;;; -*- Mode: Lisp ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*- #+xcvb (module ()) (in-package :asdf) #+mkcl (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;; Make sure we have strict ANSI class redefinition semantics. (setq clos::*redefine-class-in-place* t)) ;;; ;;; BUNDLE-OP ;;; ;;; This operation takes all components from one or more systems and ;;; creates a single output file, which may be ;;; a FASL, a statically linked library, a shared library, etc. ;;; The different targets are defined by specialization. ;;; (defparameter *fasl-type* (pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "foo.lisp")) "pathname TYPE for lisp FASt Loading files") (defclass bundle-op (operation) ((build-args :initarg :args :initform nil :accessor bundle-op-build-args) #+ecl (type :reader bundle-op-type) #+ecl (name-suffix :initarg :name-suffix :initform nil) #+ecl (lisp-files :initform nil :accessor bundle-op-lisp-files) #+mkcl (do-fasb :initarg :do-fasb :initform t :reader bundle-op-do-fasb-p) #+mkcl (do-static-library :initarg :do-static-library :initform t :reader bundle-op-do-static-library-p))) (defclass fasl-op (bundle-op) ((type :initform :fasl))) (defclass lib-op (bundle-op) ((type :initform :lib))) (defclass dll-op (bundle-op) ((type :initform :dll))) (defclass monolithic-bundle-op (bundle-op) ((prologue-code :accessor monolithic-op-prologue-code) (epilogue-code :accessor monolithic-op-epilogue-code))) (defun bundle-op-monolithic-p (op) (typep op 'monolithic-bundle-op)) (defclass monolithic-fasl-op (monolithic-bundle-op fasl-op) ()) (defclass monolithic-lib-op (monolithic-bundle-op lib-op) ((type :initform :lib))) (defclass monolithic-dll-op (monolithic-bundle-op dll-op) ((type :initform :dll))) (defclass program-op (monolithic-bundle-op) ((type :initform :program))) #+ecl (monolithic :initform nil :reader bundle-op-monolithic-p) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance bundle-op) &rest initargs &key (name-suffix nil name-suffix-p) &allow-other-keys) (declare (ignorable initargs name-suffix)) (unless name-suffix-p (setf (slot-value instance 'name-suffix) (if (bundle-op-monolithic-p instance) ".system-and-dependencies" ".system"))) (when (typep instance 'monolithic-bundle-op) (destructuring-bind (&rest original-initargs &key lisp-files prologue-code epilogue-code &allow-other-keys) (slot-value instance 'original-initargs) (setf (slot-value instance 'original-initargs) (remove-keys '(lisp-files epilogue-code prologue-code) original-initargs) (bundle-op-lisp-files instance) lisp-files (monolithic-op-prologue-code instance) prologue-code (monolithic-op-epilogue-code instance) epilogue-code))) (setf (bundle-op-build-args instance) (remove-keys '(type monolithic name-suffix) (slot-value instance 'original-initargs)))) (defmethod bundle-op-build-args :around ((op lib-op)) (declare (ignorable op)) (let ((args (call-next-method))) (remf args :ld-flags) args)) (defvar *force-load-p* nil) (defmethod operation-done-p :around ((operation load-op) c) (declare (ignorable operation c)) (if *force-load-p* nil (call-next-method))) (defun gather-components (op-type system &key filter-system filter-type include-self) ;; This function creates a list of components, ;; matched together with an operation. ;; This list may be restricted to sub-components of SYSTEM ;; if GATHER-ALL = NIL (default), and it may include the system itself. (let* ((operation (make-instance op-type)) (*force-load-p* t) (tree (traverse (make-instance 'load-op) system))) (append (loop :for (op . component) :in tree :when (and (typep op 'load-op) (typep component filter-type) (or (not filter-system) (eq (component-system component) filter-system))) :collect (progn (when (eq component system) (setf include-self nil)) (cons operation component))) (and include-self (list (cons operation system)))))) ;;; ;;; BUNDLE-SUB-OPERATIONS ;;; ;;; Builds a list of pairs (operation . component) ;;; which contains all the dependencies of this bundle. ;;; This list is used by TRAVERSE and also by INPUT-FILES. ;;; The dependencies depend on the strategy, as explained below. ;;; (defgeneric bundle-sub-operations (operation component)) ;;; ;;; First we handle monolithic bundles. ;;; These are standalone systems