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test-urls-1.script 1.2 KiB
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 (setf asdf:*central-registry* '(*default-pathname-defaults*))
 ;; Compare the source files with local versions before loading them.
 #+(and (or abcl scl) trust-the-net)
 (flet ((compare (url local)
	  (with-open-file (stream1 url :element-type 'character
				   :external-format :utf-8)
	    (with-open-file (stream2 local :element-type 'character
				     :external-format :utf-8)
		 (let ((ch1 (read-char stream1 nil nil))
		       (ch2 (read-char stream2 nil nil)))
		   (unless (eql ch1 ch2)
		     (error "Unexpected source content."))
		   (unless (and ch1 ch2)
   (let* ((system (asdf:find-system "test-urls-1"))
	  (url (asdf:component-pathname
		(asdf:find-component system "test"))))
     (compare url "test.lisp"))

   (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test-urls-1)

   ;; test that it compiled
   (let* ((path (asdf:component-pathname
                 (asdf:find-component "test-urls-1" "test")))
          (test (asdf:compile-file-pathname* path))
          (test-date (file-write-date test)))
     (format t "~&test-urls-1 1: ~S ~S~%" test test-date)
     (assert test-date))))