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arraylib.lsp 16 KiB
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;;;;  -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: SYSTEM -*-
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1984, Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya.
;;;;  Copyright (c) 1990, Giuseppe Attardi.
;;;;    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;;    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;;    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;;    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;;    See file '../../Copyright' for full details.

;;;;    arraylib.lsp
;;;;                            array routines

(in-package "SYSTEM")

(defun make-array (dimensions
		   &key (element-type t)
			(initial-element nil initial-element-supplied-p)
			(initial-contents nil initial-contents-supplied-p)
			adjustable fill-pointer
			displaced-to (displaced-index-offset 0))
  "Args: (dimensions &key (element-type t) initial-element (initial-contents nil)
		    (adjustable nil) (fill-pointer nil) (displaced-to nil)
		    (displaced-index-offset 0) (static nil))
Creates an array of the specified DIMENSIONS.  DIMENSIONS is a list of
non-negative integers each representing the length of the corresponding
dimension.  It may be an integer for vectors, i.e., one-dimensional arrays.
ELEMENT-TYPE specifies the type of array elements.  INITIAL-ELEMENT specifies
the initial value for all elements.  Its default value depends on ELEMENT-
TYPE.  INITIAL-CONTENTS specifies each element in terms of sequences.
ADJUSTABLE specifies whether or not the array is adjustable (see ADJUST-
ARRAY).  FILL-POINTER is meaningful only for vectors.  It specifies whether
the vector has fill-pointer or not, and if it has, the initial value of the
fill-pointer.  Possible values are NIL (no fill-pointer), T (the length of the
vector), or an integer.  See VECTOR-PUSH and VECTOR-POP.  DISPLACED-TO, if
non-NIL, must be an array and specifies that the new array is displaced to the
given array.  DISPLACED-INDEX-OFFSET is meaningful only when DISPLACED-TO is
non-NIL and specifies that the reference to the I-th element of the new array
Jean-Claude Beaudoin's avatar
Jean-Claude Beaudoin committed
in row-major indexing is actually the reference to the (I + DISPLACED-INDEX-
OFFSET)th element of the given array.If the STATIC argument is supplied
with a non-nil value, then the body of the array is allocated as a
contiguous block."
  (let ((x (sys:make-pure-array element-type dimensions adjustable
				fill-pointer displaced-to displaced-index-offset)))
    (declare (array x))
    (cond (initial-element-supplied-p
           (when initial-contents-supplied-p
             (error "MAKE-ARRAY: Cannot supply both :INITIAL-ELEMENT and :INITIAL-CONTENTS"))
           (fill-array-with-elt x initial-element 0 nil))
           (fill-array-with-seq x initial-contents))

(defun iterate-over-contents (array contents dims written)
  (declare (fixnum written)
	   (array array)
  (when (/= (length contents) (first dims))
    (error "In MAKE-ARRAY: the elements in :INITIAL-CONTENTS do not match the array dimensions"))
  (if (= (length dims) 1)
      (do* ((it (make-seq-iterator contents) (seq-iterator-next contents it)))
	   ((null it))
	   (sys:row-major-aset array written (seq-iterator-ref contents it))
	   (incf written))
    (do* ((it (make-seq-iterator contents) (seq-iterator-next contents it)))
	 ((null it))
	 (setf written (iterate-over-contents array
					      (seq-iterator-ref contents it)
					      (rest dims)

(declaim (ftype (function (array sequence) array) fill-array-with-seq))
(defun fill-array-with-seq (array initial-contents)
  (labels (
	   ;; Currently (MKCL 1.1.0) the compiler is not smart enough to understand that this
	   ;; recursive local function is not a closure and thus allocates a new closure on each call.
	     (iterate-over-contents (array contents dims written)
	     (declare (fixnum written)
		      (array array)
	     (when (/= (length contents) (first dims))
	       (error "In MAKE-ARRAY: the elements in :INITIAL-CONTENTS do not match the array dimensions"))
	     (if (= (length dims) 1)
		 (do* ((it (make-seq-iterator contents) (seq-iterator-next contents it)))
		      ((null it))
		   (sys:row-major-aset array written (seq-iterator-ref contents it))
		   (incf written))
		 (do* ((it (make-seq-iterator contents) (seq-iterator-next contents it)))
		      ((null it))
		   (setf written (iterate-over-contents array
							(seq-iterator-ref contents it)
							(rest dims)
    (let ((dims (array-dimensions array)))
      (if dims
	  (iterate-over-contents array initial-contents dims 0)
	  (setf (aref array) initial-contents))))

(defun vector (&rest objects)
  "Args: (&rest objects)
Creates and returns a simple-vector, with the N-th OBJECT being the N-th
  (let ((a (si:make-vector t (length objects) nil nil nil 0)))
    (fill-array-with-seq a objects)))

(declaim (ftype (function (array) list) array-dimensions))

