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asdf-builder 9.67 KiB
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":" ; exec sbcl --script "$0" "$@" ; exit # -*- Lisp -*-
;;;;; Really runs on any decent Common Lisp implementation

(load (make-pathname :name "prelude" :type "lisp" :defaults *load-pathname*)
  :verbose nil :print nil)

(defpackage :asdf-builder (:use :cl :asdf/driver :asdf :fare-utils :inferior-shell))
(in-package :asdf-builder)


(defun build-asdf ()
  ;; Make sure asdf.lisp is built.
  (build-system :asdf/defsystem)

;;; ASDF directory
(defvar *asdf-dir*
  (ensure-pathname (system-relative-pathname :asdf ())
                   :want-physical t :want-absolute t
(defparameter /asdf-dir/
  (native-namestring *asdf-dir*))
(defun apath (x &rest keys) (apply 'subpathname *asdf-dir* x keys))

;;; build directory
(defparameter *build-dir*
   "build/" :defaults *asdf-dir*
            :want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
            :ensure-subpath t))
(defparameter /build-dir/
  (native-namestring *build-dir*))
(defun bpath (x &rest keys) (apply 'subpathname *build-dir* x keys))

(defparameter *version*
   (subpathname *asdf-dir* "version.lisp-expr")))

(defun enough-namestring! (base pathname)
  (let ((e (enough-namestring base pathname)))
    (assert (relative-pathname-p e))

(defun enough-namestrings (base pathnames)
  (loop :with b = (ensure-pathname base :want-absolute t :want-directory t)
        :for p :in pathnames
        :collect (enough-namestring! p base)))

(defun system-source-files (system)
  (let* ((sys (find-system system))
         (dir (ensure-pathname
               (system-source-directory sys)
               :want-absolute t :want-directory t))
            sys :other-systems nil
            :goal-operation 'load-op
            :keep-operation 'load-op
            :keep-component 'file-component))
         (pathnames (mapcar 'component-pathname components)))
    (enough-namestrings dir pathnames)))

(defun tarname (name) (strcat name ".tar.gz"))

(defun make-tarball-under-build (name base files)
  (check-type name string)
  (ensure-pathname base :want-absolute t :want-existing t :want-directory t)
  (dolist (f files)
    (check-type f string))
  (let* ((/base/
             :want-absolute t :want-directory t
            :defaults *build-dir*
            :want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
            :ensure-subpath t :ensure-directory t))
           (native-namestring destination))
             (tarname name)
             :defaults *build-dir*
             :want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
             :ensure-subpath t :want-file t
             :ensure-directories-exist t)))
           (mapcar 'native-namestring files)))
    (assert (< 6 (length (pathname-directory destination))))
    (when (probe-file* destination)
      (error "Destination ~S already exists, not taking chances - you can delete it yourself."
    (ensure-directories-exist destination)
    (run (format nil "cd ~S && cp -lax --parents ~{~S ~} ~S"
                 /base/ /files/ /destination/) :show t)
    (run (format nil "tar zcfC ~S ~S ~S/"
                 /tarball/ /build-dir/ name) :show t)
    (run `("rm" "-rf" ,/destination/) :show t)

(defun driver-files ()
  (list* "asdf-driver.asd" "version.lisp-expr"
         (system-source-files :asdf-driver)))
(defun driver-name ()
  (format nil "asdf-driver-~A" *version*))
(defun make-driver-tarball ()
  (make-tarball-under-build (driver-name) *asdf-dir* (driver-files)))

(defun asdf-defsystem-files ()
  (list* "asdf.asd" "build/asdf.lisp" "version.lisp-expr" "header.lisp"
         (system-source-files :asdf/defsystem)))
(defun asdf-defsystem-name ()
  (format nil "asdf-defsystem-~A" *version*))
(defun make-asdf-defsystem-tarball ()
  (make-tarball-under-build (asdf-defsystem-name) *asdf-dir* (asdf-defsystem-files)))
(defun asdf-git-name ()
  (format nil "asdf-~A" *version*))
(defun make-git-tarball ()
  (run (format nil "cd ~S && tar zcf build/~A.tar.gz build/asdf.lisp $(git ls-files)"
               /asdf-dir/ (asdf-git-name)) :show t)
(defun asdf-lisp-name ()
  (format nil "asdf-~A.lisp" *version*))

(defun make-asdf-lisp ()
  (concatenate-files (list (apath "build/asdf.lisp"))
                     (bpath (asdf-lisp-name))))

(defun make-archive ()
(defvar *clnet* "clnet")
(defvar *clnet-asdf-public* "/project/asdf/public_html/")

