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#+gcl (trace asdf:compile-file-pathname*)

;;; test asdf pathname specifications
;;; this is intended to run in a directory like '/test/20100310T000000Z/sbcl', in which it creates a
;;; test transcript. the tests construct a simple system/module/source-file system definition and
;;; verify that component pathname specifications refere to lisp source files in the directories
;;;   '/test/{system1,system2}/'
;;; any failure is recorded as a transcript entry which indicates
;;;   ( ( system-pathname module-pathname file-pathname ) missing-pathnames )
;;; where missing pathnames is a list of the component-pathname values which failed to designate an intended file.
;;; of there, if the pathname is logical, both the logical and physical pathname appears.
;;; where NIL appears, the probe-file succeeded.
;;; the test creates the logical host "ASDFTEST" and the system "test-system".
;;; both are removed at the conclusion.
;;; 20100314:
;;; (:module "a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "a" "b" "c.d"))
;;; (:file "a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "a" "b") :name "c.d" :type "lisp"))
;;; (:static-file "a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "a" "b") :name "c" :type "d"))
;;; (:module "/a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "a" "b" "c.d"))
;;; (:file "/a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "a" "b") :name "c.d" :type "lisp"))
;;; (:static-file "/a/b/c.d") => (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "a" "b") :name "c" :type "d"))
;;; (:file "file2.lisp") means #p"file2.lisp.lisp"
;;; (:static-file "file2.lisp") means #p"file2.lisp"
;;; (:file "module1-1/file3.lisp") means #p"module1-1/file3.lisp.lisp" (assuming /)
;;; (:static-file "module1-1/file3.lisp") means #p"module1-1/file3.lisp"

(defun test-component-pathnames (&key (root *build-directory*)
                                 (support-string-pathnames nil)
                                 (support-absolute-string-pathnames nil))
  #+gcl (format t "root: ~S~%" root)
    (let* ((bin-type (pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "test.lisp")))
           (root-directory-namestring (format nil "~{/~a~}/" (rest (pathname-directory root))))
           (system-count 0)
           (system-failures 0)
           (file-count 0)
           (file-failures 0)
           (directory-count 0)
           (directory-failures 0)
           (*print-pretty* nil)
           (start-time 0))

      (with-open-file (result-stream (asdf::merge-pathnames* "output.txt" root)
                                     :direction :output
                                     :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create)
        (flet ((src-dir (&rest path) (append (or (pathname-directory root) (list :relative))
                                             (cons "asdf-src" path)))
               (bin-dir (&rest path) (append (or (pathname-directory root) (list :relative))
                                             (cons "asdf-bin" path))))
          (setf (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST")
                `((,(format nil "**;*.~a" bin-type)
                   ,(make-pathname :directory (bin-dir :wild-inferiors)
                                   :name :wild :type bin-type :version nil
				   :defaults root))
                  (,(format nil "**;*.~a.*" bin-type)
                   ,(make-pathname :directory (bin-dir :wild-inferiors)
                   ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir :wild-inferiors)
                                   :name :wild :type :wild :version nil
				   :defaults root))
                   ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir :wild-inferiors)
          (let ((failures nil)
                (systems `(,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1") :name nil :type nil
					   :defaults root)
                           ,(make-pathname :host "ASDFTEST" :directory '(:absolute "system1"))
                           ,(parse-namestring "ASDFTEST:system1;")
                           ,@(when support-string-pathnames
                               `(,(format nil "~{/~a~}/asdf-src/system1" (rest (pathname-directory root)))))))

