;;; -*- Mode: Lisp ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*- #+xcvb (module (:depends-on ("specials"))) (in-package :asdf) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;; Make sure we have strict ANSI class redefinition semantics. (setq clos::*redefine-class-in-place* t)) ;;; ;;; BUNDLE-SUB-OPERATIONS ;;; ;;; Builds a list of pairs (operation . component) which contains all the ;;; dependencies of this bundle. ;;; (defun mkcl-bundle-sub-operations (sys) (gather-components 'compile-op sys :filter-system sys :filter-type '(not system))) (defun files-to-bundle (sys &aux files) (loop :for (op . comp) :in (mkcl-bundle-sub-operations sys) :for files = (output-files op comp) :when sub-files :collect (first sub-files))) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o bundle-op) (c system)) (cons `(compile-op ,(component-name c)) (call-next-method))) (defmethod output-files ((o bundle-op) (c system)) (let* ((name (component-name c)) (static-lib-name (merge-pathnames (compiler::builder-internal-pathname name :static-library) (component-relative-pathname c))) (fasl-bundle-name (merge-pathnames (compiler::builder-internal-pathname name :fasb) (component-relative-pathname c)))) (list static-lib-name fasl-bundle-name))) (defmethod perform ((o bundle-op) (c system)) (let* ((object-files (files-to-bundle c)) (output (output-files o c))) (ensure-directories-exist (first output)) (when (bundle-op-do-static-library-p o) (apply #'compiler::build-static-library (first output) :lisp-object-files object-files (bundle-op-build-args o))) (when (bundle-op-do-fasb-p o) (apply #'compiler::build-bundle (second output) :lisp-object-files object-files (bundle-op-build-args o))))) (defun bundle-system (system &rest args &key force (verbose t) version &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignore force verbose version)) (apply #'operate 'bundle-op system args)) (export '(bundle-system)) ;;; ;;; BUNDLED FILES ;;; ;;; This component can be used to distribute ASDF libraries in bundled form. ;;; (defclass bundle (component) ()) (defmethod source-file-type ((c bundle) (s system)) "fasb") (defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c bundle)) (load (component-pathname c))) (defmethod perform (o (c bundle)) (declare (ignore o)) nil) (pushnew '("fasb" . si::load-binary) ext:*load-hooks* :test 'equal :key 'car)