which contain everything, ;;; including other ASDF systems required by the current one. ;;; A PROGRAM is always monolithic. ;;; ;;; MONOLITHIC SHARED LIBRARIES, PROGRAMS, FASL ;;; ;;; Gather the static libraries of all components. ;;; (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o monolithic-bundle-op) c) (declare (ignorable o)) (gather-components 'lib-op c :filter-type 'system :include-self t)) ;;; ;;; STATIC LIBRARIES ;;; ;;; Gather the object files of all components ;;; and, if monolithic, also of systems and subsystems. ;;; (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o lib-op) c) (gather-components 'compile-op c :filter-system (and (not (bundle-op-monolithic-p o)) c) :filter-type '(not system))) (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o monolithic-lib-op) c) (declare (ignorable o)) (gather-components 'compile-op c :filter-system nil :filter-type '(not system))) ;;; ;;; SHARED LIBRARIES ;;; ;;; Gather the dynamically linked libraries of all components. ;;; They will be linked into this new shared library, ;;; together with the static library of this module. ;;; (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o dll-op) c) (declare (ignorable o)) (list (cons (make-instance 'lib-op) c))) ;;; ;;; FASL FILES ;;; ;;; Gather the statically linked library of this component. ;;; (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o fasl-op) c) (declare (ignorable o)) (list (cons (make-instance 'lib-op) c))) #-mkcl (defmethod component-depends-on ((o bundle-op) (c system)) (loop :for (op . dep) :in (bundle-sub-operations o c) :when (typep dep 'system) :collect (list (class-name (class-of op)) (component-name dep)))) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o lib-op) (c system)) (declare (ignorable o)) (list (list 'compile-op (component-name c)))) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o bundle-op) c) (declare (ignorable o c)) nil) (defmethod input-files ((o bundle-op) (c system)) (loop :for (sub-op . sub-c) :in (bundle-sub-operations o c) :nconc (output-files sub-op sub-c))) #-mkcl (defmethod output-files ((o bundle-op) (c system)) (list (compile-file-pathname (make-pathname :name (strcat (component-name c) (slot-value o 'name-suffix) #|"-" (string-downcase (implementation-type))|#) :type "lisp" :defaults (system-source-directory c)) #+ecl :type #+ecl (bundle-op-type o)))) (defmethod perform ((o bundle-op) (c t)) (declare (ignorable o c)) t) (defmethod operation-done-p ((o bundle-op) (c source-file)) (declare (ignorable o c)) t) (defun select-operation (monolithic type) (ecase type ((:binary) (if monolithic 'monolithic-binary-op 'binary-op)) ((:dll :shared-library) (if monolithic 'monolithic-dll-op 'dll-op)) ((:lib :static-library) (if monolithic 'monolithic-lib-op 'lib-op)) ((:fasl) (if monolithic 'monolithic-fasl-op 'fasl-op)) ((:program) 'program-op))) (defun make-build (system &rest args &key (monolithic nil) (type :fasl) (move-here nil move-here-p) &allow-other-keys) (let* ((operation-name (select-operation monolithic type)) (move-here-path (if (and move-here (typep move-here '(or pathname string))) (pathname move-here) (merge-pathnames "./asdf-output/"))) (operation (apply #'operate operation-name system (remove-keys '(monolithic type move-here) args))) (system (find-system system)) (files (and system (output-files operation system)))) (if (or move-here (and (null move-here-p) (member operation-name '(:program :binary)))) (loop :with dest-path = (truename (ensure-directories-exist move-here-path)) :for f :in files :for new-f = (make-pathname :name (pathname-name f) :type (pathname-type f) :defaults dest-path) :do (progn (when (probe-file new-f) (delete-file new-f)) (rename-file f new-f)) :collect new-f) files))) ;;; ;;; LOAD-FASL-OP ;;; ;;; This is like ASDF's LOAD-OP, but using monolithic fasl files. ;;; (defclass load-fasl-op (operation) ()) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o load-fasl-op) (c system)) (declare (ignorable o)) (unless (trivial-system-p c) (subst 'load-fasl-op 'load-op (subst 'fasl-op 'compile-op (component-depends-on (make-instance 'load-op) c))))) (defmethod input-files ((o load-fasl-op) (c system)) (declare (ignore o)) (unless (trivial-system-p c) (output-files (make-instance 