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;;;                                                                  ;;;
;;; Free Software published under an MIT-like license. See LICENSE   ;;;
;;; Copyright (c) 2012 Google, Inc.  All rights reserved.            ;;;
;;;                                                                  ;;;
;;; Original author: Scott McKay                                     ;;;
;;;                                                                  ;;;

(in-package "PROTO-IMPL")

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Scott McKay committed
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
Scott McKay's avatar
Scott McKay committed
(defparameter $optimize-default     '(optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (debug 3))
  "Compiler optimization settings for safe, debuggable code.")
(defparameter $optimize-fast-unsafe '(optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0))
  "Compiler optimization settings for fast, unsafe, hard-to-debug code.")

Scott McKay's avatar
Scott McKay committed
)       ;eval-when

(defmacro i+ (&rest fixnums)
  `(the fixnum (+ ,@(loop for n in fixnums collect `(the fixnum ,n)))))

(defmacro i- (number &rest fixnums)
  `(the fixnum (- (the fixnum ,number) ,@(loop for n in fixnums collect `(the fixnum ,n)))))

(defmacro i* (&rest fixnums)
  `(the fixnum (* ,@(loop for n in fixnums collect `(the fixnum ,n)))))

(defmacro i= (&rest fixnums)
  `(= ,@(loop for n in fixnums collect `(the fixnum ,n))))

(defmacro i< (&rest fixnums)
  `(< ,@(loop for n in fixnums collect `(the fixnum ,n))))

(defmacro i<= (&rest fixnums)
  `(<= ,@(loop for n in fixnums collect `(the fixnum ,n))))

(defmacro i> (&rest fixnums)
  `(> ,@(loop for n in fixnums collect `(the fixnum ,n))))

(defmacro i>= (&rest fixnums)
  `(>= ,@(loop for n in fixnums collect `(the fixnum ,n))))

(defmacro iash (value count)
  `(the fixnum (ash (the fixnum ,value) (the fixnum ,count))))

(defmacro ilogior (&rest fixnums)
  (if (cdr fixnums)
    `(the fixnum (logior (the fixnum ,(car fixnums))
                         ,(if (cddr fixnums)
                            `(ilogior ,@(cdr fixnums))
                            `(the fixnum ,(cadr fixnums)))))
    `(the fixnum ,(car fixnums))))

(defmacro ilogand (&rest fixnums)
  (if (cdr fixnums)
    `(the fixnum (logand (the fixnum ,(car fixnums))
                         ,(if (cddr fixnums)
                            `(ilogand ,@(cdr fixnums))
                            `(the fixnum ,(cadr fixnums)))))
    `(the fixnum ,(car fixnums))))

(define-modify-macro iincf (&optional (delta 1)) i+)
(define-modify-macro idecf (&optional (delta 1)) i-)

(defmacro ildb (bytespec value)
  `(the fixnum (ldb ,bytespec (the fixnum ,value))))
(defmacro ilogbitp (index integer)
  `(logbitp ,index (the fixnum ,integer)))
;;; String utilities

(defun starts-with (string prefix &key (start 0))
  "Returns true if 'string' starts with the prefix 'prefix' (case insensitive)."
  (and (i>= (length string) (i+ start (length prefix)))
       (string-equal string prefix :start1 start :end1 (i+ start (length prefix)))

(defun ends-with (string suffix &key (end (length string)))
  "Returns true if 'string' ends with the prefix 'prefix' (case insensitive)."
  (and (i>= end (length suffix))
       (string-equal string suffix :start1 (i- end (length suffix)) :end1 end)

(defun strcat (&rest strings)
  "Concatenate a bunch of strings."
  (declare (dynamic-extent strings))
  (apply #'concatenate 'string strings))

;; (camel-case "camel-case") => "CamelCase"
(defun camel-case (string &optional (separators '(#\-)))
  "Take a hyphen-separated string and turn it into a camel-case string."
  (let ((words (split-string string :separators separators)))
    (format nil "~{~@(~A~)~}" words)))

