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list-of.lisp 1.6 KiB
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#+xcvb (module (:depends-on ("initialization")))

(defpackage :list-of
  (:use :cl :asdf-finalizers)

(in-package :list-of)

(defun list-of-predicate-for (type)
    (let ((*package* (find-package :list-of)))
      (intern (format nil "LIST-OF-~S-P" type) :list-of))))

(defun list-of-type-predicate (type)
  #'(lambda (x)
      (loop :for c = x :then (cdr c) :while (consp c) :always (typep (car c) type)
	    :finally (return (null c)))))

(defun ensure-list-of-predicate (type &optional predicate)
  (unless predicate
    (setf predicate (list-of-predicate-for type)))
  (check-type predicate symbol)
  (unless (fboundp predicate)
    (setf (symbol-function predicate) (list-of-type-predicate type)))

(deftype list-of (type)
    ((t) 'list) ;; a (list-of t) is the same as a regular list.
    ((nil) 'null) ;; a (list-of nil) can have no elements, it's null.
     (let ((predicate (list-of-predicate-for type)))
       (eval-at-toplevel ;; now, and amongst final-forms if enabled
	`(ensure-list-of-predicate ',type ',predicate)
	`(fboundp ',predicate) ;; hush unnecessary eval-at-toplevel warnings
	"Defining ~S outside of finalized Lisp code" `(list-of ,type))

;; This is available in case you prefer to explicitly call declare-list-of
;; in your code-base rather than rely on finalizers.
;; It is not exported because we do not encourage it, but you can import it.
(defmacro declare-list-of (type)
  `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
     (ensure-list-of-predicate ',type)))