'fasl-op) c))) (defmethod perform ((o load-fasl-op) (c t)) (declare (ignore o c)) nil) (defmethod perform ((o load-fasl-op) (c system)) (let ((l (input-files o c))) (and l (load (first l)) (loop :for i :in (module-components c) :do (setf (gethash 'load-op (component-operation-times i)) (get-universal-time)))))) ;;; ;;; PRECOMPILED FILES ;;; ;;; This component can be used to distribute ASDF systems in precompiled form. ;;; Only useful when the dependencies have also been precompiled. ;;; (defclass compiled-file (component) ((type :initform nil))) (defun trivial-system-p (c) (every #'(lambda (c) (typep c 'compiled-file)) (module-components c))) (defmethod component-relative-pathname ((component compiled-file)) (compile-file-pathname (coerce-pathname (or (slot-value component 'relative-pathname) (component-name component)) :type *fasl-type*))) (defmethod output-files (o (c compiled-file)) (declare (ignore o c)) nil) (defmethod input-files (o (c compiled-file)) (declare (ignore o c)) nil) (defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c compiled-file)) (declare (ignore o)) (load (component-pathname c))) (defmethod perform ((o load-fasl-op) (c compiled-file)) (declare (ignore o)) (load (component-pathname c))) (defmethod perform (o (c compiled-file)) (declare (ignore o c)) nil) ;;; ;;; Pre-built systems ;;; (defclass prebuilt-system (system) ((static-library :accessor prebuilt-system-static-library :initarg :lib))) (defmethod output-files ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (declare (ignore o)) (values (list (prebuilt-system-static-library c)) t)) ; Advertise that we do not want this path renamed by asdf-output-translations (defmethod perform ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (first (output-files o c))) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (declare (ignorable o c)) nil) (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (declare (ignorable o c)) nil) (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o monolithic-lib-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (declare (ignorable o)) (error "Prebuilt system ~S shipped with ECL can not be used in a monolithic library operation." c)) (defmethod bundle-sub-operations ((o monolithic-bundle-op) (c prebuilt-system)) (declare (ignorable o c)) nil) ;;; ;;; PREBUILT SYSTEM CREATOR ;;; (defclass binary-op (bundle-op) ()) (defclass monolithic-binary-op (binary-op monolithic-bundle-op) ()) (defun binary-op-dependencies (o s) (multiple-value-bind (lib-op fasl-op) (if (bundle-op-monolithic-p o) (values 'monolithic-lib-op 'monolithic-fasl-op) (values 'lib-op 'fasl-op)) (list (list (make-instance lib-op :args (bundle-op-build-args o)) s) (list (make-instance fasl-op :args (bundle-op-build-args o)) s)))) (defmethod component-depends-on ((o binary-op) (s system)) (loop :for dep :in (binary-op-dependencies o s) :append (apply #'component-depends-on dep))) (defmethod input-files ((o binary-op) (s system)) (loop :for dep :in (binary-op-dependencies o s) :append (apply #'input-files dep))) (defmethod output-files ((o binary-op) (s system)) (list* (merge-pathnames* (make-pathname :name (component-name s) :type "asd") (component-relative-pathname s)) (loop :for dep :in (binary-op-dependencies o s) :append (apply #'output-files dep)))) (defmethod perform ((o binary-op) (s system)) (let* ((dependencies (binary-op-dependencies o s)) (library (first (apply #'output-files (first dependencies)))) (fasl (first (apply #'output-files (second dependencies)))) (filename (first (output-files o s))) (name (component-name s)) (name-keyword (intern (string name) (find-package :keyword)))) (dolist (dep dependencies) (apply #'perform dep)) (with-open-file (s filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (format s ";;; Prebuilt ASDF definition for system ~A" name) (format s ";;; Built for ~A ~A on a ~A/~A ~A" (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version) (software-type) (machine-type) (software-version)) (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword))) (pprint `(defsystem ,name-keyword :class asdf::prebuilt-system :components ((:compiled-file ,(pathname-name fasl))) :lib ,(make-pathname :name (pathname-name library) :type (pathname-type library))) s)))))