;; (camel-case-but-one "camel-case") => "camelCase"
(defun camel-case-but-one (string &optional (separators '(#\-)))
  "Take a hyphen-separated string and turn its tail into a camel-case string."
  (let ((words (split-string string :separators separators)))
    (format nil "~(~A~)~{~@(~A~)~}" (car words) (cdr words))))

;; (uncamel-case "CamelCase") => "CAMEL-CASE"
;; (uncamel-case "TCPConnection") => "TCP-CONNECTION"
;; (uncamel-case "NewTCPConnection") => "NEW-TCP-CONNECTION"
;; (uncamel-case "new_RPC_LispService") => "NEW-RPC-LISP-SERVICE"
;; (uncamel-case "RPC_LispServiceRequest_get_request") => "RPC-LISP-SERVICE-REQUEST-GET-REQUEST"
;; (uncamel-case "TCP2Name3") => "TCP2-NAME3"
(defun uncamel-case (name)
  "Take a camel-case string and turn it into a hyphen-separated string."
  ;; We need a whole state machine to get this right
  (labels ((uncamel (chars state result)
             (let ((ch (first chars)))
               (cond ((null chars)
                     ((upper-case-p ch)
                      (uncamel (rest chars) 'upper
                               (case state
                                  ;; "TCPConnection" => "TCP-CONNECTION"
                                  (if (and (second chars) (lower-case-p (second chars)))
                                    (list* ch #\- result)
                                    (cons ch result)))
                                 ((lower digit) (list* ch #\- result))
                                 (otherwise (cons ch result)))))
                     ((lower-case-p ch)
                      (uncamel (rest chars) 'lower
                               (cons (char-upcase ch) result)))
                     ((digit-char-p ch)
                      (uncamel (rest chars) 'digit 
                               (cons ch result)))
                     ((or (eql ch #\-) (eql ch #\_))
                      (uncamel (rest chars) 'dash
                               (cons #\- result)))
                     ((eql ch #\.)
                      (uncamel (rest chars) 'dot
                               (cons #\. result)))
                      (error "Invalid name character: ~A" ch))))))
    (strcat (nreverse (uncamel (concatenate 'list name) nil ())))))

(defun split-string (line &key (start 0) (end (length line)) (separators '(#\-)))
  "Given a string 'string', splits it at each of the separators.
   Returns a list of the string pieces, with empty pieces removed."
  (unless (i= start end)
    (loop for this fixnum = start then (i+ next 1)
          for next fixnum = (or (position-if #'(lambda (ch) (member ch separators)) line
                                             :start this :end end)
          for piece = (string-right-trim '(#\space) (subseq line this next))
          when (not (i= (length piece) 0))
            collect piece
          until (i>= next end))))

;;; Managing symbols

(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest bindings) &body body)
  `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (b) `(,b (gensym ,(string b)))) bindings)

(defun make-lisp-symbol (string)
  "Intern a string of the 'package:string' and return the symbol."
  (let* ((string (string string))
         (colon  (position #\: string))
         (pkg    (if colon (subseq string 0 colon) "KEYWORD"))
         (sym    (if colon (subseq string (+ colon 1)) string)))
    (intern sym pkg)))

(defun fintern (format-string &rest format-args)
  "Interns a new symbol in the current package."
  (declare (dynamic-extent format-args))
  (intern (nstring-upcase (apply #'format nil format-string format-args))))

