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Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
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(in-package :alexandria)

(declaim (inline ensure-symbol))
Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
Nikodemus Siivola committed
(defun ensure-symbol (name &optional (package *package*))
  "Returns a symbol with name designated by NAME, accessible in package
designated by PACKAGE. If symbol is not already accessible in PACKAGE, it is
interned there. Returns a secondary value reflecting the status of the symbol
in the package, which matches the secondary return value of INTERN.
Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
Nikodemus Siivola committed

Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
Nikodemus Siivola committed

  (ensure-symbol :cons :cl) => cl:cons, :external
  (intern (string name) package))
Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
Nikodemus Siivola committed

(defun maybe-intern (name package)
   (if package
       (intern name (if (eq t package) *package* package))
       (make-symbol name))))
Nikodemus Siivola's avatar
Nikodemus Siivola committed

(declaim (inline format-symbol))
(defun format-symbol (package control &rest arguments)
  "Constructs a string by applying ARGUMENTS to string designator
CONTROL as if by FORMAT, and then creates a symbol named by that
string. If PACKAGE is NIL, returns an uninterned symbol, if package is
T, returns a symbol interned in the current package, and otherwise
returns a symbol interned in the package designated by PACKAGE."
  (maybe-intern (apply #'format nil (string control) arguments) package))
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Nikodemus Siivola committed

(defun make-keyword (name)
  "Interns the string designated by NAME in the KEYWORD package."
  (intern (string name) :keyword))

(defun make-gensym (name)
  "If NAME is a non-negative integer, calls GENSYM using it. Otherwise NAME
must be a string designator, in which case calls GENSYM using the designated
string as the argument."
  (gensym (if (typep name '(integer 0))
              (string name))))

(defun make-gensym-list (length &optional (x "G"))
  "Returns a list of LENGTH gensyms, each generated as if with a call to MAKE-GENSYM,
using the second (optional, defaulting to \"G\") argument."
  (let ((g (if (typep x '(integer 0)) x (string x))))
    (loop repeat length
          collect (gensym g))))
Attila Lendvai's avatar
Attila Lendvai committed

(defun symbolicate (&rest things)
  "Concatenate together the names of some strings and symbols,
producing a symbol in the current package."
  (let* ((length (reduce #'+ things
                         :key (lambda (x) (length (string x)))))
         (name (make-array length :element-type 'character)))
    (let ((index 0))
      (dolist (thing things (values (intern name)))
        (let* ((x (string thing))
               (len (length x)))
          (replace name x :start1 index)
          (incf index len))))))