                (modules `(nil
                           ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative) :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2") :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2" "module3") :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system2" "module4") :name nil :type nil
					   :defaults root)
                           ,(make-pathname :host "ASDFTEST" :directory '(:absolute "system2" "module4") :name nil :type nil)
                           ,(parse-namestring "ASDFTEST:system2;module4;")
                           ,@(when support-string-pathnames
                                 ,@(when support-absolute-string-pathnames
                                     `(,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module1")
                                       ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module1/")
                                       ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module2/")
                                       ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module2/module3/")
                                       ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system2/module4/")))))))
                (files `(nil
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative) :name "untyped-file" :type nil)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative) :name "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2") :name  "untyped-file" :type nil)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2") :name  "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory '(:relative "module2" "module3") :name  "file" :type "lisp")
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module1") :name "untyped-file" :type nil
					 :defaults root)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module1") :name "file" :type "lisp"
					 :defaults root)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module2") :name "untyped-file" :type nil
					 :defaults root)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module2") :name "file" :type "lisp"
					 :defaults root)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system1" "module2" "module3") :name "file" :type "lisp"
					 :defaults root)
                         ,(make-pathname :directory (src-dir "system2" "module4") :name "file" :type "lisp"
					 :defaults root)
                         ,(make-pathname :host "ASDFTEST" :directory '(:absolute "system2" "module4") :name "file" :type "lisp"
					 :defaults root)
                         ,(parse-namestring "ASDFTEST:system2;module4;file.lisp")
                         ,@(when support-string-pathnames
                             `(,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring "asdf-src/system1/module1/file.lisp")))))
                (test-files (remove-duplicates
                             (sort (loop
                                     ;; enumerate (system x module x file) pathname variations for relative
                                     ;; file component names. no additions for the absolute specifications,
                                     ;; as they should reiterate one of the relative names
                                     for directory in (list (src-dir "system1")
                                                            (src-dir "system1" "module1")
                                                            (src-dir "system1" "module2")
                                                            (src-dir "system1" "module2" "module3")
                                                            (src-dir "system2" "module4"))
                                     ;; :pathname #p"untyped-file"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "untyped-file" :type nil
							    :defaults root)
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "file" :type "lisp"
							    :defaults root)     ; for source files
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "file" :type nil
							    :defaults root)        ; for static files
                                     ;; :file "typed-file.type"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "typed-file.type" :type "lisp"
							    :defaults root)  ; for source files
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "typed-file" :type "type"
							    :defaults root)       ; for static files for :pathname arg
                                     ;; :static-file "static-file.type"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "static-file" :type "type"
							    :defaults root)
                                     ;; :file "module2/file"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "file" :type "lisp"
							    :defaults root)
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "typed-file.type" :type "lisp"
							    :defaults root)          ; for source files
                                     ;;collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "typed-file.type" :type nil)          ; for static files ;; invalid as static file, unlike the below.
                                     ;; :static-file "module2/static-file.type"
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory directory :name "static-file" :type "type"
							    :defaults root)

                                     ;;; source file pathname variations
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2")) :name  "untyped-file" :type nil
							    :defaults root)
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2")) :name  "file" :type "lisp"
							    :defaults root)
                                         collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2")) :name  "typed-file.type" :type "lisp"
								:defaults root)
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2")) :name  "static-file" :type "type"
							    :defaults root)
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2" "module3")) :name  "file" :type "lisp"
							    :defaults root)
                                     collect (make-pathname :directory (append directory '("module2" "module3")) :name  "file" :type "lisp"
							    :defaults root))
                                   ;; generate an alternative key in case namestring fails on a name w/ a dot
                                   :key #'(lambda (p) (format nil "~{~a~^.~}~@[.~a~]~@[.~a~]" (rest (pathname-directory p)) (pathname-name p) (pathname-type p))))
                             :test #'equalp :from-end t)))

            (dolist (file test-files)
              (ensure-directories-exist file)
              (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) stream))

            (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year) (decode-universal-time (setf start-time (get-universal-time)) 0)
              (let ((header (format nil "~4,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0dT~2,'0d~2,'0d~2,'0dZ : ~a ~a ~a"
                                    year month day hour minute second
                (format result-stream ";;; ~a~%~%" header)
                (format *trace-output* "~%;;; ~a~%~%" header)))
            (sleep 1)

            (dolist (system-pathname systems)
              (dolist (module-pathname modules)
                (dolist (file-pathname files)
                  (let ((configuration (list system-pathname module-pathname file-pathname))
                        (system-definition `(asdf:defsystem :system1 :pathname ,system-pathname
                                             :components ((:module :module1 :pathname ,module-pathname
                                                           :components ((:file "file" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                        (:file "module2/file" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                        ,@(unless (or (typep system-pathname 'logical-pathname)
                                                                                      (typep module-pathname 'logical-pathname))
                                                                            `((:file "typed-file.type" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                              (:static-file "static-file.type" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                              (:file "module2/typed-file.type" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                              (:static-file "module2/static-file.type" :pathname ,file-pathname)
                                                                              ,@(when support-absolute-string-pathnames
                                                                                      `((:static-file ,(concatenate 'string root-directory-namestring

                    (block :test-system
                        ((error (lambda (c)
                                  (incf system-failures)
                                  (format *error-output* "~&error! ~a~%sysdef:~% ~S~%" c system-definition)
                                  #+sbcl (sb-debug:backtrace 69)
                                  #+clozure (ccl:print-call-history :count 69 :start-frame-number 1)
                                  #+clisp (system::print-backtrace)
                                  (format result-stream "~&~%***~%error: ~a~%~s"
                                  (return-from :test-system))))
                        (unless (and (or (typep system-pathname 'logical-pathname)
                                         (typep module-pathname 'logical-pathname))
                                     (and (stringp file-pathname) (find #\. file-pathname)))
                          (incf system-count)
                          (let* ((system (eval system-definition))
                                 (module (first (asdf:module-components system)))
                                 (file-components (asdf:module-components module)))
                            (incf file-count (length file-components))
                            (incf directory-count 2)
                            (labels ((translate-if-needed (pathname)
                                       (if (typep pathname 'logical-pathname)
                                         (cons (translate-logical-pathname pathname) pathname)
                                     (test-module (module)
                                       (incf directory-count)
                                       (unless (asdf::probe-file* (asdf:component-pathname module))
                                         (incf directory-failures)
                                         (push (list (type-of module) (asdf:component-name module)
                                                     (translate-if-needed (asdf:component-pathname module))
                                                     (list (when (asdf:component-parent module) (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:component-parent module)))))
                                     (test-file (file)
                                       (incf file-count)
                                       (unless (ignore-errors
                                                (with-open-file (stream (asdf:component-pathname file) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :error)
                                                  (print start-time stream)))
                                         (incf file-failures)
                                         (push (list (type-of file) (asdf:component-name file)
                                                     (translate-if-needed (asdf:component-pathname file))
                                                     (list (asdf:component-pathname  (asdf:component-system file))
                                                           (asdf:component-pathname  (asdf:component-parent file))))
                              (test-module system)
                              (test-module module)
                              (dolist (file file-components) (test-file file)))))))))))