(defun kintern (format-string &rest format-args)
  "Interns a new symbol in the keyword package."
  (declare (dynamic-extent format-args))
  (intern (nstring-upcase (apply #'format nil format-string format-args)) "KEYWORD"))
(defun keywordify (x)
  "Given a symbol designator 'x', return a keyword whose name is 'x'.
   If 'x' is nil, this returns nil."
  (check-type x (or string symbol null))
  (cond ((null x) nil)
        ((keywordp x) x)
        ((symbolp x) (keywordify (symbol-name x)))
        ((zerop (length x)) nil)
        ((string-not-equal x "nil")
         (intern (string-upcase x) (find-package "KEYWORD")))
        (t nil)))
(defmacro with-collectors ((&rest collection-descriptions) &body body)
  "'collection-descriptions' is a list of clauses of the form (coll function).
   The body can call each 'function' to add a value to 'coll'. 'function'
   runs in constant time, regardless of the length of the list."
  (let ((let-bindings  ())
        (flet-bindings ())
        (dynamic-extents ())
        (vobj '#:OBJECT))
    (dolist (description collection-descriptions)
      (destructuring-bind (place name) description
        (let ((vtail (make-symbol (format nil "~A-TAIL" place))))
          (setq dynamic-extents
                (nconc dynamic-extents `(#',name)))
          (setq let-bindings
                (nconc let-bindings
                       `((,place ())
                         (,vtail nil))))
          (setq flet-bindings
                (nconc flet-bindings
                       `((,name (,vobj)
                           (setq ,vtail (if ,vtail
                                          (setf (cdr ,vtail)  (list ,vobj))
                                          (setf ,place (list ,vobj)))))))))))
    `(let (,@let-bindings)
       (flet (,@flet-bindings)
         ,@(and dynamic-extents
                `((declare (dynamic-extent ,@dynamic-extents))))

(defmacro with-prefixed-accessors (names (prefix object) &body body)
  `(with-accessors (,@(loop for name in names
                            collect `(,name ,(fintern "~A~A" prefix name))))

(defmacro dovector ((var vector &optional value) &body body)
  "Like 'dolist', but iterates over the vector 'vector'."
  (with-gensyms (vidx vlen vvec)
    `(let* ((,vvec ,vector)
            (,vlen (length ,vvec)))
       (loop for ,vidx fixnum from 0 below ,vlen
             as ,var = (aref ,vvec ,vidx)
             do (progn ,@body)
             finally (return ,value)))))

(defmacro doseq ((var sequence &optional value) &body body)
  "Iterates over a sequence, using 'dolist' or 'dovector' depending on
   the type of the sequence. In optimized code, this turns out to be
   faster than (map () #'f sequence).
   Note that the body gets expanded twice!"
  (with-gensyms (vseq)
    `(let ((,vseq ,sequence))
       (if (vectorp ,vseq)
         (dovector (,var ,vseq ,value)
         (dolist (,var ,vseq ,value)

(defmacro appendf (place tail)
  "Append 'tail' to the list given by 'place', then set the place to the new list."
  `(setf ,place (append ,place ,tail)))

;;; Functional programming, please
(defun curry (function &rest args)
  "Returns a function that applies 'function' to 'args', plus any
   additional arguments given at the call site."
  (if (and args (null (cdr args)))                      ;fast test for length = 1
    (let ((arg (car args)))
      #'(lambda (&rest more-args)
          (apply function arg more-args)))
    #'(lambda (&rest more-args)
        (apply function (append args more-args)))))

(define-compiler-macro curry (&whole form function &rest args &environment env)
  (declare (ignore env))
  (if (and (listp function)
           (eq (first function) 'function)
           (symbolp (second function))
           (and args (null (cdr args))))
    `#'(lambda (&rest more-args)
         (apply ,function ,(car args) more-args))

;; A parameterized list type for repeated fields
;; The elements aren't type-checked
  (if (eq type 'nil)            ;a list that cannot have any element (element-type nil) is null
;; The same, but use a (stretchy) vector
(deftype vector-of (type)
  (if (eq type 'nil)            ;an array that cannot have any element (element-type nil) is of size 0
    '(array * (*))))            ;a 1-dimensional array of any type
;; This corresponds to the :bytes Protobufs type
(deftype byte-vector () '(array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))
(defun make-byte-vector (size)
  (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))

