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;;;;; A few essential debugging utilities by Faré,
;;;;; to be loaded in the *PACKAGE* in which you wish to debug.

;; We want debugging utilities in the current package,
;; so we don't have to cheat with packages,
;; or have symbols that clash when trying use-package or import.
;; The short names of symbols below are unlikely to have defined bindings
;; in a well-designed source file to be debugged,
;; but are quite practical in a debugging session.

;;; If ASDF is already loaded, you can load these utilities as follows:

;; The above macro can be configured to load any other debugging utility
;; that you may prefer to this one, with your customizations,
;; by setting the variable
;;    asdf-utility:*asdf-debug-utility*
;; to a form that evaluates to a designator of the pathname to your file.
;; For instance, on a home directory shared via NFS with different names
;; on different machines, with your debug file in ~/lisp/debug-utils.lisp
;; you could in your ~/.sbclrc have the following configuration setting:
(require :asdf)
(setf asdf-utility:*asdf-debug-utility*
      '(asdf/pathname:subpathname (asdf/os:user-homedir) "lisp/debug-utils.lisp"))

;;; If ASDF is not loaded (for instance, when debugging ASDF itself),
;;; Try the below, fixing the pathname to point to this file:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (let ((kw (read-from-string (format nil ":DBG-~A" (package-name *package*)))))
    (unless (member kw *features*)
      (load "/home/tunes/cl/asdf/contrib/debug.lisp")


;;; Here we define the magic package-dependent feature.
;;; With it, you should be able to use #+DBG-/PACKAGE-NAME/
;;; to annotate your debug statements, e.g. upper-case #+DBG-ASDF
;;; This will be all upper-case even in lower-case lisps.

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (let ((kw (read-from-string
             (format nil ":DBG-~:@(~A~)" (package-name *package*)))))
    (pushnew kw *features*)))

;;; Now for the debugging stuff itself.
;;; First, my all-purpose print-debugging macro
(defmacro DBG (tag &rest exprs)
  "simple debug statement macro:
TAG is typically a constant string or keyword,
but in general is an expression returning a tag to be printed first;
if the expression returns NIL, nothing is printed.
EXPRS are expression, the source then the value of which is printed;
The values of the last expression are returned.
Aim for relatively low overhead in space of time.
Other expressions are not evaluated if TAG returned NIL."
  (let* ((last-expr (car (last exprs)))
         (other-exprs (butlast exprs))
         (tag-var (gensym "TAG"))
         (thunk-var (gensym "THUNK")))
    `(let ((,tag-var ,tag))
       (flet ,(when exprs `((,thunk-var () ,last-expr)))
         (if ,tag-var
             (DBG-helper ,tag-var
                         (list ,@(loop :for x :in other-exprs :collect
                                       `(cons ',x #'(lambda () ,x))))
                         ',last-expr ,(if exprs `#',thunk-var nil))
             ,(if exprs `(,thunk-var) '(values)))))))

(defun DBG-helper (tag expressions-thunks last-expression last-thunk)
  ;; Helper for the above debugging macro
      ((f (stream fmt &rest args)
           (let ((*print-readably* nil)
                 (*package* (find-package :cl)))
             (apply 'format stream fmt args)
             (finish-output stream))))
       (z (stream)
         (f stream "~&"))
       (e (fmt arg)
         (f *error-output* fmt arg))
       (x (expression thunk)
         (e "~&  ~S => " expression)
         (let ((results (multiple-value-list (funcall thunk))))
           (e "~{~S~^ ~}~%" results)
           (apply 'values results))))
    (map () #'z (list *standard-output* *error-output* *trace-output*))
    (e "~A~%" tag)
    (loop :for (expression . thunk) :in expressions-thunks
          :do (x expression thunk))
    (if last-thunk
        (x last-expression last-thunk)

;;; Quick definitions for use at the REPL
(defun w (x) (format t "~&~S~%" x)) ; Write
(defun a (&optional x) (format t "~&~@[~A~]~%" x)) ; print Anything
(defun e (x) (cons x (ignore-errors (list (eval x))))) ; eValuate
(defmacro x (x) `(format t "~&~S => ~S~%" ',x ,x)) ; eXamine
(defmacro !a (&rest foo) ; define! Alias
  `(progn ,@(loop :for (alias name) :on foo :by #'cddr
                  :collect (if (macro-function name)
                               `(defmacro ,alias (&rest x) `(,',name ,@x))
                               `(defun ,alias (&rest x) (apply ',name x))))))

;;; common aliases
 d describe
 ap apropos
 !p defparameter
 m1 macroexpand-1)

;;; SLIME integration
(when (find-package :swank)
  (eval (read-from-string "(!a i swank:inspect-in-emacs)")))