(in-package :able) (defmacro when-string (string &optional (other t) &body body) "Evaluate body if string is valid (non-null and non-empty)." `(when (and ,string (> (length ,string) 0) ,other) ,@body)) (defmacro when-let ((var form) &body body) `(let ((,var ,form)) (when ,var ,@body))) (defmacro equal-case (keyform &body clauses) `(cond ,@(loop for clause in clauses collect (destructuring-bind (test exec) clause (if (or (eql test t) (eql test 'otherwise)) `(t ,exec) `((equal ,keyform ,test) ,exec)))))) (defmacro with-status-msg (msg &rest body) `(progn (info-message ,msg) ,@body (no-message))) (defmacro with-able-streams (stream &body body) "Bind all interesting streams to STREAM during BODY" `(let* ((stream (make-instance ,stream)) (*standard-output* stream) (*trace-output* stream) ;(*error-output* stream) (*standard-input* stream) ;; rebinding *terminal-io* breaks SBCL's terminal debugger ;(*terminal-io* stream) ;; rebinding *debug-io* breaks Slime's debugger and SBCL's terminal ;(*debug-io* stream) ) ,@body (flush stream))) (defmacro with-temporary-value (place temporary &body body) "A simple transactional re-binding of a variable which is unwound at the end of the block. Note that the following semantics are in operation: an error condition raised by code in the body will be caught, the original value will be restored and the error condition wil be re-raised for the calling code to handle. Not intended as a replacement for specials!" `(let ((original ,place)) (setf ,place ,temporary) (handler-case (progn ,@body) (error (ex) (progn (setf ,place original) (error ex)))) (setf ,place original))) (defmacro get-indent-level (token) "Deduce how much to indent based on the token supplied. The user can supply their own indentation rules in the configuration file." `(cond ((equal (char ,token 0) +lparen+) 1) ((equal (length ,token) 1) 3) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (rule) `((equalp ,token ,(car rule)) ,(cdr rule))) *indentation-rules*) (t 2)))