;; The Protobufs integer types
(deftype    int32 () '(signed-byte 32))
(deftype    int64 () '(signed-byte 64))
(deftype   uint32 () '(unsigned-byte 32))
(deftype   uint64 () '(unsigned-byte 64))
(deftype   sint32 () '(signed-byte 32))
(deftype   sint64 () '(signed-byte 64))
(deftype  fixed32 () '(signed-byte 32))
(deftype  fixed64 () '(signed-byte 64))
(deftype sfixed32 () '(signed-byte 32))
(deftype sfixed64 () '(signed-byte 64))

;; Type expansion
(defun type-expand (type)
  #+(or abcl xcl) (system::expand-deftype type)
  #+allegro (excl:normalize-type type :default type)
  #+ccl (ccl::type-expand type)
  #+clisp (ext:type-expand type)
  #+cmu (kernel:type-expand type)
  #+(or ecl mkcl) (si::expand-deftype type)
  #+lispworks (type:expand-user-type type)
  #+sbcl (sb-ext:typexpand type)
  #-(or abcl allegro ccl clisp cmu ecl lispworks mkcl sbcl xcl) type)
;;; Code generation utilities
(defparameter *proto-name-separators* '(#\- #\_ #\/ #\space))
(defparameter *camel-case-field-names* nil)
(defun find-proto-package (name)
  "A very fuzzy definition of 'find-package'."
  (typecase name
    ((or string symbol)
     ;; Try looking under the given name and the all-uppercase name
     (or (find-package (string name))
         (find-package (string-upcase (string name)))))
     ;; If 'name' is a list, it's actually a fully-qualified path
     (or (find-proto-package (first name))
         (find-proto-package (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" name))))))

;; "class-name" -> "ClassName", ("ClassName")
;; "outer-class.inner-class" -> "InnerClass", ("OuterClass" "InnerClass")
(defun class-name->proto (x)
  "Given a Lisp class name, returns a Protobufs message or enum name.
Howard Shrobe's avatar
Howard Shrobe committed
   The second value is the fully qualified name, as a list. At least one caller 
   passes in the class, not the name, so check for that first."
  (let* ((real-class-name (if (typep x 'class) (class-name x) x))
	 (xs (split-string (string real-class-name) :separators '(#\.)))
         (ns (loop for x in (butlast xs)
                   collect (remove-if-not #'alphanumericp
                                          (camel-case (format nil "~A" x) *proto-name-separators*))))
         (nx (car (last xs)))
         (name (remove-if-not #'alphanumericp (camel-case nx *proto-name-separators*))))
    (values name (append ns (list name))
            ;; This might be the name of a package, too
            (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (butlast xs)))))

;; "enum-value" -> "ENUM_VALUE", ("ENUM_VALUE")
;; "class-name.enum-value" -> "ENUM_VALUE", ("ClassName" "ENUM_VALUE")
(defun enum-name->proto (x &optional prefix)
  "Given a Lisp enum value name, returns a Protobufs enum value name.
   The second value is the fully qualified name, as a list."
  (let* ((xs (split-string (string x) :separators '(#\.)))
         (ns (loop for x in (butlast xs)
                   collect (remove-if-not #'alphanumericp
                                          (camel-case (format nil "~A" x) *proto-name-separators*))))
         (nx (string-upcase (car (last xs))))
         (nx (if (and prefix (starts-with nx prefix)) (subseq nx (length prefix)) nx))
         ;; Keep underscores, they are standards separators in Protobufs enum names
         (name (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (or (alphanumericp x) (eql x #\_)))
                              (format nil "~{~A~^_~}"
                                      (split-string nx :separators *proto-name-separators*)))))
    (values name (append ns (list name))
            (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (butlast xs)))))