(defun publish-archive ()
  (let ((tarballs (mapcar 'tarname (list (driver-name) (asdf-defsystem-name) (asdf-git-name)))))
    (run (format nil "cd ~S && rsync ~{~S ~}~S clnet:/project/asdf/public_html/archives/"
                 /build-dir/ tarballs (asdf-lisp-name)) :show t))
  (format t "~&To download the tarballs, point your browser at:~%

(defun link-archive ()
  (run `(ln -sf ,(tarname (driver-name))
            (,*clnet-asdf-public* "archives/asdf-driver.tar.gz"))
       :show t :host *clnet*)

(defun make-and-publish-archive ()

(defparameter *versioned-files*
  '(("version.lisp-expr" "\"" "\"")
    ("asdf.asd" "  :version \"" "\" ;; to be automatically updated by bin/bump-revision")
    ("header.lisp" "This is ASDF " ": Another System Definition Facility.")
    ("upgrade.lisp" "   (asdf-version \"" "\")")))

(defparameter *version-file*
  (apath "version.lisp-expr"))

(defparameter *old-version* nil)
(defparameter *new-version* nil)

(defun next-version (v)
  (let ((pv (parse-version v 'error)))
    (incf (third pv))
    (unparse-version pv)))

(defun version-from-file ()
  (safe-read-file-form *version-file*))

(defun versions-from-args (&optional v1 v2)
  (labels ((check (old new)
             (parse-version old 'error)
             (parse-version new 'error)
             (values old new)))
      ((and v1 v2) (check v1 v2))
      (v1 (check (version-from-file) v1))
      (t (let ((old (version-from-file)))
           (check old (next-version old)))))))

(deftype byte-vector () '(array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))

(defun maybe-replace-file (file transformer
                           &key (reader 'read-file-string)
                             (writer nil) (comparator 'equalp)
                             (external-format *utf-8-external-format*))
  (format t "Transforming file ~A... " (file-namestring file))
  (let* ((old-contents (funcall reader file))
         (new-contents (funcall transformer old-contents)))
    (if (funcall comparator old-contents new-contents)
        (format t "no changes needed!~%")
        (let ((written-contents
                (if writer
                    (with-output (s ())
                      (funcall writer s new-contents))
          (check-type written-contents (or string (byte-vector)))
          (clobber-file-with-vector file written-contents :external-format external-format)
          (format t "done.~%")))))

(defun version-transformer (new-version file prefix suffix &optional dont-warn)
  (let* ((qprefix (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars prefix))
         (versionrx "([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)+)")
         (qsuffix (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars suffix))
         (regex (strcat "(" qprefix ")(" versionrx ")(" qsuffix ")"))
           (constantly (strcat prefix new-version suffix))))
    (lambda (text)
      (multiple-value-bind (new-text foundp)
          (cl-ppcre:regex-replace regex text replacement)
        (unless (or foundp dont-warn)
          (warn "Missing version in ~A" (file-namestring file)))
        (values new-text foundp)))))

(defun transform-file (new-version file prefix suffix)
  (maybe-replace-file (apath file) (version-transformer new-version file prefix suffix)))

(defun transform-files (new-version)
  (loop :for f :in *versioned-files* :do (apply 'transform-file new-version f)))

(defun test-transform-file (new-version file prefix suffix)
  (let ((lines (read-file-lines (apath file))))
    (dolist (l lines (progn (warn "Couldn't find a match in ~A" file) nil))
      (multiple-value-bind (new-text foundp)
          (funcall (version-transformer new-version file prefix suffix t) l)
        (when foundp
          (format t "Found a match:~%  ==> ~A~%Replacing with~%  ==> ~A~%~%"
                  l new-text)
          (return t))))))

(defun test-transform (new-version)
  (apply 'test-transform-file new-version (first *versioned-files*)))

(defun bump-version (&optional v1 v2)
  (multiple-value-bind (old-version new-version)
      (versions-from-args v1 v2)
    (a "Bumping ASDF version from " old-version " to " new-version)
    (transform-files new-version)
    (a "Rebuilding ASDF with bumped version")

(defun git-version ()
  (first (run '("git" "describe" "--tags" "--match" "[0-9].[0-9][0-9]") :output :lines
              :show t)))

;;;; Main entry point
(defun main (args)
  (block nil
    (unless args
      (format t "No command provided~%")
    (if-let (sym (find-symbol* (string-upcase (first args)) :asdf-builder nil))
      (let ((results (multiple-value-list (apply sym (rest args)))))
        (when results
          (format t "~&Results:~%~{  ~S~%~}" results)))
      (format t "Command ~A not found~%" (first args)))))

(main *command-line-arguments*)