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;;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;;; asdf-output-translations

(defpackage :asdf/output-translations
  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/os :asdf/configuration :asdf/action)
   #:output-translations #:output-translations-initialized-p
   #:initialize-output-translations #:clear-output-translations
   #:disable-output-translations #:ensure-output-translations
   #:validate-output-translations-directive #:validate-output-translations-form
   #:validate-output-translations-file #:validate-output-translations-directory
   #:parse-output-translations-string #:wrapping-output-translations
   #:user-output-translations-pathname #:system-output-translations-pathname
   #:user-output-translations-directory-pathname #:system-output-translations-directory-pathname
   #:environment-output-translations #:process-output-translations
(in-package :asdf/output-translations)

(define-condition invalid-output-translation (invalid-configuration warning)
  ((format :initform (compatfmt "~@<Invalid asdf output-translation ~S~@[ in ~S~]~@{ ~@?~}~@:>"))))

(defvar *output-translations* ()
  "Either NIL (for uninitialized), or a list of one element,
said element itself being a sorted list of mappings.
Each mapping is a pair of a source pathname and destination pathname,
and the order is by decreasing length of namestring of the source pathname.")

(defun* output-translations ()
  (car *output-translations*))

(defun* set-output-translations (new-value)
  (setf *output-translations*
         (stable-sort (copy-list new-value) #'>
                      :key #'(lambda (x)
                               (etypecase (car x)
                                 ((eql t) -1)
                                  (let ((directory (pathname-directory (car x))))
                                    (if (listp directory) (length directory) 0))))))))
(defsetf output-translations set-output-translations) ; works with gcl 2.6

(defun* output-translations-initialized-p ()
  (and *output-translations* t))

(defun* clear-output-translations ()
  "Undoes any initialization of the output translations.
You might want to call that before you dump an image that would be resumed
with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
  (setf *output-translations* '())

(defun* validate-output-translations-directive (directive)
  (or (member directive '(:enable-user-cache :disable-cache nil))
      (and (consp directive)
           (or (and (length=n-p directive 2)
                    (or (and (eq (first directive) :include)
                             (typep (second directive) '(or string pathname null)))
                        (and (location-designator-p (first directive))
                             (or (location-designator-p (second directive))
                                 (location-function-p (second directive))))))
               (and (length=n-p directive 1)
                    (location-designator-p (first directive)))))))

(defun* validate-output-translations-form (form &key location)
   :location location :invalid-form-reporter 'invalid-output-translation))

(defun* validate-output-translations-file (file)
   file 'validate-output-translations-form :description "output translations"))

(defun* validate-output-translations-directory (directory)
   directory :output-translations 'validate-output-translations-directive
   :invalid-form-reporter 'invalid-output-translation))

(defun* parse-output-translations-string (string &key location)
    ((or (null string) (equal string ""))
     '(:output-translations :inherit-configuration))
    ((not (stringp string))
     (error (compatfmt "~@<Environment string isn't: ~3i~_~S~@:>") string))
    ((eql (char string 0) #\")
     (parse-output-translations-string (read-from-string string) :location location))
    ((eql (char string 0) #\()
     (validate-output-translations-form (read-from-string string) :location location))
      :with inherit = nil
      :with directives = ()
      :with start = 0
      :with end = (length string)
      :with source = nil
      :with separator = (inter-directory-separator)
      :for i = (or (position separator string :start start) end) :do
      (let ((s (subseq string start i)))
           (push (list source (if (equal "" s) nil s)) directives)
           (setf source nil))
          ((equal "" s)
           (when inherit
             (error (compatfmt "~@<Only one inherited configuration allowed: ~3i~_~S~@:>")
           (setf inherit t)
           (push :inherit-configuration directives))
           (setf source s)))
        (setf start (1+ i))
        (when (> start end)
          (when source
            (error (compatfmt "~@<Uneven number of components in source to destination mapping: ~3i~_~S~@:>")
          (unless inherit
            (push :ignore-inherited-configuration directives))
          (return `(:output-translations ,@(nreverse directives)))))))))

(defparameter *default-output-translations*

(defun* wrapping-output-translations ()
    ;; Some implementations have precompiled ASDF systems,
    ;; so we must disable translations for implementation paths.
    #+(or #|clozure|# ecl mkcl sbcl)
    ,@(let ((h (lisp-implementation-directory :truename t))) (when h `(((,h ,*wild-inferiors*) ()))))
    #+mkcl (,(translate-logical-pathname "CONTRIB:") ())
    ;; All-import, here is where we want user stuff to be:
    ;; These are for convenience, and can be overridden by the user:
    #+abcl (#p"/___jar___file___root___/**/*.*" (:user-cache #p"**/*.*"))
    #+abcl (#p"jar:file:/**/*.jar!/**/*.*" (:function translate-jar-pathname))
    ;; We enable the user cache by default, and here is the place we do:

(defparameter *output-translations-file* (coerce-pathname "asdf-output-translations.conf"))
(defparameter *output-translations-directory* (coerce-pathname "asdf-output-translations.conf.d/"))

(defun* user-output-translations-pathname (&key (direction :input))
  (in-user-configuration-directory *output-translations-file* :direction direction))
(defun* system-output-translations-pathname (&key (direction :input))
  (in-system-configuration-directory *output-translations-file* :direction direction))
(defun* user-output-translations-directory-pathname (&key (direction :input))
  (in-user-configuration-directory *output-translations-directory* :direction direction))
(defun* system-output-translations-directory-pathname (&key (direction :input))
  (in-system-configuration-directory *output-translations-directory* :direction direction))
(defun* environment-output-translations ()