;; "slot-name" -> "slot_name", ("slot_name") or "slotName", ("slotName")
;; "class-name.slot-name" -> "Class.slot_name", ("ClassName" "slot_name")
(defun slot-name->proto (x)
  "Given a Lisp slot name, returns a Protobufs field name.
   The second value is the fully qualified name, as a list."
  (let* ((xs (split-string (string x) :separators '(#\.)))
         (ns (loop for x in (butlast xs)
                   collect (remove-if-not #'alphanumericp
                                          (camel-case (format nil "~A" x) *proto-name-separators*))))
         (nx (string-downcase (car (last xs))))
         (name (if *camel-case-field-names*
                 (remove-if-not #'alphanumericp
                                (camel-case-but-one (format nil "~A" nx) *proto-name-separators*))
                 ;; Keep underscores, they are standards separators in Protobufs field names
                 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (or (alphanumericp x) (eql x #\_)))
                                (format nil "~{~A~^_~}"
                                        (split-string nx :separators *proto-name-separators*))))))
    (values name (append ns (list name))
            (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (butlast xs)))))

;; "ClassName" -> 'class-name
;; "cl-user.ClassName" -> 'cl-user::class-name
;; "cl-user.OuterClass.InnerClass" -> 'cl-user::outer-class.inner-class
(defun proto->class-name (x &optional package)
  "Given a Protobufs message or enum type name, returns a Lisp class or type name.
   This resolves Protobufs qualified names as best as it can."
  (let* ((xs (split-string (substitute #\- #\_ (uncamel-case x))
         (pkg1 (and (cdr xs) (find-proto-package (first xs))))
         (pkgn (and (cdr xs) (find-proto-package (butlast xs))))
         (package (or pkg1 pkgn package))
         (name (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (if pkg1 (cdr xs) (if pkgn (last xs) xs)))))
    (values (if package (intern name package) (make-symbol name)) package xs
            ;; This might be the name of a package, too
            (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (butlast xs)))))
;; "ENUM_VALUE" -> :enum-value
;; "cl-user.ENUM_VALUE" -> :enum-value
;; "cl-user.OuterClass.ENUM_VALUE" -> :enum-value
(defun proto->enum-name (x &optional package)
  "Given a Protobufs enum value name, returns a Lisp enum value name.
   This resolves Protobufs qualified names as best as it can."
  (let* ((xs (split-string (substitute #\- #\_ (uncamel-case x))
         (pkg1 (and (cdr xs) (find-proto-package (first xs))))
         (pkgn (and (cdr xs) (find-proto-package (butlast xs))))
         (package (or pkg1 pkgn package))
         (name (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (if pkg1 (cdr xs) (if pkgn (last xs) xs)))))
    (values (kintern name) package xs
            (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (butlast xs)))))

;; "slot_name" or "slotName" -> 'slot-name
;; "cl-user.slot_name" or "cl-user.slotName" -> 'cl-user::slot-name
;; "cl-user.OuterClass.slot_name" -> 'cl-user::outer-class.slot-name
(defun proto->slot-name (x &optional package)
  "Given a Protobufs field value name, returns a Lisp slot name.
   This resolves Protobufs qualified names as best as it can."
  (let* ((xs (split-string (substitute #\- #\_ (uncamel-case x))
         (pkg1 (and (cdr xs) (find-proto-package (first xs))))
         (pkgn (and (cdr xs) (find-proto-package (butlast xs))))
         (package (or pkg1 pkgn package))
         (name (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (if pkg1 (cdr xs) (if pkgn (last xs) xs)))))
    (values (if package (intern name package) (make-symbol name)) package xs
            (format nil "~{~A~^.~}" (butlast xs)))))

