf-action) (:recycle :asdf/action :asdf) (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation) #+gcl<2.7 (:shadowing-import-from :asdf/compatibility #:type-of) (:intern #:stamp #:done-p) (:export #:action #:define-convenience-action-methods #:explain #:operation-description #:downward-operation #:upward-operation #:sibling-operation #:component-depends-on #:component-self-dependencies #:input-files #:output-files #:output-file #:operation-done-p #:action-status #:action-stamp #:action-done-p #:component-operation-time #:mark-operation-done #:compute-action-stamp #:perform #:perform-with-restarts #:retry #:accept #:feature #:traverse-actions #:traverse-sub-actions #:required-components #:required-files ;; in plan )) (in-package :asdf/action) (deftype action () '(cons operation component)) ;; a step to be performed while building the system (defgeneric* traverse-actions (actions &key &allow-other-keys)) (defgeneric* traverse-sub-actions (operation component &key &allow-other-keys)) (defgeneric* required-components (component &key &allow-other-keys)) (defgeneric* required-files (operation component &key &allow-other-keys)) ;;;; Convenience methods (defmacro define-convenience-action-methods (function (operation component &rest more-args) &key if-no-operation if-no-component) (let ((rest (gensym "REST")) (found (gensym "FOUND"))) `(progn (defmethod ,function ((,operation symbol) ,component ,@(when more-args `(&rest ,rest)) ,@(when (member '&key more-args) `(&key &allow-other-keys))) (if ,operation ,(if more-args `(apply ',function (make-operation ,operation) ,component ,rest) `(,function (make-operation ,operation) ,component)) ,if-no-operation)) (defmethod ,function ((,operation operation) ,component ,@(when more-args `(&rest ,rest)) ,@(when (member '&key more-args) `(&key &allow-other-keys))) (if (typep ,component 'component) (error "No defined method for ~S on ~S" ',function ,component) (let ((,found (find-component () ,component))) (if ,found ,(if more-args `(apply ',function ,operation ,found ,rest) `(,function ,operation ,found)) ,if-no-component))))))) ;;;; self-description (defgeneric* operation-description (operation component) ;; ASDF3: rename to action-description (:documentation "returns a phrase that describes performing this operation on this component, e.g. \"loading /a/b/c\". You can put together sentences using this phrase.")) (defmethod operation-description (operation component) (format nil (compatfmt "~@<~A on ~A~@:>") (class-of operation) component)) (define-convenience-action-methods operation-description (operation component)) (defgeneric* explain (operation component)) (defmethod explain ((o operation) (c component)) (asdf-message (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;~A~:>~%") (operation-description o c))) (define-convenience-action-methods explain (operation component)) (defun* format-action (stream action &optional colon-p at-sign-p) (assert (null colon-p)) (assert (null at-sign-p)) (destructuring-bind (operation . component) action (princ (operation-description operation component) stream))) ;;;; Dependencies (defgeneric* component-depends-on (operation component) ;; ASDF3: rename to component-dependencies (:documentation "Returns a list of dependencies needed by the component to perform the operation. A dependency has one of the following forms: ( *), where is a class designator and each is a component designator, which means that the component depends on having been performed on each ; or (FEATURE ), which means that the component depends on 's presence in *FEATURES*. Methods specialized on subclasses of existing component types should usually append the results of CALL-NEXT-METHOD to the list.")) (defgeneric* component-self-dependencies (operation component)) (define-convenience-action-methods component-depends-on (operation component)) (define-convenience-action-methods component-self-dependencies (operation component)) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o operation) (c component)) (cdr (assoc (type-of o) (component-in-order-to c)))) ; User-specified in-order dependencies (defmethod component-self-dependencies ((o operation) (c component)) (loop :for (o-spec . c-spec) :in (component-depends-on o c) :unless (eq o-spec 'feature) ;; avoid the FEATURE "feature" :when (find c c-spec :key #'(lambda (dep) (resolve-dependency-spec c dep))) :collect (cons (find-operation o o-spec) c))) ;;;; upward-operation, downward-operation ;; These together handle actions that propagate along the component hierarchy. ;; Downward operations like load-op or compile-op propagate down the hierarchy: ;; operation on a parent depends-on operation on its children. ;; By default, an operation propagates itself, but it may propagate another one instead. (defclass downward-operation (operation) ((downward-operation :initform nil :initarg :downward-operation :reader downward-operation))) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o downward-operation) (c parent-component)) `((,(or (downward-operation o) o) ,@(component-children c)) ,@(call-next-method))) ;; Upward operations like prepare-op propagate up the component hierarchy: ;; operation on a child depends-on operation on its parent. ;; By default, an operation propagates itself, but it may propagate another one instead. (defclass upward-operation (operation) ((upward-operation :initform nil :initarg :downward-operation :reader upward-operation))) ;; For backward-compatibility reasons, a system inherits from module and is a child-component ;; so we must guard against this case. ASDF3: remove that. (defmethod component-depends-on ((o upward-operation) (c child-component)) `(,@(if-let (p (component-parent c)) `((,(or (upward-operation o) o) ,p))) ,@(call-next-method))) ;; Sibling operations propagate to siblings in the component hierarchy: ;; operation on a child depends-on operation on its parent. ;; By default, an operation propagates itself, but it may propagate another one instead. (defclass sibling-operation (operation) ((sibling-operation :initform nil :initarg :sibling-operation :reader sibling-operation))) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o sibling-operation) (c component)) `((,(or (sibling-operation o) o) ,@(loop :for dep :in (component-sibling-dependencies c) :collect (resolve-dependency-spec c dep))) ,@(call-next-method))) ;;;; Inputs, Outputs, and invisible dependencies (defgeneric* output-files (operation component)) (defgeneric* input-files (operation component)) (defgeneric* operation-done-p (operation component) (:documentation "Returns a boolean, which is NIL if the action is forced to be performed again")) (define-convenience-action-methods output-files (operation component)) (define-convenience-action-methods input-files (operation component)) (define-convenience-action-methods operation-done-p (operation component)) (defmethod operation-done-p ((o operation) (c component)) (declare (ignorable o c)) t) (defmethod output-files :around (operation component) "Translate output files, unless asked not to" operation component ;; hush genera, not convinced by declare ignorable(!) (values (multiple-value-bind (pathnames fixedp) (call-next-method) ;; 1- Make sure we have absolute pathnames (let* ((directory (pathname-directory-pathname (component-pathname component))) (absolute-pathnames (loop :for pathname :in pathnames :collect (ensure-pathname-absolute pathname directory)))) ;; 2- Translate those pathnames as required (if fixedp absolute-pathnames (mapcar *output-translation-function* absolute-pathnames)))) t)) (defmethod output-files ((o operation) (c component)) (declare (ignorable o c)) nil) (defun* output-file (operation component) "The unique output file of performing OPERATION on COMPONENT" (let ((files (output-files operation component))) (assert (length=n-p files 1)) (first files))) (defmethod input-files ((o operation) (c parent-component)) (declare (ignorable o c)) nil) (defmethod input-files ((o operation) (c file-component)) (or (loop :for (dep-o) :in (component-self-dependencies o c) :append (or (output-files dep-o c) (input-files dep-o c))) ;; no non-trivial previous operations needed? ;; I guess we work with the original source file, then (list (component-pathname c)))) ;;;; Done performing (defgeneric* component-operation-time (operation component)) ;; ASDF3: hide it behind plan-action-stamp (define-convenience-action-methods component-operation-time (operation component)) (defgeneric* mark-operation-done (operation component)) ;; ASDF3: hide it behind (setf plan-action-stamp) (defgeneric* compute-action-stamp (plan operation component &key just-done) (:documentation "Has this action been successfully done already, and at what known timestamp has it been done at or will it be done at? Takes two keywords JUST-DONE and PLAN: JUST-DONE is a boolean that is true if the action was just successfully performed, at which point we want compute the actual stamp and warn if files are missing; otherwise we are making plans, anticipating the effects of the action. PLAN is a plan object modelling future effects of actions, or NIL to denote what actually happened. Returns two values: * a STAMP saying when it was done or will be done, or T if the action has involves files that need to be recomputed. * a boolean DONE-P that indicates whether the action has actually been done, and both its output-files and its in-image side-effects are up to date.")) (defclass action-status () ((stamp :initarg :stamp :reader action-stamp :documentation "STAMP associated with the ACTION if it has been completed already in some previous image, or T if it needs to be done.") (done-p :initarg :done-p :reader action-done-p :documentation "a boolean, true iff the action was already done (before any planned action).")) (:documentation "Status of an action")) (defmethod print-object ((status action-status) stream) (print-unreadable-object (status stream :type t) (with-slots (stamp done-p) status (format stream "~@{~S~^ ~}" :stamp stamp :done-p done-p)))) (defmethod component-operation-time ((o operation) (c component)) (gethash (type-of o) (component-operation-times c))) (defmethod mark-operation-done ((o operation) (c component)) (setf (gethash (type-of o) (component-operation-times c)) (compute-action-stamp nil o c :just-done t))) ;;;; Perform (defgeneric* perform-with-restarts (operation component)) (defgeneric* perform (operation component)) (define-convenience-action-methods perform (operation component)) (defmethod perform :before ((o operation) (c component)) (ensure-all-directories-exist (output-files o c))) (defmethod perform :after ((o operation) (c component)) (mark-operation-done o c)) (defmethod perform ((o operation) (c parent-component)) (declare (ignorable o c)) nil) (defmethod perform ((o operation) (c source-file)) (sysdef-error (compatfmt "~@") (class-of o) (class-of c))) (defmethod perform-with-restarts (operation component) ;; TOO verbose, especially as the default. Add your own :before method ;; to perform-with-restart or perform if you want that: #|(when *asdf-verbose* (explain operation component))|# (perform operation component)) (defmethod perform-with-restarts :around (operation component) (loop (restart-case (return (call-next-method)) (retry () :report (lambda (s) (format s (compatfmt "~@") (operation-description operation component)))) (accept () :report (lambda (s) (format s (compatfmt "~@") (operation-description operation component))) (mark-operation-done operation component) (return))))) ;;; Generic build operation (defmethod component-depends-on ((o build-op) (c component)) `((,(or (component-build-operation c) 'load-op) ,c)))