(defgeneric* process-output-translations (spec &key inherit collect))

(defun* inherit-output-translations (inherit &key collect)
  (when inherit
    (process-output-translations (first inherit) :collect collect :inherit (rest inherit))))

(defun* process-output-translations-directive (directive &key inherit collect)
  (if (atom directive)
      (ecase directive
         (process-output-translations-directive '(t :user-cache) :collect collect))
         (process-output-translations-directive '(t t) :collect collect))
         (inherit-output-translations inherit :collect collect))
        ((:ignore-inherited-configuration :ignore-invalid-entries nil)
      (let ((src (first directive))
            (dst (second directive)))
        (if (eq src :include)
            (when dst
              (process-output-translations (pathname dst) :inherit nil :collect collect))
            (when src
              (let ((trusrc (or (eql src t)
                                (let ((loc (resolve-location src :directory t :wilden t)))
                                  (if (absolute-pathname-p loc) (truenamize loc) loc)))))
                  ((location-function-p dst)
                   (funcall collect
                            (list trusrc
                                  (if (symbolp (second dst))
                                      (fdefinition (second dst))
                                      (eval (second dst))))))
                  ((eq dst t)
                   (funcall collect (list trusrc t)))
                   (let* ((trudst (if dst
                                      (resolve-location dst :directory t :wilden t)
                          (wilddst (merge-pathnames* *wild-file* trudst)))
                     (funcall collect (list wilddst t))
                     (funcall collect (list trusrc trudst)))))))))))

(defmethod process-output-translations ((x symbol) &key
                                        (inherit *default-output-translations*)
  (process-output-translations (funcall x) :inherit inherit :collect collect))
(defmethod process-output-translations ((pathname #-gcl<2.7 pathname #+gcl<2.7 t) &key inherit collect)
    ((directory-pathname-p pathname)
     (process-output-translations (validate-output-translations-directory pathname)
                                  :inherit inherit :collect collect))
    ((probe-file* pathname)
     (process-output-translations (validate-output-translations-file pathname)
                                  :inherit inherit :collect collect))
     (inherit-output-translations inherit :collect collect))))
(defmethod process-output-translations ((string string) &key inherit collect)
  (process-output-translations (parse-output-translations-string string)
                               :inherit inherit :collect collect))
(defmethod process-output-translations ((x null) &key inherit collect)
  (declare (ignorable x))
  (inherit-output-translations inherit :collect collect))
(defmethod process-output-translations ((form cons) &key inherit collect)
  (dolist (directive (cdr (validate-output-translations-form form)))
    (process-output-translations-directive directive :inherit inherit :collect collect)))

(defun* compute-output-translations (&optional parameter)
  "read the configuration, return it"
   (while-collecting (c)
      `(wrapping-output-translations ,parameter ,@*default-output-translations*) :collect #'c))
   :test 'equal :from-end t))

(defvar *output-translations-parameter* nil)

(defun* initialize-output-translations (&optional (parameter *output-translations-parameter*))
  "read the configuration, initialize the internal configuration variable,
return the configuration"
  (setf *output-translations-parameter* parameter
        (output-translations) (compute-output-translations parameter)))

(defun* disable-output-translations ()
  "Initialize output translations in a way that maps every file to itself,
effectively disabling the output translation facility."
   '(:output-translations :disable-cache :ignore-inherited-configuration)))

;; checks an initial variable to see whether the state is initialized
;; or cleared. In the former case, return current configuration; in
;; the latter, initialize.  ASDF will call this function at the start
;; of (asdf:find-system).
(defun* ensure-output-translations ()
  (if (output-translations-initialized-p)

(defun* apply-output-translations (path)
  #+cormanlisp (truenamize path) #-cormanlisp
  (etypecase path
    ((or pathname string)
     (loop :with p = (truenamize path)
       :for (source destination) :in (car *output-translations*)
       :for root = (when (or (eq source t)
                             (and (pathnamep source)
                                  (not (absolute-pathname-p source))))
                     (pathname-root p))
       :for absolute-source = (cond
                                ((eq source t) (wilden root))
                                (root (merge-pathnames* source root))
                                (t source))
       :when (or (eq source t) (pathname-match-p p absolute-source))
       :return (translate-pathname* p absolute-source destination root source)
       :finally (return p)))))

(defmethod output-files :around (operation component)
  "Translate output files, unless asked not to"
  operation component ;; hush genera, not convinced by declare ignorable(!)
   (multiple-value-bind (files fixedp) (call-next-method)
     (if fixedp
         (mapcar #'apply-output-translations files)))

(defun* translate-jar-pathname (source wildcard)
  (declare (ignore wildcard))
  (flet ((normalize-device (pathname)
           (if (find :windows *features*)
               (make-pathname :defaults pathname :device :unspecific))))
    (let* ((jar
             (pathname (first (pathname-device source))))
             (format nil "/___jar___file___root___/~@[~A/~]"
                     (and (find :windows *features*)
                          (pathname-device jar))))
             (relativize-pathname-directory source))
             (relativize-pathname-directory (ensure-directory-pathname jar)))
               (parse-namestring target-root-directory-namestring))))
             (merge-pathnames* relative-jar target-root-directory))
             (merge-pathnames* relative-source target-root)))
      (normalize-device (apply-output-translations target)))))

(pushnew 'clear-output-translations *clear-configuration-hook*)