(define-condition protobufs-warning (warning simple-condition) ())
(defun protobufs-warn (format-control &rest format-arguments)
  (warn 'protobufs-warning
        :format-control format-control
        :format-arguments format-arguments))
#-(or allegro lispworks)
(defmacro without-redefinition-warnings (() &body body)
  `(progn ,@body))
(defmacro without-redefinition-warnings (() &body body)
  `(excl:without-redefinition-warnings ,@body))
(defmacro without-redefinition-warnings (() &body body)
  `(let ((dspec:*redefinition-action* :quiet)) ,@body))
;;; Portable floating point utilities
#+(or abcl allegro ccl cmu sbcl lispworks)
(defun single-float-bits (x)
  (declare (type single-float x))
  #+abcl    (system:single-float-bits x)
  #+allegro (multiple-value-bind (high low)
                (excl:single-float-to-shorts x)
              (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) high low))
              (logior (ash high 16) low))
  #+ccl (ccl::single-float-bits x)
  #+cmu  (kernel:single-float-bits x)
  #+sbcl (sb-kernel:single-float-bits x)
  #+lispworks (lispworks-float:single-float-bits x))
#-(or abcl allegro ccl cmu sbcl lispworks)
(defun single-float-bits (x)
  (declare (type single-float x))
  (assert (= (float-radix x) 2))
  (if (zerop x)
    (if (eql x 0.0f0) 0 #x-80000000)
    (multiple-value-bind (lisp-significand lisp-exponent lisp-sign)
        (integer-decode-float x)
      (assert (plusp lisp-significand))
      (let* ((significand lisp-significand)
             (exponent (+ lisp-exponent 23 127))
              (if (plusp exponent)                      ;if not obviously denormalized
                (do () (nil)
                    ;; Special termination case for denormalized float number
                    ((zerop exponent)
                     ;; Denormalized numbers have exponent one greater than
                     ;; in the exponent field
                     (return (ash significand -1)))
                    ;; Ordinary termination case
                    ((>= significand (expt 2 23))
                     (assert (< 0 significand (expt 2 24)))
                     ;; Exponent 0 is reserved for denormalized numbers,
                     ;; and 255 is reserved for specials like NaN
                     (assert (< 0 exponent 255))
                     (return (logior (ash exponent 23)
                                     (logand significand (1- (ash 1 23))))))
                     ;; Shift as necessary to set bit 24 of significand
                     (setq significand (ash significand 1)
                           exponent (1- exponent)))))
                (do () ((zerop exponent)
                        ;; Denormalized numbers have exponent one greater than
                        ;; the exponent field
                        (ash significand -1))
                  (unless (zerop (logand significand 1))
                    (warn "Denormalized '~S' losing bits in ~D" 'single-float-bits x))
                  (setq significand (ash significand -1)
                        exponent (1+ exponent))))))
        (ecase lisp-sign
          ((1)  unsigned-result)
          ((-1) (logior unsigned-result (- (expt 2 31)))))))))

#+(or abcl allegro ccl cmu sbcl lispworks)
(defun double-float-bits (x)
  (declare (type double-float x))
  #+abcl    (values (system:double-float-low-bits x)
                    (system:double-float-high-bits x))
  #+allegro (multiple-value-bind (us3 us2 us1 us0)
                (excl:double-float-to-shorts x)
              (logior (ash us1 16) us0)
              (logior (ash us3 16) us2))
  #+ccl  (multiple-value-bind (high low)
             (ccl::double-float-bits x)
           (values low high))
  #+cmu  (values (kernel:double-float-low-bits x)
                 (kernel:double-float-high-bits x))
  #+sbcl (values (sb-kernel:double-float-low-bits x)
                 (sb-kernel:double-float-high-bits x))
  #+lispworks (let ((bits (lispworks-float:double-float-bits x)))
                (values (logand #xffffffff bits)
                        (ash bits -32))))

