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  1. Feb 02, 2010
  2. Feb 15, 2006
  3. Feb 09, 2005
    • Jochen Schmidt's avatar
      Implement utility functions message-string and part-body-string... · f0cb1004
      Jochen Schmidt authored
      Implement utility functions message-string and part-body-string (
      MESSAGE-STRING returns the message as a string.
      PART-BODY-STRING returns the body of the part as a string.
  4. Jan 13, 2005
    • Jochen Schmidt's avatar
      Redesign multipart accessors ( · 54681b3c
      Jochen Schmidt authored
      MAKE-TOPLEVEL-PART: Create a multipart object structure from
      		    the bodystructure of a message.
      TOPLEVEL-PART:	    Get the toplevel-part of a message.
      PARTS:		    Get the subparts of the given message or
      		    multipart. For a simple part the result
      		    is the part itself in a list.
      Fix spelling of BODYSTRUCTURE in packages.lisp.
  5. Mar 03, 2005