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test-program.script 1.83 KiB
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(DBG :foo (current-lisp-file-pathname))

(defparameter exe (output-file (make-operation 'program-op) (find-system :hello-world-example)))
(assert (absolute-pathname-p exe))

(unless (and #-(or clisp clozure cmu ecl lispworks sbcl) nil
             #+cmu nil ;; uncomment if you have 32-bit gcc support - or can autodetect
             #+clisp (version-satisfies
                      (first (split-string (lisp-implementation-version) :separator " "))
  (DBG "Creating standalone programs is not supported on your CL implementation")
  (leave-test "Skipping test" 0))

;; Try to load lisp-invocation from xcvb
(setf *central-registry*
      (list *asdf-directory* ;; be sure that *OUR* asdf is first of any possible ASDF
            ;; try finding xcvb's lisp-invocation right next to asdf.
            (subpathname *asdf-directory* "../xcvb/")))
(unless (find-system :lisp-invocation nil)
  ;; try harder by enabling the user's source-registry
  (initialize-source-registry ""))
(unless (find-system :lisp-invocation nil)
  (leave-test "Couldn't find lisp-invocation. Skipping the rest the test." 0))
(load-system :lisp-invocation)
;; Disable any user source registry.
(initialize-source-registry `(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))

(delete-file-if-exists exe)
 (symbol-call :lisp-invocation :lisp-invocation-arglist
              :load (native-namestring (subpathname *test-directory* "make-hello-world.lisp"))))
(assert (probe-file* exe))

(assert-equal (run-program/ `(,(native-namestring exe)) :output :lines)

(assert-equal (run-program/ `(,(native-namestring exe) "a" "b c" "d") :output :lines)
              '("hello, world"
                "You passed 3 arguments:"
                "  \"a\""
                "  \"b c\""
                "  \"d\""))