(defun array-dimensions (array)
  "Args: (array)
Returns a list whose N-th element is the length of the N-th dimension of ARRAY."
  (do ((i (array-rank array))
       (d nil))
      ((= i 0) d)
    (declare (type fixnum i))
    (setq i (1- i))
    (setq d (cons (array-dimension array i) d))))

(defun array-in-bounds-p (array &rest indices &aux (r (array-rank array)))
  "Args: (array &rest indexes)
Returns T if INDEXes are valid indexes of ARRAY; NIL otherwise.  The number of
INDEXes must be equal to the rank of ARRAY."
  (declare (type fixnum r))
  (when (/= r (length indices))
        (error "The rank of the array is ~R,~%~
               ~7@Tbut ~R ~:*~[indices are~;index is~:;indices are~] ~
               r (length indices)))
  (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
       (s indices (cdr s)))
      ((>= i r) t)
    (declare (type fixnum i))
    (let ((j (car s)))
      (unless (and (si:fixnump j) 
		   (<= 0 (the fixnum j))
		   (< (the fixnum j) (the fixnum (array-dimension array i))))
	(return nil)))

(defun bit (bit-array &rest indices)
  "Args: (bit-array &rest indexes)
Returns the bit of BIT-ARRAY specified by INDEXes."
  (apply #'aref bit-array indices))

(defun sbit (bit-array &rest indices)
  "Args: (simple-bit-array &rest subscripts)
Returns the specified bit in SIMPLE-BIT-ARRAY."
  (apply #'aref bit-array indices))

(defun bit-set (bit-val bit-array &rest indices)
  (apply #'aset bit-val bit-array indices))

(defun sbit-set (bit-val bit-array &rest indices)
  (apply #'aset bit-val bit-array indices))

(defun bit-and (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise AND of BIT-ARRAY1 and BIT-ARRAY2.  Puts the results
into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into BIT-ARRAY1 if RESULT is T, or into
RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-and bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-ior (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise INCLUSIVE OR of BIT-ARRAY1 and BIT-ARRAY2.  Puts the
results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into BIT-ARRAY1 if RESULT is T,
or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-ior bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-xor (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise EXCLUSIVE OR of BIT-ARRAY1 and BIT-ARRAY2.  Puts the
results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into BIT-ARRAY1 if RESULT is T,
or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-xor bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-eqv (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise EQUIVALENCE of BIT-ARRAY1 and BIT-ARRAY2.  Puts the
results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into BIT-ARRAY1 if RESULT is T,
or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-eqv bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-nand (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise NOT of {the element-wise AND of BIT-ARRAY1 and BIT-
ARRAY2}.  Puts the results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into BIT-
ARRAY1 if RESULT is T, or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-nand bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-nor (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise NOT of {the element-wise INCLUSIVE OR of BIT-ARRAY1
and BIT-ARRAY2}.  Puts the results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into
BIT-ARRAY1 if RESULT is T, or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-nor bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-andc1 (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise AND of {the element-wise NOT of BIT-ARRAY1} and BIT-
ARRAY2.  Puts the results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into BIT-
ARRAY1 if RESULT is T, or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-andc1 bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-andc2 (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise AND of BIT-ARRAY1 and {the element-wise NOT of BIT-
ARRAY2}.  Puts the results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into BIT-
ARRAY1 if RESULT is T, or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-andc2 bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-orc1 (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise INCLUSIVE OR of {the element-wise NOT of BIT-ARRAY1}
and BIT-ARRAY2.  Puts the results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into
BIT-ARRAY1 if RESULT is T, or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-orc1 bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-orc2 (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array1 bit-array2 &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise INCLUSIVE OR of BIT-ARRAY1 and {the element-wise NOT
of BIT-ARRAY2}.  Puts the results into a new bit-array if RESULT is NIL, into
BIT-ARRAY1 if RESULT is T, or into RESULT if RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-orc2 bit-array1 bit-array2 result-bit-array))

(defun bit-not (bit-array &optional result-bit-array)
  "Args: (bit-array &optional (result nil))
Returns the element-wise NOT of BIT-ARRAY.  Puts the results into a new bit-
array if RESULT is NIL, into BIT-ARRAY if RESULT is T, or into RESULT if
RESULT is a bit-array."
  (bit-array-op boole-c1 bit-array bit-array result-bit-array))

(defun vector-push (new-element vector)
  "Args: (item vector)
Replaces ITEM for the element of VECTOR that is pointed to by the fill-pointer
of VECTOR and then increments the fill-pointer by one.  Returns NIL if the new
value of the fill-pointer becomes too large.  Otherwise, returns the new fill-
pointer as the value."
  (declare (type vector vector))
  (let ((fp (fill-pointer vector)))
    (declare (fixnum fp))
    (cond ((< fp (the fixnum (array-total-size vector)))
           (sys:aset new-element vector fp)
           (sys:fill-pointer-set vector (the fixnum (1+ fp)))
	  (t nil))))