            (format result-stream "~% target files [~s]~:{~% ~s -> ~s~}~%"
                    (length test-files)
                    (mapcar #'(lambda (file)
                                (list file (if (probe-file file)
                                             (if (> (file-write-date file) start-time)

            (format result-stream "~&~%~% translations: ~a: ~s" "ASDFTEST" (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST"))
            (format result-stream "~&~%~% variations:~% systems: ~s~% modules: ~s~% files: ~s"
                    systems modules files)

            (let ((homogeneous-failures 0) (*print-length* nil))
              (format result-stream "~&~%~% pathname failures [~s]:" (length failures))
              (dolist (failure failures)
                (destructuring-bind (type name intended-pathname configuration parent-pathnames) failure
                  (format result-stream "~&~%~:[ ~;!~]~a~24T~s~%  missing:~24T~s~%  configuration:~24T~s~%  parent pathnames:~24T~s"
                          (flet ((logical-p (p) (typep p 'logical-pathname)))
                            (when (or (every #'logical-p configuration) (notany #'logical-p configuration))
                              (incf homogeneous-failures)))
                          type name intended-pathname configuration parent-pathnames)))
              (terpri result-stream)
              (print (print `(:result :type ,(lisp-implementation-type) :version ,(lisp-implementation-version)
                                      :file ,(pathname result-stream)
                                      :system-failures (,system-failures ,system-count)
                                      :directory-failures (,directory-failures ,directory-count)
                                      :file-failures (,file-failures ,file-count)
                                      :homogeneous ,homogeneous-failures)
              (terpri *trace-output*)
              (force-output *trace-output*)
              (and (zerop system-failures) (zerop directory-failures)
                   (zerop file-failures) (zerop homogeneous-failures)))))))
    (when delete-host
      (setf (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST") nil))
    (remhash "test-system" asdf::*defined-systems*)))

(defun hash-table->alist (table)
  (loop :for key :being :the :hash-keys :of table :using (:hash-value value)
    :collect (cons key value)))

Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
Francois-Rene Rideau committed
 (format t "source registry: ~S~%" (hash-table->alist asdf::*source-registry*))
Francois-Rene Rideau's avatar
Francois-Rene Rideau committed
 (format t "output translations: ~S~%" (asdf::output-translations))

 #+gcl (format t "~&~A~&" (progn (defvar *x* -1) (incf *x*)))
 #-(or xcl gcl<2.7) ;;---*** pathnames are known to be massively broken on XCL and GCL 2.6
 (flet ((same (s1 s2 p1 p2)
          (unless (equal (namestring p1) (namestring p2))
            (describe p1) (describe p2)
            (error "Not the same: ~S vs ~S"  s1 s2))))
   (macrolet ((x (s1 s2) `(same ',s1 ',s2 ,s1 ,s2)))
     ;; we're testing with unix, are we not?
     (x (asdf::resolve-location '(:home)) (truename (user-homedir-pathname)))
     (x (asdf::resolve-location '("/foo" "bar" "baz")) #p"/foo/bar/baz")
     (x (asdf::resolve-location '("/foo" "bar" "baz") :directory t) #p"/foo/bar/baz/")
     (x (asdf::resolve-location '("/foo" "bar" "baz") :directory t :wilden t) (asdf::wilden #p"/foo/bar/baz/"))
     (x (asdf::resolve-location '("/foo" "bar" "baz") :directory nil :wilden t) (asdf::wilden #p"/foo/bar/"))
     (x (asdf::resolve-location '("/foo" "bar" :**/ "baz" #p"*.*") :directory nil :wilden t) #p"/foo/bar/**/baz/*.*")))
 #-(or xcl gcl<2.7) ;;---*** pathnames are known to be massively broken on XCL and GCL 2.6
 (or (test-component-pathnames :delete-host t :support-string-pathnames nil)
     (leave-test "test failed" 1)))

;;; (load "LIBRARY:de;setf;utility;asdf;cp-test.lisp")
;;; (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST")
;;; (gethash "test-system" asdf::*defined-systems*)