#-(or abcl allegro ccl cmu sbcl lispworks)
(defun double-float-bits (x)
  (declare (type double-float x))
  (assert (= (float-radix x) 2))
  (if (zerop x)
    (if (eql x 0.0d0) 0 #x-8000000000000000)
    (multiple-value-bind (lisp-significand lisp-exponent lisp-sign)
        (integer-decode-float x)
      (assert (plusp lisp-significand))
      (let* ((significand lisp-significand)
             (exponent (+ lisp-exponent 52 1023))
              (if (plusp exponent)                      ;if not obviously denormalized
                (do () (nil)
                    ;; Special termination case for denormalized float number
                    ((zerop exponent)
                     ;; Denormalized numbers have exponent one greater than
                     ;; in the exponent field
                     (return (ash significand -1)))
                    ;; Ordinary termination case
                    ((>= significand (expt 2 52))
                     (assert (< 0 significand (expt 2 53)))
                     ;; Exponent 0 is reserved for denormalized numbers,
                     ;; and 2047 is reserved for specials like NaN
                     (assert (< 0 exponent 2047))
                     (return (logior (ash exponent 52)
                                     (logand significand (1- (ash 1 52))))))
                     ;; Shift as necessary to set bit 53 of significand
                     (setq significand (ash significand 1)
                           exponent (1- exponent)))))
                (do () ((zerop exponent)
                        ;; Denormalized numbers have exponent one greater than
                        ;; the exponent field
                        (ash significand -1))
                  (unless (zerop (logand significand 1))
                    (warn "Denormalized '~S' losing bits in ~D" 'double-float-bits x))
                  (setq significand (ash significand -1)
                        exponent (1+ exponent))))))
        (let ((result
               (ecase lisp-sign
                 ((1)  unsigned-result)
                 ((-1) (logior unsigned-result (- (expt 2 63)))))))
          ;; Return the low bits and the high bits
          (values (logand #xffffffff result) (ash result -32)))))))

#+(or abcl allegro ccl cmu sbcl lispworks)
(defun make-single-float (bits)
  (declare (type (signed-byte 32) bits))
  #+abcl    (system:make-single-float bits)
  #+allegro (excl:shorts-to-single-float (ldb (byte 16 16) bits)
                                         (ldb (byte 16 0) bits))
  #+ccl  (ccl::host-single-float-from-unsigned-byte-32 bits)
  #+cmu  (kernel:make-single-float bits)
  #+sbcl (sb-kernel:make-single-float bits)
  #+lispworks (lispworks-float:make-single-float bits))

#-(or abcl allegro ccl cmu sbcl lispworks)
(defun make-single-float (bits)
  (declare (type (signed-byte 32) bits))
    ;; IEEE float special cases
    ((zerop bits) 0.0)
    ((= bits #x-80000000) -0.0)
     (let* ((sign (ecase (ldb (byte 1 31) bits)
                    (0 1.0)
                    (1 -1.0)))
            (iexpt (ldb (byte 8 23) bits))
            (exponent (if (zerop iexpt)                 ;denormalized
                        (- iexpt 127)))
            (mantissa (* (logior (ldb (byte 23 0) bits)
                                 (if (zerop iexpt) 0 (ash 1 23)))
                         (expt 0.5 23))))
       (* sign (expt 2.0 exponent) mantissa)))))

#+(or abcl allegro ccl cmu sbcl lispworks)
(defun make-double-float (low high)
  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) low)
           (type (signed-byte   32) high))
  #+abcl (system:make-double-float (logior (ash high 32) low))
  #+allegro (excl:shorts-to-double-float (ldb (byte 16 16) high)
                                         (ldb (byte 16 0) high)
                                         (ldb (byte 16 16) low)
                                         (ldb (byte 16 0) low))
  #+ccl  (ccl::double-float-from-bits (logand high #xffffffff) low)
  #+cmu  (kernel:make-double-float high low)
  #+sbcl (sb-kernel:make-double-float high low)
  #+lispworks (lispworks-float:make-double-float high low))

#-(or abcl allegro ccl cmu sbcl lispworks)
(defun make-double-float (low high)
  (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) low)
           (type (signed-byte   32) high))
    ;; IEEE float special cases
    ((and (zerop high) (zerop low)) 0.0d0)
    ((and (= high #x-80000000)
          (zerop low)) -0.0d0)
     (let* ((bits (logior (ash high 32) low))
            (sign (ecase (ldb (byte 1 63) bits)
                    (0 1.0d0)
                    (1 -1.0d0)))
            (iexpt (ldb (byte 11 52) bits))
            (exponent (if (zerop iexpt)                 ;denormalized
                        (- iexpt 1023)))
            (mantissa (* (logior (ldb (byte 52 0) bits)
                                 (if (zerop iexpt) 0 (ash 1 52)))
                         (expt 0.5d0 52))))
       (* sign (expt 2.0d0 exponent) mantissa)))))