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  1. Nov 16, 2015
    • Attila Lendvai's avatar
      clean up .asd · abd5aea0
      Attila Lendvai authored
      Ignore-this: e7a4a65a3643d29f99f7454caa101d14
      don't reuse the same fasl path for completely different
      contents, e.g. tests use symbols from fiveam that is
      not even loaded with the main asdf system.
  2. Aug 09, 2006
  3. Jun 27, 2006
    • Attila Lendvai's avatar
      Created a rfc2109.test system · d5e172ba
      Attila Lendvai authored
      Splitting the file into a main/test would have been a bad idea due to the smart
      inlining with the standard's text.
      The previous solution to always load the file is also bad for performance.
      The hopefully final solution is to create an rfc2109.test system and before loading
      rfc2109.lisp in it rebind *features* and push a symbol (:test) into it. The main
      lisp file #+test for this symbol and defines the tests when it's loaded through
  4. Jun 26, 2006
    • Attila Lendvai's avatar
      Disable fasl compilation in the asdf file · 1a5b022c
      Attila Lendvai authored
      This way we can get rid of the errors arising when rfc2109 is compiled
      with 5am loaded and later loaded from fasl without 5am loaded.
  5. May 07, 2006
  6. Aug 10, 2005
  7. Aug 04, 2005