(defun vector-push-extend (new-element vector &optional extension)
  "Args: (item vector &optional (n (length vector)))
Replaces ITEM for the element of VECTOR that is pointed to by the fill-pointer
of VECTOR and then increments the fill-pointer by one.  If the new value of
the fill-pointer becomes too large, extends VECTOR for N more elements.
Returns the new value of the fill-pointer."
  (declare (type vector vector))
  (let ((fp (fill-pointer vector))
	(d (array-total-size vector)))
    (declare (fixnum fp d))
    (unless (< fp d)
      (adjust-array vector
		    (list (+ d (or extension (max d 4))))
		    :element-type (array-element-type vector)
		    :fill-pointer fp))
    (sys:aset new-element vector fp)
    (sys:fill-pointer-set vector (the fixnum (1+ fp)))

(declaim (ftype (function (vector) t) vector-pop))
(defun vector-pop (vector)
  "Args: (vector)
Decrements the fill-pointer of VECTOR by one and returns the element pointed
to by the new fill-pointer.  Signals an error if the old value of the fill-
pointer is 0 already."
  (declare (type vector vector))
  (let ((fp (fill-pointer vector)))
    (declare (type index fp))
    (when (= fp 0)
          (error "The fill pointer of the vector ~S zero." vector))
    (setq fp (the index (1- fp)))
    (sys:fill-pointer-set vector fp)
    (aref vector fp)))

(defun copy-array-contents (dest orig)
      ((do-copy (dest orig dims1 dims2 start1 start2)
	 (declare (array dest orig)
		  (list dims1 dims2)
		  (fixnum start1 start2))
	 (let* ((d1 (pop dims1))
		(d2 (pop dims2))
		(l (min d1 d2))
		(i1 start1)
		(i2 start2))
	   (declare (fixnum d1 d2 l i1 i2))
	   (if (null dims1)
	       (dotimes (i l)
		 (declare (fixnum i))
		 (row-major-aset dest i1 (row-major-aref orig i2))
		 (incf i1)
		 (incf i2))
	       (ffi::c-inline (dest i1 orig i2 l)
			      (array :fixnum array :fixnum :fixnum) :void
			      "mkcl_copy_subarray(env, #0, #1, #2, #3, #4)"
			      :one-liner t
			      :side-effects t)
	       (let ((step1 (apply #'* dims1))
		     (step2 (apply #'* dims2)))
		 (declare (fixnum step1 step2))
		 (dotimes (i l)
		   (declare (fixnum i))
		   (do-copy dest orig dims1 dims2 i1 i2)
		   (incf i1 step1)
		   (incf i2 step2)))))))
    ;; We have to lie to DO-COPY reshaping the zero-dimensional array
    ;; as a one-dimensional array of one element.
    (do-copy dest orig (or (array-dimensions dest) '(1))
	               (or (array-dimensions orig) '(1))
		       0 0)))

(defun adjust-array (array new-dimensions
                     &rest r
		     &key (element-type (array-element-type array))
  "Args: (array dimensions
       &key (element-type (array-element-type array))
            initial-element (initial-contents nil) (fill-pointer nil)
            (displaced-to nil) (displaced-index-offset 0))
Adjusts the dimensions of ARRAY to the given DIMENSIONS.  ARRAY must be an
adjustable array."
  (declare (ignore initial-element displaced-index-offset))
  (when (integerp new-dimensions)
        (setq new-dimensions (list new-dimensions)))
  ;; FILL-POINTER = NIL means use the old value of the fill pointer
  ;; Cannot set a fill pointer for an array that does not have any.
  (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p array)
      (unless fill-pointer
	(setf r (list* :fill-pointer (fill-pointer array) r)))
      (when fill-pointer
	(error 'simple-type-error
	       :datum array
	       :expected-type '(satisfies array-has-fill-pointer-p)
	       :format-control "You supplied a fill pointer for an array without one.")))
  (let ((x (apply #'make-array new-dimensions :adjustable t :element-type element-type r)))
    (declare (array x))
    (unless (or displaced-to initial-contents)
      (copy-array-contents x array))
    (sys:replace-array array x)

;;; Copied from cmuci-compat.lisp of CLSQL by Kevin M. Rosenberg (LLGPL-licensed)
(defmacro shrink-vector (vec len)
  "Shrinks a vector. Optimized if vector has a fill pointer.
Needs to be a macro to overwrite value of VEC."
  (let ((new-vec (gensym)))
      ((adjustable-array-p ,vec)
       (adjust-array ,vec ,len))
      ((typep ,vec 'simple-array)
       (let ((,new-vec (make-array ,len :element-type
				   (array-element-type ,vec))))
	 (check-type ,len fixnum)
	 (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0)) )
	   (dotimes (i ,len)
	     (declare (fixnum i))
	     (setf (aref ,new-vec i) (aref ,vec i))))
	 (setq ,vec ,new-vec)))
      ((typep ,vec 'vector)
	(setf (fill-pointer ,vec) ,len)
       (error "Unable to shrink vector ~S which is type-of ~S" ,vec (type-of ,vec))) 